#! /bin/sh
# This is the LHEA perl script: /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/swift/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/batphasimerr
# The purpose of this special block is to make this script work with
# the user's local perl, regardless of where that perl is installed.
# The variable LHEAPERL is set by the initialization script to
# point to the local perl installation.
eval '
if [ "x$LHEAPERL" = x ]; then
  echo "Please run standard LHEA initialization before attempting to run /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/swift/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/batphasimerr."
  exit 3
elif [ "$LHEAPERL" = noperl ]; then
  echo "During LHEA initialization, no acceptable version of Perl was found."
  echo "Cannot execute script /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/swift/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/batphasimerr."
  exit 3
elif [ `$LHEAPERL -v < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | grep -ic "perl"` -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "LHEAPERL variable does not point to a usable perl."
  exit 3
  # Force Perl into 32-bit mode (to match the binaries) if necessary:
  if [ "x$HD_BUILD_ARCH_32_BIT" = xyes ]; then
    if [ `$LHEAPERL -V 2> /dev/null | grep -ic "USE_64_BIT"` -ne 0 ]; then
  exec $LHEAPERL -x $0 ${1+"$@"}
# Do not delete anything above this comment from an installed LHEA script!
# File: batphasimerr - estimate statistical errors for simulated BAT spectrum
# Since the BAT is not a photon-counting detector in the conventional
# sense, the statistics are a little more complicated.  However, I think
# it ends up being just as easy.  I need guidance from you about how to
# proceed.
# What I have is a pulse height vector of a "typical" background, per
# detector.  Given the following definitions,
#    S = source counts per fully illuminated detector
#    B = background counts per fully illuminated detector
#    T = exposure
#    s = S/T = source rate      <---- THIS IS WHAT XSPEC PREDICTS
#    b = B/T = background rate  <---- THIS IS WHAT I HAVE
#    Ndet = number of enabled detectors = 32768 
#    alpha = geometry dependent factor for BAT = 0.28
#    sigma_S = sqrt( (2 * B + S) / (alpha * Ndet) ) = counts uncertainty   [1]
#    sigma_s = sqrt( (2 * b + s) / (alpha * Ndet * T) ) = rate uncertainty [2]
# The BAT is almost always background dominated, so it is usually
# possible to ignore the source term.  Compare to the normal way Poisson
# rates are defined,
#    sigma_S = sqrt(  2 * B + S ) 
#    sigma_s = sqrt( (2 * b + s) / T )
# And you can see that they really only differ by a factor in the
# denominator of the square root.  
# This is of course if one knew the background and source terms S and B
# independently.  Usually you just know the total R=(S+B), so you get
# an uncertainty in the background-subtracted spectrum of sqrt(R+B).
# If we can ignore the source rate, then it should be straightforward to
# rescale the BAT background to be equivalent to the Poisson case, and
# presumably make it simpler for WebSPEC and PIMMS to work.

my $taskname = "batphasimerr";
my $taskvers = "1.4";

# ===================================
# Execute main subroutine, with error trapping
$status = 0;
eval {
    $status = headas_main(\&batphasimerr);

# ===================================
# Check for errors and report them to the console
if ($@) {
    if ($status == 0) { $status = -1; }
    warn $@;
    exit $status;
exit 0;

# ===================================
# Main subroutine
sub batphasimerr {
    # Makes all environment variables available
    use Env;
    use Cwd;

    # The HEAUTILS module provides access to HDpar_stamp()
    # set_toolname(), set_toolversion(), and headas_clobberfile()
    use HEACORE::PIL;
    # include the file specification functions
    use Astro::FITS::CFITSIO qw( :shortnames :constants );

    # Use the standard HEAdas methods for registering the toolname and version number to be
    # used in error reporting and in the record of parameter values written by HDpar_stamp

    eval {
	$status = &batphasimerr_work();

    if ($@) {
	if ($status == 0) { $status = -1; }
	warn $@;
	return $status;

    return $status;

# ==================================================================
# Main subroutine
sub batphasimerr_work {
    # Makes all environment variables available
    use Env;
    use Cwd;

    # The HEAUTILS module provides access to HDpar_stamp()
    # set_toolname(), set_toolversion(), and headas_clobberfile()
    use HEACORE::PIL;
    # include the file specification functions
    use Astro::FITS::CFITSIO qw( :shortnames :constants );
    # User defined module which contains the Perl-CFITSIO interface functions 
    use SimpleFITS;
    use POSIX;

