/*============================================================================ WCSLIB 4.20 - an implementation of the FITS WCS standard. Copyright (C) 1995-2013, Mark Calabretta This file is part of WCSLIB. WCSLIB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. WCSLIB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with WCSLIB. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses. Direct correspondence concerning WCSLIB to mark@calabretta.id.au Author: Mark Calabretta, Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO. http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/Mark.Calabretta $Id: spc.h,v 4.20 2013/12/18 05:42:49 mcalabre Exp $ *============================================================================= * * WCSLIB 4.20 - C routines that implement the spectral coordinate systems * recognized by the FITS World Coordinate System (WCS) standard. Refer to * * "Representations of world coordinates in FITS", * Greisen, E.W., & Calabretta, M.R. 2002, A&A, 395, 1061 (Paper I) * * "Representations of spectral coordinates in FITS", * Greisen, E.W., Calabretta, M.R., Valdes, F.G., & Allen, S.L. * 2006, A&A, 446, 747 (Paper III) * * Refer to the README file provided with WCSLIB for an overview of the * library. * * * Summary of the spc routines * --------------------------- * These routines implement the part of the FITS WCS standard that deals with * spectral coordinates. They define methods to be used for computing spectral * world coordinates from intermediate world coordinates (a linear * transformation of image pixel coordinates), and vice versa. They are based * on the spcprm struct which contains all information needed for the * computations. The struct contains some members that must be set by the * user, and others that are maintained by these routines, somewhat like a * C++ class but with no encapsulation. * * Routine spcini() is provided to initialize the spcprm struct with default * values, spcfree() reclaims any memory that may have been allocated to store * an error message, and spcprt() prints its contents. * * A setup routine, spcset(), computes intermediate values in the spcprm struct * from parameters in it that were supplied by the user. The struct always * needs to be set up by spcset() but it need not be called explicitly - refer * to the explanation of spcprm::flag. * * spcx2s() and spcs2x() implement the WCS spectral coordinate transformations. * In fact, they are high level driver routines for the lower level spectral * coordinate transformation routines described in spx.h. * * A number of routines are provided to aid in analysing or synthesising sets * of FITS spectral axis keywords: * * - spctype() checks a spectral CTYPEia keyword for validity and returns * information derived from it. * * - Spectral keyword analysis routine spcspxe() computes the values of the * X-type spectral variables for the S-type variables supplied. * * - Spectral keyword synthesis routine, spcxpse(), computes the S-type * variables for the X-types supplied. * * - Given a set of spectral keywords, a translation routine, spctrne(), * produces the corresponding set for the specified spectral CTYPEia. * * - spcaips() translates AIPS-convention spectral CTYPEia and VELREF * keyvalues. * * Spectral variable types - S, P, and X: * -------------------------------------- * A few words of explanation are necessary regarding spectral variable types * in FITS. * * Every FITS spectral axis has three associated spectral variables: * * S-type: the spectral variable in which coordinates are to be * expressed. Each S-type is encoded as four characters and is * linearly related to one of four basic types as follows: * * F: frequency * 'FREQ': frequency * 'AFRQ': angular frequency * 'ENER': photon energy * 'WAVN': wave number * 'VRAD': radio velocity * * W: wavelength in vacuo * 'WAVE': wavelength * 'VOPT': optical velocity * 'ZOPT': redshift * * A: wavelength in air * 'AWAV': wavelength in air * * V: velocity * 'VELO': relativistic velocity * 'BETA': relativistic beta factor * * The S-type forms the first four characters of the CTYPEia keyvalue, * and CRVALia and CDELTia are expressed as S-type quantities so that * they provide a first-order approximation to the S-type variable at * the reference point. * * Note that 'AFRQ', angular frequency, is additional to the variables * defined in WCS Paper III. * * P-type: the basic spectral variable (F, W, A, or V) with which the * S-type variable is associated (see list above). * * For non-grism axes, the P-type is encoded as the eighth character of * CTYPEia. * * X-type: the basic spectral variable (F, W, A, or V) for which the * spectral axis is linear, grisms excluded (see below). * * For non-grism axes, the X-type is encoded as the sixth character of * CTYPEia. * * Grisms: Grism axes have normal S-, and P-types but the axis is linear, * not in any spectral variable, but in a special "grism parameter". * The X-type spectral variable is either W or A for grisms in vacuo or * air respectively, but is encoded as 'w' or 'a' to indicate that an * additional transformation is required to convert to or from the * grism parameter. The spectral algorithm code for grisms also has a * special encoding in CTYPEia, either 'GRI' (in vacuo) or 'GRA' (in air). * * In the algorithm chain, the non-linear transformation occurs between the * X-type and the P-type variables; the transformation between P-type and * S-type variables is always linear. * * When the P-type and X-type variables are the same, the spectral axis is * linear in the S-type variable and the second four characters of CTYPEia * are blank. This can never happen for grism axes. * * As an example, correlating radio spectrometers always produce spectra that * are regularly gridded in frequency; a redshift scale on such a spectrum is * non-linear. The required value of CTYPEia would be 'ZOPT-F2W', where the * desired S-type is 'ZOPT' (redshift), the P-type is necessarily 'W' * (wavelength), and the X-type is 'F' (frequency) by the nature of the * instrument. * * Argument checking: * ------------------ * The input spectral values are only checked for values that would result in * floating point exceptions. In particular, negative frequencies and * wavelengths are allowed, as are velocities greater than the speed of * light. The same is true for the spectral parameters - rest frequency and * wavelength. * * Accuracy: * --------- * No warranty is given for the accuracy of these routines (refer to the * copyright notice); intending users must satisfy for themselves their * adequacy for the intended purpose. However, closure effectively to within * double precision rounding error was demonstrated by test routine tspc.c * which accompanies this software. * * * spcini() - Default constructor for the spcprm struct * ---------------------------------------------------- * spcini() sets all members of a spcprm struct to default values. It should * be used to initialize every spcprm struct. * * Given and returned: * spc struct spcprm* * Spectral transformation parameters. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null spcprm pointer passed. * * * spcfree() - Destructor for the spcprm struct * -------------------------------------------- * spcfree() frees any memory that may have been allocated to store an error * message in the spcprm struct. * * Given: * spc struct spcprm* * Spectral transformation parameters. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null spcprm pointer passed. * * * spcprt() - Print routine for the spcprm struct * ---------------------------------------------- * spcprt() prints the contents of a spcprm struct using wcsprintf(). Mainly * intended for diagnostic purposes. * * Given: * spc const struct spcprm* * Spectral transformation parameters. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null spcprm pointer passed. * * * spcset() - Setup routine for the spcprm struct * ---------------------------------------------- * spcset() sets up a spcprm struct according to information supplied within * it. * * Note that this routine need not be called directly; it will be invoked by * spcx2s() and spcs2x() if spcprm::flag is anything other than a predefined * magic value. * * Given and returned: * spc struct spcprm* * Spectral transformation parameters. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null spcprm pointer passed. * 2: Invalid spectral parameters. * * For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in * spcprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable(). * * * spcx2s() - Transform to spectral coordinates * -------------------------------------------- * spcx2s() transforms intermediate world coordinates to spectral coordinates. * * Given and returned: * spc struct spcprm* * Spectral transformation parameters. * * Given: * nx int Vector length. * * sx int Vector stride. * * sspec int Vector stride. * * x const double[] * Intermediate world coordinates, in SI units. * * Returned: * spec double[] Spectral coordinates, in SI units. * * stat int[] Status return value status for each vector element: * 0: Success. * 1: Invalid value of x. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null spcprm pointer passed. * 2: Invalid spectral parameters. * 3: One or more of the x coordinates were invalid, * as indicated by the stat vector. * * For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in * spcprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable(). * * * spcs2x() - Transform spectral coordinates * ----------------------------------------- * spcs2x() transforms spectral world coordinates to intermediate world * coordinates. * * Given and returned: * spc struct spcprm* * Spectral transformation parameters. * * Given: * nspec int Vector length. * * sspec int Vector stride. * * sx int Vector stride. * * spec const double[] * Spectral coordinates, in SI units. * * Returned: * x double[] Intermediate world coordinates, in SI units. * * stat int[] Status return value status for each vector element: * 0: Success. * 1: Invalid value of spec. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 1: Null spcprm pointer passed. * 2: Invalid spectral parameters. * 4: One or more of the spec coordinates were * invalid, as indicated by the stat vector. * * For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in * spcprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable(). * * * spctype() - Spectral CTYPEia keyword analysis * --------------------------------------------- * spctype() checks whether a CTYPEia keyvalue is a valid spectral axis type * and if so returns information derived from it relating to the associated S-, * P-, and X-type spectral variables (see explanation above). * * The return arguments are guaranteed not be modified if CTYPEia is not a * valid spectral type; zero-pointers may be specified for any that are not of * interest. * * A deprecated form of this function, spctyp(), lacks the wcserr** parameter. * * Given: * ctype const char[9] * The CTYPEia keyvalue, (eight characters with null * termination). * * Returned: * stype char[] The four-letter name of the S-type spectral variable * copied or translated from ctype. If a non-zero * pointer is given, the array must accomodate a null- * terminated string of length 5. * * scode char[] The three-letter spectral algorithm code copied or * translated from ctype. Logarithmic ('LOG') and * tabular ('TAB') codes are also recognized. If a * non-zero pointer is given, the array must accomodate a * null-terminated string of length 4. * * sname char[] Descriptive name of the S-type spectral variable. * If a non-zero pointer is given, the array must * accomodate a null-terminated string of length 22. * * units char[] SI units of the S-type spectral variable. If a * non-zero pointer is given, the array must accomodate a * null-terminated string of length 8. * * ptype char* Character code for the P-type spectral variable * derived from ctype, one of 'F', 'W', 'A', or 'V'. * * xtype char* Character code for the X-type spectral variable * derived from ctype, one of 'F', 'W', 'A', or 'V'. * Also, 'w' and 'a' are synonymous to 'W' and 'A' for * grisms in vacuo and air respectively. Set to 'L' or * 'T' for logarithmic ('LOG') and tabular ('TAB') axes. * * restreq int* Multivalued flag that indicates whether rest * frequency or wavelength is required to compute * spectral variables for this CTYPEia: * 0: Not required. * 1: Required for the conversion between S- and * P-types (e.g. 'ZOPT-F2W'). * 2: Required for the conversion between P- and * X-types (e.g. 'BETA-W2V'). * 3: Required for the conversion between S- and * P-types, and between P- and X-types, but not * between S- and X-types (this applies only for * 'VRAD-V2F', 'VOPT-V2W', and 'ZOPT-V2W'). * Thus the rest frequency or wavelength is required for * spectral coordinate computations (i.e. between S- and * X-types) only if restreq%3 != 0. * * err struct wcserr ** * If enabled, for function return values > 1, this * struct will contain a detailed error message, see * wcserr_enable(). May be NULL if an error message is * not desired. Otherwise, the user is responsible for * deleting the memory allocated for the wcserr struct. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 2: Invalid spectral parameters (not a spectral * CTYPEia). * * * spcspxe() - Spectral keyword analysis * ------------------------------------ * spcspxe() analyses the CTYPEia and CRVALia FITS spectral axis keyword values * and returns information about the associated X-type spectral variable. * * A deprecated form of this function, spcspx(), lacks the wcserr** parameter. * * Given: * ctypeS const char[9] * Spectral axis type, i.e. the CTYPEia keyvalue, (eight * characters with null termination). For non-grism * axes, the character code for the P-type spectral * variable in the algorithm code (i.e. the eighth * character of CTYPEia) may be set to '?' (it will not * be reset). * * crvalS double Value of the S-type spectral variable at the reference * point, i.e. the CRVALia keyvalue, SI units. * * restfrq, * restwav double Rest frequency [Hz] and rest wavelength in vacuo [m], * only one of which need be given, the other should be * set to zero. * * Returned: * ptype char* Character code for the P-type spectral variable * derived from ctypeS, one of 'F', 'W', 'A', or 'V'. * * xtype char* Character code for the X-type spectral variable * derived from ctypeS, one of 'F', 'W', 'A', or 'V'. * Also, 'w' and 'a' are synonymous to 'W' and 'A' for * grisms in vacuo and air respectively; crvalX and dXdS * (see below) will conform to these. * * restreq int* Multivalued flag that indicates whether rest frequency * or wavelength is required to compute spectral * variables for this CTYPEia, as for spctype(). * * crvalX double* Value of the X-type spectral variable at the reference * point, SI units. * * dXdS double* The derivative, dX/dS, evaluated at the reference * point, SI units. Multiply the CDELTia keyvalue by * this to get the pixel spacing in the X-type spectral * coordinate. * * err struct wcserr ** * If enabled, for function return values > 1, this * struct will contain a detailed error message, see * wcserr_enable(). May be NULL if an error message is * not desired. Otherwise, the user is responsible for * deleting the memory allocated for the wcserr struct. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 2: Invalid spectral parameters. * * * spcxpse() - Spectral keyword synthesis * ------------------------------------- * spcxpse(), for the spectral axis type specified and the value provided for * the X-type spectral variable at the reference point, deduces the value of * the FITS spectral axis keyword CRVALia and also the derivative dS/dX which * may be used to compute CDELTia. See above for an explanation of the S-, * P-, and X-type spectral variables. * * A deprecated form of this function, spcxps(), lacks the wcserr** parameter. * * Given: * ctypeS const char[9] * The required spectral axis type, i.e. the CTYPEia * keyvalue, (eight characters with null termination). * For non-grism axes, the character code for the P-type * spectral variable in the algorithm code (i.e. the * eighth character of CTYPEia) may be set to '?' (it * will not be reset). * * crvalX double Value of the X-type spectral variable at the reference * point (N.B. NOT the CRVALia keyvalue), SI units. * * restfrq, * restwav double Rest frequency [Hz] and rest wavelength in vacuo [m], * only one of which need be given, the other should be * set to zero. * * Returned: * ptype char* Character code for the P-type spectral variable * derived from ctypeS, one of 'F', 'W', 'A', or 'V'. * * xtype char* Character code for the X-type spectral variable * derived from ctypeS, one of 'F', 'W', 'A', or 'V'. * Also, 'w' and 'a' are synonymous to 'W' and 'A' for * grisms; crvalX and cdeltX must conform to these. * * restreq int* Multivalued flag that indicates whether rest frequency * or wavelength is required to compute spectral * variables for this CTYPEia, as for spctype(). * * crvalS double* Value of the S-type spectral variable at the reference * point (i.e. the appropriate CRVALia keyvalue), SI * units. * * dSdX double* The derivative, dS/dX, evaluated at the reference * point, SI units. Multiply this by the pixel spacing * in the X-type spectral coordinate to get the CDELTia * keyvalue. * * err struct wcserr ** * If enabled, for function return values > 1, this * struct will contain a detailed error message, see * wcserr_enable(). May be NULL if an error message is * not desired. Otherwise, the user is responsible for * deleting the memory allocated for the wcserr struct. