#! /bin/sh
# This is the LHEA perl script: /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/ftools/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/make_se
# The purpose of this special block is to make this script work with
# the user's local perl, regardless of where that perl is installed.
# The variable LHEAPERL is set by the initialization script to
# point to the local perl installation.
eval '
if [ "x$LHEAPERL" = x ]; then
  echo "Please run standard LHEA initialization before attempting to run /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/ftools/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/make_se."
  exit 3
elif [ "$LHEAPERL" = noperl ]; then
  echo "During LHEA initialization, no acceptable version of Perl was found."
  echo "Cannot execute script /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/ftools/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/make_se."
  exit 3
elif [ `$LHEAPERL -v < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | grep -ic "perl"` -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "LHEAPERL variable does not point to a usable perl."
  exit 3
  # Force Perl into 32-bit mode (to match the binaries) if necessary:
  if [ "x$HD_BUILD_ARCH_32_BIT" = xyes ]; then
    if [ `$LHEAPERL -V 2> /dev/null | grep -ic "USE_64_BIT"` -ne 0 ]; then
  exec $LHEAPERL -x $0 ${1+"$@"}
# Do not delete anything above this comment from an installed LHEA script!
#! /usr1/local/bin/perl
# XTE Data Analysis script, to take a list of GoodXenon files or
# Transparent Mode files, check them, and divide them into appropriate
# groupings to apply the XENON2FITS or TRANS2FITS, as necessary, and
# create a series of output XTE/SE files.
# Alan P. Smale Nov/Dec 1995
# Version history:
#     0.20  (12/1/95):

$Version_number = "0.20";

require "utils.pl";
use Getopt::Std;

# Startup banner.

print "Starting up MAKE_SE v.".$Version_number." \n\n";

# Flag check; read in the options, and provide feedback to user
#   about each. 'Help' comes first, then the others grouped by
#   function.


if (defined $opt_h) { 
   print <<EOHELP1;

    make_se v.0.20 -- a script to allow the user to create XTE/SE
    (Event) data files from a list of input files which may contain
    Good_Xenon Mode data files and/or Transparent Mode data files. As
    with all XTE Perl scripts, will work from either a single
    command-line entry, or a simplified Q/A session.

    make_se -[dilp]


    MAKE_SE is a Perl script which allows the user to create sensible
    Event Files from a list of Good_Xenon or Transparent Mode files.
    The script checks the list to ensure that it contains a consistent
    set of data, reading the DATAMODE and TSTART keywords from the FITS
    files themselves, ignores files that do not contain Good_Xenon or
    Transparent data, subgroups the rest of the list, checks the times, 
    then enters each subgroup as input to the relevant FTOOL (XENON2FITS 
    or TRANS2FITS).

    The output is a set of N FITS Event files, where N is the number of
    subgroups. All necessary information can be supplied by the 
    user as switches on the command line, and the script can/will
    take sensible defaults in the absence of overriding user input. 
    Alternatively, the script can be run interactively, in which case
    the user will be prompted for important parameters not supplied
    as switches.

    As it preserves the paths of all the individual files, the tool can
    accept an arbitrary large file list from XDF and churn through it,
    processing all the Good_Xenon and Transparent mode data and ignoring
    everything else - although some user cunning (and use of the Logfile)
    may be necessary to keep track of which data is in which output file.

PARAMETERS  (actually SWITCHES/FLAGS) (grouped by function):

     -i {file} - provide name of ASCII file containing list of data
            files                (assumed default: 'fits_files.txt').

     -p {file} - provide root filename for product files - i.e., 
	    'make_se -p paris' will create files paris_X0, paris_X1 
             ...paris_X(N-1), where X=t/gx, for Transparent/GoodXenon 
            data respectively, and N is the number of groups of data 
            files in the input file       (assumed default: 'event').

