xrtpipeline -- Run in sequence the tasks for XRT data processing.


xrtpipeline indir= < input directory > outdir= < output directory > steminputs= < input dataset stem > srcra= < target right ascension > srcdec= < target declination > [parameter= < value > .. ]


The 'xrtpipeline' runs in sequence the tasks:

Three stages are implemented:

Stage 1:
Invoke different tasks depending on the file processed:

Stage 2:
Perform the screening of the calibrated events produced in the Stage 1 by applying conditions on a set of parameters. The screening is performed using GTI obtained by conditions on housekeeping parameters specific of the instrument and on attitude and orbit related quantities, a screening for bad pixels, and a selection on GRADES .

Stage 3:
Generate products for scientific analysis running 'xrtproducts' task. See 'xrtproducts' help for details.

The format of images, 'gif' or 'postscript', can be selected setting the input parameter 'plotdevice'. During the run, the images produced can be displayed setting the 'display' parameter to 'yes'.

Input files for the xrtpipeline are:

  • XRT Level 1 Photon Counting, Windowed Timing, Photodiode or Imaging mode file;
  • XRT Bad Pixel Calibration File (for Imaging, Photon Counting and Windowed mode);
  • XRT On Board Bad Pixel Calibration File (for Imaging, Photon Counting and Windowed mode);
  • XRT Gain Calibration files (for each readout mode);
  • XRT Bias Calibration files (for Photodiode and Imaging mode);
  • XRT Teldef file (for Photon Counting, Windowed Timing and Imaging mode);
  • XRT Grades Calibration File (for Photon Counting and Timing mode);
  • XRT Effective Area Calibration File (for Photon Counting and Timing modes);
  • XRT Filter Transmission Calibration File (for Photon Counting and Timing modes);
  • XRT Point Spread Function Calibration File (for Photon Counting and Timing modes);
  • XRT Vignetting Calibration File (for Photon Counting and Timing modes);
  • XRT Makefilter Parameters Calibration File (for all mode);
  • XRT Housekeeping Ranges Calibration File (for all mode);
  • XRT Events Related Parameters Ranges Calibration File (for Photon Counting and Timing modes)
  • XRT attitude file (for all mode);
  • XRT Housekeeping Header Packet file (for all mode);
  • SWIFT_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt, leapsec.fits, (for all mode);
  • Output for each stage and each mode:

    Photon Counting (PC) Mode:

  • a Event List Level 1 File with:
    -all the events which fall in bad and hot pixels or from calibration sources flagged as 'bad';
    -STATUS, PixsAbove, GRADE, PHA, PI columns filled;
    -DETX, DETY, X and Y coordinates calculated;
  • a (optional) Bad pixels list File with all bad pixels taken into consideration to flag events;
  • a (optional) Hot pixels list File with all hot pixels taken into consideration to flag events;
  • a Sky coordinates Image;

  • Windowed Timing (WT) Mode:
  • a Event list level 1 file with:
    - Photon arrival times computed and TIME column filled;
    - STATUS, DETX, DETY, X and Y columns filled
  • a (optional) Bad pixels list File with all bad pixels taken into consideration to flag events;
  • XRT event list level 1a file with:
    - Event reconstruction performed, columns EVTPHA, PHA, PHAS, GRADE, PixsAbove and PI added and filled.
  • Photodiode Low rate (LR) and Piled Up (PU) Modes:

  • a Event List level 1 file with:
    - Photon arrival times computed and TIME column filled;
    - DETX and DETY columns filled with source position;
    - PHA column filled with bias subtracted values.
  • a Event list level 1a file with:
    - Screened by piled-up frames and not filly exposed pixels;
    - Event reconstruction performed, columns EVTPHA, PHA, PHAS, GRADE, PixsAbove and PI added and filled.
  • Imaging Mode (IM):

  • a Imaging Fits File Level 2 with:
    - PHA value of each pixel corrected for bias;
    - Image screened by bad pixels
    - Image screened by calibration sources
    - Image screened by GTIs
  • a (optional) Bad pixels list File with all bad pixels taken into consideration to flag events;
  • a Sky Coordinates Imaging Fits File Level 2;
  • a Sky Coordinates image
  • Common output files:

