#include <math.h>
#include "fitsio.h"
#include "imagetranslib/overlap.h"

#define NaN (getNaN())

#define IMAGEDATATYPE double

typedef struct ImageStruct IMAGE;

struct ImageStruct {

    int bitpix;

    char** is_null;
    int has_nulls;

    long dimenx;
    long dimeny;

    double zero;
    double scale;

    IMAGEDATATYPE out_of_bounds;
    double utility;
	long flags;
    int has_preferred_blank;
    int preferred_blank;

    IMAGE* weight;


* produce an IEEE NaN value
double getNaN();

* Allocate storage for an image. This function is mostly for internal use
* instead call allocateSimilarImage or readFITSImage
IMAGE* allocateImage(long dimenx, long dimeny, int bitpix);

* create a new image will all pixels initialized to zero.
* It will have the same scaling as the gievn image.
* if bitpix is non-zero, then the new image will have that bitpix value,
* otherwise it defaults to the same value as the given image.
IMAGE* allocateSimilarImage(long dimenx, long dimeny, IMAGE* image, int bitpix);

* frees data storage for an image structure
void destroyImage(IMAGE* image);

* returns true if the given coordinates are within the image
int isInImage(IMAGE* image, int i, int j);

* returns true if the given pixel of the image has a null value.
* if the coordinates are out of bounds then it returns true only if the default
* out of bounds value is set to NaN
int imageIsNull(IMAGE* image, int i, int j);

* returns the pixel value at the given coordinates, or the default out of
* bounds value if the coordinates are not in the image. Returns NaN if the
* particular pixel is null.
double getImagePixel(IMAGE* image, int i, int j);

* Mark a particular pixel in the image as being null. Does nothing if the given
* coordinates are not in the image.
void setImageNull(IMAGE* image, int i, int j);

* Set the value of a given pixel. If the value is NaN, then the pixel will
* be marked as null. Does nothing if the coordinates are not in the image.
void setImagePixel(IMAGE* image, int i, int j, double value);

* adds the given value to the current value in the specified pixel.
* Does nothing if the coordinates are out of bounds or if the pixel is
* currently null. If the specified value is null, sets the current
* pixel to null.
void incrementImagePixel(IMAGE* image, int i, int j, double value);

* Returns the CFITSIO data code for the variable used by this structure.
int getFITSImageDataType(IMAGE* image);

IMAGE* readFITSImage(fitsfile* fp, int zero_nulls);

void writeFITSImage(fitsfile* fp, IMAGE* image);

* return an interpolated pixel value. Outside the image we extrapolate,
* or really interpolate using the out_of_bounds values.
double interpolateImagePixel(IMAGE* image, double x, double y);

* increment all the pixels under a quadrilateral by a given value
void incrementQuadOnImage(IMAGE* image, const Quad* quad, double value);

* Set all the pixels under a quadrilateral to a given value.
void setQuadOnImage(IMAGE* image, const Quad* quad, double value);

* Apply flags to all the pixels under a quadrilateral.
void applyFlagsToImage (IMAGE* image, const Quad* quad, long flags);

* Set all the pixels touched by the given quadrilateral to null.
void setQuadOnImageNull(IMAGE* image, const Quad* quad);

* suggest a value for the BLANK keyword to use when writing the image.
* Th eimage is not obligated to use this value, and will ignore it if it
* is not appropriate for the data storage, or if the value is used by
* valid pixels.
void suggestBlankForImage(IMAGE* image, int blank);

#endif /* IMAGE_INCLUDED */

  Revision Log:
  $Log: image.h,v $
  Revision 1.1  2016/01/16 00:36:57  rshill
  Copied from attitude/tasks/imagetrans.  The only change
  is renaming the PARAM structure to IMAGETRANS.
