c There are two .INC files for XSELECT, c c XSEL.INC contains system-dependent stuff, like c the names of directories. It also includes values c of parameters that apply throughut XSELECT c and do not change, e.g. MAXFIL, MAXLEN etc. c It also includes the version number. c c XSELVAR.INC contains system-independent stuff. c c This is XSELVAR.INC c c Alan Smale, 1992 November. c --------------------------------------------- c Temporary filenames required by XSELECT c FITS files -- character(255) curfil,curfits,unbfil, merfil, mrgtif,mrghkf character(255) simfil,imfil,clnim,evnin,evnout,ffflt,ffilin character(255) regfil,detfil,sisreg,hktfl,ascflt,gtiflt, spcfil character(255) xwnflt,xphflt,xronwn,ascout character(255) work1f, work2f, wgti1f, wgti2f,wkhk1f,wkhk2f character(255) hkcurf character(255) ffcurf character(255) usrdfe,dfefil,chocat c The hot pixel list: character(255) hotpxl c The root string for the hkcurve files c character(255) hkcurn c The root string for the ffcurve files c character(255) ffcurn c The character string for the prompt character(255) prompt c ASCII files -- character(255) cmdfil, lstfil, obsfil, errfil, savfil c The Observation catalogue files character(255) obscat(MAXOBS) c The columns in the obscat character(8) catcol(MXCATC) c The number of columns in the obscat integer ncatcl c The loaded catalogue name character(255) catnam c The MKF files character(255) mkfnam(MXNMKF) c The file for the merged MKF file character(255) mermkf c The list of parameters in the MKF file character(32) mkfpar(MXMKFP) c The number of MKF parameters available integer nmkfpr c The data, mkf, obscat, work and HK directory names character(255) datdir, mkfdir, catdir, wrkdir, hkdir c The mkf default name character(128) mkfdnm c and default relative directory character(128) mkreld c The session prefix character(255) prefix c Filetype of data files and temporary files character(255) ftype, xsltyp c The ref data directory: character(255) refdir c Strings used, reused, reused again as temporary space c character(512) str1, str2, str3, str4 c Region and timing and intensity file lists, root names and indices: character(255) ctif,hndf,intf character(255) regvec(MXNSEL),detvec(MXNSEL),ascvec(MXNSEL) character(255) hndvec(MXNSEL),ctivec(MXNSEL),gtivec(MXNSEL) character(255) intvec(MXNSEL) integer CTINDX(MXNSEL),HNDNDX(MXNSEL),intndx(MXNSEL) c This stores the expressions for the intensities: character(255) intexp(MXNSEL) c The number of regions, ascii, fits and cursor entered gti files integer numreg,numdet,numasc,numgti,numcti,numint,numhnd c The merge of all the FITS GTI files character(256) allgti c Strings containing the keywords for TIME, PHA and units c of time by this mission (given by keymis). Also X and Y for c images, and other stuff needed by the extractor. character(80) keytim, keypha, keygrd, keyccd character(80) keyuni, keymis, submis character(16) keyrat,keyrte, ratext c This is the MAXIMUM of the TIMEDEL keywords for the read in files: double precision timedel c The time reference for the spacecraft clock character(32) timesys double precision mjdreff integer mjdrefi c Datamode character(16) datamode c These are the possible position coordinates, and their size keywords: character(80) keyx(MXCORD), keyy(MXCORD) character(80) keyxsz(MXCORD), keyysz(MXCORD) character(80) xcolf,ycolf, xcolh, ycolh, xfkey,yfkey,xhkey,yhkey character(80) phamxkwd,gtinam,evtnam character(3) evtnum,gtinum,catnum character(80) keymis2 c The instrument name character(255) instru c Real containing SIS echo fraction real sisecho c Real with timepixr value real timepixr