  • XRT screened Level 2 Event list (PC,WT,PD)
  • XRT TAM corrected attitude
  • 'makefilter' configuration file
  • Fits file with attitude and orbit information (s.attorb)
  • Filter FITS file containing a part of the housekeeping information necessary for screening (s.mkf)
  • GTI file (one for event file)
  • Ancillary Response file (PC, WT, PD)
  • Light Curve (PC, WT, PD)
  • Spectrum (PC, WT, PD)
  • Plots of results (gif or ps files):

  • PC Counts Image
  • PC Light Curve
  • PC Spectrum
  • WT Light Curve
  • WT Spectrum
  • PD Light Curve
  • PD Spectrum


    indir [string]
    Target Archive Directory Path

    outdir [string]
    Directory for outputs.

    steminputs [string]
    Stem for FITS input files

    (stemoutputs = DEFAULT) [string]
    Stem for FITS output file. If stemoutputs=DEFAULT, the standard naming convention will be used.

    (datamode = ALL) [string]
    Data Modes to be processed. ALL to process all modes [PC,WT,PD,IM] available for this sequence.

    (obsmode = ALL) [string]
    Data Modes to be processed. ALL to process all modes [PC,WT,PD,IM] available for this sequence.

    (obsscreen = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' the task adds to the GTI generation expression the selection based on the observation mode (POINTING, SETTLING or SLEW).

    (clobber = no) [boolean]
    If clobber=yes the output files overwrite files with the same name if they exist.

    (chatter = 3) [integer]
    Chatter Level from 0 to 5.

    (history = yes) [boolean]
    Write parameter values and other information in HISTORY keywords.

    (entrystage = 1) [integer]
    Start stage of pipeline processing (min=1, max=3).

    (evtfilesfromarchive = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' get the input event files from the archive directory. If set to 'no' get the input event files from the users output directory.

    (createmkffile = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' generate the Filter File. If set to 'no' use the Filter File from input directory.

    (cleancols = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' clean Calibrated Level 1 and Cleaned Level 2 Event Files.

    (exitstage = 3) [integer]
    End stage of the pipeline processing (min=1, max=3).

    (cleanup = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' all temporary files, will be removed.

    (bpfile = CALDB) [filename]
    Name of the input bad pixels file. The bad pixels file is read from Calibration Database if 'CALDB' is input. Type NONE if you don't want to consider this input.

    (bptable = CALDB) [filename]
    Name of the on-board bad pixels file. If CALDB is input, the on-board bad pixels file stored in the CALDB is read. Type NONE if you don't want to consider this input.

    (userbpfile = NONE) [filename]
    Name of the bad pixel file provided by the user. The default is 'NONE' that is no user provided file is considered.

    (overstatus = yes) [boolean]
    If the parameter 'overstatus' is set to yes the STATUS column will be overwritten, if overstatus=no, only new bad pixels information will be added to column STATUS.

    (srcfile = CALDB) [filename]
    Name of the input Calibration sources and field of view definition file. If set to CALDB, use the file in the Calibration Database.

    (thrfile=CALDB) [file name]
    Name of the input file containing event, split and bias threshold values as a function of the CCD substrate voltage. If the parameter is set to CALDB, the file is read from the calibration database. If the parameter is set to NONE, the threshold values must be input via the parameters 'phas1thr', 'pcsplit', 'pdbiasth', 'wtbiasth', 'pcbiasevtthr', 'pcbiassplitthr', 'wtevent', 'wtsplit', 'pdevent' and 'pdsplit'.

    (extractproducts = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes', high-level data products are extracted (used only if existage=3).

    (phas1thr = 80) [integer]
    PHAS[1] threshold (min=0, max=4095) for the central pixel of a 3x3 neighborhood (only for Photon Counting Mode). Events below the threshold will be flagged. This parameter is used only if 'thrfile' is set to NONE.

    (pcmaxtemp = 0.0) [real]
    Temperature threshold to flag burned spot used by the task 'xrtflagpix' (only for Photon Counting mode).

    (pcsplit = 40) [integer]
    The split threshold level used by 'xrtpcgrade'. If set to a negative value, use the on-board split threshold stored in the input hdfile 'SplitThr' (for Photon Counting Mode). This parameter is used only if 'thrfile' is set to NONE.

