coordevt - Convert events from one coordinate system to another.
coordevt infile[ext#] outfile teldeffile
'coordevt' converts event coordinates in a FITS file from one system to another.
The task requires two input files. The first is a file
with an existing EVENTS extension
containing a TIME and the coordinates column. The second file
is a Telescope Definition (TelDef) file containing a COORDn keyword for each
coordinate system present in the event file and a TRTYPEn keyword defining the transformation
between two pairs of existing coordinate systems.
The Teldef file also contains additional keywords describing each existing coordinate system (value of first pixel,
scale, etc).
'coordevt' is mission-independent and may currently process
event files associated with the Swift, Suzaku and Hitomi missions.
Please note that the default values for
most of the hidden parameters defined below are mission-specific. They have been defined
for Hitomi and need to be changed for the other missions that this task supports.
'coordevt' converts the lowest level coordinate present in the two input files
to the highest level coordinates present in the teldef file or vice-versa (from the highest to the lowest).
The transformations are carried out using double-precision floating point variables,
but the calculated coordinates are converted to integers in the output file. If the hidden
parameters ('inclfloatcol' and 'inclfloatskycol') are set to yes, the tool adds additional
columns of unrounded event coordinates to the output file.
For any transformation involving SKY coordinate, an Attitude File, specified
by the hidden parameter 'attfile', is required. The format of this file is specified
by the hidden parameter 'attform'. 'coordevt' supports attitude files
with the attitude provided as either quaternions or Euler angles but the file must
contain a TIME column.
For any transformation to a coordinate system lower than SKY coordinates, each
event coordinate is randomized within the pixel following the RANCOORD keyword
An additional auxiliary file is required in some cases,
for example a transformation from the Hitomi HXI "RAW" to "ACT" coordinate systems.
This file is specified by the
hidden parameter 'dattfile'. The format
of this 'dattfile" is fixed and must be in quaternion format.
- infile [string]
- Name of the input file containing the coordinates to be converted.
The input file must have an existing EVENTS extension containing the coordinates
to be transformed and a TIME column.
- outfile [string]
Name of the output file. This file is a copy of the 'infile' with
updated relevant keywords and values in the coordinate columns of the event extension.
if the clobber parameter is set to 'yes' and the parameter 'outfile' is identical to that of
'infile', the input file is updated.
If destination system columns do not exist in the input file, they are
created in the output file. If columns corresponding to a
destination coordinate system are present in the input file, then the values
are overwritten in the output file.
Any coordinate system in the chain before the 'startsys' is also copied,
but systems after the 'stopsys' are either left intact or filled with a 'NULL' value.
depending on the value of the parameter 'blankcol'.
A NULL value is also written if the calculated value of a destination
coordinate is outside the destination coordinate system range specified in the
teldef file.
All input file columns unrelated to coordinate transformations are unchanged and preserved
in the outfile.
- teldeffile [string]
- Name of the
Telescope Definition (TelDef),
specifying the coordinate
systems and transformation properties. If the parameter is set to CALDB, the default, a TelDef file for the telescope
and instrument specified by the TELESCOP and INSTRUME keywords in the infile is read from the calibration database.
The tool supports TelDef file format versions 0. through 0.2.
- (attfile = NONE) [string]
Name of the
attitude file used in the conversion to SKY coordinates. This keyword is required
for any conversion involving SKY coordinates. The attitude may be provided
as either quaternions or Z-Y-Z Euler angles but the the attitude format in the attfile
must match the value of the attform parameter. The special value 'attfile=IDENTITY'
causes the identity attitude to be substituted for actual attitudes. This attitude
is represented by the quaternion [0,0,0,1] or
Euler angles [0,0,0] and is equivalent to the pointing
ra=0.0, dec=+90.0, roll=+90.0. The 'ra' and 'dec' parameters should normally
be set to 0.0, and +90.0 for the IDENTITY option. In addition, in order to make
SKY coordinates equal to the next-lower coordinates (typically FOC), the 'roll'
parameter must be set to +90. Other values of 'roll' will rotate the SKY
coordinates counterclockwise with respect to FOC by roll-90 degrees.
For example, setting 'roll=0.0' will rotate the SKY counterclockwise by -90 degrees
(clockwise by 90 degrees) with respect to FOC, such that SKYX = -FOCY and SKYY = FOCX.
The 'attform' parameter is ignored if 'attfile=IDENTITY'.
