/// \file ahmath.h
/// \brief general mathematical routines
/// \author Mike Witthoeft
/// \date $Date: 2016/03/31 20:41:09 $

#include "ahgen/ahversion.h"
AHVERSION(AHMATH_AHMATH,"$Id: ahmath.h,v 1.37 2016/03/31 20:41:09 mdutka Exp $")

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>

/// \brief mathematical routines
/// \ingroup mod_ahmath
namespace ahmath {

/** \addtogroup mod_ahmath
 *  @{

/// \brief index type for data arrays
typedef unsigned long IndexType;

/// \brief aliases interpolation types
enum interptypes {
  NEAREST,             ///< return nearest point
  TWOPOINT,            ///< linear interpolation
  NPOINT               ///< n-point Aitken method

/// \brief structure to hold vertices for a given polygon
struct Polygon {

  Polygon(int m_num_points = 0) : m_num_points(m_num_points), m_x(m_num_points), m_y(m_num_points) {};

  int m_num_points;        ///< total number of points in the polygon

  std::vector<double> m_x; ///< vector array of x values for each vertex
  std::vector<double> m_y; ///< vector array of y values for each vertex

  double m_minx;           ///< smallest x value in the polygon
  double m_maxx;           ///< largest x value in the polygon
  double m_miny;           ///< smallest y value in the polygon
  double m_maxy;           ///< largest y value in the polygon


/// \brief add a new point to the polygon. checks for a valid point before adding
/// \param[in] x input x point
/// \param[in] y input y point
/// \param[in] poly polygon object with all coordinates
void addPointToPolygon(double x, double y, Polygon & poly);

/// \brief Given two line segments, check for intersecting points
/// \param[in] x1a input x point a, line 1
/// \param[in] y1a input y point a, line 1
/// \param[in] x1b input x point b, line 1
/// \param[in] y1b input y point b, line 1
/// \param[in] x2a input x point a, line 2
/// \param[in] y2a input y point a, line 2
/// \param[in] x2b input x point b, line 2
/// \param[in] y2b input y point b, line 2
/// return true if line segments intersect
bool segmentsIntersect(double x1a, double y1a, double x1b, double y1b, 
                       double x2a, double y2a, double x2b, double y2b);

/// \brief check if given point is inside polygonal space
/// \param[in] x x coordinate
/// \param[in] y y coordinate
/// \param[in] poly polygon object with all coordinates
/// \return true if inside polygon, false if outside
bool isPointInsidePolygon(const double x, 
                          const double y,
                          const Polygon poly);

/// \brief convert interpolation type string into enumeration type
/// \param[in] interp interpolation type string
/// \return interpolation enumeration
int interpolation_type(const std::string & interp);

/// \brief Perform nearest-point interpolation, Y(X), using two points: Y1(X1) 
///  and Y2(X2).  Will select the Y-value whose X-value is closest to the given
///  X-value.
/// \param[in] x value to interpolate at
/// \param[in] x1 X-value of first point
/// \param[in] y1 Y-value of first point
/// \param[in] x2 X-value of second point
/// \param[in] y2 Y-value of second point
/// \return interpolated value
double interpolate_point_nearest(double x, double x1, double y1, double x2,
                                 double y2);

/// \brief Perform linear interpolation, Y(X), using two points: Y1(X1) and 
///  Y2(X2).
/// \param[in] x value to interpolate at
/// \param[in] x1 X-value of first point
/// \param[in] y1 Y-value of first point
/// \param[in] x2 X-value of second point
/// \param[in] y2 Y-value of second point
/// \return interpolated value
double interpolate_point_twopoint(double x, double x1, double y1, double x2,
                                  double y2);

/// \brief Perform aitken method of interpolation, Y(X), using n points: Y1(X1), Y2(X2), ..., Y_n(X_n) 
/// \param[in] x value to interpolate at
/// \param[in] xarr Arrays of X-values 
/// \param[in] yarr Arrays of Y-values
/// \param[in] idx index of array identifying points used for interpolation
/// \param[in] npoints Number of points in interpolation
/// \return interpolated value
double interpolate_point_npoint(double x, double * xarr, double * yarr, int npoints, IndexType idx0=0);