    (gradefile = CALDB) [filename]
    Name of the input GRADE file. If set to CALDB, use the file in the Calibration Database.

    (ascagrade = no) [boolean]
    Calculate the grades according to the ASCA pattern, if set to 'yes'. The results will be written in the 'ASCAPHA' and 'ASCAGRADE' new columns.

    (runcoordinator = yes) [boolean]
    Run 'coordinator' task on event file to calculate DET and SKY coordinates for Photon Counting mode.

    (eventext = EVENTS) [string]
    Name of extension containing events.

    (timecol = TIME) [string]
    Name of column containing the time of the events.

    (attfile = DEFAULT) [filename]
    Name of the input attitude file. If DEFAULT is input, the Attitude file associated to the observation is read.

    (stattfile = DEFAULT) [filename]
    Name of the input attitude file for data in SETTLING mode. If DEFAULT is input, the jumps corrected attitude file associated to the observation is read.

    (teldef = CALDB) [string]
    Name of the TELDEF calibration file.If set to CALDB, use the file in the Calibration Database.

    (scteldef=CALDB) [string]
    Name of the spacecraft teldef file. If set to CALDB, use the file in the Calibration Database.

    (aberration = no) [boolean]
    Should the effects of aberration be taken into account when calculating the sky coordinate values? For normal use this parameter should be set to 'no'.

    (follow_sun = yes) [boolean]
    If set to yes 'coordinator' recalculates the Sun position for each event.

    (randomizecoordinator = yes) [boolean]
    If it is set to 'yes', the detector and sky coordinates will be calculated assuming a random location within the raw pixel.

    (seedcoordinator = -1956) [integer]
    Random number generator seed for 'coordinator'.

    (timemargin = 32.) [real]
    The margin allowed for time extrapolation in sec.

    (pcgainfile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of the PC GAIN file. If set to CALDB, use the file in the Calibration Database.

    (wtgainfile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of the WT GAIN file. If set to CALDB, use the file in the Calibration Database.

    (pdgainfile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of the PD GAIN file. If set to CALDB, use the file in the Calibration Database.

    (seedxrtcalcpi = -1457) [integer]
    Random number generator seed for the 'xrtcalcpi' task.

    (randomizexrtcalcpi = yes) [boolean]
    If randomizexrtcalcpi set to yes the PHA values will be randomized.

    (pcgainnom = -99.9) [real]
    Nominal gain value for Photon Counting mode. Positive values are taken as eV/ch. If a negative value is input (default) the value found in the gain file, currently set to 10 eV per channel, is used.

    (wtgainnom = -99.9) [real]
    Nominal gain value for Windowed Timing mode. Positive values are taken as eV/ch. If a negative value is input (default) the value found in the gain file, currently set to 10 eV per channel, is used.

    (pdgainnom = -99.9) [real]
    Nominal gain value for Photodiode mode. Positive values are taken as eV/ch. If a negative value is input (default) the value found in the gain file, currently set to 10 eV per channel, is used.

    (pcoffset = 0.0) [real]
    Offset in channel/energy relationship for Photon Counting mode.

    (wtoffset = 0.0) [real]
    Offset in channel/energy relationship for Windowed Timing mode.

    (pdoffset = 0.0) [real]
    Offset in channel/energy relationship for Photodiode mode.

    (picorrtype = TOTAL) [string]
    Method to calculate PI values (TOTAL,NOMINAL).

    (savepinom = no) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' the PI values calculated with NOMINAL method are stored in PI_NOM column.

    (hdfile = DEFAULT)[file name]
    Name of the input Housekeeping Header Packets FITS file DEFAULT is input the HK from the archive will be used.

    (trfile = DEFAULT) [string]
    Name of the input Housekeeping Trailer Packets FITS file or DEFAULT to use the one from the archive.

    (outfile = DEFAULT) [string]
    Name of the output prefilter file. DEFAULT to use standard naming convention.

    (outcols = CALDB) [string]
    Name of prefilter configuration file. If set to CALDB, use the file in the Calibration Database.

    (orbmode = TLE_TEXT2) [string]
    Specifies the orbit mode which controls how the file, input by parameter 'orbfile', will be processed. See documentation on 'prefilter' task.

