'hxirspeffimg' creates, for the HXI1 + HXT1 or HXI2 + HXT2 combinations:
1. Make a response matrix (RSP file), ARF, and flat field for a source in HXI1, given an exposure map file src_expmap.fits made by the tool 'ahexpmap', and a set of region files in detector coordinates that are derived from src_sky.reg using the exposure map src_expmap.fits and the tool 'aharfgen', which should be run prior to running 'hxiespeffimg'. Each region file in detector coordinates corresponds to an attitude histogram bin in the exposure map file. In this example, the names of the region files in detector coordinates are listed, one file per row, in the ascii file aharfgen_region.lis. The raytracing event file that is required by the tool 'hxirspeffimg' is made by the prior run of 'aharfgen'. Note that 'hxirspeffimg' does not need any explicit information about the spatial distribution of the X-ray source because that is already factored into the raytracing event file. In this example, the energy range selected for the flat field image is 8 to 25 keV. The two CAMS files ('dattfile' and 'filtoffsetfile') are made by running 'cams2att' (with 'filtoffset=filtoffsetfile'), prior to running 'hxirspeffimg'.
hxirspeffimg telescop=HITOMI instrume=HXI1 erange="8.0 25.0" dattfile=hxi1_cams_dattfile.fits filtoffsetfile=hxi1_cams_filtoffset.fits emapfile=src_exmpmap.fits qefile=CALDB rmffile=CALDB onaxiscfile=CALDB onaxisffile=CALDB vigfile=CALDB outflatfile=hxi1_1_flatfield.fits outfile=hxi1_1 regionfile="@arfgen_region.lis" xrtevtfile=src_1_raytrace.fits sampling=4.0
The example run produces the output files: