b*in Bin up spectrum, light curve ch*oose Choose observations from OBSCAT by number c*lear Clear data, reset flags cpd Set plot device ec*ho Echo's the command files exit Exit program ext*ract Same as bin faint Faint-to-bright conversion fast Correct the timing for Fast mode files f*ilter Enter filter information gisclean Clean ASCA GIS data using PHA dependent RTI windows hkb*in Bin HK parameters for PLOT load Loads an obscat or saved session l*ist Lists the obscat's in the work and data directory m*ake Make obscat mkfbin Bin up filter file parameters p*lot Plot the data q*uit Exit program r*ead Read in data sao*image Start up SAOIMAGE sa*ve Save filtered FITS file, spectrum, or light curve sel*ect Apply filter(s) for data selection set Set device, mission, or instrument s*how Show datafiles, obscat, parameters or selections sispi Fills the PI column for ASCA SIS si*sclean Removes hot pixels from ASCA SIS images smooth Smooth images st*op Exit program