#! /bin/sh # This is the LHEA perl script: /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/ftools/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/xbrowse_extract.pl # The purpose of this special block is to make this script work with # the user's local perl, regardless of where that perl is installed. # The variable LHEAPERL is set by the initialization script to # point to the local perl installation. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eval ' if [ "x$LHEAPERL" = x ]; then echo "Please run standard LHEA initialization before attempting to run /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/ftools/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/xbrowse_extract.pl." exit 3 elif [ "$LHEAPERL" = noperl ]; then echo "During LHEA initialization, no acceptable version of Perl was found." echo "Cannot execute script /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/ftools/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/xbrowse_extract.pl." exit 3 elif [ `$LHEAPERL -v < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | grep -ic "perl"` -eq 0 ]; then echo "LHEAPERL variable does not point to a usable perl." exit 3 else # Force Perl into 32-bit mode (to match the binaries) if necessary: if [ "x$HD_BUILD_ARCH_32_BIT" = xyes ]; then if [ `$LHEAPERL -V 2> /dev/null | grep -ic "USE_64_BIT"` -ne 0 ]; then VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT=yes export VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT fi fi exec $LHEAPERL -x $0 ${1+"$@"} fi ' if(0); # Do not delete anything above this comment from an installed LHEA script! #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl #=========================================================================# # High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), # NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA. # # You are free to use this code as you wish, but unless you change # it significantly, please leave the above name and address intact. #=========================================================================# # Differs from browse_extract.pl in that xwebquery is used instead of # webquery. Version 2.1a of browse_extract march 2006 #################################################################### # # This program creates returns a table giving the results of queries # of the HEASARC database. Users may enter a single object # or may extract information for a list of objects. # # Usage: # browse_extract.pl table=table # [position=name|coordinates|Null] # [time=time|time_range] # [coordinates=Equatorial|Galactic] # [equinox=year] # [radius=arcmin] # [fields=Standard|All|list] # [name_resolver=CheckCaches/GRB/SIMBAD/NED|CheckCaches/NED/SIMBAD|NED|SIMBAD] # [infile=input_list] # [outfile=output_file] # [format=Batch|FITS|VOTable|Excel|HTML|Text] # [sortvar=column_name] # [resultmax=count] # [param=name,value /or/ name=value]... # or # # browse_extract.pl table=xxx # to just get a list of available tables. Only VizieR tables # directly linked within the HEASARC will be noted, but any # VizieR table can be queried using browse_extract. # # Table is the Table name as used in the HEASARC, e.g., abell, rospublic # This is given as the short name in the Browse Web interfaces. # # Position is either the name of an object or a set of coordinates # which giving the center of the search. If a name is given it will # be resolved using the service give in the name_resolver keyword # or SIMBAD by default. The syntax for coordinates is that supported # in the Browse Web services. If the coordinates string contains # embedded spaces, then this argument should be enclosed in quotes. # Multiple positions may be separated by semicolons but these will then be # processed together giving a combined count for all specified targes. # # The Position argument can be specified as "none" or "null" if the user # does not wish to specify a position (e.g., to query on exposure only). # # Time allows the user to request a temporal query on the table if a time column # has been defined. This acts in the same fashion as the Time query column # in the Web version of Browse. Times may be specified in ISO or MJD formats. # (This is also true when doing a parameter search of a time column as well). Multiple # times or intervals can be specified by separating them with semicolons. # # The coordinates argument should be either "Equatorial" or "Galactic". # The default is Equatorial. It is used to determine the input coordinates # if used and the display coordinate system for the primary coordinates in the table. # # Equinox gives the equinox year for input and output coordinates. It # defaults to 2000 (and is ignored for Galactic coordinates). # # Radius gives the radius in arcminutes out to which the search