FINTERP (Jun96) ftools.futils FINTERP (Jun96) NAME finterp -- Interpolate a column from one FITS table extension into another. USAGE finterp infile1 infile2 outfile incol [sortkey1] [sortkey2] [order] [tcheck] [extrap] [strnull] [intnull] DESCRIPTION This task uses values from a source column in a FITS table to compute and write values to a destination column in another FITS table of the same type (ASCII or binary). For each row of the destination column, the task attempts to find values in the source column from which a representative single value may be interpolated. Source values are selected based on a comparison of values in two additional columns, one in the source table and one in the destination table. These secondary columns (hereafter referred to as "sort key columns") typically contain time stamp data, but can contain whatever information the user wishes, subject to certain restrictions. See the discussion of parameters sortkey1 and sortkey2 for more details of the interpolation process, and restrictions on the data types and values these columns may contain. The file containing the destination table may be copied to a new file, and the output from the program written to this copy, thus leaving the original file intact. The user may also opt to write the program output directly into the destination table in the original file. (see parameter outfile below). For source columns with numerical data types, the user may choose between 0th order interpolation, which is a direct copy of a source column value selected by comparison of the sort key columns, and 1st order (linear) interpolation (see parameter order below). If the sort key columns contain time stamps, the user has the option of having the program check and correct for differences between the temporal origins in the source and destination files. When this option is selected, a consistency check of the time units is also performed (see parameter tcheck below). Options also exist for how to handle rows of the destination column which are out of bounds, that is, for which no value of the destination column can be computed, based on the values in the sort key columns (see parameters extrap, strnull and intnull below). The source column may be of any data type, and there are no restrictions on the values it may hold. It may even be a vector valued column. The task also properly handles scaled-integer values (using TSCALn and TZEROn keywords). A new column with the same name and qualities as the source column will be inserted at the end of the destination table if a column with this name does not already exist. The standard FITS tabular keywords are copied to the output (TFORMn, TTYPEn, TNULLn, TUNITn, TSCALn, TZEROn, TDISPn). Also, the standard World Coordinate System (WCS) keywords for pixel lists are also copied, if present. The input column name maybe a single FITS column name. The user may also specify multiple columns in a comma-separated list. PARAMETERS infile1 [string] The name and extension number of the ASCII or binary table to be augmented. infile2 [string] The name and extension of the file table containing the source column for the interpolation. outfile [string] The name of the output file. If this is the same as infile1, the output is written directly into infile1, and no new file is created. In all cases, any extension specified with the outfile parameter is ignored. incol [string] The name of the source column(s). If multiple columns are desired, incol should be a comma-separated list of column names. All specified columns must be present in infile2. The data type and values of the input column(s) are completely unrestricted. (sortkey1 = TIME) [string] The name of the sort key column in the destination table. This column must have a numerical data type (not string or logical). It must also be a monotonically increasing scalar column, and may not have any undefined elements. The following keywords must have the same value for the columns sortkey1 and sortkey2: TTYPEn, TUNITn. (sortkey2 = TIME) [string] The name of the key column in the source table. This column must obey the same restrictions listed under the description of sortkey1 above. The method for computing values in the source column to use for the interpolation is as follows. For each row in the column sortkey1 (destination), the column sortkey2 (source) is searched for two sequential values which form an interval containing the value in sortkey1. The corresponding values of the source column are then used to perform the 1st order interpolation. The 0th order interpolation option simply copies to the destination column the source column value corresponding to the lower limit of this interval. (order = 0) [integer] The desired order of interpolation, either 0 or 1. An error is generated if a 1 is entered and the source column (incol) is a string or logical data type. (tcheck = YES) [boolean] If tcheck is "YES", the keywords TIMESYS and TIMEUNIT will be checked in the