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 2: Invalid spectral parameters. * * * spctrne() - Spectral keyword translation * --------------------------------------- * spctrne() translates a set of FITS spectral axis keywords into the * corresponding set for the specified spectral axis type. For example, a * 'FREQ' axis may be translated into 'ZOPT-F2W' and vice versa. * * A deprecated form of this function, spctrn(), lacks the wcserr** parameter. * * Given: * ctypeS1 const char[9] * Spectral axis type, i.e. the CTYPEia keyvalue, (eight * characters with null termination). For non-grism * axes, the character code for the P-type spectral * variable in the algorithm code (i.e. the eighth * character of CTYPEia) may be set to '?' (it will not * be reset). * * crvalS1 double Value of the S-type spectral variable at the reference * point, i.e. the CRVALia keyvalue, SI units. * * cdeltS1 double Increment of the S-type spectral variable at the * reference point, SI units. * * restfrq, * restwav double Rest frequency [Hz] and rest wavelength in vacuo [m], * only one of which need be given, the other should be * set to zero. Neither are required if the translation * is between wave-characteristic types, or between * velocity-characteristic types. E.g., required for * 'FREQ' -> 'ZOPT-F2W', but not required for * 'VELO-F2V' -> 'ZOPT-F2W'. * * Given and returned: * ctypeS2 char[9] Required spectral axis type (eight characters with * null termination). The first four characters are * required to be given and are never modified. The * remaining four, the algorithm code, are completely * determined by, and must be consistent with, ctypeS1 * and the first four characters of ctypeS2. A non-zero * status value will be returned if they are inconsistent * (see below). However, if the final three characters * are specified as "???", or if just the eighth * character is specified as '?', the correct algorithm * code will be substituted (applies for grism axes as * well as non-grism). * * Returned: * crvalS2 double* Value of the new S-type spectral variable at the * reference point, i.e. the new CRVALia keyvalue, SI * units. * * cdeltS2 double* Increment of the new S-type spectral variable at the * reference point, i.e. the new CDELTia keyvalue, SI * units. * * err struct wcserr ** * If enabled, for function return values > 1, this * struct will contain a detailed error message, see * wcserr_enable(). May be NULL if an error message is * not desired. Otherwise, the user is responsible for * deleting the memory allocated for the wcserr struct. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * 0: Success. * 2: Invalid spectral parameters. * * A status value of 2 will be returned if restfrq or * restwav are not specified when required, or if ctypeS1 * or ctypeS2 are self-inconsistent, or have different * spectral X-type variables. * * * spcaips() - Translate AIPS-convention spectral keywords * ------------------------------------------------------- * spcaips() translates AIPS-convention spectral CTYPEia and VELREF keyvalues. * * Given: * ctypeA const char[9] * CTYPEia keyvalue possibly containing an * AIPS-convention spectral code (eight characters, need * not be null-terminated). * * velref int AIPS-convention VELREF code. It has the following * integer values: * 1: LSR kinematic, originally described simply as * "LSR" without distinction between the kinematic * and dynamic definitions. * 2: Barycentric, originally described as "HEL" * meaning heliocentric. * 3: Topocentric, originally described as "OBS" * meaning geocentric but widely interpreted as * topocentric. * AIPS++ extensions to VELREF are also recognized: * 4: LSR dynamic. * 5: Geocentric. * 6: Source rest frame. * 7: Galactocentric. * * For an AIPS 'VELO' axis, a radio convention velocity * (VRAD) is denoted by adding 256 to VELREF, otherwise * an optical velocity (VOPT) is indicated (this is not * applicable to 'FREQ' or 'FELO' axes). Setting velref * to 0 or 256 chooses between optical and radio velocity * without specifying a Doppler frame, provided that a * frame is encoded in ctypeA. If not, i.e. for * ctypeA = 'VELO', ctype will be returned as 'VELO'. * * VELREF takes precedence over CTYPEia in defining the * Doppler frame, e.g. * = ctypeA = 