# Input one or more (contiguous) fits file in BATSE daily data sets, # either "CONT" or "DISCLA" type. If multiple files, then use # file list. For example, a list file named cont.list contains: #cont_08379.fits #cont_08380.fits #cont_08381.fits # when input, prefix "@" with the file name, i.e. @cont.list bcontfil,s,a,"@cont.list",,,"Name of BATSE daily data file (CONT/DISCLA type):" #the directory to contain the input and output files, such as cont_08379.fits, #cont_08380.fits, cont_08381.fits, and cont.list data_dir,s,a,"/Home/lhea2/chpan/data2/data/bcontdata/",,,"Name of directory for data files:" # The selected start time of viewing peroid in Truncated Julian Date tjdsta,d,a,8378.99998,,,"Start time (Truncated Julian Date):" # The selected stop time of viewing peroid in Truncated Julian Date tjdstp,d,a,8381.9999,,,"Stop time (Truncated Julian Date):" # The bin size of binning data for the selected viewing peroid binsz,i,a,50,,,"Bin size:" # the number of start channel to be used in the rates or counts chansta,i,a,1,,,"Start channel of flux:" # the number of stop channel to be used in the rates or counts chanstp,i,a,10,,,"Stop channel of flux:" # The optional parameter of output file which contains # average counts or rates. "fits" is for binary Fits file # option, ASCII is for simple ASCII file option. wtFlg,s,a,"a",,,"Write Fits or ASCII file? (FITs/ASCII)" # The flag for the option of output file content, either counts or # rates rcFlg,s,a,"c",,,"Write counts or rates? (COUNTS/RATES)" # Name of the output file outFname,s,a,"tmp.out",,,"Name of the file to be written" # The number the detector to be used to examine in detail. # for example, if take detector 5, then move mouse within the domain # of the detector, click left button, it will show the local # counts value and its corresponding TJD value. Click right # button to exit idet,i,a,1,,,"Input the number of the detector to be analyzed:" mode,s,h,"ql",,,""