c String containing maximum grade character(255) maxgrade c String containing selection criteria character(2048) strsel(MXHIST),hkstr character(2048) ffstr(MXHIST) character(2048) catflt,choflt,catsel c Number of selections in history buffer: integer nstrsel,nffstr c String containing observation catalog parameter list character(255) obslis c Integer for the pagewidth for FDUMP's integer pgwth c String containing split threshold character(255) split c Timing constants: double precision day2sec,sec2uni,day2uni c --------------------------------------------- c The filenames of the input FITS files. character(255) filenm(MAXFIL) c The filenames of the corresponding GTI files character(255) gtifnm(MAXFIL) c The filenames of the corresponding HK files character(255) hkflnm(MAXFIL) c The index of the chosen files in the catalogue: integer catidx(MAXFIL) c The filenames for the temporary workspace files. character(255) work1(MAXFIL), work2(MAXFIL) c The filenames for the temporary workspaces for the GTI files character(255) gtiwk1(MAXFIL), gtiwk2(MAXFIL) c The filenames for the temporary workspaces for the HK files character(255) hkwrk1(MAXFIL), hkwrk2(MAXFIL) c The filenames internally stored by the observation catalogue character(255) catfil(MAXFIL) c The filenames for output FITS files. character(255) filout(MAXFIL) c A temporary file for working on the catalogue, etc character(255) tempfl c The list of the available device drivers for PGPLOT: character(10) devlst(MAXDEV) c The number of devices currently loaded in PGPLOT: integer ndev c --------------------------------------------- c For BIN CURVE: c Binsize for light curve creation real binsiz c Start and end of time chunk for light curve creation C real tstart, tfin c The time offset to get from extractor time to MJD: real timref c Character strings corresponding to the above C character(20) sstart, sfin, sbinsz c Number of bins in lightcurve integer nbins c Upper and lower cutoffs for PHA, and the bounds integer phalcut, phahcut,phamax,phamin c --------------------------------------------- c For IMAGE (or BIN IMAGE) c Binsizes in X and Y directions real xbinsz,ybinsz c The offset and size factors integer xch,ych,xcf,ycf,sizeh,sizef c Rebinning factor for the image integer xbinf c For the GIS, the sizes for PI, X and RISE_TIME integer rxbval,ribval, phbval C ---------------------------------------- C For Smooth image c The X and Y windows for the boxcar smoothing real xwindow, ywindow c The sigma and nsigma for the gaussian real sigma integer nsigma c The boundary method, and smoothing method character(16) bound, smethod c The value for the constant boundary method integer const c Logicals, is there a smoothed file, has it been saved logical SMOOTH,SAVSMOOTH c --------------------------------------------- c For BIN SPEC c The pha bin size, and the histogram rebinning factor integer phabin,extrbinh c --------------------------------------------- C For READ: c Character strings for file name index and constructed par-name character(2) filidx character(6) filpar c Number of files read in integer nfiles c Number of HK files read in integer nhkfil c --------------------------------------------- c For FILTER GRADE character(255) gfilter c --------------------------------------------- c For FILTER COLUMN character(255) colfilter c --------------------------------------------- c For FILTER PHASE real phase(2,MXPHAS) integer nphase double precision epoch,period c --------------------------------------------- c A bunch of random integers. c Status of XPI and XSEL subroutines. integer status integer ierr c The