    (orbfile = DEFAULT) [string]
    Name of orbit file. DEFAULT to use the TLE file from the target archive.

    (leapfile = $HEADAS/refdata/leapsec.fits) [string]
    Name of FITS leap second file

    (rigfile = $HEADAS/refdata/ [string]
    Name of the atFunctions rigidity file

    (origin = NASA/GSFC) [string]
    Value for 'ORIGIN' keyword

    (interval = 1) [real]
    Granularity of output TIME column (seconds)

    (enfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
    Name of the input Spacecraft Housekeeping Packets FITS file If DEFAULT is input the HK from the archive will be used.

    (mkfconfigfile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of input FITS makefilter configuration file. If set to CALDB, use the file in the calibration database.

    (configfile = NONE) [string]
    Name of the ASCII makefilter configuration file. NONE to use mkfconfigfile parameter.

    (mkffile = DEFAULT) [string]
    Name of the output makefilter file. DEFAULT for standard naming convention.

    (mkfgtiexpr = TIME-TIME{-1}<5.1.or.ISNULL(TIME{-1})) [string]
    Expression to screen mkf file for attitude GTI or NONE to do not create these GTI.

    (gtiext = GTI) [string]
    Name of the GTI extension in the event file.

    (createattgti = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' the GTI file will include Good Time Intervals based on Attitude Parameters.

    (createinstrgti = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' the GTI file will include Good Time Intervals based on Instrument Parameters.

    (usrgtifile = NONE) [string]
    User Input GTI file name. To input a GTI list put '@' before the GTI file name. NONE if a user GTI file is not used.

    (hkrangefile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of the HKRANGE file. If CALDB is input, the HK ranges are taken from the calibration database file.

    (gtiexpr = DEFAULT) [string]
    Name of the file containing the expression to generate GTIs (input with '@' before the file name or expression for GTI selection (see xrtscreen help for expression sintax).

    (evtrangefile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of the input EVTRANGE file. If CALDB is input, the Good Events ranges are taken from the calibration file.

    (exprpcgrade = DEFAULT) [string]
    Photon Counting GRADE Selection Expression. See 'xrtscreen' help for sintax allowed for this field. Input 'DEFAULT' to use parameter 'evtrangefile' or 'NONE' to do not make GRADE selection.

    (exprwtgrade = DEFAULT) [string]
    Windowed Timing GRADE Selection Expression. See 'xrtscreen' help for sintax allowed for this field. Input 'DEFAULT' to use parameter 'evtrangefile' or 'NONE' to do not make GRADE selection.

    (exprpdgrade = DEFAULT) [string]
    Photodiode GRADE Selection Expression. See 'xrtscreen' help for sintax allowed for this field. Input 'DEFAULT' to use parameter 'evtrangefile' or 'NONE' to do not make GRADE selection.

    (evtgtiscreen = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' the events file is screened by the expression generated using HKRANGE Calibration file.

    (evtscreen = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' the event file is screened by the expression taken from the parameters 'expr< mode >' and/or 'expr< mode >grade'.

    acsscreen [boolean]
    Used when 'obsscreen' set to 'yes', if set to 'yes' the selection based on the observation mode (POINTING, SETTLING or SLEW) screen for events with ACS flags in non standard pointing configuration.

    (exprpc = DEFAULT)
    Photon Counting Expression to select good events or DEFAULT to use parameter 'evtrangefile' or NONE to do not make the selection

    (exprwt = DEFAULT)
    Windowed Timing Expression to select good events or DEFAULT to use parameter 'evtrangefile' or NONE to do not make the selection

    (exprpd = DEFAULT) [string]
    Photodiode Expression to select good events or DEFAULT to use parameter 'evtrangefile' or NONE to do not make the selection

    (npixels = 1850) [integer]
    Number of Photodiode not full exposed pixels to be erased from the first frame taken with this data mode.

    (percent = 50.0) [real]
    Percentage of Photodiode frame events with DN value over the on-board Upper Level Discriminator to consider the frame piled-up and exclude the frame time interval from GTIs.

    (colfile = CALDB)[file name]
    Name of the input WT offset file or CALDB.

