DMPRMF (June94) ftools.caltools DMPRMF (June94) NAME dmprmf -- Displays OGIP standard Response FITS file USAGE infile dispebd disprmf disphd dipsmat outfile ebdchan rmfener DESCRIPTION DMPRMF displays the contents of an OGIP standard RMF file (containing the detector response matrix) to the terminal or to an ASCII file, if the user enters an output filename. The EBOUNDS and RMF extensions can be displayed with user-defined channel or energy ranges respectively. In addition the response matrix can be written as an image in FITS format, if the user enters an image filename. SUPPORTED FITS FILE FORMATS Currently only the following OGIP standards are supported by this task For the RSP_MATRIX extension: HDUCLAS1/HDUVERS1= 'RESPONSE'/'1.0.0' HDUCLAS2/HDUVERS2= 'RSP_MATRIX'/'1.1.0' (commonly also known as "RMFVERSN=1992a") For the EBOUNDS extension: HDUCLAS1/HDUVERS1= 'RESPONSE'/'1.0.0' HDUCLAS2/HDUVERS2= 'EBOUNDS'/'1.1.0' For further details see OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/GEN/92-002a. PARAMETERS infile [character string] The input filename containing the RMF data in OGIP standard, as a BINARY table extension ebdfile (%) [character string] The EBOUNDS filename, the default "%" indicates that the EBOUNDS is in the same file as the RMF data. This is a hidden parameter dispebd [boolean] The default is "Y", the EBOUNDS data is displayed disprmf [boolean] The default is "Y", the RMF data is displayed disphd [boolean] The default is "N",only the mandatory keywords are displayed primary (primary="N") [boolean] The default is "N", the primary header of RMF file is not displayed. This is a hidden parameter dispmat [boolean] The default is "Y", the full matrix is displayed outfile [character string] The name of the output file to be written to. If no output file is entered then there is a screen display .ls chatter (chatter=9) [integer] The value of the chatter flag, useful for reassurance & diagostics purposes. The default value is chatter=9, with chatter <= 5 being very quiet and chatter >= 20 very verbose. This is a hidden parameter ebdchan [integer] Ebounds channel display range rmfener [integer] Energy display range imagefile (imagefile=" ") [character string] This is a hidden parameter, to define an output image filename if desired. The default is no image filename. This image is for display purposes only. It should be noted that the energy bins along the y-axis can be variable. page (page="yes") [boolean] Default is "yes", screen display is paged . This is a hidden parameter more [boolean] Default is "yes", continue display (clobber = false) [boolean] Flag specifying whether or not a pre-existing file with the same name as that requested as the output file from this task will be overwritten. EXAMPLES 1. To display "my_file.rmf" , showing the EBOUNDS data with channel range 10-20, the RMF data with energy range 234-256, and displaying only the mandatory header : ca> dmprmf my_file.rmf ebdchan=10-20 rmfener=234-256 BUGS None known SEE ALSO Rdrsp (xspec) Legacy No.2 LOG OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES v1.0.6 (1994 June) Additional functionality, the response matrix can be written as an image v1.0.0 (1993 March) Initial public release PRIMARY AUTHOR Rehana Yusaf HEASARC NASA/GFSC (301) 286-6115