is to take place. # This defaults to 60. # # The Fields argument indicates which parameters are to be retrieved # from the table. The default, "Standard", indicates that only # a limited set of parameters will be retrieved. "All" will retrieve # all parameters from the table. A list of specific fields separated # by commas may also be specified. Some system generated columns # may be included even when a specific list is requested. # # The Name Resolvers currently supported are NED and SIMBAD. The # default is CheckCaches/SIMBAD/NED which first checks the HEASARC # caches and then tries the other two services in the order specified. # # The Param=name,value argument is used to do parameter searches. # The syntax of the value parameter is the same as used in the Browse # Web interface, e.g., 3000, >5000, 4..10, 3C*273 are possible values # which search for data with a value equal to 3000, greater than 5000, # between 4 and 10 or matching the strings '3C273', '3CXXXXX273', etc., respectively. If the # name of the parameter does not conflict with one of the other arguments # to browse_extract, then the simpler syntax # name=value # may be used. # # In some environments characters in the value may need to be escaped, e.g., # exposure='>2000' or exposure=\>2000 # # The Infile argument specifies a file containing objects to be # searched. Each line in the file will be used as the # Position. If no Infile or Position argument is give then # the positions will be read from the standard input. # # The Outfile argument specifies a file to contain the table of # returned results. # # Use resultmax to specify the maximum number of rows to be returned. # Use 0 to specify no limit. The default is 250. # # The Format argument specifies the desired output format. When anything other than # the batch format is requested, all positions will be searched at once. In batch # queries each line of the input is specified as a distinct query. # Current valid formats include: # Batch - The default format. Processes each position in the infile or stdin separately. # HTML - The Text Table format in the Web version of Browse # FITS - A FITS ASCII table (The results are in the first extension). # EXCEL - An Excel compatible output format. # VOTable - The Virtual Observatory Table format. # Text - The Pure Text format in the Web version of Browse # # The Sortvar may be used to specify the field on which the results will be sorted. # This variable need not be displayed. # # All argument keys are case-insensitive. # # Other reserved keywords: host, url # # EndUsage # # Browse extract runs as a pre and post processor to the simple CLI web extraction tool # webquery. The program can easily be modified to use other such tools, # e.g., wget. # ###################################################################### # # Version 1.0 1996-10-10 by T. McGlynn NASA/GSFC/USRA # Version 2.0 1998-02-26 by Saima Zobair Raytheon STX # Version 2.1 2005-05-31 by T. McGlynn NASA/GSFC # Version 2.1a 2006-03-28 by T. McGlynn NASA/GSFC (make formats case-insensitive) # ###################################################################### use strict; my $batch = "BATCHRETRIEVALCATALOG_2.0"; my $webquery = "xwebquery.pl"; my $host = "heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov"; if ($#ARGV < 0) { print < "FitsDisplay", text => "PureTextDisplay", excel => "ExcelDisplay", votable => "VODisplay", batch => "BatchDisplay", html => "SimpleDisplay" ); my $hasParam = 0; # Process arguments. foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { my ($key, $val) = split('\=', $arg, 2); $key = lc($key); if (!updateArgs(\%args, $key, $val, \@stdargs) ) { if ($key eq "param") { ($key, $val) = split(",", $val, 2); } updateParams(\%args, $key, $val); } } if (!defined($args{table})) { die "Extractor Error: A table must be specified\n"; exit(); } if ($args{table} eq "xxx") { $args{position} = "none"; } if (defined($args{position}) && defined($args{infile})) { die "Extractor Error: Please specify position[s] in only one of command line or input file\n"; } my @objects; if (defined($args{position})) { @objects = ($args{position}); } # Set input and output. Redefine STDIN and STDOUT if # user has specified appropriate arguments. if (defined ($args{infile})) { open (IN,$args{infile}) || die "Error: Unable to open input file $args{infile}: $!\n"; chomp(@objects = ); close(IN); } if (defined($args{outfile})) { close(STDOUT); open(STDOUT, ">".$args{outfile}) || die "Extractor Error: Unable to open output file $args{outfile}: $!\n"; } # If not using batch interface we need to # concatenate positions first. if ($args{format} ne "batch") { if (!@objects) { @objects = ; } if (@objects > 1) { @objects = (join(";", @objects)); } if (@objects < 1) { die "Extractor Error: Unable to read objects.