    (usesrcdettimetag=no) [boolean]
    If set to 'no' in the xrttimetag task the detector coordinates are calculated using the parameters 'srcra','srcdec', 'ranom','decnom' and 'attfile'. If set to 'yes' the detector coordinates are set to the fixed values specified through the parameters 'srcdetx' and 'srcdety'.

    (usesrcdethkproc=yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' in the xrthkproc task times are tagged using the fixed values specified through the parameters 'srcdetx' and 'srcdety'. If set to 'no' the detector coordinates are calculated using the parameters 'srcra','srcdec', 'ranom','decnom' and 'attfile'

    (pdbiasnevents = 20) [integer]
    Minimum number of Photodiode events with DN value under the Low Level Discriminator needed to compute the bias value with a Mean of these values or a Gaussian fit. (see 'pdbiasfitfun' parameter).

    (pdbiasnclip = 1) [integer]
    Number of iterations to compute the Photodiode bias value. To be used with MN,SG or DG methods (see 'pdbiasfitfun' parameter). If set to 0 no clipping will be done.

    (pdbiasnsigma = 2) [integer]
    Number of sigmas to be considered for sigma clipping. (Used only if 'nclip' &lg 0)

    (pdbiasth = 300) [integer]
    Event Threshold discriminator to select events to calculate PD Bias Values with MN,SG or DG methods (see 'pdbiasfitfun' parameter). Input a negative value to use the on-board LLD value. Used only for Piledup Photodiode data. This parameter is used only if 'thrfile' is set to NONE.

    (pdbiasdiff = 4095)
    Threshold value for Photodiode bias adjustment.

    (biaspdfile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of Photodiode Bias calibration file. Used when 'pdbiasfitfun' is set to CONST or if one of the fit method (MN,SG,DG) cannot be applied or the fit function gives an error. Input CALDB to use the PDBIAS Calibration file from CALDB.

    (pdbiasmethod = MN) [string]
    Method to be applied to calculate Photodiode Bias value. Method allowed are: MN,SG,DG or CONST. Input 'MN' to calculate a mean from the histogram generated taking events under the LLD threshold. Input 'SG' or 'DG' to perform a single gaussian or a double gaussian fit. Input 'CONST' to take a constant value from the PD Bias Calibration file or from 'pdbias' value supplied by the user. The mean and the gaussian fit can be performed applying a sigma clipping with 'pdbiasnclip' set to a value > 0. See also 'xrtpdcorr' help.

    (pdbiasfittol = 1.E-8) [real]
    Relative tolerance of fit error computing PD bias value with SG or DG method (see 'pdbiasfitfun' parameter).

    (pdbias = -40) [integer]
    Photodiode Bias value, negative value to read the value from calibration file. This parameter is used when 'pdbiasfitfun' is set to 'CONST'.

    (pdbiasnframe=1) [integer]
    Number of consecutive frames to calculate the bias (not implemented).

    (wtbiasnevents = 20)
    Minimum number of events to calculate the Windowed Timing bias value (min=1, max=20).

    (wtbiasdiff = 2) [integer]
    Threshold value for Windowed Timing bias adjustment (DN).

    (wtbiasmode = M20P) [string]
    Method to calculate module bias difference ([SP|M20P]) for Windowed Timing. In SP mode the bias difference is calculated between the on-ground computed bias median and the bias value subtracted on-board to each column; in M20P mode the bias difference is calculated between the on-ground computed bias median and the last 20 pixels median of the related Bias Row.

    (wtbiasth = 200) [integer]
    Threshold value for bias of pixels used to calculate the bias median for Windowed Timing. This parameter is used only if 'thrfile' is set to NONE.

    (wtnpixels = 20) [integer]
    Minimum number of pix used to calculate the bias median for Windowed Timing.

    (wtnframe = 20) [integer]
    Number of consecutive frames included in the on-ground bias median calculation for Windowed Timing.

    (pcphasconffile = CALDB) [filename]
    Name of the input phas configuration file. The phas configuration file is read from Calibration Database if 'CALDB' is input.

    (pcbiascorr=no) [boolean]
    If set to yes, the bias for Photon Counting Mode files is corrected.

    (pcbiassubimage=yes) [boolean]
    If set to yes, subimage method is used for PC bias calculation.

    (pcbiassubimgsize= 100) [integer]
    Size in pixel for the subimages for PC bias calculation.