'VELO-HEL' = velref = 1 * * returns ctype = 'VOPT' with specsys set to 'LSRK'. * * Returned: * ctype char[9] Translated CTYPEia keyvalue, or a copy of ctypeA if no * translation was performed (in which case any trailing * blanks in ctypeA will be replaced with nulls). * * specsys char[9] Doppler reference frame indicated by VELREF or else * by CTYPEia with value corresponding to the SPECSYS * keyvalue in the FITS WCS standard. May be returned * blank if neither specifies a Doppler frame, e.g. * ctypeA = 'FELO' and velref%256 == 0. * * Function return value: * int Status return value: * -1: No translation required (not an error). * 0: Success. * 2: Invalid value of VELREF. * * * spcprm struct - Spectral transformation parameters * -------------------------------------------------- * The spcprm struct contains information required to transform spectral * coordinates. It consists of certain members that must be set by the user * ("given") and others that are set by the WCSLIB routines ("returned"). Some * of the latter are supplied for informational purposes while others are for * internal use only. * * int flag * (Given and returned) This flag must be set to zero whenever any of the * following spcprm structure members are set or changed: * * - spcprm::type, * - spcprm::code, * - spcprm::crval, * - spcprm::restfrq, * - spcprm::restwav, * - spcprm::pv[]. * * This signals the initialization routine, spcset(), to recompute the * returned members of the spcprm struct. spcset() will reset flag to * indicate that this has been done. * * char type[8] * (Given) Four-letter spectral variable type, e.g "ZOPT" for * CTYPEia = 'ZOPT-F2W'. (Declared as char[8] for alignment reasons.) * * char code[4] * (Given) Three-letter spectral algorithm code, e.g "F2W" for * CTYPEia = 'ZOPT-F2W'. * * double crval * (Given) Reference value (CRVALia), SI units. * * double restfrq * (Given) The rest frequency [Hz], and ... * * double restwav * (Given) ... the rest wavelength in vacuo [m], only one of which need be * given, the other should be set to zero. Neither are required if the * X and S spectral variables are both wave-characteristic, or both * velocity-characteristic, types. * * double pv[7] * (Given) Grism parameters for 'GRI' and 'GRA' algorithm codes: * - 0: G, grating ruling density. * - 1: m, interference order. * - 2: alpha, angle of incidence [deg]. * - 3: n_r, refractive index at the reference wavelength, lambda_r. * - 4: n'_r, dn/dlambda at the reference wavelength, lambda_r (/m). * - 5: epsilon, grating tilt angle [deg]. * - 6: theta, detector tilt angle [deg]. * * The remaining members of the spcprm struct are maintained by spcset() and * must not be modified elsewhere: * * double w[6] * (Returned) Intermediate values: * - 0: Rest frequency or wavelength (SI). * - 1: The value of the X-type spectral variable at the reference point * (SI units). * - 2: dX/dS at the reference point (SI units). * The remainder are grism intermediates. * * int isGrism * (Returned) Grism coordinates? * - 0: no, * - 1: in vacuum, * - 2: in air. * * int padding1 * (An unused variable inserted for alignment purposes only.) * * struct wcserr *err * (Returned) If enabled, when an error status is returned this structure * contains detailed information about the error, see wcserr_enable(). * * void *padding2 * (An unused variable inserted for alignment purposes only.) * int (*spxX2P)(SPX_ARGS) * (Returned) The first and ... * int (*spxP2S)(SPX_ARGS) * (Returned) ... the second of the pointers to the transformation * functions in the two-step algorithm chain X -> P -> S in the * pixel-to-spectral direction where the non-linear transformation is from * X to P. The argument list, SPX_ARGS, is defined in spx.h. * * int (*spxS2P)(SPX_ARGS) * (Returned) The first and ... * int (*spxP2X)(SPX_ARGS) * (Returned) ... the second of the pointers to the transformation * functions in the two-step algorithm chain S -> P -> X in the * spectral-to-pixel direction where the non-linear transformation is from * P to X. The argument list, SPX_ARGS, is defined in spx.h. * * * Global variable: const char *spc_errmsg[] - Status return messages * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Error messages to match the status value returned from each function. * *===========================================================================*/ #ifndef WCSLIB_SPC #define WCSLIB_SPC #include "spx.h" #include "wcserr.