number of commands entered on the command line integer comno c File I/O unit numbers c integer ilun, ilun2, ilun3 c HKMODE gives readin mode for the HK files integer hkmode c Current Observation catalogue number integer obsno c Number of files in the obscat integer nincat c The number of MKF files integer nmkf c General reusable integers for lengths of strings c integer len1, len2, len3, len4, len5, len6 c --------------------------------------------- c For HKBIN, FFBIN and PLOT c Number of parameters to bin integer npar,nffpar c Names of the parameters character(80) parlis(MAXCUR),ffplis(MAXCUR) c Plotting device character(80) plotdv c --------------------------------------------- c SISCLEAN stuff integer cellsz, bkgthr, clnmet, cphal, cphah real logprb c --------------------------------------------- c Stuff for FAST mode integer arena,ario,stah,endh,ccdno character(4) in_or_out c --------------------------------------------- c LOGICALS c c Keep track of what operations have been performed. These c logicals are set according to whether their relevant commands c have been performed, and checked whenever a 'subsequent' c command is called (e.g. CURV checked to make sure a c BIN CURVE has been done before allowing a PLOT CURVE). c Has data been read in? logical READ c Has spectrum been accumulated? logical SPEC c Has light curve been accumulated? logical CURV c Has an image been accumulated? logical IMAGE c Has a cleaned image been produced? logical CLEANI c Is there a hot pixel removal region? logical CLEAN c Did the CLEAN or DIRTY spectrum get extracted? logical DIRTY c Has an FF curve been accumulated logical FFCURV c Has an HK curve been accumulated logical HKCURV c Has a selection been applied? logical SELCT c Has there been an HK selection? logical HKSEL c Has there been a Filter file selection logical FFTFL c Has the data been merged into one file? logical MERGED c Does the data contain a GTI file? logical USEGTI c Has the GTI data been merged into one file? logical MERGTI c Are HK files being used? logical USEHK c Have HK files been read in? logical HKREAD c Are there many HK files? logical MANYHK c Have the HK files been merged? logical MERGHK c Are the HK files in expanded form? logical EXPAND c Are there many input data files? (as opposed to just one) logical MANY c Has an observation catalogue (OBSCAT) been made? logical MADE c Has an obscat been loaded externally logical LOADED c Do MAKE OBSCAT and LOAD OBSCAT dump the catalogue logical SHOWOC c Are we using 'workspace' files now rather than original c input files? (i.e. as a result of a SELECT, F2B, etc logical WORK c Are we using 'workspace' files now for the GTI, rather than original c input files? (i.e. as a result of a SELECT, F2B, etc logical WRKGTI c Are we using 'workspace' files now for the HK, rather than original c input files? (i.e. as a result of a SELECT, F2B, etc logical WORKHK c Have the files been filtered using the GTI logical FILTER c Has there been a Region selected? logical REGION c Is there an ascii time file in use logical ASCTFL c Is there an xronos window file in use logical XWNTFL c Is there a Xronos window file with phase info entered? logical XPHTFL c Has the Xronos phase win. file been saved? logical XPHSAV c Is there an fits gti time file in use logical FITTFL c Is there a detector filter in use ? logical DETFL c Are we using the output event list from the extractor$ logical BININ c Is the extractor putting out a filtered event list? logical BINOUT c Has the filtered event list been saved? logical EVTSAV c Has the cleaned events file been saved? logical CLNSAV c Do