- (dattfile = NONE) [string]
- Name (or @list-of-names) of the auxiliary or "delta" attitude files needed
for some
coordinate transformations. The
delta attitude file must be in quaternion format.
A delta attitude file must be provided for each
coordinate transformation of type 'SKYATT' in the teldef
file, with the exception of the transformation to the SKY system.
The special value 'dattfile=IDENTITY' causes the identity
quaternion to be used for all delta attitudes.
- (orbfile = NONE) [string]
Name of the FITS orbit file containing the satellite orbital
velocity as a function of time.
This file is only needed when the parameter 'orbaber' is set to yes and
an orbital aberration correction is required .
Two orbit formats (VECTOR and COMPONENT) are supported.
The format VECTOR is applied to Swift while the format COMPONENT is valid for
Suzaku. The orbit format in the 'orbfile' file must match the value of
the orbform parameter.
- (startsys = LOWEST) [string]
Name of the starting coordinate system of the requested conversion.
When startsys is set to 'LOWEST', the default, the conversion
begins with the lowest level system present, usually 'RAW', in the teldef
file as identified by the parameter 'COORD0'.
- (stopsys = HIGHEST) [string]
- Name of the ending coordinate system of the conversion.
If stopsys is set to HIGHEST, then the coordinate
transformation chain ends with the highest level
system, usually 'SKY'.
- (annaber = no) [string]
'annaber' allows to correct for annual aberration.
The allowed setting are yes, no or invert.
If set to no, the default, no correction is applied.
If set to yes, the effects
of annual aberration are taken into account when calculating the SKY coordinate values.
If set to invert,
multiplies the annual
aberration correction by -1 before applying it.
The 'invert' option is only used for debugging.
Annual aberration is the apparent bending
of light due to the Earth's orbit around the Sun. This is at most a ~20.49 arcsec effect.
- (followsun = no) [boolean]
If set to 'yes', 'followsun' uses the event time to compute the aberration
for each event. This uses the MJDREF keyword (or pair of MJDREFI and MJFREFF keywords) along with
the TIME column of the event extension to calculate absolute event times.
If set to no (DEFAULT), the aberration is calculated using the time given by the 'MJDOBS'
keyword for all events. Setting this to no is acceptable except for very long
- (orbaber = no) [string]
'orbaber' allows to correct for orbital aberration.
The allowed setting are yes, no or invert.
If set to no, the default, the orbital aberration is not corrected.
If set to yes, the effects of orbital aberration are taken into account when
calculating the SKY coordinates, provided an input orbit file is specified using the
parameter 'orbfile'.
If set to 'invert', multiplies
the orbital
aberration correction by -1 before applying it.
The 'invert' option is only used for debugging.
Orbital aberration is the apparent
bending of light due to the satellite's orbit around the Earth. For a satellite
in low-earth orbit this is at most a ~5 arcsec effect.
- (attinterp = LINEAR) [string]
Spacecraft attitude interpolation method: LINEAR or CONSTANT. When this parameter
is set to LINEAR (the default), the attitude is linearly interpolated to the event
time. When it is set to CONSTANT, the attitude is taken from the nearest
attitude record.
- (dattinterp = LINEAR) [string]
Delta attitude interpolation method: LINEAR or CONSTANT. When this parameter
is set to LINEAR (the default), the delta attitude is linearly interpolated to the
event time. When it is set to CONSTANT, the delta attitude is taken from the
nearest attitude record.
- (attdt) [real: 32.0]
- Maximum time interval (in seconds) allowed to extrapolate the spacecraft
attitude before the first or after the
last row in the attitude file. Events beyond this time margin have their
coordinates set to a null value.
- (dattdt) [real: 0.5]
Maximum time interval (in seconds) allowed to extrapolate the auxiliary
attitude (specified by the keyword 'dattfile'
before the
first or after the last row in the attitude file. Events beyond this time
margin have their coordinates set to a null value.
- (chkattgap = no) [boolean]
- Used only for
interpolation. If set to no (the default),
always interpolate the attitude at the event time.
If set to yes, event times that fall within the sky
attitude time range but not within the 'attdt' of the
nearest attitude time is be set to null.
- (chkdattgap = no) [boolean]
- Used only for
interpolation. If set to no
(the default) the task will always interpolate the attitude at the event time.
If set to yes, event times that fall within the
delta attitude time range but not within the 'dattdt'
of the nearest attitude time is be set to null.
- (attext = ATTITUDE) [string]
- Name of the FITS attitude file extension containing satellite attitude data.