    (pcbiasnevents = 25) [integer]
    Minimum number of events for the subimage for PC bias calculation.

    (pcbiaslessevents=no) [boolean]
    If set to yes, in PC bias calculation use events found within each image even if less than 'pcbiasnevents'.

    pcbiasmethod [string]
    Metod to calculate PC bias correction (enumlist=[MEAN|MEDIAN]).

    (pcbiasbadpix=yes) [boolean]
    If set to yes, exclude bad pixels in PC bias calculation.

    (pcbiasgrademin = 0) [integer]
    Minimum grade value in grades selection of events used in PC bias calculation.

    (pcbiasgrademax = 0) [integer]
    Maximum grade value in grades selection of events used in PC bias calculation.

    (pcbiasevtthr = 120) [integer]
    PHAS[1] threshold (min=0, max=4095) for the central pixel of a 3x3 neighborhood for bias calculation. Events below the threshold will be flagged before executing PC bias calculation. This parameter is used only if 'thrfile' is set to NONE.

    (pcbiassplitthr = 120) [integer]
    The split threshold level before PC bias calculation. If set to a negative value, use the on-board split threshold values read from the input hdfile 'SplitThr' column. This parameter is used only if 'thrfile' is set to NONE.

    (imcleansrc = yes) [boolean]
    If set to yes the images will be clean from calibration sources.

    (imbias = -40) [integer]
    Image Bias value, negative value to read the value from the calibration file.

    (imbiasdiff = 4095)
    Threshold value for Imaging Mode bias adjustment.

    (immaxtemp = 0.0)
    Temperature threshold to flag burned spot used by the task 'xrtimage' (only for Imaging Mode).

    (biasimfile = CALDB) [file name]
    Name of Image Bias Calibration file. Input CALDB to use the Image Bias Calibration database file.

    (cleanbp = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' the images will be clean from bad pixels.

    (subbias = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' subtracts bias from Imaging Mode event files.

    (imgtiscreen=no) [boolean]
    Screen the image for GTIs ? (yes/no)

    (wtevent = 80) [integer]
    Windowed Timing event threshold level for 'xrtevtrec' run. If <0 use the hdfile 'EvtLLD' column values. This parameter is used only if 'thrfile' is set to NONE.

    (wtsplit = 80) [integer]
    Windowed Timing split threshold level for 'xrtevtrec' run. If <0 use the hdfile 'EvtLLD' column values. This parameter is used only if 'thrfile' is set to NONE.

    (pdevent = 80) [integer]
    Photodiode event threshold level for 'xrtevtrec' run. If <0 use the hdfile 'EvtLLD' column values. This parameter is used only if 'thrfile' is set to NONE.

    (pdsplit = 80) [integer]
    Photodiode split threshold level for 'xrtevtrec' run. If <0 use the hdfile 'EvtLLD' column values. This parameter is used only if 'thrfile' is set to NONE.

    (addcol = no) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' adds the 'PHAS' and 'PixsAbove' columns in the event files output of 'xrtevtrec' run.

    (delnull = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' deletes events with PHA equal to NULL after events reconstruction for timing modes.

    (flagneigh = yes) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' the STATUS column will be updated.

    srcra [string]
    Target Right Ascension (degrees or hh mm ss.s). If OBJECT is input uses the value in the RA_OBJ keyword, if POINT is input uses the 'pntra' value.

    srcdec [string]
    Target Declination (degrees or hh mm ss.s). If OBJECT is input uses the value in the DEC_OBJ keyword, if POINT is input uses the 'pntdec' value.

    (pntra = POINT) [string]
    Pointing Right Ascension. If POINT is input uses the value in the RA_PNT keyword (degrees or hh mm ss.s). Note: If the parameter runaspect is set to yes, it uses the for the pointing position the output of aspect.

    (pntdec = POINT) [string]
    Target Declination. If POINT is input uses the value in the DEC_PNT keyword (degrees or hh mm ss.s). Note: If the parameter runaspect is set to yes, it uses the for the pointing position the output of aspect.

    (pntroll = POINT) [string]
    Roll angle. If POINT is input uses the value in the PA_PNT keyword (degrees or hh mm ss.s). Note: If the parameter runaspect is set to yes, it uses the for the pointing position the output of aspect.