    ($status = PILGetFname('infile', $infile)) == 0 || die "error getting infile parameter";
    ($status = PILGetReal('exposure', $exposure)) == 0 || die "error getting exposure parameter";
    ($status = PILGetFname('bkgfile', $bkgfile)) == 0 || die "error getting bkgfile parameter";
    ($status = PILGetFname('eboundfile', $eboundfile)) == 0 || die "error getting eboundfile parameter";
    ($status = PILGetReal('alpha', $batalpha)) == 0 || die "error getting alpha parameter";
    ($status = PILGetReal('pcodefr', $pcodefr)) == 0 || die "error getting pcodefr parameter";
    ($status = PILGetInt('chatter', $chatter)) == 0 || die "error getting chatter parameter";

    if ($chatter >= 2) {
	print "$taskname $taskvers\n";
	print "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
	print "           Spectrum file: $infile\n";
	# XXX

    $ngoodpix = $pcodefr * 32768;

    #  Verify that two files exist 
    die "ERROR: Spectrum file $infile does not exist" if (! -r $infile);
    $fits = SimpleFITS->open("+<$infile")->move(2);
    $status = $fits->status();
    die "ERROR: could not read the DATE-OBS keyword from $infile (error $status)" if ($status);

    # ====
    # Check for type I / type II spectral file format
    # (this task only handles type I)
    $phatype = 1;
    $hduclas3 = $fits->readkey("HDUCLAS3");
    $hduclas4 = $fits->readkey("HDUCLAS4");
    # Note this change because of lame OGIP spectral format documentation
    # originally said HDUCLAS3 == 'TYPE:II', later revised (May 2009) to 
    # say HDUCLAS4 == 'TYPE:II'
    if ( $chatter >= 5 ) { print "  (HDUCLAS3=$hduclas3 HDUCLAS4=$hduclas4)\n"; }
    if ("$hduclas3" =~ m/TYPE:II/ || "$hduclas4" =~ m/TYPE:II/ ) {
	$phatype = 2;
    if ( $chatter >= 5 ) { print "  (found type $phatype spectral file)\n"; }
    die "ERROR: this task only works on Type I PHA files" if ($phatype == 2);

    # ====
    # Read simulated spectrum data, convert to rate if needed
    $srcexposure = $fits->readkey("EXPOSURE");
    if ($fits->colnum("RATE") < 0) {
      print "Converting COUNTS to RATE\n" if ($chatter >= 5);
      @srcrate = $fits->readcol("COUNTS");
      foreach $i (0 .. $#srcrate) {
	$srcrate[$i] = $srcrate[$i] / $srcexposure;
      $fits->insertcol({TTYPE=>["RATE","Estimated BAT rate"],
      $fits->writecol("RATE", {}, \@srcrate);
      $delcmd = "-COUNTS";
    } else {
      @srcrate = $fits->readcol("RATE");
      $delcmd = "";

    # Re-name this column
    $col = $fits->colnum("RATE");
      ->writekey("TTYPE$col", "ORIG_RATE")
      ->writekey("TUNIT$col", "count/s")
      ->writekey("HDUCLAS3", "RATE");
    die "ERROR: could not re-write RATE column keywords (col $col)" 
      if ($fits->status());

    # Query the CALDB for the background file
    if ($bkgfile eq "CALDB") {
	$cmd = "quzcif mission=Swift instrument=BAT detector=- filter=- codename=BKGRND_SPEC ".
	  "date='now' time='00:00:00' expr='-' retrieve='NO' ";
	if ($chatter >= 5) { print "$cmd\n"; }
	$bkgfile = `$cmd`;
	if ("$bkgfile" =~ m/^(\S*) /) {
	    $bkgfile = "$1";
	die "ERROR: could not find background file in CALDB" 
	  if ("$bkgfile" =~ m/^\s*$/);
	if ($chatter >= 5) { print "Found CALDB file: $bkgfile\n"; }

