#!/bin/sh # # OFFSETCOORD, BY ERIC GOTTHELF (NASA/GSFC), 1998. # Script for offsetting a celestial coordinate value. # if test $# -lt 2 -o $# -gt 4 then echo echo ' SCRIPT TO OFFSET A CELESTIAL COORDINATE PAIR.' echo echo ' 1: To offset the CRVAL keywords in a FITS image:' echo echo ' Usage: offsetcoord fitsfile+ext ra_off dec_off ' echo echo ' or,' echo ' ' echo ' 2: To offset a coordinate pair, and write result to the screen:' echo echo ' Usage: offsetcoord ra_old dec_old ra_off dec_off ' echo echo ' where, "ra_off/dec_off" are RA/DEC offsets in arcmins,' echo ' and, "ra_old/dec_old" are RA/DEC in degrees.' echo echo ' The offsets are simply added (i.e., ra_new = ra_old + offset / 60.0)' echo echo ' For futher details and a list of ASCA offsets, see ASCAGOF web page:' echo echo ' http://lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov/users/evg/updatecoord.html' echo exit fi if test $# -eq 3 then file=$1 del_ra=$2 del_dec=$3 dofile=yes elif test $# -eq 4 then ra_old=$1 dec_old=$2 del_ra=$3 del_dec=$4 dofile=no else echo echo 'ERROR: Try program name without arguments to see usage (agr:'$#')' echo exit fi if test $dofile = yes then fkeypar $file CRVAL1 exist=`pget fkeypar exist` if test $exist = yes then com=`pget fkeypar comm` if test `echo $com | grep UPDATED | wc -c` -gt 1 then echo echo 'ERROR: The CRVALs in this extention have been updated already?' echo ' Exiting without changing file values...' echo exit else tmp=`pget fkeypar value` ra_old=`printf "%10.5f" $tmp` fkeypar $file CRVAL2 exist=`pget fkeypar exist` if test $exist = yes then tmp=`pget fkeypar value` dec_old=`printf "%10.5f" $tmp` else echo echo 'ERROR: Could not get CRVAL1 value. Check extention number' echo ' Exiting without changing file values...' echo exit fi fi else echo echo 'ERROR: Could not get CRVAL2 value. Check extention number' echo ' Exiting without changing file values...' echo exit fi fi echo Current RA/DEC: $ra_old $dec_old ra_new=`echo "scale=8; $ra_old + $del_ra/60.0" | bc -l` dec_new=`echo "scale=8; $dec_old + $del_dec/60.0" | bc -l` if test $dofile = yes then fparkey $ra_new $file CRVAL1 comm=" UPDATED = $ra_old + $del_ra / 60 (degs)" fparkey $dec_new $file CRVAL2 comm="UPDATED = $dec_old + $del_dec / 60 (degs)" fi echo Updated RA/DEC: $ra_new $dec_new exit