/*============================================================================ WCSLIB 4.20 - an implementation of the FITS WCS standard. Copyright (C) 1995-2013, Mark Calabretta This file is part of WCSLIB. WCSLIB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. WCSLIB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with WCSLIB. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses. Direct correspondence concerning WCSLIB to mark@calabretta.id.au Author: Mark Calabretta, Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO. http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/Mark.Calabretta $Id: prj.h,v 4.20 2013/12/18 05:42:49 mcalabre Exp $ *============================================================================= * * WCSLIB 4.20 - C routines that implement the spherical map projections * recognized by the FITS World Coordinate System (WCS) standard. Refer to * * "Representations of world coordinates in FITS", * Greisen, E.W., & Calabretta, M.R. 2002, A&A, 395, 1061 (Paper I) * * "Representations of celestial coordinates in FITS", * Calabretta, M.R., & Greisen, E.W. 2002, A&A, 395, 1077 (Paper II) * * Refer to the README file provided with WCSLIB for an overview of the * library. * * * Summary of the prj routines * --------------------------- * These routines implement the spherical map projections defined by the FITS * WCS standard. They are based on the prjprm struct which contains all * information needed for the computations. The struct contains some members * that must be set by the user, and others that are maintained by these * routines, somewhat like a C++ class but with no encapsulation. * * Routine prjini() is provided to initialize the prjprm struct with default * values, prjfree() reclaims any memory that may have been allocated to store * an error message, and prjprt() prints its contents. * * Setup routines for each projection with names of the form ???set(), where * "???" is the down-cased three-letter projection code, compute intermediate * values in the prjprm struct from parameters in it that were supplied by the * user. The struct always needs to be set by the projection's setup routine * but that need not be called explicitly - refer to the explanation of * prjprm::flag. * * Each map projection is implemented via separate functions for the spherical * projection, ???s2x(), and deprojection, ???x2s(). * * A set of driver routines, prjset(), prjx2s(), and prjs2x(), provides a * generic interface to the specific projection routines which they invoke * via pointers-to-functions stored in the prjprm struct. * * In summary, the routines are: * - prjini() Initialization routine for the prjprm struct. * - prjprt() Routine to print the prjprm struct. * * - prjset(), prjx2s(), prjs2x(): Generic driver routines * * - azpset(), azpx2s(), azps2x(): AZP (zenithal/azimuthal perspective) * - szpset(), szpx2s(), szps2x(): SZP (slant zenithal perspective) * - tanset(), tanx2s(), tans2x(): TAN (gnomonic) * - stgset(), stgx2s(), stgs2x(): STG (stereographic) * - sinset(), sinx2s(), sins2x(): SIN (orthographic/synthesis) * - arcset(), arcx2s(), arcs2x(): ARC (zenithal/azimuthal equidistant) * - zpnset(), zpnx2s(), zpns2x(): ZPN (zenithal/azimuthal polynomial) * - zeaset(), zeax2s(), zeas2x(): ZEA (zenithal/azimuthal equal area) * - airset(), airx2s(), airs2x(): AIR (Airy) * - cypset(), cypx2s(), cyps2x(): CYP (cylindrical perspective) * - ceaset(), ceax2s(), ceas2x(): CEA (cylindrical equal area) * - carset(), carx2s(), cars2x(): CAR (Plate carree) * - merset(), merx2s(), mers2x(): MER (Mercator) * - sflset(), sflx2s(), sfls2x(): SFL (Sanson-Flamsteed) * - parset(), parx2s(), pars2x(): PAR (parabolic) * - molset(), molx2s(), mols2x(): MOL (Mollweide) * - aitset(), aitx2s(), aits2x(): AIT (Hammer-Aitoff) * - copset(), copx2s(), cops2x(): COP (conic perspective) * - coeset(), coex2s(), coes2x(): COE (conic equal area) * - codset(), codx2s(), cods2x(): COD (conic equidistant) * - cooset(), coox2s(), coos2x(): COO (conic orthomorphic) * - bonset(), bonx2s(), bons2x(): BON (Bonne) * - pcoset(), pcox2s(), pcos2x(): PCO (polyconic) * - tscset(), tscx2s(), tscs2x(): TSC (tangential spherical cube) * - cscset(), cscx2s(), cscs2x(): CSC (COBE spherical cube) * - qscset(), qscx2s(), qscs2x(): QSC (quadrilateralized spherical cube) * - hpxset(), hpxx2s(), hpxs2x(): HPX (HEALPix) * - xphset(), xphx2s(), xphs2x(): XPH (HEALPix polar, aka "butterfly") * * Argument checking (projection routines): * ---------------------------------------- * The values of phi and theta (the native longitude and latitude) normally lie * in the range [-180,180] for phi, and [-90,90] for theta. However, all * projection routines will accept any value of phi and will not normalize it. * * The projection routines do not explicitly check that theta lies within the * range [-90,90]. They do check for any value of theta that produces an * invalid argument to the projection equations (e.g. leading to division by * zero). The projection routines for AZP, SZP, TAN, SIN, ZPN, and COP also * return error 2 if (phi,theta) corresponds to the overlapped (far) side of * the projection but also return the corresponding value of (x,y). This * strict bounds checking may be relaxed at any