/// \brief Search an array for the given value and return the index of the
///  array whose value is immediately before the given value.  If the given
///  value is outside the bounds of the array, return the index of the
///  appropriate end-point and set the extrapolation flag to true.
/// \param[in] x value to search for in array
/// \param[in] xarr array of values to search
/// \param[in] narr length of xarr array
/// \param[out] extrap true if x is not in range of xarr
/// \param[in] (optional) start searching at this index; will reset to zero
///  if given x value less than xarr[idx0]
/// \return index near solution to be used in interpolation function
IndexType search(double x, double* xarr, IndexType narr, bool & extrap, 
                 IndexType idx0=0);

/// \brief Search an array for the given value and return the index of the
///  array whose value is the nearest n-points surrounding the given value.  
///  If the given value is outside the bounds of the array, return the index of the
///  appropriate end-point and set the extrapolation flag to true. If the given value
///  is near the beginning of the  bounds of the array, return the first element of the
///  array if it's within the npoints given. If the given value is near the end of the 
///  bounds of the array, return the element n-points before the end of the array.
///  The npoint interpolation function has a minimum requirement of three points.
/// \param[in] x value to search for in array
/// \param[in] xarr array of values to search
/// \param[in] npoints Number of points in interpolation
/// \param[in] narr length of xarr array
/// \param[out] extrap true if x is not in range of xarr
/// \param[in] (optional) start searching at this index; will reset to zero
///  if given x value less than xarr[idx0]
/// \return index near solution to be used in interpolation function
IndexType search_npoint(double x, double* xarr, unsigned long npoints, IndexType narr, 
                        bool & extrap, IndexType idx0=0);

/// \brief Search a sawtooth function, Y(X), for the given value of X and 
///  return the index of the point occuring immediately before the given value.
///  The sawtooth function is defined as a monotonic function with a positive
///  slope, Y(X), with the exception that the Y-value resets to zero upon 
///  reaching a maximum value ymax.  
/// \param[in] x X-value to search for
/// \param[in] xarr array of X-values to search
/// \param[in] yarr array of Y-values to search
/// \param[in] narr length of xarr and yarr arrays
/// \param[out] extrap true if X-value associated with given Y-value is not in
///  range of xarr
/// \param[in] itype interpolation type (enumerated value)
/// \param[in] (optional) start searching at this index; will reset to zero
///  if given x value less than xarr[idx0]
/// \return index near solution to be used in interpolation function
IndexType search_sawX2Y(double x, double* xarr, double* yarr, 
                        IndexType narr, bool & extrap, int itype, 
                        IndexType idx0=0);

/// \brief Search a sawtooth function, Y(X), for the given value of Y and 
///  return the index of the point occuring immediately before the given value.
///  The sawtooth function is defined as a monotonic function with a positive
///  slope, Y(X), with the exception that the Y-value resets to zero upon 
///  reaching a maximum value ymax.  Since a given y value can occur multiple 
///  times, a rough X-value must be supplied to locate the 'tooth' in which to
///  search.  An error will be thrown if the given Y-value is outside the range
///  [0:ymax].  The routine attempts to return the largest array index whose
///  Y-value is below the given Y-value; however, this index will be adjusted 
///  to guarantee that both points from idx and (idx+1) are in range of the
///  input arrays and in the same sawtooth segment (or tooth).
/// \param[in] xrough estimate of X-value to locate sawtooth segment in which
///  to search
/// \param[in] y Y-value to search for
/// \param[in] ymax largest allowed Y-value
/// \param[in] xarr array of X-values to search
/// \param[in] yarr array of Y-values to search
/// \param[in] narr length of xarr and yarr arrays
/// \param[in] revfrac search in opposite direction if y is further than
///  revfrac*ymax from the y-value near xrough
/// \param[out] extrap true if X-value associated with given Y-value is not in
///  range of xarr
/// \param[in] (optional) start searching at this index; will reset to zero
///  if given x value less than xarr[idx0]
/// \return index near solution to be used in interpolation function
IndexType search_sawY2X(double xrough, double y, double ymax, double* xarr, 
                        double* yarr, IndexType narr, double revfrac,
                        bool & extrap, IndexType idx0=0);

/// \brief Interpolate function, Y(X), as X->Y
/// \param[in] x X-value to interpolate function at
/// \param[in] xarr array of X-values
/// \param[in] yarr array of Y-values
/// \param[in] narr length of xarr and yarr arrays
/// \param[in] itype interpolation type (enumerated value)
/// \param[in] idx index of array identifying points used for interpolation
/// \return interpolated value
double interpolate(double x, double* xarr, double* yarr, IndexType narr, 
                   int itype, IndexType idx);

/// \brief Interpolate sawtooth function, Y(X), as X->Y.  
/// \param[in] x X-value to interpolate function at
/// \param[in] ymax largest legal Y-value
/// \param[in] xarr array of X-values
/// \param[in] yarr array of Y-values
/// \param[in] narr length of xarr and yarr arrays
/// \param[in] itype interpolation type (enumerated value)
/// \param[in] idx index of array identifying points used for interpolation
/// \return interpolated value
double interpolate_sawX2Y(double x, double ymax, double* xarr, double* yarr,
                          IndexType narr, int itype, IndexType idx);

/// \brief Overloaded interpolate function, including n-point interpolation, Y(X), as X->Y
/// \param[in] x X-value to interpolate function at
/// \param[in] xarr array of X-values
/// \param[in] yarr array of Y-values
/// \param[in] narr length of xarr and yarr arrays
/// \param[in] itype interpolation type (enumerated value)
/// \param[in] idx index of array identifying points used for interpolation
/// \param[in] npoints Number of points in interpolation
/// \return interpolated value
double interpolate(double x, double* xarr, double* yarr, IndexType narr, 
                   int itype, IndexType idx, int npoints);

/// \brief Interpolate sawtooth function, Y(X), as Y->X.  
/// \param[in] y Y-value to search for
/// \param[in] xarr array of X-values
/// \param[in] yarr array of Y-values
/// \param[in] narr length of xarr and yarr arrays
/// \param[in] itype interpolation type (enumerated value)
/// \param[in] idx index of array identifying points used for interpolation
/// \return interpolated value
double interpolate_sawY2X(double y, double* xarr, double* yarr, IndexType narr,
                          int itype, IndexType idx);

/// \brief Calculate first derivative of tabulated function using 3-point method
/// \param[in] mesh array of mesh points
/// \param[in] func array of function values
/// \param[in] nmesh length of mesh, func, and out arrays
/// \param[out] out output array of derivative values
/// The output array, out, must be properly sized before this function is
/// called.  It is assumed that the mesh has fixed spacings.
void calcFirstDerivative(double* mesh, double* func, IndexType nmesh,
                         double* out);

/// \brief shift tabulated function, f(x), by given delta-x
/// \param[in] mesh array of mesh points
/// \param[in] func array of function values
/// \param[in] nmesh length of mesh, func, and out arrays
/// \param[in] deltax amount to shift
/// \param[out] out shifted function
/// The output array, out, must be properly sized before this function is
/// called.  It is assumed that the mesh has fixed spacings.  Function is 
/// assumed to be constant beyond mesh end points.
void shiftData(double* mesh, double* func, IndexType nmesh, double deltax,
               double* out);

/// \brief calculate functional for profile fitting method
/// \param[in] mesh array of mesh points
/// \param[in] func array of binned data values
/// \param[in] prof array of profile values on binned mesh
/// \param[in] dprof array of profile derivatives
/// \param[in] nmesh length of mesh, func, prof, and dprof arrays
/// \param[out] z output functional value
/// \param[out] scale output parameter: scale
/// \param[out] bgrnd output parameter: bgrnd
void calcProfileFunctional(double* mesh, double* dat, double* prof, 
                           double* dprof, IndexType nmesh, double& z, 
                           double& scale, double& bgrnd);

/// \brief fit binned data set to given profile using the bisection method
/// \param[in] mesh array of mesh points
/// \param[in] func array of binned data values
/// \param[in] prof array of profile values on binned mesh
/// \param[in] dprof array of profile derivatives
/// \param[in] nmesh length of mesh, func, prof, and dprof arrays
/// \param[out] shift output parameter: shift
/// \param[out] scale output parameter: scale
/// \param[out] bgrnd output parameter: bgrnd
/// \param[out] fit output fit array
void fitProfile(double* mesh, double* dat, double* prof, double* dprof, 
                IndexType nmesh, double shift1, double shift2, 
                double& out_shift, double& out_scale, double& out_bgrnd, 
                double* fit);

/// \brief convolve a function with a Gaussian of given width
/// \param[in] mesh array of mesh points
/// \param[in] func array of binned data values
/// \param[in] nmesh length of mesh, func, and out arrays
/// \param[in] sigma width of Gaussian as standard deviation
/// \param[out] out array of convolved function
void convolveWithGaussian(double* mesh, double* func, IndexType nmesh, 
                          double sigma, double* out);

/// \brief convolve a function with a Gaussian of given width assuming that
///  the mesh has a fixed width (~20x faster than convolveWithGaussian)
/// \param[in] mesh array of mesh points
/// \param[in] func array of binned data values
/// \param[in] nmesh length of mesh, func, and out arrays
/// \param[in] sigma width of Gaussian as standard deviation
/// \param[out] out array of convolved function
void convolveWithGaussianFixed(double* mesh, double* func, IndexType nmesh, 
                               double sigma, double* out);
/// \brief Calculate the coefficient of determination (R^2) between a data set
///  and a fit.
/// \param[in] dat array of data values
/// \param[in] fit array of fitted values
/// \param[in] nmesh length of dat and fit
/// \return coefficient of determination 
double calcR2(double* dat, double* fit, int nmesh);

/// \brief Calculate Chi^2 between a data set and a fit.
/// \param[in] dat array of data values
/// \param[in] fit array of fitted values
/// \param[in] nmesh length of dat and fit
/// \param[in] nparam number of parameters used in fit
/// \return Chi^2
double calcChi2(double* dat, double* fit, int nmesh);

/// \brief Calculate reduced Chi^2 between a data set and a fit.
/// \param[in] dat array of data values
/// \param[in] fit array of fitted values
/// \param[in] nmesh length of dat and fit
/// \param[in] nparam number of parameters used in fit
/// \return reduced Chi^2
double calcReducedChi2(double* dat, double* fit, int nmesh, int nparam);

/// \brief convert sigma to FWHM
/// \param[in] sigma, fwhm = 2*sqrt(2log(2)) * sigma
/// \param[out] fwhm, fwhm = 2*sqrt(2log(2)) * sigma
double convertsigma2FWHM(double sigma); 

/// \brief converts sigma to FWHM
/// \param[in] fwhm, fwhm = 2*sqrt(2log(2)) * sigma
/// \param[out] sigma, sigma = fwhm/2/sqrt(2log(2))
double convertFWHM2sigma(double fwhm);

/// \brief compute the determinant of a 2x2 matrix
/// \param[in] a11 row 1 column 1
/// \param[in] a12 row 1 column 2
/// \param[in] a21 row 2 column 1
/// \param[in] a22 row 2 column 2
/// \return value of determinant
double determinant2x2(double a11, double a12, 
                      double a21, double a22);

/// \brief compute the determinant of a 3x3 matrix
/// \param[in] a11 row 1 column 1
/// \param[in] a12 row 1 column 2
/// \param[in] a13 row 1 column 3
/// \param[in] a21 row 2 column 1
/// \param[in] a22 row 2 column 2
/// \param[in] a23 row 2 column 3
/// \param[in] a31 row 3 column 1
/// \param[in] a32 row 3 column 2
/// \param[in] a33 row 3 column 3
/// \return value of determinant
double determinant3x3(double a11, double a12, double a13, 
                      double a21, double a22, double a23,
                      double a31, double a32, double a33);

