c There are two .INC files for XSELECT, c c XSEL.INC contains system-dependent stuff, like c the names of directories. It also includes values c of parameters that apply throughut XSELECT c and do not change, e.g. MAXFIL, MAXLEN etc. c It also includes the version number. c c XSELVAR.INC contains system-independent stuff. c c This is XSEL.INC c c Alan Smale, 1992 November. c Maximum number of data files to use. Note: c (1) Increasing MAXFIL requires you to change the XSEL.PAR file c (2) If you increase MAXFIL over 999 some surgery will be c needed in READ and XSL_I2CC integer MAXFIL c Maximum length of strings c integer MAXLEN c Maximum number of selection files allowed integer MXNSEL c Maximum number of MKF files allowed integer MXNMKF c The maximum number of MKF parameters allowed: integer MXMKFP c THe maximum number of HK or MKF parameters to bin integer MAXCUR c The maximum number of devices for PGPLOT integer MAXDEV c The maximum number of Coordinates for each mission integer MXCORD c The maximum number of different obscat (one for each instrument) integer MAXOBS c The maximum number of columns in the obscat integer MXCATC c The maximum number of PHASE intervals allowed integer MXPHAS c The size of the history buffers for selections integer MXHIST c The version number character(5) xslver c System disk, system directory, help file directory, program c This stuff is, of course, system and platform specific. character(255) xsldsk, xsldir, xslnam c ---------------------------------------- c This sets the array sizes for all the arrays: parameter(MAXFIL=500) c parameter(MAXLEN=256) parameter(MXNSEL=32) parameter(MXNMKF = 64) parameter(MAXCUR = 64) parameter(MAXDEV = 40) parameter(MXMKFP = 128) parameter(MXCORD = 3) parameter(MAXOBS = 64) parameter (MXCATC = 256) parameter (MXPHAS = 64) parameter (MXHIST = 64) c ---------------------------------------- c This is the common block for the xpi command variables: common /xsel_xpi/ xsldsk,xsldir,xslnam,xslver