#! /bin/sh # This is the LHEA perl script: /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/ftools/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/addascaspec # The purpose of this special block is to make this script work with # the user's local perl, regardless of where that perl is installed. # The variable LHEAPERL is set by the initialization script to # point to the local perl installation. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eval ' if [ "x$LHEAPERL" = x ]; then echo "Please run standard LHEA initialization before attempting to run /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/ftools/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/addascaspec." exit 3 elif [ "$LHEAPERL" = noperl ]; then echo "During LHEA initialization, no acceptable version of Perl was found." echo "Cannot execute script /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/ftools/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/addascaspec." exit 3 elif [ `$LHEAPERL -v < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | grep -ic "perl"` -eq 0 ]; then echo "LHEAPERL variable does not point to a usable perl." exit 3 else # Force Perl into 32-bit mode (to match the binaries) if necessary: if [ "x$HD_BUILD_ARCH_32_BIT" = xyes ]; then if [ `$LHEAPERL -V 2> /dev/null | grep -ic "USE_64_BIT"` -ne 0 ]; then VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT=yes export VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT fi fi exec $LHEAPERL -x $0 ${1+"$@"} fi ' if(0); # Do not delete anything above this comment from an installed LHEA script! #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! /usr1/local/bin/perl5 $version ="1.30"; $date ="2002-06-27"; # v1.1 May-14-97 According to the change of addrmf (v1.02-->v1.10), # the parameter name 'listfile' is modified to 'list', and "@" is # prepended to the list file name. # v1.2 Cope with the marfrmf problem (for ftools v3 and earlier) that it abort # when the first channel numbers of the ARF EBOUND extension and RMF RESPONSE # extension are different. Check ftools version and runs fparkey only for v3 # and ealier ftools to update keywords. # v1.21 Modified the web page reference: #Old http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/asca/abc_spectra.html#spectra_combine #New The ABC guide (http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/asca/abc/) section 8.9. # v1.22 The first parameter for 'addarf' changed from 'in_ARFs' to 'list'. # v1.23 use the environmental variable $TMPDIR, if defined, for the # temporary directory instead of hardwiring to /tmp. # add option '-q' not to execute programs. # v1.24 To cope with the mathpha bug (in ftools v4.0) that BACKSCAL is not # updated, always call fparkey to update the BACKSCAL. # # v1.25 Y2k compliance. Ning Gan # v1.26 1998-08-21 Ken Ebisawa # 1) Altorithm to distinguish the kinds of input response files # is modified, so that the input files having the EXTNAME="SPECRESP MATRIX" # are recoginized as RMFs. It was found RMFs created with "sisrmg" have # the second extension name "MATRIX" for the response matrix , while those made # with "addrmf" have "SPECRESP MATRIX" in the THIRD extension. # # 2) Existence of the input files and extensions are checked. If not found, # exit immediately. # # 3) The combined BGD file name and response file name (either ARF or RSP) are # written in the combined source spectral file header, explicitly with fparkey. # Previous versions expected mathpha to do so by specifying BGD and response file # names in the mathpha command-line, but it was found mathpha does not actually # write those files names in the output file header. # # 4) Drop the ftool version check. Users are expected to run v4 or newer ones, but # still the program should work with older version. # v1.27 