/// \brief compute the inverse of a 3x3 matrix
/// \param[in] a11 input row 1 column 1
/// \param[in] a12 input row 1 column 2
/// \param[in] a13 input row 1 column 3
/// \param[in] a21 input row 2 column 1
/// \param[in] a22 input row 2 column 2
/// \param[in] a23 input row 2 column 3
/// \param[in] a31 input row 3 column 1
/// \param[in] a32 input row 3 column 2
/// \param[in] a33 input row 3 column 3
/// \param[out] b11 output row 1 column 1
/// \param[out] b12 output row 1 column 2
/// \param[out] b13 output row 1 column 3
/// \param[out] b21 output row 2 column 1
/// \param[out] b22 output row 2 column 2
/// \param[out] b23 output row 2 column 3
/// \param[out] b31 output row 3 column 1
/// \param[out] b32 output row 3 column 2
/// \param[out] b33 output row 3 column 3
/// \param[out] okay true if inverse exists
void inverse3x3(double a11, double a12, double a13, 
                double a21, double a22, double a23,
                double a31, double a32, double a33,
                double& b11, double& b12, double& b13,
                double& b21, double& b22, double& b23,
                double& b31, double& b32, double& b33,
                bool& okay);

/// \brief Evaluates a polynomial using Horner's method
/// param[in] x          independent variable in polynomial functioin y(x)
/// param[in] y          dependent variable in polynomial funtion y(x)
/// param[in] polyorder  order of polynomial to fit x and y
/// param[out] polycoeff coefficients of the fitting polynomial
void evaluatepoly(double x, double & y, int polyorder,
                  double * polycoeff);

/// \brief Solve for quadratic coefficients in y=a*x^2+b*x+c given three points.
/// \param[in] x1 X coordinate of first point
/// \param[in] y1 Y coordinate of first point
/// \param[in] x2 X coordinate of second point
/// \param[in] y2 Y coordinate of second point
/// \param[in] x3 X coordinate of third point
/// \param[in] y3 Y coordinate of third point
/// \param[out] a coefficient of x**2 term
/// \param[out] b coefficient of x**1 term
/// \param[out] c coefficient of x**0 term
/// \param[out] okay false if calculation failed
/// This function will set up a system of equations: y_i = a*x_i^2 + b*x_i +c
/// and solve for a,b,c using matrix inversion.  If the determinant of the 
/// matrix is singular (at least two points are identical), then okay=false.
void getQuadraticCoefficients(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
                              double x3, double y3, double& a, double& b,
                              double& c, bool& okay);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/** @} */

}  // namespace ahmath

#endif /* AHMATH_AHMATH_H */

/* Revision Log
 $Log: ahmath.h,v $
 Revision 1.37  2016/03/31 20:41:09  mdutka
 revised function evaluate poly, now more efficient and unessary pass by references have been removed

 Revision 1.36  2015/11/19 21:11:27  mwitthoe
 ahmath library: add function to compute quadratic polynomial coefficients from three points: getQuadraticCoefficients

 Revision 1.35  2015/10/26 16:17:09  mwitthoe
 ahmath: fix prototype of calcChi2() function

 Revision 1.34  2015/10/21 17:55:27  mwitthoe
 ahmath: add function to compute Chi^2; correct calculation in reduced Chi^2 function

 Revision 1.33  2015/10/06 17:09:03  mdutka
 Changing arguments list of evaluatepoly to use dynamic array not vector

 Revision 1.32  2015/07/28 16:16:42  mwitthoe
 ahmath library: 1) remove obsolete function: search_sawY2X_old, 2) a) added AH_DEBUG statements to functions used by the ahtime tool

 Revision 1.31  2015/07/21 19:42:19  asargent
 added new segmentsIntersect function, added doxygen comments

 Revision 1.30  2015/07/20 18:53:42  asargent
 New polygon struct and function to check if point is inside a given polygon

 Revision 1.29  2015/04/08 18:35:48  asargent
 Updated interpolate_point_npoint to allow starting index. added new function search_npoint to search for starting index. overloaded interpolate function to include npoint interpolation. Updated ahmath tests.