    If set to no, the attitude parameters correspond to the closest time value to the time of each frame.

    (pcregionfile = DEFAULT) [string]
    Photon Counting Region file name. DEFAULT to create a standard region file.

    (wtregionfile = DEFAULT) [string]
    Windowed Timing Region file name. DEFAULT to create a standard region file.

    (pcbinsize = -99) [real]
    Binsize for the light curves for Photon Counting mode.

    (wtbinsize = -99) [real]
    Binsize for the light curves for Windowed Timing mode.

    (stwtbinsize = 0.1) [real]
    Binsize for the light curves for Windowed Timing mode in SETTLING.

    (pdbinsize = -99) [real]
    Binsize for the light curves for Photodiode mode.

    (pcrmffile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of the input Photon Counting RMF file (used by 'xrtmkarf' task). If CALDB is input the file included in the CALDB is used.

    (wtrmffile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of the input Windowed Timing RMF file (used by 'xrtmkarf' task). If CALDB is input the file included in the CALDB is used.

    (pdrmffile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of the input Photodiode RMF file (used by 'xrtmkarf' task). If CALDB is input the file included in the CALDB is used.

    (mirfile = CALDB) [string]
    Name of the input mirror on-axis effective area file (used by 'xrtmkarf' task). If CALDB is input the file included in the CALDB is used. Used only if parameter 'inarffile' is NONE.

    (transmfile = CALDB) [string]
    Name the input filter transmission file (used by 'xrtmkarf' task). If CALDB is input the file included in the CALDB is used. Used only if parameter 'inarffile' is NONE.

    (pcinarffile = CALDB) [file name]
    Name of the input on-axis Ancillary Response Function (ARF) file for Photon Counting mode (used by 'xrtmkarf' task). If set to 'CALDB' (default value), use the file in the Calibration Database. If set to NONE the on-axis ARF is calculated using the parameters 'mirfile' and 'transmfile'.

    (wtinarffile = CALDB) [file name]
    Name of the input on-axis Ancillary Response Function (ARF) file for Windowed Timing mode (used by 'xrtmkarf' task). If set to 'CALDB' (default value), use the file in the Calibration Database. If set to NONE the on-axis ARF is calculated using the parameters 'mirfile' and 'transmfile'.

    (pdinarffile = CALDB) [file name]
    Name of the input on-axis Ancillary Response Function (ARF) file for Photodiode mode (used by 'xrtmkarf' task). If set to 'CALDB' (default value), use the file in the Calibration Database. If set to NONE the on-axis ARF is calculated using the parameters 'mirfile' and 'transmfile'.

    (psffile = CALDB) [string]
    Name the input psf FITS file (used by 'xrtmkarf' task). If CALDB is input the file included in the CALDB is used.

    (vigfile = CALDB) [string]
    Name input vignetting FITS file. If CALDB is input (default), the file included in the CALDB is used.

    (psfflag = yes) [boolean]
    If psfflag=yes the psf correction (for point-like sources) is performed (used by 'xrtmkarf' task).

    (extended = no) [boolean]
    Extended source flag for ARF generation.

    (arfboxsize = 20) [integer]
    Size in pixel for the subimage boxes for ARF generation (used if extended=yes).

    (createexpomap = yes) [boolean]
    Create exposure map (yes/no) for PC and WT mode.

    (useexpomap = yes) [boolean]
    Use exposure map (yes/no) for PC and WT mode ARF generation.

    (vigflag = no) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes', correct exposure map for vignetting.

    (energy = 1.5) [real]
    Energy value for vignetting calculation for exposure map generation.

    (expopcnframe = 0) [integer]
    Number of frames considered together in the instrument map calculation for PC mode. If set to 0, produce an instrument map for a set of consecutive frames separated by less than 100 seconds.

    (expowtnframe = 0) [integer]
    Number of frames considered together in the instrument map calculation for WT mode. If set to 0, produce an instrument map for a set of consecutive frames separated by less than 100 seconds.

    (checkattitude = yes) [boolean]
    If 'checkattitude'=yes and 'exponframe'=0, checks pointing stability in the instrument map calculation.

