/** \file ape_error.h \brief Declaration of error codes and error handling facilities. \author James Peachey, HEASARC/EUD/GSFC. */ #ifndef ape_ape_error_h #define ape_ape_error_h #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** \brief Error codes. */ typedef enum ape_error_enum { /* 0 */ eOK, eNullPointer, eDynAllocFailed, eTooManyAtExitFunc, eAtExitError, /* 5 */ eInvalidArgument, eFileNotFound, eFileReadError, eFileWriteError, eFileRenameError, /* 10 */ eListError, eStringRemainder, eTypeMismatch, eOverflow, eUnderflow, /* 15 */ eConversionError, eVarNotSet, eLineTooLong, eTooManyArguments, eParameterDuplicated, /* 20 */ eParNotFound, eUnnamedPar, eInvalidParName, /* Invalid parameter name on command line. */ eFieldNotFound, eNewParameter, /* 25 */ eUnknownMode, eUnknownType, eFormatError, eRangeEnum, eRangeNoEnum, /* 30 */ eInputFailure, eTooManyFields, eMinConversionError, eMaxConversionError, eValueBelowMin, /* 35 */ eValueAboveMax, eInvalidRange, eInvalidChoice, eInvalidName, /* Invalid parameter name in parameter file. */ eNoParLoaded, /* 40 */ eUninitialized, eUndefinedValue, eNan, eFileNotAccessible, eNoModePar, /* 45 */ eAmbiguousParName, eInvalidModeParType, eInvalidModeParValue } ape_error_enum; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* * $Log: ape_error.h,v $ * Revision 1.29 2015/08/26 17:26:39 peachey * Add checks for validity of mode parameter. Must have type "s" and * must have a valid mode for a value ("h", "hl", "q", "ql"). * * Revision 1.28 2011/02/18 19:37:19 irby * Add new error code eAmbiguousParName and notes explaining the * difference between eInvalidName and eInvalidParName. * * Revision 1.27 2007/11/12 16:52:11 peachey * New error code eNoModePar to report absence of the mode * parameter when it is required. * * Revision 1.26 2007/08/21 19:35:15 peachey * Add new code eUnnamedPar signifying that the parameter has no name field. * * Revision 1.25 2006/11/08 22:14:33 peachey * Add new error code eInvalidParName. * * Revision 1.24 2006/06/23 18:59:22 peachey * Add error code for signalling not-a-number. * * Revision 1.23 2006/06/23 01:57:17 peachey * Add new code for failure to copy temporary file. * * Revision 1.22 2006/06/06 17:45:23 peachey * Remove unused error code eLineParseError. * * Revision 1.21 2006/06/05 01:31:15 peachey * Add eFileNotAccessible, for the benefit of file checking codes. * * Revision 1.20 2006/05/31 03:52:14 peachey * Add eUndefinedValue, for flagging converions of numeric parameters from * indef, undef, none, etc. * * Revision 1.19 2006/05/17 02:18:21 peachey * Add eUninitialized code, for when something is called without * calling adequate initializer, such as ape_trad_init. * * Revision 1.18 2006/05/12 03:28:56 peachey * Add code signifying request for parameter without parameter file loaded. * * Revision 1.17 2006/05/10 00:30:30 peachey * Rename eMin/MaxTypeMismatch to the more generic eMin/MaxConversionError. * * Revision 1.16 2006/05/10 00:25:12 peachey * Remove eValueTypeMismatch code -- too vague. * * Revision 1.15 2006/05/09 19:22:40 peachey * Add new error codes for reporting parameter format problems. * * Revision 1.14 2006/05/03 01:29:42 peachey * Add error code for input failure. * * Revision 1.13 2006/05/02 23:46:26 peachey * Add eTooManyArguments and eParameterDuplicated, for reporting * errors with ape_io_apply_command_line. * * Revision 1.12 2006/04/28 02:57:16 peachey * Remove unneeded code eFileOpenError and reorder remaining parameters. * * Revision 1.11 2006/04/26 14:32:51 peachey * Add status codes eParRangeEnum and eParRangeNoEnum for reporting * when client reads enum range as a simple string, or a simple string as an enum range. * * Revision 1.10 2006/04/25 15:00:10 peachey * Add new status code eParFieldNotFoudn, and change comments * which help read the error codes so that in general they will need to change * less when a new code is added. * * Revision 1.9 2006/04/24 21:25:54 peachey * Add another error code, eUnknownParMode. * * Revision 1.8 2006/04/24 17:42:00 peachey * Add new codes eUnknownParType and eParFormatError, plus comments to help * interpret status codes by eye. * * Revision 1.7 2006/04/24 13:27:58 peachey * Add error code for when system par file has a parameter local par file doesn't. * * Revision 1.6 2006/04/21 01:31:12 peachey * Add error code eParNotFound. * * Revision 1.5 2006/04/19 15:40:53 peachey * Add error codes for atexit related problems. * * Revision 1.4 2006/04/19 00:37:01 peachey * Add eLineTooLong error code. * * Revision 1.3 2006/04/12 14:19:37 peachey * Add error codes needed to support problems with environment variables and * parameter files not found. * * Revision 1.2 2006/04/10 21:11:09 peachey * Add error conditions for utilities. * * Revision 2006/04/05 13:45:19 peachey * Initial import of All-purpose Parameter Environment (APE). * */