- (attcol = QPARAM) [string]
Name of the FITS column containing attitude values as a vector in the attext
extension of the attitude table.
- (attform = QUAT) [string)
- Format of the attitude table.
Two formats are supported. The QUAT format is a quaternion [x, y, z, real]. The
EULER format is a Z-Y-Z Euler angle trio [phi, theta, psi] in degrees.
- (orbext = ORBIT) [string]
- Name of the FITS orbit file extension containing satellite orbit data.
- (orbcol = VELOCITY) [string]
- Name(s) of the
FITS column(s) containing orbit values in the orbext
extension of the orbit file. This parameter is linked to the parameter 'orbform'.
The only acceptable values for 'orbcol' are: VELOCITY, VECTOR or
COMPONENTS. The default is 'VELOCITY'.
If 'orbform=VECTOR', then 'orbcol' is the name of the single FITS
column containing the orbit values as a vector.
If 'orbform=COMPONENTS', then 'orbcol' must be a string containing three
comma-separated column names, specifying in order the X, Y and Z components of
the orbital velocity. These columns must be scalar. Velocity must be in km/s in an
Earth-Centered Inertial system.
- (orbform = VECTOR) [string]
- The format in which the orbital velocity is provided in the orbit file.
Three formats are supported. For the VECTOR format (DEFAULT), the velocity is provided as a
vector column with three elements (X, Y and Z in Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI)
system). For the COMPONENT format, the velocity is provided in three separate
columns. For the KEPLERIAN format, the velocity is derived from the six provided
Keplerian element columns.
- (randomize = TELDEF) [string]
- If this parameter is
set to 'no', 'coordevt' assumes that each
event occurred at the center of its coordinate pixel.
If 'randomize=TELDEF', the default, randomization depends on the keyword
RANCOORD in the TELDEF file ('RANCOORD = NONE' disables randomization).
If 'randomize=yes', the coordinates from system 'randsys' (see below)
onward is calculated assuming a random
location within the randsys system pixel.
This parameter only controls
randomization in transformations previous to the transformation to the SKY
- (seed = 0) [integer]
- Random number generator seed; uses system time for seed=0.
- (randsys = TELDEF) [string]
- Name of the starting coordinate system for which randomization is performed,
as long as randomization is enabled by the 'randomize' parameter. If
'randsys=TELDEF', the value of the RANCOORD keyword (if present)in the TELDEF file
specifies this system.
- (randscalesys = TELDEF) [string]
- Name of the coordinate system whose pixels determine the size of the
randomization if randomization is enabled by the 'randomize' parameter. If
'randscalesys=TELDEF', the value of the 'RAN_SCAL' keyword, if it exists,
in the TELDEF file
is used. If the 'RAN_SCAL' keyword does not exist in the TELDEF file, the value of
the 'randsys' parameter
is used. 'randsys'
and 'randscalsys' may not be the same coordinate system.
- (infileext = EVENTS) [string]
- Name of the infile extension containing the event table.
- (timecol = TIME) [string]
- Name of the FITS column in the event table containing time values.
- (inclfloatcol = no) [boolean]
If this parameter is
set to 'yes', an additional column of unrounded coordinate values is
included in the output event file for each coordinate of each system after
the startsys
system. Enabling this parameter is useful
for stringing multiple coordevt runs together (e.g.,
convert RAW to DET in one run and DET to SKY in a second run) without loss of
precision due to the normal rounding of coordinates. Use 'startwithfloat' set to yes
for runs after the first so that the unrounded coordinates from the previous coordevt
run are used as the starting coordinate values for
a subsequent run. Rounded coordinate columns are written regardless of the
value of this parameter. Unrounded SKY coordinate columns are included if
either of 'inclfloatcol' or 'inclfloatskycol'
is set to 'yes'.
- (inclfloatskycol = no) [boolean]
If this parameter is
set to 'yes', an additional column of unrounded coordinate values is
included in the output event file for each SKY coordinate. Rounded SKY
coordinate columns are included regardless of the value of this parameter.
Unrounded SKY coordinate columns are included if either
of 'inclfloatcol' or 'inclfloatskycol'
is set to 'yes'.
- (floatcolsuffix = _FLOAT) [string]
- This parameter sets the suffix used in all unrounded coordinate column names.
If the rounded coordinate column name is 'DETX' and 'floatcolsuffix=_FLOAT', then the
corresponding unrounded coordinate column name will be 'DETX_FLOAT'. This parameter
is used only when either of 'inclfloatcol' or 'inclfloatskycol'
is set to 'yes'.