\n"; } } if (@objects > 0) { foreach my $obj (@objects) { $args{position} = $obj; do_position(%args); } } else { if (!defined($args{infile})) { print "Please enter positions to be queried (EOF to terminate)\n"; } while (my $obj = ) { chomp($obj); $args{position} = $obj; do_position(%args); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub do_position { my (%args) = @_; # These define the URL to be used. my $url = "/db-perl/W3Browse/w3query.pl"; my $table = lc($args{"table"}); my $Tablehead = "name='$batch $table'"; my $Action = "Query"; my ($Entry) = $args{position}; my ($Coordinates); if ($args{coordinates} =~ /equatorial/i) { $Coordinates = "'Equatorial: R.A. Dec'"; } elsif($args{coordinates} =~ /galactic/i) { $Coordinates = "'Galactic: LII BII'"; } else { $Coordinates = $args{coordinates}; } my ($Equinox) = $args{equinox}; my ($Radius) = $args{radius}; my ($NR); if ($args{name_resolver} =~ /^\s*simbad\s*$/i) { $NR = "SIMBAD"; } elsif ($args{name_resolver} =~ /^\s*ned\s*$/i) { $NR = "NED"; } else { $NR = $args{name_resolver}; } my ($GIFsize) = 0; my ($Fields); if ($args{fields} =~ /standard/i) { $Fields = "Standard"; } elsif ($args{fields} =~ /all/i) { $Fields = "All"; } else { my (@flds) = split(",", $args{fields}); foreach my $fld (@flds) { $Fields .= " varon=$fld"; } } # Allow user to override default locations (but we don't advertise this). if ($args{url}) { $url = $args{url}; } if ($args{host}) { $host = $args{host}; } # The webquery.pl script is assumed to be in the path. my $cmd = "$webquery host=$host url=$url method=GET tablehead=$Tablehead ". "Action=$Action Coordinates=$Coordinates ". "Equinox=$Equinox Radius=$Radius NR=$NR ". "GIFsize=$GIFsize Fields=$Fields"; if (lc($Entry) ne "none" and lc($Entry) ne "null") { $cmd .= " Entry='$Entry' "; } else { delete($args{position}); } $cmd .= " sortvar=".$args{sortvar} if $args{sortvar}; $cmd .= " ResultMax=".$args{resultmax} if $args{resultmax}; $cmd .= " Time=".$args{"time"} if $args{"time"}; if (defined($args{params})) { my $params = $args{params}; $cmd .= " " . join(" ", @$params); } my $format; if (defined($args{format})) { $format = $args{format}; } else { $format = "batch"; } $format=lc($format); my $display = $stdFormats{$format}; if (!defined($display)) { $display = "BatchDisplay"; } $cmd .= " displaymode=$display"; my @results = `$cmd`; my $xx = \@results; if ($format ne "batch") { print @results; } else { processResults(\@results, %args); } } # Batch processing of results. sub processResults { my ($results, %args) = @_; checkError($$results[0]); my $count = 0; my $seenstart = 0; my $error = 0; for (@$results) { # Skip blanks. next if (/^\s*$/); if (!$seenstart) { if (/^BatchStart/) { $seenstart = 1; } } else { if (/^Content-type:/) { $seenstart = 0; next; } if ($count == 0) { checkError($_); } if (/does not seem to exist/) { $error = 1; } if (/^BatchEnd/) { last; } print $_; $count += 1; } } #end for each line of results if (! $seenstart) { #checks if no results were displayed &checkNoResults(@$results); } if ($count > 0) { $count -= 2; if ($count < 0) { $count = 0; } } if (!$error) { print "Search of table $args{table} "; if (defined($args{position})) { print "around $args{position} with a radius $args{radius}' "; } if (defined($args{params})) { print "\n "; foreach my $qual (@{$args{params}}) { $qual =~ /bparam_([^=]*)='(.*)'/; my $fld = $1; my $val = $2; if ($val !~ /<|>|=/) { $val = "= $val"; } print "Parameter $fld $val\n "; } } my $s = "s"; if ($count == 1) { $s = ""; } print "returns $count row$s\n"; } } #eosub--do_position #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub checkError { #subroutine checks for the "BATCH_RETRIEVAL_MSG" string to detect error my($check_result) = @_; if ($check_result =~ /^BATCH_RETRIEVAL_MSG\s*/) { print STDERR "$'"; exit; } } #eosub--checkError #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub checkNoResults { #subroutine looks for an informative message if no results were found for (@_) { if (/\\s*Error\s+(.*)\<\/h2\>/i) { print STDERR "\nError: $1\n"; print STDERR "\nSQL errors may indicate use of invalid columns or invalid data types in parameter queries\n"; exit; } elsif (/\Database\stemporarily\sunavailable/) { print STDERR "\nUnable to connect to table: Incorrect table name or W3Browse not up.\n"; exit; } } } #eosub--checkNoResults #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process standard arguments sub updateArgs { my ($args, $key, $val, $check) = @_; foreach my $fld (@$check) { if ($key eq $fld) { $$args{$key} = $val; return 1; } } return 0; } # Add a parameter query. sub updateParams { my ($args, $key, $val) = @_; my $params = $$args{params}; if (!defined($params)) { $params = []; } push(@$params, "bparam_$key='$val'"); $$args{params} = $params; }