     -d   - Take default values for all parameters not set on the command
     -l   - logfile switch. Currently, logging is the default (in a
            file make_se.log), and  -l will disable this logging.
     -h   - Print this help information.


     make_se -i dax -p sisko
            take as input the ASCII file 'dax' and process it to create
            a bunch of N Event Data files called sisko_X0, sisko_X1 ...
            where X=t/gx, for Transparent/GoodXenon data respectively,
            and N is the number of groups of data files in the original
            'dax' file.
     make_se -d
            will take the file 'fits_files.txt' and create Event Data
            files event_X0, event_X1, etc, where X=t/gx for Transparent/
            GoodXenon data respectively.
            will prompt the user for the input file and output root 


    MAKE_SE is intended as a 'fast' tool to minimize the amount of
    FTOOLing around for the user with straightforward data analysis
    requirements. It is not intended to replace or reproduce the full
    functionality available from the individual FTOOLS. However, I am
    open to suggestions about how to improve the script to meet
    commonly-occuring data analysis needs. 

    The XENON2FITS and TRANS2FITS tools themselves display a lot of 
    debugging information when they run. This output is suppressed in
    MAKE_SE. If you want to see it, take the Perl code and change the
    'runcom' command to a 'yakker' command.


    Please report problems to xtehelp\@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov.


    TRANS2FITS, XENON2FITS for further information on the core tools
    invoked by this script.


# If parameter is entered on command line, use it. If not, and the
# -d option is set, use a sensible default. Otherwise, prompt the user
# for the parameter value. If the user enters a carriage return, 
# take the default anyway.

# Logical flags have initial capitals.

$Defaults= 0;
$Logging= 1;

$inname= "fits_files.txt";
$outroot= "event";

if( defined $opt_l ) {
    $Logging = 0;
    print " ** Logging disabled.\n";

$Logging && ( open(LOGFILE,">make_se.log") || die "Can't create logfile");
$Logging && print LOGFILE  "Starting up MAKE_SE v.".$Version_number." \n\n";

if( defined $opt_d ) {
    $Defaults = 1;
    $string= " ** Going with preset defaults where applicable.\n";
#            &announce($string);
    print "$string";
    $Logging && print LOGFILE $string;
}			# Go with all defaults except where
                        # overriden by command line. no Q/A

if( defined $opt_i ){
   print " ** Input filename provided for FITS filelist: $opt_i \n";
   -e $opt_i || die " !! Exiting: file $opt_i does not exist.\n";
   $inname = $opt_i;
} else {
   unless ( $Defaults ) {
      print " > Give name of file containing FITS filelist [".$inname."] > ";
      until ($dummy eq '' || -e $dummy) {
         print " > File not found. Please try again. > ";
      unless ($dummy eq '') {
         $inname = $dummy;
if( defined $opt_p ){
   print " ** Product (output) filename root supplied: ".$opt_p."\n";
   $outroot = $opt_p;
} else {
   unless ( $Defaults ) {
      print " > Give root for product (output) filenames [$outroot] > ";
      unless ($dummy eq '') {$outroot = $dummy;}
# Sanity check section, may be either commented out or enhanced
# in delivered version.
# Creates a string containing the relevant status variables and
# prints it to STDOUT,  and also to LOGFILE if $Logging is True.

# (no ;;;; - extended string)

$string = 
     Input file name: $inname
     Output file root: $outroot

print $string;
$Logging && print LOGFILE $string;

# OK, now we're ready to read in the complete contents of the input
# filename list and check and subgroup it.
# We chop the data into $head (i.e. path) and $tail (i.e. filename)
# pairs and store them in an associative arrays called $files.
# The tails also live in an array called @tail.
# GoodXenon data can come in the following varieties, and should be
# combined as noted:
#      GoodXenon1_2s  + GoodXenon2_2s.
#      GoodXenon1_16s + GoodXenon2_16s.
# Transparent mode can come in the following varieties, and should be
# combined as noted:
#      Transparent1_4s  + Transparent2_4s  + Transparent3_4s
#      Transparent1_16s + Transparent2_16s  + Transparent3_16s
#      Transparent1_128s  + Transparent2_128s  + Transparent3_128s
#      Transparent1_1024s + Transparent2_1024s + Transparent3_1024s
# These data are generally found in files FS37, FS3b, FS3f, FS4f.
# However, we need to read the DATAMODE keyword for each file to 
# tell what type of data we're dealing with. So we do that. If a
# datafile is GoodXenon1, we add it to the gx_1 array. GoodXenon2
# goes to the gx_2 array. Likewise for the Transparent mode data
# t_1, t_2, t_3.
# We keep all the paths to the individual files in the %files
# associative array for later use. We keep the start times of the
# individual files in the %times array.