    (correctlc = yes) [boolean]
    Correct light curve (yes/no) for PC and WT mode.

    (lcwtnframe = 10) [integer]
    Number of frames considered together in the instrument map calculation when correct light curve for WT mode. If set to 0, produce an instrument map for a set of consecutive frames separated by less than 100 seconds.

    (lcpcnframe = 4) [integer]
    Number of frames considered together in the instrument map calculation when correct light curve for PC mode. If set to 0, produce an instrument map for a set of consecutive frames separated by less than 100 seconds.

    (display = no) [boolean]
    If set to 'yes' plot images on the screen

    (plotdevice = "gif") [string]
    The user can choose the device for plot results. Only gif and ps formats are supported.

    (applytamcorr = no)
    If set to yes the attitude file will be TAM corrected.

    (tamfile = CALDB)
    Name of the input TAM calibration file. 'CALDB' to use standard file from CALDB.

    (attcorrout=NONE) [string]
    Name of the output file with the correction for the attitude

    (tamrefx1 = -99)
    X coordinate of the reference position of the Primary TAM image. If a negative value is input the value stored in the file specified by 'tamfile' parameter is used.

    (tamrefy1 = -99)
    Y coordinate of the reference position of the Primary TAM image. If a negative value is input the value stored in the file specified by 'tamfile' parameter is used.

    (tamrefx2 = -99)
    X coordinate of the reference position of the Secondary TAM image. If a negative value is input the value stored in the file specified by 'tamfile' parameter is used.

    (tamrefy2 = -99)
    Y coordinate of the reference position of the Secondary TAM image. If a negative value is input the value stored in the file specified by 'tamfile' parameter is used.

    (runxrthotpix=yes) [boolean]
    Run Hot pixel identification task on the photon counting mode ?

    (cellsize = 5) [integer]
    Search cell size in units of pixels. Must be an odd integer greater then one.

    (impfac = 1000.0) [real]
    Value used to compute the background level (input for the incomplete Gamma function).

    (logpos = -5.3) [real]
    Logarithm of the Poisson probability threshold for rejecting a pixel. Must be negative.

    (bthresh = 3.) [real]
    Background threshold used if the candidate hot pixel's neighborhood has zero counts.

    (phamin=0) [integer]
    The minimum PHA value to use in accumulating the image in the task 'xrthotpix'.

    (phamax=4095) [integer]
    The maximum PHA value to use in accumulating the image in the task 'xrthotpix'.

    (cleanflick = yes) [boolean]
    Search and flag flickering pixels?(yes/no)

    (iterate = yes) [boolean]
    Iterate the search?(yes/no)

    (gradeiterate = yes) [boolean]
    If set to yes, execute new iterations for flickering pixels search using only events with grade<=12.

    (method = AREA) [string]
    Method to use to do image coordinates transformation. Values allowed are: 'AREA', 'CENTER', 'EVENTS' and 'INTENSITY'. See also 'swiftxform' help.

    (zeronulls=yes) [boolean]
    Treat NULL pixels in input as zero ?

    (runaspect=no) [boolean]
    Run 'aspect' task to calculate spacecraft attitude (yes/no) ?

    (aspectgtiexpr = SETTLED==b1)
    Expression to generate GTIs on Housekeeping Header Packets file to be applied on attitude when running aspect ('none' to do not apply GTIs).


    1. Run the xrtpipeline on the observation number {observation_number}. All outputs are created into the './outdir' output directory (outdir=./outdir) using standard naming convention for output file names (stemoutputs=DEFAULT). All standard images created are in postscript format (plotdevice=ps). Use for source RA and DEC position the values stored in the RA_OBJ and DEC_OBJ keywords (srcra=OBJECT srcdec=OBJECT)
      ft>  xrtpipeline indir=/targetdir/{observation_number} outdir=./outdir 
      steminputs=sw{observation_number} stemoutputs=DEFAULT  plotdevice="ps" 
      srcra=OBJECT srcdec=OBJECT



    xrtflagpix, xrtpcgrade, xrtcalcpi, xrttimetag, xrtevtrec, xrtpdcorr, xrtwtcorr, xrtimage, xrtfilter, xrtscreen xrthkproc, xrtmkarf, xrtproducts, xrttam, xrthotpix,


    June 2014