1998-08-23 Ken Ebisawa # TLMIN value test for the RMF file is dropped. # v1.28 1999-03-07 Ken Ebisawa # mathpha option 'proper' is explicitly specified as 'no'. # This should be almost always the case when adding ASCA spectra # which have Count in units (when created with extractor). # v1.29 1999-05-25 toliver # invoke fstruct with parameter set to suppress its new output format # v1.30 2002-06-26 Ken Ebisawa # add a new optional command line parameter "errmeth" which is passed to # mathpha #Get and parse the command line option if ($ARGV[0]=~/-(\S+)/){ $option=$1; if($option=~/h/){$help =1;} if($option=~/q/){$quiet=1;} shift(@ARGV); } if($help){ print "addascaspec version $version $date\n\n"; print "usage: addascaspec [-qh] list_file out_spec out_response [outbgd] [errmeth]\n\n"; print "addascaspec is a perl script used to combine ASCA spectra taken by\n"; print "SIS0 and SIS1 or GIS2 and GIS3. It can also be used to add spectra\n"; print "taken at different times.\n"; print "The following ftools are invoked; fparkey, fkeypar, mathpha, addarf, \n"; print "addrmf, marfrmf, and pget.\n\n"; print "Flags:\n"; print "-h Print this help message.\n"; print "-q Display commands to spawn, but does not execute them.\n\n"; print "The 'list_file' should have the following format: \n"; print "\n"; print "g2_source.spec g3_source.spec \n"; print "g2_bgd.spec g3_bgd.spec \n"; print "g2.arf g3.arf \n"; print "\n"; print "On each line, list the spectra, background, arf, and rmf file\n"; print "names to combine. You can add two or more spectral files. \n"; print "Order of the appearance of lines does not matter, but source\n"; print "spectral files should appear prior to the background files.\n"; print "You may or may not enter background files and rmf files to combine.\n\n"; print "Note that in the case of GIS, you do not have to add RMFs,\n"; print "since GIS2 and 3 RMFs are identical. In this case only ARFs\n"; print "are averaged. For SIS, each ARF and RMF are multiplied and\n"; print "averaged.\n\n"; print "The optional \"errmeth\" parameter specifies the error method passed\n"; print "to the \"mathpha\" task. If not specified, the default option used is\n"; print "\"Poiss-0\"\n"; print "If \"Gauss\" or \"Poiss-0\", poisson error is assumed after counts are summed.\n\n"; print "The method of calculation is explained in the ASCA ABC guide \n"; print "(http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/asca/abc/) section 8.9.\n"; print "The background normalization is calculated with the formula explained at \n"; print "http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/asca/abc_backscal.html.\n\n"; exit(0); } if (@ARGV != 3 && @ARGV != 4 && @ARGV != 5 ) { print "usage: addascaspec [-qh] list_file out_spec out_response [outbgd] [errmeth]\n"; print "type \"addascaspec -h\" to get more information\n"; exit(0); } # Set temporary directory. If $TMPDIR is defined, use it; otherwise, # use /tmp. $tmp =$ENV{'TMPDIR'}; if($tmp !~/\S/){$tmp="/tmp";} else{ print "TMPDIR is defined. Use $tmp for the temporary dicrectory.\n"; } $list = $ARGV[0]; #list file name $outspec= $ARGV[1]; #summed spectral file name $outrsp = $ARGV[2]; #summed (averaged) ARF name (for GIS) for RSP name (for SIS) $outbgd= "NONE"; $errmeth="NONE"; ($test = $ARGV[3]) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if (@ARGV == 4){ if($test eq "GAUSS"|| $test=~/POISS/||$test eq "P0"||$test eq "P1"||$test eq "P2"||test eq "P3"){ print "The fourth parameter $ARGV[3] is interpreted as errmeth.\n"; $errmeth=$ARGV[3]; } else{ print "The fourth parameter $ARGV[3] is interpreted as outbgd.\n"; $outbgd= $ARGV[3]; } } if (@ARGV == 5){$outbgd= $ARGV[3];$errmeth=$ARGV[4]} if(!-e $list){ print "Input list file ", "\"",$list,"\""," does not exist.