xstar - calculate photoionized model


     xstar  [cfrac] [temperature] [lcpres] [pressure] [density]
       [spectrum] [spectrum_file] [spectun] [trad] [luminosity]
       [column_density] [rlogxi] [habund] [heabund] [cabund] [nabund]
       [oabund] [neabund] [mgabund] [siabund] [sabund] [arabund] [caabund]
       [feabund] [niabund] [modelname] [nsteps] [niter] [lwrite]
       [lprint] [lstep] [emult] [taumax] [xeemin] [critf] [vturbi]


     xstar is a tool  for calculating  the physical conditions and 
     emission and absorption spectra of photoionized gases.
     It may be applied in a wide variety of astrophysical contexts.  
     It is assumed that a spherical gas shell surrounding a central 
     source of ionizing radiation absorbs some of this radiation and 
     reradiates it in other portions of the spectrum.  xstar computes 
     the effects on the gas of absorbing this energy, and the spectrum 
     of reradiated light.  Other sources of heat may exist, for example, 
     mechanical compression or expansion, or cosmic ray scattering and
     xstar permits consideration of these effects as well.  The user 
     supplies the shape and strength of the incident continuum, the 
     elemental abundances in the gas, its density or pressure, and 
     its thickness.  The code returns the ionization balance and temperature,
     opacity, and emitted line and continuum fluxes.  These are stored as 
     fits files, with te exception of an ascii log file which contains 
     a slightly expanded version of the information sent to the screen.

     The user is urged to refer to the xstar manual, which is 
     available as part of the xstar source tree, or online at



          This parameter determines whether the geometry is a 
          complete sphere or covers only part of the continuum source.  
          In the former case, photons escaping the cloud in the 'inward' 
          direction are assumed to reenter the cloud at the inner edge 
          owing to the assumption of spherical symmetry. Default is 1.0.


          Define temperature, in units of $10^4 K$.  If the parameter 
          niter is set to 0 then the temperature is fixed at this
          value.  Otherwise the value is used as a first guess in 
          calculating the thermal equilibrium value.  If the pressure 
          is specified it is also used to calculate an initial guess at 
          the gas density, n=P/(kT), which is then used to calculate 
          Delta R_{max}=N/n.  Default value is 1.


          This parameter chooses between constant density (value 0) and 
          constant pressure (value 1).


          Define model pressure in dynes/cm/cm.  Note that this quantity 
          represents the full isotropic pressure 
          (neutral atoms + ions + electrons + trapped line radiation) 
          instead of just the pressure due to hydrogen atoms and protons.  


          Define model gas density, $n$.  This is actually the hydrogen nucleus
          density, so that, e.g., the total particle density in a fully-ionized
          plasma with solar abundances is $.3 n.  Units are cm$^{-3}$.  
          The default value is 1 cm$^{-3}$.  


          Define Spectrum.  Choices and formats are similar to those used 
          by XSPEC and include pow, bbody, brems and file


          If the `file' option is chosen for the spectrum type, you must 
          provide a text file of the spectrum in your current working 
          directory.  The first line of the text file must be the number of 
          energies listed in the table.  The remaining lines are the energy 
          channel (in eV) and the flux in units of 
          photons cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ erg$^{-1}$ or 
          erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ erg$^{-1}$.


          The appropriate units for the spectrum file specified above 
          (1=photons cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ erg$^{-1}$, 
          0=erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ erg$^{-1}$). Default is 0


          This parameter pulls double duty, used to enter the radiation 
          temperature (in keV) in the case of a black body input model, or for 
          the power-law index in energy in the case of a power-law model. 


          Define model luminosity integrated between 1 and 1000 Ry.  
          Units are $10^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$.  Default value is 1.


          Define model column density, N.  Units are cm$^{-2}$.  


          Define initial value of the log (base 10) of the 
          model ionization parameter.  If the density is
          held constant, the Tarter, Tucker, Salpeter (1969) form is used:
          xi = L/(nR^2).  If the pressure is held constant, a version of
          the Krolik, McKee, and Tarter (1981) form is used: 
          Xi = L/(4\pi c R^2 P).



          Hydrogen atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Helium atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Carbon atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Nitrogen atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Oxygen atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  

          Neon atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Magnesium atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Silicon atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Sulfur atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Argon atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Calcium atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Iron atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Nickel atomic abundances relative to solar abundances as 
          defined in Grevesse (1996), with 1.0 being defined as the solar 
          value and the default.  


          Model name, an 80 character string.


          Used in calculating step size.  See manual for definition.


          Number of iterations for thermal equilibrium. 0=constant 


          Write switch. 0=default.


          Print switch.  0=default


          Courant multiplier, used in calculating step size.  Value between
          0 and 1 is recommended. Default is 0.5


          Maximum optical depth used in step size calculation.  See manual 
          for definition.  Default is 5.


          Minumum allowed electron fraction.


          Ions abundance criterion for inclusion in multi-level calculation.
          See manual for details.


          Turbulent velocity in km/s.  Default is 1.


          Number of passes through global structure.  Should be an odd number, 
	  1 or 3.  Default is 1.


     Note that  when commands are issued on the Unix command line,
     strings containing special characters such as '[' or ']' must be
     enclosed in single or double quotes.

     1.  A spherical, constant density cloud with a source 
         at its center.  The source luminosity is 10$^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$.  
         The ionization parameter at the inner edge of the cloud
         is log($\xi$)=5.  The ionizing spectrum is an optically 
         thin bremsstrahlung.  

         xstar cfrac=1. temperature=1000. pressure=0.03 density=1.e+9 
              spectrum='brems'  trad=10. rlrad38=1.  column=1.e+23   
              rlogxi=5.  lcpres=0 habund=1. heabund=1.  cabund=1. nabund=1. 
              oabund=1. neabund=1. mgabund=1. siabund=1.  sabund=1.  
              arabund=1. caabund=1. feabund=1. niabund=0. 
              modelname="spherical cloud" npass=1 niter=99 critf=1.e-12



     April 2002