time by setting * prjprm::bounds%2 to 0 (rather than 1); the projections need not be * reinitialized. * * Argument checking (deprojection routines): * ------------------------------------------ * Error checking on the projected coordinates (x,y) is limited to that * required to ascertain whether a solution exists. Where a solution does * exist no check is made that the value of phi and theta obtained lie within * the ranges [-180,180] for phi, and [-90,90] for theta. * * Accuracy: * --------- * No warranty is given for the accuracy of these routines (refer to the * copyright notice); intending users must satisfy for themselves their * adequacy for the intended purpose. However, closure to a precision of at * least 1E-10 degree of longitude and latitude has been verified for typical * projection parameters on the 1 degree graticule of native longitude and * latitude (to within 5 degrees of any latitude where the projection may * diverge). Refer to the tprj1.c and tprj2.c test routines that accompany * this software. * * * prjini() - Default constructor for the prjprm struct * ---------------------------------------------------- * prjini() sets all members of a prjprm struct to default values. It should * be used to initialize every prjprm struct. * * Returned: * prj struct prjprm* * Projection parameters. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null prjprm pointer passed. * * * prjfree() - Destructor for the prjprm struct * -------------------------------------------- * prjfree() frees any memory that may have been allocated to store an error * message in the prjprm struct. * * Given: * prj struct prjprm* * Projection parameters. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null prjprm pointer passed. * * * prjprt() - Print routine for the prjprm struct * ---------------------------------------------- * prjprt() prints the contents of a prjprm struct using wcsprintf(). Mainly * intended for diagnostic purposes. * * Given: * prj const struct prjprm* * Projection parameters. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null prjprm pointer passed. * * * prjset() - Generic setup routine for the prjprm struct * ------------------------------------------------------ * prjset() sets up a prjprm struct according to information supplied within * it. * * Note that this routine need not be called directly; it will be invoked by * prjx2s() and prjs2x() if prj.flag is anything other than a predefined magic * value. * * The one important distinction between prjset() and the setup routines for * the specific projections is that the projection code must be defined in the * prjprm struct in order for prjset() to identify the required projection. * Once prjset() has initialized the prjprm struct, prjx2s() and prjs2x() use * the pointers to the specific projection and deprojection routines contained * therein. * * Given and returned: * prj struct prjprm* * Projection parameters. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null prjprm pointer passed. * 2: Invalid projection parameters. * * For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in * prjprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable(). * * * prjx2s() - Generic Cartesian-to-spherical deprojection * ------------------------------------------------------ * Deproject Cartesian (x,y) coordinates in the plane of projection to native * spherical coordinates (phi,theta). * * The projection is that specified by prjprm::code. * * Given and returned: * prj struct prjprm* * Projection parameters. * * Given: * nx,ny int Vector lengths. * * sxy,spt int Vector strides. * * x,y const double[] * Projected coordinates. * * Returned: * phi,theta double[] Longitude and latitude (phi,theta) of the projected * point in native spherical coordinates [deg]. * * stat int[] Status return value for each vector element: * 0: Success. * 1: Invalid value of (x,y). * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null prjprm pointer passed. * 2: Invalid projection parameters. * 3: One or more of the (x,y) coordinates were * invalid, as indicated by the stat vector. * * For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in * prjprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable(). * * * prjs2x() - Generic spherical-to-Cartesian projection * ---------------------------------------------------- * Project native spherical coordinates (phi,theta) to Cartesian (x,y) * coordinates in the plane of projection. * * The projection is that specified by prjprm::code. * * Given and returned: * prj struct prjprm* * Projection parameters. * * Given: * nphi, * ntheta int Vector lengths. * * spt,sxy int Vector strides. * * phi,theta const double[] * Longitude and latitude (phi,theta) of the projected * point in native spherical coordinates [deg]. * * Returned: * x,y double[] Projected coordinates. * * stat int[] Status return value for each vector element: * 0: Success. * 1: Invalid value of (phi,theta). * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null prjprm pointer passed. * 2: Invalid projection parameters. * 4: One or more of the (phi,theta) coordinates * were, invalid, as indicated by the stat vector. * * For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in * prjprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable(). * * * ???set() - Specific setup routines for the prjprm struct * -------------------------------------------------------- * Set up a prjprm struct for a particular projection according to information * supplied within it. * * Given and returned: * prj struct prjprm* * Projection parameters. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null prjprm pointer passed. * 2: Invalid projection parameters. * * For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in * prjprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable(). * * * ???x2s() - Specific Cartesian-to-spherical deprojection routines * ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Transform (x,y) coordinates in the plane of projection to native spherical * coordinates (phi,theta). * * Given and returned: * prj struct prjprm* * Projection parameters. * * Given: * nx,ny int Vector lengths. * * sxy,spt int Vector strides. * * x,y const double[] * Projected coordinates. * * Returned: * phi,theta double[] Longitude and latitude of the projected point in * native spherical coordinates [deg]. * * stat int[] Status return value for each vector element: * 0: Success. * 1: Invalid value of (x,y). * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null prjprm pointer passed. * 2: Invalid projection parameters. * 3: One or more of the (x,y) coordinates were * invalid, as indicated by the stat vector. * * For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in * prjprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable(). * * * ???s2x() - Specific spherical-to-Cartesian projection routines *--------------------------------------------------------------- * Transform native spherical coordinates (phi,theta) to (x,y) coordinates in * the plane of projection. * * Given and returned: * prj struct prjprm* * Projection parameters. * * Given: * nphi, * ntheta int Vector lengths. * * spt,sxy int Vector strides. * * phi,theta const double[] * Longitude and latitude of the projected point in * native spherical coordinates [deg]. * * Returned: * x,y double[] Projected coordinates. * * stat int[] Status return value for each vector element: * 0: Success. * 1: Invalid value of (phi,theta). * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null prjprm pointer passed. * 2: Invalid projection parameters. * 4: One or more of the (phi,theta) coordinates * were, invalid, as indicated by the stat vector. * * For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in * prjprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable(). * * * prjprm struct - Projection parameters * ------------------------------------- * The prjprm struct contains all information needed to project or deproject * native spherical coordinates. It consists of certain members that must be * set by the user ("given") and others that are set by the WCSLIB routines * ("returned"). Some of the latter are supplied for informational purposes * while others are for internal use only. * * int flag * (Given and returned) This flag must be set to zero whenever any of the * following prjprm struct members are set or changed: * * - prjprm::code, * - prjprm::r0, * - prjprm::pv[], * - prjprm::phi0, * - prjprm::theta0. * * This signals the initialization routine (prjset() or ???set()) to * recompute the returned members of the prjprm struct. flag will then be * reset to indicate that this has been done. * * Note that flag need not be reset when prjprm::bounds is changed. * * char code[4] * (Given) Three-letter projection code defined by the FITS standard. * * double r0 * (Given) The radius of the generating sphere for the projection, a linear * scaling parameter. If this is zero, it will be reset to its default * value of 180/pi (the value for FITS WCS). * * double pv[30] * (Given) Projection parameters. These correspond to the PVi_ma keywords * in FITS, so pv[0] is PVi_0a, pv[1] is PVi_1a, etc., where i denotes the * latitude-like axis. Many projections use pv[1] (PVi_1a), some also use * pv[2] (PVi_2a) and SZP uses pv[3] (PVi_3a). ZPN is currently the only * projection that uses any of the others. * * Usage of the pv[] array as it applies to each projection is described in * the prologue to each trio of projection routines in prj.c. * * double phi0 * (Given) The native longitude, phi_0 [deg], and ... * double theta0 * (Given) ... the native latitude, theta_0 [deg], of the reference point, * i.e. the point (x,y) = (0,0). If undefined (set to a magic value by * prjini()) the initialization routine will set this to a * projection-specific default. * * int bounds * (Given) Controls strict bounds checking. If bounds&1 then enable bounds * checking for the sky-to-pixel (s2x) transformation for the AZP, SZP, * TAN, SIN, ZPN, and COP projections. If bounds&2 then enable bounds * checking for the pixel-to-sky transformation for the HPX and XPH * projections. Set to 3 by prjini() by default which enables both. Zero * it to disable all checking. * * The remaining members of the prjprm struct are maintained by the setup * routines and must not be modified elsewhere: * * char name[40] * (Returned) Long name of the projection. * * Provided for information only, not used by the projection routines. * * int