eventfile,s,a,"events.fits",,,"Name of FITS event file to modify" eventext,s,h,"EVENTS",,,"Name of extension containing events" timecol,s,h,"TIME",,,"Name of column containing event time" skyxnull,i,h,0,,,"Null value to write when sky X is out of bounds" skyynull,i,h,0,,,"Null value to write when sky Y is out of bounds" attfile,s,a,"attitude.fits",,,"Name of FITS attitude file" teldef,s,a,"teldef.fits",,,"Name of teldef calibration file or CALDB" aberration,b,h,yes,,,"Should aberration be included in aspecting?" follow_sun,b,h,yes,,,"Recalculate the Sun position for each event?" ra,r,a,278.715,,,"R.A. of nominal pointing" dec,r,a,-8.03162,,,"Declination of nominal pointing" randomize,b,a,yes,,,"Randomize raw coordinates when rebinning?" seed,i,h,-1956,,,"Random number generator seed" timemargin,r,h,32.,,,"Allowed margin for time extrapolation (sec)" interpolation,s,h,LINEAR,LINEAR|CONSTANT,,"Attitude interpolation method" history,b,h,yes,,,"Write HISTORY keywords to output?" chatter,i,h,1,1,5,"Verbosity level" mode,s,h,"ql",,,