#! /bin/sh # # hwrap: Create a wrapper environment for HEASOFT tasks to prevent # clashes with other software packages (e.g. XMM-SAS, CIAO). # # This script takes as its argument the location of an existing # HEASOFT installation (i.e. what would typically be defined by the # user as HEADAS in their environment), and creates a new directory # (by default under the directory specified by the first argument, or # in a location specified by an optional second argument) into which # symbolic links will be added for each of the tasks found in the # user's $HEADAS/bin directory. Each symbolic link will have the # name of an existing FTOOL from $HEADAS/bin but all will point to # to a wrapper script (created below) which sets up the standard # HEADAS environment and then executes the task that was invoked. # # * For users of the Xspec Python module: # A task named "pyxspec" will be created which wraps to "python" # (which is assumed to be in the users' PATH) and exports the # environment variables necessary for accessing the Xspec Python # module. # # * For batch mode processing or scripting HEASOFT tasks: # If a user prefers to override the standard "local" part of the # PFILES variable ($HOME/pfiles by default), they may set an # environment variable "HEADAS_LOC_PFILES" prior to running a task, # and that variable will be used to define the "local" part of the # exported PFILES variable, i.e. one will effectively have: # # PFILES="$HEADAS_LOC_PFILES;$HEADAS/syspfiles" # # Authors: Bryan Irby & James Peachey (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) # # Version: 1.0 Initial revision (April 2013). # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHELL=/bin/sh; export SHELL #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name of the wrapper script: the_one_script="fwrap" the_one_dir="heasoft_wrap" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get path to this script and startdir: scripthome=`echo $0 | sed "s:/*[^/]*$::"` if [ "x$scripthome" = x ]; then scripthome=. fi scripthome=`cd $scripthome; pwd` startdir=`pwd` #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Require as input the location of an installed $HEADAS directory: if [ "x$1" = x ]; then echo "Please specify the location of your HEADAS installation, for example:" echo "" echo " `basename $0` /path/to/my/heasoft-6.13/i686-pc-linux-gnu-libc2.5" echo "" echo "You may also specify an optional second argument providing the desired" echo "location of the output $the_one_dir directory. By default heasoft_wrap" echo "will be created under the directory specified by the first argument." exit 1 else heasoft_bin_dir="$1/bin" heasoft_green_dir="$1/$the_one_dir" if [ "x$2" != x ]; then if [ ! -d $2 ]; then echo "Destination directory $2 does not exist." exit 1 else heasoft_green_dir="$2/$the_one_dir" fi fi fi # Verify the input location: if [ -d $heasoft_bin_dir -a -f $heasoft_bin_dir/hmake ]; then heasoft_tasks=`/bin/ls -1 $heasoft_bin_dir` else echo "Could not find a valid HEASoft bin directory - exiting" exit 1 fi # Create the new "green" bin directory here: echo "Populating new directory..." echo "" echo " $heasoft_green_dir" echo "" if [ ! -d $heasoft_green_dir ]; then mkdir $heasoft_green_dir; fi # Create the wrapper script: cat > $heasoft_green_dir/$the_one_script <<EOHEADER #!/bin/sh # # $the_one_script: Wrap to HEASOFT tasks to avoid environment conflicts. # # Task to be executed is basename of \$0: headas_task=\`echo \$0 | sed 's:.*/::'\` # Clear variables that might otherwise be "polluted": if [ x\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH != x ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" fi if [ x\$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH != x ]; then export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="" fi #if [ x\$PATH != x ]; then # export PATH="" #fi if [ x\$PFILES! = x ]; then export PFILES="" fi if [ x\$PERLLIB! = x ]; then export PERLLIB="" fi if [ x\$PERL5LIB! = x ]; then export PERL5LIB="" fi if [ x\$PYTHONPATH! = x ]; then export PYTHONPATH="" fi # Initialize HEADAS: export HEADAS="$1" . \$HEADAS/headas-init.sh # Test for customized local PFILES variable: if [ x\$HEADAS_LOC_PFILES != x ]; then PFILES="\$HEADAS_LOC_PFILES;\$HEADAS/syspfiles" export PFILES fi # Execute the task: exec \$HEADAS/bin/\$headas_task "\$@" EOHEADER chmod +x $heasoft_green_dir/$the_one_script # Create a Python wrapper for Xspec: cat > $heasoft_green_dir/pyxspec <<EOHEADER #!/bin/sh # Initialize HEADAS: export HEADAS="$1" . \$HEADAS/headas-init.sh # Start python: exec python "\$@" EOHEADER chmod +x $heasoft_green_dir/pyxspec # Enter the "green" bin directory and link every task listed in # $HEADAS/bin to the wrapper script: cd $heasoft_green_dir for task in $heasoft_tasks; do if [ -L $heasoft_bin_dir/$task -o -f $heasoft_bin_dir/$task ]; then ln -sf $the_one_script $task else echo "Something may be wrong: did not find $task" fi done cd $startdir # echo a setup instruction: echo "To use HEASOFT, prepend that directory to your PATH."