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern const char *spc_errmsg[]; enum spc_errmsg_enum { SPCERR_NO_CHANGE = -1, /* No change. */ SPCERR_SUCCESS = 0, /* Success. */ SPCERR_NULL_POINTER = 1, /* Null spcprm pointer passed. */ SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS = 2, /* Invalid spectral parameters. */ SPCERR_BAD_X = 3, /* One or more of x coordinates were invalid. */ SPCERR_BAD_SPEC = 4 /* One or more of the spec coordinates were invalid. */ }; struct spcprm { /* Initialization flag (see the prologue above). */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int flag; /* Set to zero to force initialization. */ /* Parameters to be provided (see the prologue above). */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char type[8]; /* Four-letter spectral variable type. */ char code[4]; /* Three-letter spectral algorithm code. */ double crval; /* Reference value (CRVALia), SI units. */ double restfrq; /* Rest frequency, Hz. */ double restwav; /* Rest wavelength, m. */ double pv[7]; /* Grism parameters: */ /* 0: G, grating ruling density. */ /* 1: m, interference order. */ /* 2: alpha, angle of incidence. */ /* 3: n_r, refractive index at lambda_r. */ /* 4: n'_r, dn/dlambda at lambda_r. */ /* 5: epsilon, grating tilt angle. */ /* 6: theta, detector tilt angle. */ /* Information derived from the parameters supplied. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double w[6]; /* Intermediate values. */ /* 0: Rest frequency or wavelength (SI). */ /* 1: CRVALX (SI units). */ /* 2: CDELTX/CDELTia = dX/dS (SI units). */ /* The remainder are grism intermediates. */ int isGrism; /* Grism coordinates? 1: vacuum, 2: air. */ int padding1; /* (Dummy inserted for alignment purposes.) */ /* Error handling */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct wcserr *err; /* Private */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void *padding2; /* (Dummy inserted for alignment purposes.) */ int (*spxX2P)(SPX_ARGS); /* Pointers to the transformation functions */ int (*spxP2S)(SPX_ARGS); /* in the two-step algorithm chain in the */ /* pixel-to-spectral direction. */ int (*spxS2P)(SPX_ARGS); /* Pointers to the transformation functions */ int (*spxP2X)(SPX_ARGS); /* in the two-step algorithm chain in the */ /* spectral-to-pixel direction. */ }; /* Size of the spcprm struct in int units, used by the Fortran wrappers. */ #define SPCLEN (sizeof(struct spcprm)/sizeof(int)) int spcini(struct spcprm *spc); int spcfree(struct spcprm *spc); int spcprt(const struct spcprm *spc); int spcset(struct spcprm *spc); int spcx2s(struct spcprm *spc, int nx, int sx, int sspec, const double x[], double spec[], int stat[]); int spcs2x(struct spcprm *spc, int nspec, int sspec, int sx, const double spec[], double x[], int stat[]); int spctype(const char ctype[9], char stype[], char scode[], char sname[], char units[], char *ptype, char *xtype, int *restreq, struct wcserr **err); int spcspxe(const char ctypeS[9], double crvalS, double restfrq, double restwav, char *ptype, char *xtype, int *restreq, double *crvalX, double *dXdS, struct wcserr **err); int spcxpse(const char ctypeS[9], double crvalX, double restfrq, double restwav, char *ptype, char *xtype, int *restreq, double *crvalS, double *dSdX, struct wcserr **err); int spctrne(const char ctypeS1[9], double crvalS1, double cdeltS1, double restfrq, double restwav, char ctypeS2[9], double *crvalS2, double *cdeltS2, struct wcserr **err); int spcaips(const char ctypeA[9], int velref, char ctype[9], char specsys[9]); /* Deprecated. */ #define spcini_errmsg spc_errmsg #define spcprt_errmsg spc_errmsg #define spcset_errmsg spc_errmsg #define spcx2s_errmsg spc_errmsg #define spcs2x_errmsg spc_errmsg int spctyp(const char ctype[9], char stype[], char scode[], char sname[], char units[], char *ptype, char *xtype, int *restreq); int spcspx(const char ctypeS[9], double crvalS, double restfrq, double restwav, char *ptype, char *xtype, int *restreq, double *crvalX, double *dXdS); int spcxps(const char ctypeS[9], double crvalX, double restfrq, double restwav, char *ptype, char *xtype, int *restreq, double *crvalS, double *dSdX); int spctrn(const char ctypeS1[9], double crvalS1, double cdeltS1, double restfrq, double restwav, char ctypeS2[9], double *crvalS2, double *cdeltS2); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* WCSLIB_SPC */