source and destination table extensions. The program will correctly account for any differences in temporal origins reflected in the keywords TIMESYS. An error is generated if the keyword TIMESYS is missing in either table. An error is also generated if the units specified by TIMEUNIT are different. However, the units will be ignored if the keyword TIMEUNIT is missing from either table. If tcheck is "NO", no consistency check is performed. (extrap = "NULL") [string] This parameter chooses what action to take in rows of the destination table which are "out of bounds". A row is "out of bounds" if no interval can be extracted from the source key column which contains the destination key value for that row. Out of bounds rows can only occur at the beginning or the end of a destination table, because their sort key values must come "before" the first row of the source table, or "after" the last row of the source table. Note that any rows of the destination column which are NOT out of bounds are set to undefined if and only if the corresponding source column value(s) are undefined, regardless of the value of this parameter. There are three choices for this parameter: NULL - set out of bounds rows in the destination column to undefined, using the parameters strnull and intnull below, if necessary. This is also the default selection made if a null string is entered for the extrap parameter. REPEAT - repeatedly copy a value from the source column to all rows in the destination column which are out of bounds. The first value in the source column is copied to all rows of the destination column whose key value is smaller than the first source key value. The last value in the source column is copied to all rows of the destination column whose key value is larger than the last source key value. IGNORE - do not write anything at all if rows are out of bounds. This is useful if several different source files, covering different, disjoint ranges of the destination table, are to be interpolated one at a time into the same destination table without overwriting each other. (strnull = "INDEF") [string] The string used in ASCII tables when values are set to undefined. This parameter is ignored if the parameter extrap (see above) is set to REPEAT or IGNORE. If a valid TNULLn keyword is present in the source table, it is used instead of strnull, regardless of the value of the parameter interp. In any case, if any table value is set to null, an appropriate TNULLn keyword will be added, if it is not already present in the destination file. (intnull = 0) [integer] The integer written in binary tables when values are set to undefined. This parameter is ignored if the parameter extrap (see above) is set to REPEAT or IGNORE. If a valid TNULLn keyword is present in the source table, it is used instead of intnull, regardless of the value of the parameter interp. In any case, if any table value is set to null, an appropriate TNULLn keyword will be added, if it is not already present in the destination file. EXAMPLES 1. Interpolate a column named ETI, with TTYPE = '4B' from the 1st extension in file hk.fits into the 1st extension of file events.fits. Store the result in file output.fits. ft>finterp events.fits+1 hk.fits+1 output.fits ETI 2. Interpolate a column named VALUE, with TTYPE = '1J' from the 3rd extension of file hk1.fits into the 2nd extension of file events.fits. Store the result in file output.fits. For undefined values, use the integer -999. Perform the linear interpolation option. (Assume that the extensions are both binary tables.) ft>finterp events.fits[2] hk1.fits[3] output.fits VALUE \ order = 1 intnull = -999 Now, perform a similar interpolation from a second file, hk2.fits, storing the results in place in the file output.fits. Do not take any action on out of bounds rows, as this would overwrite some of the values which were just written. ft>finterp output.fits[2] hk2.fits[3] output.fits VALUE \ order = 1 extrap = IGNORE 3. Perform an interpolation of two column values, RA and DEC, in a single call to the finterp task. ft>finterp table.fits[1] catalog.fits[1] table2.fits RA,DEC \ order=1 The multiple columns are given as a comma-separated list to the incol keyword parameter. 4. Interpolate a column named LOCATION, TTYPE = 'A80' from the file atlas.fits into the file travel_log.fits. Use the column in each file named MILEAGE as its sort key, and set undefined values to the string NOWHERE. Store the results in place in the file travel_log.fits. It is necessary to disable time checking, since the sort keys do not contain time stamp data. (Assume that the extensions in both files are ASCII tables.) ft>finterp travel_log.fits+1 atlas.fits+1 travel_log.fits \ LOCATION sortkey1 = MILEAGE sortkey2 = MILEAGE \ tcheck = no strnull = NOWHERE In this example, it is assumed that the columns named MILEAGE in each column contain values which may be converted to numbers, and that these numbers are in ascending order. BUGS SEE ALSO