we want a weighted map? logical WTMAPB c Do we want WMAP pixels outside the selected region set to -1? logical WTMAPFIX c Do we need to invert the X-axis in the relation between WMAP and IMAGE pixels logical SWMAPX c Do we need to invert the Y-axis in the relation between WMAP and IMAGE pixels logical SWMAPY c ECHO the command file to the terminal? logical ECHO c Are the events files time ordered? logical TORDER c Have we output an unbinned light curve? logical UNBIN c Do we want to use the QDP output? logical USEQDP c Has FASTTIME been run on the data logical FAST c Has FAINT to BRIGHT conversion been done? logical FAINT c Is it Valid to make an image or spectrum: logical VIMAGE,VSPEC c Is it valid to do REGION, PHA_CUTOFF filtering, or GISCLEAN logical VREGION, VPHACUT, VGISCLEAN c Has an intensity GTI been created logical INTENS c Does this mission have MKF files: logical HAVEMKF c Should the adjustgti parameter be set when calling extractor logical ADJUSTGTI c --------------------------------------------- C COMMON BLOCKS c --------------------------------------------- c CHARACTER STRINGS common / xsel1 / merfil, mrgtif, mrghkf, + work1f, work2f, wgti1f, wgti2f, wkhk1f,wkhk2f, + obsfil, obslis, datdir, mkfdir, hkdir,ffilin,allgti, + hkstr,catflt,split, tempfl,evnin,evnout,usrdfe,dfefil, + savfil,prefix,catnam,choflt,catsel,chocat,refdir, + maxgrade,mermkf,hotpxl,catdir,bound,smethod,timesys common /binfiles/ curfil,curfits,unbfil,spcfil,imfil,simfil, + clnim,regfil,detfil,ascflt,hktfl,sisreg, + gtiflt,xwnflt,xphflt,xronwn,ascout,ffflt, + ctif,hndf,intf common /mission/ keytim, keypha, keygrd, keyccd, keyuni, + keymis, submis, + keyrat,keyrte,ratext,phamxkwd,mkfdnm,mkreld, + gtinam,gtinum,catnum,evtnam,evtnum,keymis2, + xcolf,ycolf,xcolh, ycolh, xfkey,yfkey, + xhkey,yhkey,instru,datamode,in_or_out common /defaults/ ftype,filidx,filpar,xsltyp,prompt common /xselcmd/ cmdfil, lstfil,errfil, wrkdir c CHARACTER ARRAYS common / xsel2 / filenm, work1, work2, filout,hkcurf,ffcurf, + gtiwk1, gtiwk2, gtifnm, hkwrk1, hkwrk2, hkflnm,parlis, + plotdv, obscat,catfil,ascvec,ctivec,regvec,detvec,gtivec, + hndvec,intvec,devlst,ffplis,mkfnam,mkfpar,intexp, + keyx,keyy,keyxsz,keyysz,catcol,strsel,ffstr,gfilter, + colfilter c MISCELLANEOUS REALS & INTEGERS common / xsel3i / catidx,nbins, nfiles,nhkfil,npar,obsno, + status, ierr,hkmode,phabin,extrbinh,nffpar, + nmkf,nmkfpr,pgwth,comno,ndev,clnmet, + phahcut,phalcut,phamin,phamax,numhnd, + numcti,nincat,numreg,numdet,numasc,numgti, + numint,cphal,cphah,cellsz,bkgthr,ncatcl, + nphase,sigma,nsigma,const,nstrsel,nffstr, + arena,ario,stah,endh,ccdno, + ctindx,hndndx,intndx,rxbval,ribval, phbval, + xch,ych,xcf,ycf,sizeh,sizef common / xsel3r / binsiz,xbinsz, ybinsz, xbinf,sisecho,timepixr, + logprb,phase,timref,xwindow, ywindow common /xsel3d / epoch,period,timedel,day2sec,sec2uni, + day2uni,mjdreff,mjdrefi c LOGICALS common /xsel_log_gen / ECHO,SHOWOC,XPHSAV,EVTSAV,CLNSAV common / xsel_log_data / READ,MERGED, MANY, MADE, WORK, + USEGTI, MERGTI, WRKGTI, LOADED, + BININ,BINOUT,TORDER,HKREAD,MANYHK, + USEHK, MERGHK, WORKHK, EXPAND, UNBIN + common /xsel_log_prod /SPEC, CURV, HKCURV, SELCT, IMAGE, CLEAN, + CLEANI, FFCURV, WTMAPB, WTMAPFIX, SWMAPX, + SWMAPY, FAST, + FAINT, DIRTY, USEQDP, SMOOTH, SAVSMOOTH, + VIMAGE,VSPEC,ADJUSTGTI common /xsel_log_filt /FILTER,REGION,ASCTFL,FITTFL,DETFL, + XWNTFL,FFTFL,HKSEL,XPHTFL,VREGION, + VPHACUT, VGISCLEAN,INTENS,HAVEMKF c Control variables c True if the batchmode parameter is set logical QBATCH common /xsel_control/QBATCH c --------------------------------------------- c [end of xselvar.inc]