category * (Returned) Projection category matching the value of the relevant global * variable: * * - ZENITHAL, * - CYLINDRICAL, * - PSEUDOCYLINDRICAL, * - CONVENTIONAL, * - CONIC, * - POLYCONIC, * - QUADCUBE, and * - HEALPIX. * * The category name may be identified via the prj_categories character * array, e.g. * = struct prjprm prj; = ... = printf("%s\n", prj_categories[prj.category]); * * Provided for information only, not used by the projection routines. * * int pvrange * (Returned) Range of projection parameter indices: 100 times the first * allowed index plus the number of parameters, e.g. TAN is 0 (no * parameters), SZP is 103 (1 to 3), and ZPN is 30 (0 to 29). * * Provided for information only, not used by the projection routines. * * int simplezen * (Returned) True if the projection is a radially-symmetric zenithal * projection. * * Provided for information only, not used by the projection routines. * * int equiareal * (Returned) True if the projection is equal area. * * Provided for information only, not used by the projection routines. * * int conformal * (Returned) True if the projection is conformal. * * Provided for information only, not used by the projection routines. * * int global * (Returned) True if the projection can represent the whole sphere in a * finite, non-overlapped mapping. * * Provided for information only, not used by the projection routines. * * int divergent * (Returned) True if the projection diverges in latitude. * * Provided for information only, not used by the projection routines. * * double x0 * (Returned) The offset in x, and ... * double y0 * (Returned) ... the offset in y used to force (x,y) = (0,0) at * (phi_0,theta_0). * * struct wcserr *err * (Returned) If enabled, when an error status is returned this struct * contains detailed information about the error, see wcserr_enable(). * * void *padding * (An unused variable inserted for alignment purposes only.) * * double w[10] * (Returned) Intermediate floating-point values derived from the * projection parameters, cached here to save recomputation. * * Usage of the w[] array as it applies to each projection is described in * the prologue to each trio of projection routines in prj.c. * * int n * (Returned) Intermediate integer value (used only for the ZPN and HPX * projections). * * int (*prjx2s)(PRJX2S_ARGS) * (Returned) Pointer to the projection ... * int (*prjs2x)(PRJ_ARGS) * (Returned) ... and deprojection routines. * * * Global variable: const char *prj_errmsg[] - Status return messages * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Error messages to match the status value returned from each function. * *===========================================================================*/ #ifndef WCSLIB_PROJ #define WCSLIB_PROJ #include "wcserr.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Total number of projection parameters; 0 to PVN-1. */ #define PVN 30 extern const char *prj_errmsg[]; enum prj_errmsg_enum { PRJERR_SUCCESS = 0, /* Success. */ PRJERR_NULL_POINTER = 1, /* Null prjprm pointer passed. */ PRJERR_BAD_PARAM = 2, /* Invalid projection parameters. */ PRJERR_BAD_PIX = 3, /* One or more of the (x, y) coordinates were invalid. */ PRJERR_BAD_WORLD = 4 /* One or more of the (phi, theta) coordinates were invalid. */ }; extern const int CONIC, CONVENTIONAL, CYLINDRICAL, POLYCONIC, PSEUDOCYLINDRICAL, QUADCUBE, ZENITHAL, HEALPIX; extern const char prj_categories[9][32]; extern const int prj_ncode; extern const char prj_codes[28][4]; #ifdef PRJX2S_ARGS #undef PRJX2S_ARGS #endif #ifdef PRJS2X_ARGS #undef PRJS2X_ARGS #endif /* For use in declaring deprojection function prototypes. */ #define PRJX2S_ARGS struct prjprm *prj, int nx, int ny, int sxy, int spt, \ const double x[], const double y[], double phi[], double theta[], int stat[] /* For use in declaring projection function prototypes. */ #define PRJS2X_ARGS struct prjprm *prj, int nx, int ny, int sxy, int spt, \ const double phi[], const double theta[], double x[], double y[], int stat[] struct prjprm { /* Initialization flag (see the prologue above). */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int flag; /* Set to zero to force initialization. */ /* Parameters to be provided (see the prologue above). */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char code[4]; /* Three-letter projection code. */ double r0; /* Radius of the generating sphere. */ double pv[PVN]; /* Projection parameters. */ double phi0, theta0; /* Fiducial native coordinates. */ int bounds; /* Enable strict bounds checking. */ /* Information derived from the parameters supplied. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char name[40]; /* Projection name. */ int category; /* Projection category. */ int pvrange; /* Range of projection parameter indices. */ int simplezen; /* Is it a simple zenithal projection? */ int equiareal; /* Is it an equal area projection? */ int conformal; /* Is it a conformal projection? */ int global; /* Can it map the whole sphere? */ int divergent; /* Does the projection diverge in latitude? */ double x0, y0; /* Fiducial offsets. */ /* Error handling */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct wcserr *err; /* Private */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void *padding; /* (Dummy inserted for alignment purposes.) */ double w[10]; /* Intermediate values. */ int m, n; /* Intermediate values. */ int (*prjx2s)(PRJX2S_ARGS); /* Pointers to the spherical projection and */ int (*prjs2x)(PRJS2X_ARGS); /* deprojection functions. */ }; /* Size of the prjprm struct in int units, used by the Fortran wrappers. */ #define PRJLEN (sizeof(struct prjprm)/sizeof(int)) /* Use the preprocessor to help declare function prototypes (see above). */ int prjini(struct prjprm *prj); int prjfree(struct prjprm *prj); int prjprt(const struct prjprm *prj); int prjset(struct prjprm *prj); int prjx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int prjs2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int azpset(struct prjprm *prj); int azpx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int azps2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int szpset(struct prjprm *prj); int szpx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int szps2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int tanset(struct prjprm *prj); int tanx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int tans2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int stgset(struct prjprm *prj); int stgx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int stgs2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int sinset(struct prjprm *prj); int sinx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int sins2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int arcset(struct prjprm *prj); int arcx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int arcs2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int zpnset(struct prjprm *prj); int zpnx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int zpns2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int zeaset(struct prjprm *prj); int zeax2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int zeas2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int airset(struct prjprm *prj); int airx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int airs2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int cypset(struct prjprm *prj); int cypx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int cyps2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int ceaset(struct prjprm *prj); int ceax2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int ceas2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int carset(struct prjprm *prj); int carx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int cars2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int merset(struct prjprm *prj); int merx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int mers2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int sflset(struct prjprm *prj); int sflx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int sfls2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int parset(struct prjprm *prj); int parx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int pars2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int molset(struct prjprm *prj); int molx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int mols2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int aitset(struct prjprm *prj); int aitx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int aits2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int copset(struct prjprm *prj); int copx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int cops2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int coeset(struct prjprm *prj); int coex2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int coes2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int codset(struct prjprm *prj); int codx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int cods2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int cooset(struct prjprm *prj); int coox2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int coos2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int bonset(struct prjprm *prj); int bonx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int bons2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int pcoset(struct prjprm *prj); int pcox2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int pcos2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int tscset(struct prjprm *prj); int tscx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int tscs2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int cscset(struct prjprm *prj); int cscx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int cscs2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int qscset(struct prjprm *prj); int qscx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int qscs2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int hpxset(struct prjprm *prj); int hpxx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int hpxs2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); int xphset(struct prjprm *prj); int xphx2s(PRJX2S_ARGS); int xphs2x(PRJS2X_ARGS); /* Deprecated. */ #define prjini_errmsg prj_errmsg #define prjprt_errmsg prj_errmsg #define prjset_errmsg prj_errmsg #define prjx2s_errmsg prj_errmsg #define prjs2x_errmsg prj_errmsg #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* WCSLIB_PROJ */