.help roscc2utc Aug1996 ftools.rosat .ih NAME roscc2utc --> given the space craft clock time, it calculates the utc time in JD, MJD, yyyy-mm-dd:hr:min:sec .ih USAGE: roscc2utc scctime .ih DESCRIPTION: This task converts the given space craft clock time to UTC in JD, MJD, yyyy-mm-dd:hr:min:sec .ih PARAMETERS: .ls scctime [real] The scc time required to convert .le .ls sccfil [character string] The name of the input FITS file containing the table of time conversion .le .ls (chatter = 9) [integer] Flag to set the chattyness at execution. Default value is set to 9, which gives the user the task version and few warnings. Lower/higher values produces quieter/verbose output on the screen. .ih EXAMPLE: .nf % roscc2utc Please enter SCC time[] 123456789 ** roscc2utc 1.1.2 Integer part of UTC = 2449473 & Fractional part = 0.27766008942 MJD = 49472.77766008942 ROSAT day = 1450.72129653017 yyyy-mm-dd = 1994-04-30 hh:mm:ss = 06:39:49.83172590852 ** roscc2utc 1.1.2 completed successfully .fi .ih LOG OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: v1.0.0 (Aug, 1996) created .ih PRIMARY AUTHOR: .nj Banashree Mitra Seifert .br .nj HEASARC, NASA/GSFC .br .nj http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/ftoolshelp .br .nj (301).286.5307 .ju .endhelp