/***************************************************************/ /* REGION STUFF */ /***************************************************************/ #include "fitsio.h" #define myPI 3.1415926535897932385 #define RadToDeg 180.0/myPI typedef struct { int exists; double xrefval, yrefval; double xrefpix, yrefpix; double xinc, yinc; double rot; char type[6]; } WCSdata; typedef enum { point_rgn, line_rgn, circle_rgn, annulus_rgn, ellipse_rgn, elliptannulus_rgn, box_rgn, boxannulus_rgn, rectangle_rgn, diamond_rgn, sector_rgn, poly_rgn, panda_rgn, epanda_rgn, bpanda_rgn } shapeType; typedef enum { pixel_fmt, degree_fmt, hhmmss_fmt } coordFmt; typedef struct { char sign; /* Include or exclude? */ shapeType shape; /* Shape of this region */ int comp; /* Component number for this region */ double xmin,xmax; /* bounding box */ double ymin,ymax; union { /* Parameters - In pixels */ /**** Generic Shape Data ****/ struct { double p[11]; /* Region parameters */ double sinT, cosT; /* For rotated shapes */ double a, b; /* Extra scratch area */ } gen; /**** Polygon Data ****/ struct { int nPts; /* Number of Polygon pts */ double *Pts; /* Polygon points */ } poly; } param; } RgnShape; typedef struct { int nShapes; RgnShape *Shapes; WCSdata wcs; } SAORegion; /* SAO region file routines */ int fits_read_rgnfile( const char *filename, WCSdata *wcs, SAORegion **Rgn, int *status ); int fits_in_region( double X, double Y, SAORegion *Rgn ); void fits_free_region( SAORegion *Rgn ); void fits_set_region_components ( SAORegion *Rgn ); void fits_setup_shape ( RgnShape *shape); int fits_read_fits_region ( fitsfile *fptr, WCSdata * wcs, SAORegion **Rgn, int *status); int fits_read_ascii_region ( const char *filename, WCSdata * wcs, SAORegion **Rgn, int *status);