\n"; exit(0) } ### list file exists ### ### Read input spectral files, arf files, rmf files and bgd files ### from the list file ### $spec_appear=0; open(LISTFILE,$list); # while(){ if($_=~/\S+/){ # print $_; @infile=split(" ",$_); #For each line in the list file, check the kind of the input file #(spectral file, arf file, rmf file). $j=1; $extname=""; while(!($extname=~/SPECTRUM/||$extname=~/MATRIX/||$extname=~/SPECRESP/)){ #Checks if this extesion exists or not. if(-e $infile[0]){ # print("$infile[0] found \n"); if(`fstruct colinfo=no $infile[0]+$j outfile=STDOUT`!~/BINTABLE/){ die "$infile[0] exists, but this does not seem to be either spectral file or response file."; } }else{ die "$infile[0] is not found.\n"; } $command = "fkeypar $infile[0]+$j EXTNAME\n"; system($command); $extname = `pget fkeypar value`; if($extname=~/SPECTRUM/){ for ($i=0;$i<=$#infile;$i++){ if($spec_appear==0){$spec[$i]=$infile[$i];} if($spec_appear==1){$bgd[$i]=$infile[$i];} } $spec_appear=1; # Already spectal file appeared. } elsif($extname=~/MATRIX/){ # Files either have "MATRIX" or "SPECRESP MATRIX" # are recognized as RMF. for ($i=0;$i<=$#infile;$i++){ $rmf[$i]=$infile[$i]; # print $rmf[$i],"\n"; $matrix_ext=$j; } } elsif($extname=~/SPECRESP/){ # This is ARF for ($i=0;$i<=$#infile;$i++){ $arf[$i]=$infile[$i]; } } else{ #Go to the next extension untill finding the proper extension $j++; } } ## end of the while loop } ## end of reading each line in LISTFILE }## end of while() close(LISTFILE); ## End reading the List file # Is RMFs entered? if(!($rmf[0]=~/\S+/)){ for ($i=0;$i<=$#infile;$i++){ $rmf[$i]="NONE"; # } # #RMF is not entered, so the outrsp is ARF $outarf=$outrsp; $outrmf="NONE"; }else { #RMF is entered, so the outrsp will be RMF(RSP) $outarf="NONE"; $outrmf=$outrsp; } # Is ARF entered ? if(!($arf[0]=~/\S+/)){ for ($i=0;$i<=$#infile;$i++){ $arf[$i]="NONE"; } # } # Is BGDs entered? if(!($bgd[0]=~/\S+/)){ for ($i=0;$i<=$#infile;$i++){ $bgd[$i]="NONE"; } # } ## Print out what were read print "Number of spectral files to add = ", $#spec+1,"\n"; $expo_sum=0.0; $expo_b_sum=0.0; for ($i=0;$i<=$#spec;$i++){ print "### Set no ", $i+1, " ###\n"; print "Spec:", $spec[$i],"\n"; #### Get exposure #### $command = "fkeypar $spec[$i] EXPOSURE\n"; # print $command; system($command); $expo[$i]=`pget fkeypar value`; if (substr($expo[$i],length($expo[$i])-1) eq "\n") {chop($expo[$i]);} printf(" Exposure time: %10.3e \n", $expo[$i]); $expo_sum=$expo_sum+$expo[$i]; #### Get backscale #### $command = "fkeypar $spec[$i] BACKSCAL\n"; # print $command; system($command); $backs[$i]=`pget fkeypar value`; if (substr($backs[$i],length($backs[$i])-1) eq "\n") {chop($backs[$i]);} printf(" Backscal : %10.3e \n", $backs[$i]); print "Bgd :", $bgd[$i],"\n"; if(-e $bgd[$i]){ #### Get exposure for bgd #### $command = "fkeypar $bgd[$i] EXPOSURE\n"; # print $command; system($command); $expo_b[$i]=`pget fkeypar value`; if (substr($expo_b[$i],length($expo_b[$i])-1) eq "\n") {chop($expo_b[$i]);} printf(" Exposure time: %10.3e \n", $expo_b[$i]); $expo_b_sum=$expo_b_sum+$expo_b[$i]; #### Get backscale for bgd #### $command = "fkeypar $bgd[$i] BACKSCAL\n"; # print $command; system($command); $backs_b[$i]=`pget fkeypar value`; if (substr($backs_b[$i],length($backs_b[$i])-1) eq "\n") {chop($backs_b[$i]);} printf(" Backscal : %10.3e \n", $backs_b[$i]); } print "ARF :", $arf[$i],"\n"; print "RMF :", $rmf[$i],"\n"; print "\n"; # if($i==0){$spec_com=$spec[$i];} else{$spec_com=$spec_com."+".$spec[$i]} if($i==0){$arf_com=$arf[$i];} else{$arf_com=$arf_com." ".$arf[$i]} } ### Calculate the fractional exposure for each source and bgd spectrum### $weight=""; for ($i=0;$i<=$#spec;$i++){ $weight_s[$i]=$expo[$i]/$expo_sum; # $weight_b[$i]=$expo_b[$i]/$expo_b_sum; $weight=$weight." ".sprintf("%8.3e",$weight_s[$i]); } #print "source exposure weight", $weight,"\n"; ### Add spectral files ### $comment="Produced by addascaspec version $version"; #1998-08-21 bacfile, arfile, rmfile are specified NONE here, #and they are overwritten later with fparkey. if($errmeth eq "NONE") { $command = "mathpha expr=\"$spec_com\" units=C outfil=\"$outspec\" exposure=CALC \\ properr=no areascal=NULL auxfiles=NONE backfile=NONE arfile=NONE rmfile=NONE \\ backscal=1.0E0 ncomments=1 comment1=\"$comment\"\n"; }else{ $command = "mathpha expr=\"$spec_com\" units=C outfil=\"$outspec\" exposure=CALC \\ properr=no areascal=NULL auxfiles=NONE backfile=NONE arfile=NONE rmfile=NONE \\ backscal=1.0E0 ncomments=1 comment1=\"$comment\" errmeth=$errmeth\n"; } print $command; if(!$quiet){system ($command);} #Always call fparkey to update the BACKSCAL value $command="fparkey value=1.0 fitsfile=$outspec keyword=BACKSCAL add=yes\n"; print $command; if(!$quiet){system($command);} if(!($bgd[0]=~/NONE/)){ ### write the bgd spectral file name in the combined source spectral file header ### $command="fparkey value=\"$outbgd\" fitsfile=$outspec keyword=BACKFILE add=yes\n"; print $command; if(!$quiet){system($command);} ### ADD bgd spectral files ### $denominator=0.0; # for ($i=0;$i<=$#spec;$i++){ # $denominator=$denominator+$expo[$i]*($backs[$i]/$backs_b[$i]); } $spec_com=""; for ($i=0;$i<=$#spec;$i++){ $c[$i]=$expo_b_sum/$denominator*($expo[$i]/$expo_b[$i])*($backs[$i]/$backs_b[$i]); if($i==0){$spec_com=sprintf("%9.4f",$c[$i])."*".$bgd[$i];} else{$spec_com=$spec_com."+".sprintf("%9.4f",$c[$i])."*".$bgd[$i];} } $backscal_sum=sprintf("%8.3e",$expo_sum/$denominator); $comment="Produced by addascaspec version $version"; print "\n"; if($errmeth eq "NONE") { $command = "mathpha expr=\"$spec_com\" units=C outfil=\"$outbgd\" exposure=CALC \\ properr=no areascal=NULL auxfiles=NONE backfile=NONE arfile=NONE rmfile=NONE \\ backscal=$backscal_sum ncomments=1 comment1=\"$comment\"\n"; # }else{ $command = "mathpha expr=\"$spec_com\" units=C outfil=\"$outbgd\" exposure=CALC \\ properr=no areascal=NULL auxfiles=NONE backfile=NONE arfile=NONE rmfile=NONE \\ backscal=$backscal_sum ncomments=1 comment1=\"$comment\" errmeth=$errmeth\n"; # } print $command; # if(!$quiet){system ($command);} $command="fparkey value=$backscal_sum fitsfile=$outbgd+1 keyword=BACKSCAL add=yes\n"; print $command; if(!$quiet){system($command);} } if($rmf[0]=~/NONE/){ #The ARF name is written in the combined spectral file $command="fparkey value=\"$outrsp\" fitsfile=$outspec keyword=ANCRFILE add=yes\n"; print $command; if(!$quiet){system($command);} ### ADD ARF files ### $command = "addarf list=\"$arf_com\" weights=\"$weight\" out_ARF=$outrsp\n"; print $command; if(!$quiet){system $command;} }else { #The RSP name is written in the combined spectral file $command="fparkey value=\"$outrsp\" fitsfile=$outspec keyword=RESPFILE add=yes\n"; print $command; if(!$quiet){system($command);} ### If necessary multiply ARF and RMF ### $addrmf_list="$tmp/$$.addrmf_list"; open(ADDRMF_LIST,">$addrmf_list"); for ($i=0;$i<=$#spec;$i++){ $outfil[$i]="$tmp/$$".$i.".rsp"; if(-e $outfil[$i]){ $command="rm -f $outfil\n"; print $command; if(!$quiet){system($command);} } if(!($arf[i]=~/NONE/)){ $command="marfrmf rmfil=$rmf[$i] arfil=$arf[$i] outfil=$outfil[$i] qoverride=no \n"; } else { $command="cp $rmf[$i] $outfil[$i] \n"; } print $command; if(!$quiet){system($command);} printf ADDRMF_LIST "%s %10.3f\n", $outfil[$i], $weight_s[$i]; } close(ADDRMF_LIST); ### Average RSP ### print "\n"; $command="addrmf \@$addrmf_list rmffile=$outrsp\n"; # print ($command); if(!$quiet){system($command);} ### remove temporary files ### print "\n"; $command="rm -f $addrmf_list\n"; print $command; if(!$quiet){system($command);} for ($i=0;$i<=$#spec;$i++){ $command="rm -f $outfil[$i]\n"; print $command; if(!$quiet){system($command);} } }