    # Defend against possible remote-CALDB
    if ("$bkgfile" !~ m/^(http|ftp):/i and not -f "$bkgfile") {
      die "ERROR: could not locate CALDB file $bkgfile";
    $fsys = SimpleFITS->open("<$bkgfile")->move("2");
    $status = $fsys->status();
    die "ERROR: could not open $bkgfile" if ($status);
    @bkgrate = $fsys->readcol("RATE_DET");
    $status = $fsys->status();
    die "ERROR: could not read RATE_DET column from $bkgfile" if ($status);
    # Read the energy boundaries of the background spectrum
    @semin = $fsys->readcol("E_MIN");
    @semax = $fsys->readcol("E_MAX");
    $status = $fsys->status();
    die "ERROR: could not read E_MIN/E_MAX columns from $bkgfile" if ($status);

    # ====
    # Make a look-up table of background rate vectors, spaced on a 10 eV grid
    $smin = 1.0E308;
    $smax = 0;
    $efact = 100.0;  # Conversion from 1 keV to 10 eV
    foreach $i (0 .. $#semin) {
	$imin = POSIX::floor($semin[$i]*$efact);
	$imax = POSIX::floor($semax[$i]*$efact);

	# Treat the integral bins specially
	if ($i == 0)       { $imin = $imax; }
	if ($i == $#semin) { $imax = $imin; }

	if ($imin < $smin) { $smin = $imin; }
	if ($imax > $smax) { $smax = $imax; }
	foreach $j ($imin .. $imax) {
	    $bkghash{$j} = $bkgrate[$i] / ($semax[$i] - $semin[$i]) / $efact;

    # ====
    # Read the energy bounds of the source file
    $efits = SimpleFITS->open("<$eboundfile")->move("EBOUNDS");
    $status = $efits->status();
    die "ERROR: 'ebound' file does not have an EBOUNDS extension" if ($status);
    @emin = $efits->readcol("E_MIN");
    @emax = $efits->readcol("E_MAX");
    $status = $efits->status();
    die "ERROR: could not read E_MIN/E_MAX columns from EBOUNDS extension" if ($status);

    # Back to the spectrum

    # Average the systematic error vector over each of the spectrum's bins
    foreach $i (0 .. $#emin) {
	$imin = POSIX::floor($emin[$i]*100);
	$imax = POSIX::floor($emax[$i]*100);

	if ($imin < $smin) { $imin = $smin; }
	if ($imax < $smin) { $imax = $smin; }
	if ($imin > $smax) { $imin = $smax; }
	if ($imax > $smax) { $imax = $smax; }

	$bkg = 0.0;
	$n   = 0;
	foreach $j ($imin .. $imax) {
	    $bkg += $bkghash{$j};
	    $n ++;
	$phabkg[$i] = $bkg;

	# See formula [2] above
	$phaerr[$i] = sqrt((2.0*$bkg + $srcrate[$i])/($batalpha*$ngoodpix*$exposure));
	if ($chatter >= 5) { 
	  print "$i $imin $imax $sys $n $phabkg[$i] $phaerr[$i]\n"; 


    if ($fits->colnum("STAT_ERR") < 0) { $makestat = 1; }
    if ($fits->colnum("BKG_RATE") < 0) { $makebkg  = 1; }

    if ($makestat) {
      print "Inserting STAT_ERR column ($makestat)\n" if ($chatter >= 5);
      $fits->insertcol({TTYPE=>["STAT_ERR","Estimated statistical error"],
    if ($makebkg) {
      print "Inserting BKG_RATE column ($makebkg)\n" if ($chatter >= 5);
      $fits->insertcol({TTYPE=>["BKG_RATE","Estimated background rate"],
    $status = $fits->status();
    if ($status == 0) {
      $status = $fits
	->writecol("STAT_ERR", {}, \@phaerr)
	->writecol("BKG_RATE", {}, \@phabkg)
    die "ERROR: Could not write estimated statistical error column" if ($status);

    # Remove the keyword, which may conflict

    # Make sure the new exposure is written

    # ===== 
    # Write history keywords
    HDpar_stamp($fits->handle(), 0, $status);


    $cmd = "ftcopy '$infile"."[col *;RATE=ORIG_RATE+RANDOMN()*STAT_ERR;#TUNIT#=\"count/s\";#POISSERR = F;$delcmd]' '$infile' clobber=YES copyall=YES";

    $status = $fits->status;
    if ($chatter >= 2) {
	print "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
	print "  File modified in place: $infile\n";
	print "--------------------------------------------------------\n";

    return $status;