 Revision 1.28  2015/04/07 19:34:22  asargent
 Added new n-point aitken method of interpolation to ahmath library

 Revision 1.27  2015/04/01 20:30:16  mwitthoe
 ahmath library: remove obsolete functions - calcGaussianPoint, calcExponentialPoint, and calcLinearPoint

 Revision 1.26  2015/01/21 17:16:26  mwitthoe
 ahmath: add functions to compute inverse of a 3x3 matrix

 Revision 1.25  2014/11/05 21:36:03  mwitthoe
 ahmath: modify search_sawY2X() to allow for case when xrough is in a different sawtooth than the desired result; see issue 458

 Revision 1.24  2014/07/21 15:07:09  mwitthoe
 ahmath library: add functions to calculate R^2 and Chi^2

 Revision 1.23  2014/06/06 19:26:45  mwitthoe
 ahmath: added new function, convolveWithGaussianFixed(), which does the same thing as convolveWithGaussian, but assumes fixed mesh spacing -- the new function is about 20 times faster than the old; updated calcGaussianPoint(), convertsigma2FWHM(), and convertFWHM2sigma to use static constants to improve performance when called repeatedly

 Revision 1.22  2014/05/21 18:57:18  asargent
 Courtesy of Mike Dutka: Added math functions calcGaussianPoint(), calcExponentialPoint(), calcLinearPoint(), convertSigma2FWHM() and convertFWHM2Sigma()

 Revision 1.21  2013/11/20 22:58:18  mwitthoe
 ahmath library: replace all std::vectors with C arrays as convoluted consequence of issue #315; see that issue for more details

 Revision 1.20  2013/07/01 14:31:53  mwitthoe
 add functions to ahmath to assist with profile fitting (in sxsdrift)

 Revision 1.19  2013/04/10 15:15:36  mwitthoe
 ahmath library: restore interpolation_type() function

 Revision 1.18  2013/04/08 21:18:14  mwitthoe
 remove old versions of interpolation functions from ahmath

 Revision 1.17  2013/04/04 21:26:25  mwitthoe
 restructure interpolation routines in ahmath; separate search and interpolation functionality into separate routines

 Revision 1.16  2012/10/31 18:10:13  mwitthoe
 removed ahlookup library from ahmath

 Revision 1.15  2012/10/25 01:21:29  mwitthoe
 add lookup table library to ahmath

 Revision 1.14  2012/10/16 21:09:18  mwitthoe
 ahmath: move interpolation functions into separate files, ahinterp, remove ahmath.cxx, and reduce ahmath.h to just an include statement to ahinterp; this change is to help organize future additions to the ahmath library

 Revision 1.13  2012/10/16 20:29:37  mwitthoe
 ahmath: add single-value interpolation routine for double sawtooth functions; test code added

 Revision 1.12  2012/09/24 15:41:22  mwitthoe
 revamp interpolation routines in ahmath; now support interpolation of saw tooth functions

 Revision 1.11  2012/09/18 01:46:36  mwitthoe
 revamp interpolation to reduce code duplication; add sawtooth (X->Y) interpolation method

 Revision 1.10  2012/09/14 23:58:25  mwitthoe
 apply version standards to ahmath

 Revision 1.9  2012/08/29 20:59:17  mwitthoe
 moved ahmath tests from library to test code

 Revision 1.8  2012/08/24 19:07:25  mwitthoe
 clean up argument list for ahmath library

 Revision 1.7  2012/08/23 16:50:33  mwitthoe
 standardized tests for ahmath

 Revision 1.6  2012/08/17 20:40:56  mwitthoe
 apply standards to ahmath

 Revision 1.5  2012/07/31 20:01:34  mwitthoe
 change long long to long in ahmath interpolation routine

 Revision 1.4  2012/06/28 23:14:48  mwitthoe
 ahmath: add function to convert string into interpolation type enumerated index; ahfits: small fix to error message

 Revision 1.3  2012/06/28 02:05:33  mwitthoe
 ahmath: add option in interpolation functions to allow for extrapolation without throwing an error

 Revision 1.2  2012/06/25 14:06:31  mwitthoe
 add interpolation functions to ahmath which work on integer X-values and double Y-values

 Revision 1.1  2012/06/21 19:03:02  mwitthoe
 add ahmath with an interpolation function