open(INFILE,$inname) || die "!! Can't open $inname. \n";
while ( <INFILE> ) {
   $longname = $_;

   $keyword= "DATAMODE";
   $word = &GTKEYWORDS($longname, $keyword);

   $keyword= "TSTART";
   $starttime = &GTKEYWORDR($longname, $keyword);

   $slash = rindex($longname, "/");

   if($slash != -1) {
       $head = substr($longname, 0, $slash);  
   else {
       $head = '';

   $tail = substr($longname, $slash+1);
   @tail = (@tail, $tail);
   $files{$tail} = $head;
   $times{$tail} = $starttime;

   print "$tail   $starttime  $word \n";
   $Logging && print LOGFILE "$tail   $starttime  $word \n";


   if ($word =~ /Transparent1/ ) {

      @t_1 = ( @t_1, $tail );
      $t_1{$tail} = $starttime;

   } elsif ($word =~ /Transparent2/ ) {

      @t_2 = ( @t_2, $tail );
      $t_2{$tail} = $starttime;

   } elsif ($word =~ /Transparent3/ ) {

      @t_3 = ( @t_3, $tail );
      $t_3{$tail} = $starttime;

   } elsif ($word =~ /GoodXenon1/ ) {

      @gx_1 = ( @gx_1, $tail );
      $gx_1{$tail} = $starttime;

   } elsif ($word =~ /GoodXenon2/ ) {

      @gx_2 = ( @gx_2, $tail );
      $gx_2{$tail} = $starttime;

   } else {
      print "! This is neither GX nor T - we won't be processing it\n";



# How long are these arrays?

$gx1 = @gx_1;
$gx2 = @gx_2;
$t1 = @t_1;
$t2 = @t_2;
$t3 = @t_3;
$tail = @tail;

$command_string="\nThere are $tail files in total.
  GoodXenon1   :  $gx1  
  GoodXenon2   :  $gx2  
  Transparent1 :  $t1   
  Transparent2 :  $t2   
  Transparent3 :  $t3   \n\n";
print "$command_string";
$Logging && print LOGFILE "$command_string";

if (  ($gx1 ne $gx2) ||  ($t1 ne $t2) || ($t1 ne $t3) ) {
   $command_string="!! Inconsistent dataset - unequal number of input files
!! of each type. Please fix this and run me again.      \n";
   print "$command_string";
   $Logging && print LOGFILE "$command_string";


# For each type of data, we make an associative array of 
# filenames and start times, sort the filenames by start times,
# and end up with an array of time-sorted filenames. Got that?

# Sort using the legendary "spacecraft operator" from the Llama Book!

@sorted_gx_1 = sort { $gx_1{$a} <=> $gx_1{$b} } keys(%gx_1);
@sorted_gx_2 = sort { $gx_2{$a} <=> $gx_2{$b} } keys(%gx_2);

@sorted_t_1 = sort { $t_1{$a} <=> $t_1{$b} } keys(%t_1);
@sorted_t_2 = sort { $t_2{$a} <=> $t_2{$b} } keys(%t_2);
@sorted_t_3 = sort { $t_3{$a} <=> $t_3{$b} } keys(%t_3);

