kbmodels - Create XSPEC table model files based on one of the XSPEC NEI models by Kazik Borkowski.


kbmodels modelname tabfile tstart tend nt taustart tauend ntau testart teend nte efilenm neivers clobber


This tool runs the XSPEC (v)(v)pshock, (v)(v)npshock or (v)(v)sedov models in order to build a grid of spectra which can then be read back into XSPEC as an atable. The main purpose of this tool is to be able to pre-calculate model spectra and hence speed up the fitting step. Consult the XSPEC manual for information about the three model options and their parameters.

The energies on which the models will be calculated are specified in a text file whose name is given by the efilenm parameter. Each line in this text file can specify an energy binning using the same format as the XSPEC dummyrsp and energies commands. For instance,
0.1 10.0 1000 log
10.0 500.0 100 log
will create 1000 energy bins with logarithmic spacing between 0.1 and 10.0 keV followed by 100 bins with logarithmic spacing between 10 and 500 keV.


modelname [string]
The model name for which a table is calculated. Must be one of pshock, vpshock, vvpshock, npshock vnpshock, vvnpshock, sedov, vsedov, or vvsedov.

tabfile [filename]
The name of the output XSPEC table model file.

tstart [float]
The lowest shock temperature for the table (in keV).

tend [float]
The highest shock temperature for the table (in keV).

nt [int]
The number of shock temperatures for the table.

taustart [float]
The lowest ionization timescale for the table (s/cm^3).

tauend [float]
The highest ionization timescale for the table (s/cm^3).

ntau [int]
The number of ionization timescales for the table.

testart [float]
The lowest electron temperature for the table (in keV). This is only required for the npshock and sedov options.

teend [float]
The highest electron temperature for the table (in keV). This is only required for the npshock and sedov options.

nte [int]
The number of electron temperatures for the table. This is only required for the npshock and sedov options.

efilenm [filename]
The name of the file describing the energies on which the model spectra should be calculated.

neivers [string]
The version number for the NEI models. Must be one of 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, or 3.0.

clobber [bool]
If clobber = yes then overwrite the output file if a file of this name already exists.



The pshock, npshock, and sedov models. The atable model.


Feb 2014