- (startwithfloat = no) [boolean]
- This parameter is set to 'yes' to use the unrounded coordinate column values
(e.g., floating point values from 'DETX_FLOAT' and 'DETY_FLOAT' columns) as the starting
coordinate columns. The 'inclfloatcol' parameter must be set to 'yes' for
'startwithfloat' to have an effect. When either of 'inclfloatcol' or
'startwithfloat' is disabled, rounded coordinate values (e.g., integer values
from DETX and DETY columns) are used as the starting coordinate values.
Enabling this parameter is used for debugging.
- (blankcol = yes) [boolean]
- This parameter is set to 'yes' to fill the coordinate columns after the
'stopsys' coordinate system with NULL values. If blankcol is set to no,
such columns will not be changed. The behavior is somewhat different depending on
what coordinate columns already exist in the input file. If columns for coordinates
beyond the 'stopsys' coordinate system exist in the input file, then when
'blankcol=yes', their values are replaced with NULL values and when
their values are copied to the output file unchanged. If, however, such columns do
not already exist in the input file, then they are created and filled with NULL
values when 'blankcol=yes', but not created if 'blankcol=no'.
- The
following seven parameters are used to specify default null value in the
Null values may appear for several reasons, including the following: 1. The
event time cannot be matched to a row of an attitude file within the time
margin 2.
The coordinate columns subsequent to the coordinate system specified by 'stopsys' coordinates
are set to NULL if 'blankcol'
is enabled 3. If an output column already exists in the
input file and TNULL for that column is specified in the event file header,
then the existing TNULL keyword is copied to the output column. If, however,
the output column does not exist in the input file or the column exists, but
does not have an associated TNULL keyword, then the appropriate nullvalue
parameter is used.
- (btnull = 255) [integer]
- This parameter sets the null integer value for any output
unsigned byte (TFORM = "1B") coordinate columns that are missing or lack the
TNULL keyword in the input event file.
- (itnull = -999) [integer]
- This parameter sets the null integer value for any output short integer
(TFORM = "1I") coordinate columns that are missing or lack the TNULL keyword
in the input event file.
- (jtnull= -999) [integer]
- This parameter sets the null integer value for any output long integer
(TFORM = "1J") coordinate columns that are missing or lack the TNULL keyword
in the input event file.
- (ktnull = -999) [integer]
- This parameter sets the null integer value for any output long
integer (TFORM = "1K") coordinate columns that are missing or lack the TNULL
keyword in the input event file.
- (sbtnull = 255) [integer]
- This parameter sets the null integer value for any output signed
byte (TFORM = "1B" with TZERO = -128) coordinate columns that are missing or
lack the TNULL keyword in the input event file. The specified null value is
the value to be stored in the FITS file, not the value in the signed domain.
- (uitnull = -999) [integer]
- This parameter sets the null integer value for any output unsigned short
integer (TFORM = "1I" with TZERO = 32768) coordinate columns that are missing
or lack the TNULL keyword in the input event file. The specified null value
is the value to be stored in the FITS file, not the value in the unsigned domain.
- (ujtnull = -999) [integer]
- This parameter sets the null integer value for any output unsigned
long integer (TFORM = "1J" with TZERO = 2147483648) coordinate columns
that are missing or lack the TNULL keyword in the input event file.
The specified null value is the value to be stored in the FITS file,
not the value in the unsigned domain.
- (ra = -999.000) [real]
- The Right Ascension in decimal degrees of the center of
the SKY coordinate images. If ra is outside 0 <= ra <= 360 deg, as with the
default value, the
ra value is read from the event header of the input file. First the keyword
RA_NOM is searched, then RA_PNT. If neither keyword
is found, then coordevt exits with
an error.
- (dec = -999.000) [real]
- The declination in decimal degrees of of the center of
the SKY coordinate images. If ra is outside -90 <= dec <= +90 deg, as with the
default value, the
dec value is read from the event header of the input file. First the keyword
DEC_NOM is searched, then DEC_PNT. If neither keyword
is found, then coordevt exits with
an error.
- (roll = 0.0) [real]
- The roll angle about the center of the SKY coordinate system
in decimal degrees. The roll angle is the angle measured counterclockwise from
Celestial North to the positive SKY Y axis.
- (buffer = -1) [integer]
- Rows to buffer (-1=auto, 0=none, >0=numrows).
- (clobber = no) [boolean]
- Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes (yes/[no]).
- (chatter = 1) [integer]
- Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output,
or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.
- (logfile = !DEFAULT) [string]
- Log filename. If set to DEFAULT uses the name of the task and, if
preceded by '!', overwrite the file if it exists. If set to NONE no
log file is created.
- (debug = no) [boolean]
- Diagnostic output is printed out on the screen if set to yes
- (history = yes) [boolean]
- Records tool parameters in HISTORY ([yes]/no).
- (mode = ql) [string]
- Mode to query the parameter file.
Acceptable values include: "ql (query and learn/remember), "hl" (hidden and learn/remember), "q" (query but don't remember), "h" (hidden).
1. Transformation of Hitomi SXI data from RAW to FOC coordinates. For this transformation,
there is no need for an attitude file. The
teldef file is given specifically in this example and not using CALDB.
Note that without specifying stopsys=FOC, the default would be "SKY" and an attitude
file would be required.
coordevt infile=ah020150521sxi_a003030201.evt.gz outfile=ah-sxi-coordevt-out.evt
stopsys=FOC clobber=yes
2. Transformation of Suzaku data (taking an example from the archive, observation
number ae508011020)from RAW to SKY. Users need to specify
the format (flags attcol and attform) because the attitude file for this mission
is not in the quaternion format (the default for Hitomi) assumed otherwise.
coordevt attfile=ae508011020.att attform=EULER attcol=EULER startsys=RAW
stopsys=SKY clobber=yes infile=./508011020/xis/event_cl/ae508011020xi0_0_3x3n066l_cl.evt
outfile=ae508011020 teldeffile=./caldb/data/suzaku/xis/bcf/ae_xi0_teldef_20080303.fits
3. Basic transformation from RAW to SKY coordinates, using the teldef file from
the calibration data base. The pointing direction is set with the ra,
dec, and roll keywords.
coordevt infile="input.fits" outfile="outfile.fits" teldeffile="CALDB"
attfile="attitude.fits" ra=0.0 dec=90.0 roll=90.0 clobber="yes"
4. Transformation from ACT to FOC coordinates, using a user-specified teldef file.
Since there is no transformation to SKY, an attitude file need not be provided.
coordevt infile="input.fits" outfile="outfile.fits" teldeffile="teldef.fits"
startsys=ACT stopsys=FOC clobber="yes"
5. Transformation from SKY to RAW coordinates, using the teldef file from
the calibration data base. The pointing direction is read from keywords in the
coordevt infile="input.fits" outfile="outfile.fits" teldeffile="CALDB"
attfile="attitude.fits" startsys=HIGHEST stopsys=LOWEST clobber="yes"
6. Transformation from RAW to SKY coordinates, using the teldef file from
the calibration data base. The pointing direction is read from keywords in the
infile. Floating point columns are output to the outfile. Randomization is
disabled and both annual and orbital aberration are enabled. This requires the
user to provide an orbit file. The followsun option is also enabled.
coordevt infile="input.fits" outfile="outfile.fits" teldeffile="CALDB"
attfile="attitude.fits" orbitfile="orbit.fits" inclfloatcol=yes randomize=no
annaberration=yes followsun=yes orbaberration=yes clobber=yes
7. Example of a two-stage transformation. In the first pass, coordinates are
transformed from RAW to DET, and floating point values are saved. In the second
pass, the floating point values are used as the starting point to transform from
coordevt infile="input.fits" outfile="outfile1.fits" teldeffile="CALDB"
stopsys=DET inclfloatcol=yes clobber=yes
coordevt infile="outfile1.fits" outfile="outfile2.fits" teldeffile="CALDB"
attfile="attitude.fits" startsys=DET inclfloatcol=yes startwithfloat=yes clobber=yes
8. Transformation in which the input files have non-standard formats, extension and
column names. Write the output to a user-named log file.
coordevt infile="input.fits" outfile="input.fits" teldeffile="CALDB"
attfile="attitude.fits" orbitfile="orbit.fits" clobber="yes" annaberration=yes
followsun=yes orbaberration=yes infileext="MY_EVENTS" timecol="MY_TIME"
attext="GOOD_ATTITUDE" attcol="WHATEVER" attform="EULER" orbext="SATELLITE"
orbcol="V1,V2,V3" orbform="COMPONENTS" logfile="special.log"
9. Transformation using the identity attitude.
coordevt infile="input.fits" outfile="output.fits" teldeffile="CALDB"
attfile="IDENTITY" ra=0.0 dec=90.0 roll=90.0
The design of this task is based on coordinator
in the ftools package.
February 2016