# Optional break point for debugging purposes.

# print "Exiting before calling FTOOLS (parameter entry checking only)\n";
# exit;

# We're now good to go. Let's call some FTOOLS.
# Transparent datamode files first.

$nloop = @sorted_t_1;

if ($nloop gt 0) {

  for ($i = 0; $i <= $nloop-1; $i++) {

# Stick the little heads on the tails again now. But only if we have
# specfied a path along with the file being input. If we haven't
# then we just insert the filename read out of the input file. 
# Rindex returns -1 if / was not found in the input parameter - meaning
# that a path wasn't specified - if there wasn't a path specified with the
# filename, then it is not necessary to attempt to reconstruct the path
# when creating the input files for Xenon2fits or Trans2fits. 
    if($slash != -1) {
	$in1 = $files{$sorted_t_1[$i]}."/".$sorted_t_1[$i];
	$in2 = $files{$sorted_t_2[$i]}."/".$sorted_t_2[$i];
	$in3 = $files{$sorted_t_3[$i]}."/".$sorted_t_3[$i];
    else {
	$in1 = $sorted_t_1[$i];
	$in2 = $sorted_t_2[$i];
	$in3 = $sorted_t_3[$i];

    $outfile = $outroot."_t".$i;
    $ip1 = $i + 1;

    $command_string="\n Calling TRANS2FITS ($ip1) with \n$in1 \n$in2 \n$in3 \n$outfile";
    print "\n$command_string\n\n";
    $Logging && print LOGFILE "$command_string\n\n";

    $command_string='trans2fits trans1="'.$in1.'" trans2="'.$in2.'" trans3="'.$in3.'" outfile="'.$outfile.'" wrtparm=x clobber=Yes mode=h';

    print "$command_string\n";
    $Logging && print LOGFILE "$command_string\n\n";

    @result=&runcom($command_string, "1");

# Now GoodXenon datamode files.

$nloop = @sorted_gx_1;

if ($nloop gt 0) {

  for ($i = 0; $i <= $nloop-1; $i++) {

# Stick the little heads on the tails again now.

    if($slash != -1){
        $in1 = $files{$sorted_gx_1[$i]}."/".$sorted_gx_1[$i];
        $in2 = $files{$sorted_gx_2[$i]}."/".$sorted_gx_2[$i];
    else {
        $in1 = $sorted_gx_1[$i];
        $in2 = $sorted_gx_2[$i];
    $outfile = $outroot."_gx".$i;
    $ip1 = $i + 1;

    $command_string="Calling XENON2FITS ($ip1) with \n$in1 \n$in2 \n$outfile";
    print "\n$command_string\n";
    $Logging && print LOGFILE "\n$command_string\n\n";

    $command_string='xenon2fits xenon1="'.$in1.'" xenon2="'.$in2.'" outfile="'.$outfile.'" wrtparm=x clobber=Yes mode=h';

    print "$command_string\n";
    $Logging && print LOGFILE "$command_string\n\n";

    @result=&runcom($command_string, "1");

# ====================================================================
# Quit tidily. If LOGFILE is open, close it.

 print "MAKE_SE successfully completed.\n";
 $Logging && print LOGFILE "MAKE_SE successfully completed.\n";

$Logging && close(LOGFILE);

# End.

# sub GTKEYWORDR   (real number keyword)


   local($filename, $keyword) = @_;
   local($starttime) = 0;

   $command_string='fkeyprint infile="'.$filename.'" keynam="'.$keyword.'" mode=h';

# Now search @result for the string within quotes.

   foreach $line (@result) {
      $start = index($line,"=");
      if ($start gt 0) {
         $starttime = substr($line, $start+1,30);         
         $end = index($starttime,"/",1);
	 $starttime = substr($starttime, 0, $end);
      $start = 0;

# End.

# sub GTKEYWORDS   (string keyword)


   local($filename, $keyword) = @_;
   local($word) = 0;

   $command_string='fkeyprint infile="'.$filename.'" keynam="'.$keyword.'" mode=h';

# Now search @result for the string in quotes.

   foreach $line (@result) {
      $start = index($line,"'");
      if ($start gt 0) {
         $word = substr($line, $start+1,20);         
         $end = index($word,"'",1);
	 $word = substr($word, 0, $end);
      $start = 0;

# End.