exitnow,b,h,no,,,"Exit now:" filename,s,a,"good.evt",,,"Input file name:" eventsout,s,a,"NONE",,,"Name of output events file:" imgfile,s,a,"none",,,"Image output file name:" binf,i,h,1,,,"Rebinning factor for region selection:" fullimage,b,h,yes,,,"Output image is full-size?" phafile,s,a,"test.pha",,,"PHA output FITS file name:" specbin,i,h,1,,,"Binning factor for spectrum:" wtmapb,b,h,yes,,,"Build a WMAP for the spectrum?" wtmapfix,b,h,yes,,,"Set WMAP pixels outside selected region to -1?" swmapx,b,h,no,,,"Invert X axis when converting WMAP to IMAGE coordinates" swmapy,b,h,no,,,"Invert Y axis when converting WMAP to IMAGE coordinates" binh,i,h,1,,,"Rebinning factor for WMAP histogram selection:" wmapver,i,h,2,,,"HDUVERS number for the output WMAP format" fitsbinlc,s,a,"NONE",,,"Name of fits binned light curve:" qdpfile,s,h,"NONE",,,"QDP light curve output file name:" binlc,d,a,64,,,"Bin size for light curve:" lcthresh,d,h,1.0,,,"Light curve threshold:" lcthwarn,d,h,3.0,,,"Light curve threshold warning:" lcstart,d,h,-1.0,,,"Light curve start time (in GTI units):" lctzero,b,h,yes,,,"Set TIMEZERO keyword to first bin of lightcurve?:" unbinlc,s,h,"NONE",,,"Name of unbinned light curve:" regionfile,s,a,"test.reg",,,"Region file name:" timefile,s,a,"none",,,"Time selection file name:" adjustgti,b,h,"no",,,"Adjust output GTIs to match frame boundaries?:" gtinam,s,h,"GTI",,,"Name of the GTI extension in the time selection file:" xcolf,s,a,"DETX",,,"Name of X column for image creation/region selection:" ycolf,s,a,"DETY",,,"Name of Y column for image creation/region selection:" zcolf,s,h,"NONE",,,"Name of column for Z axis of image:" xint,d,h,"1.0",,,"Digitization for image X-axis (unbinned coordinates):" yint,d,h,"1.0",,,"Digitization for image Y-axis (unbinned coordinates):" tcol,s,a,"TIME",,,"Name of TIME column:" ecol,s,a,"PI",,,"Name of ENERGY column:" ccol,s,h,"CCD_ID",,,"Name of the column used to index multiple GTIs:" gcol,s,h,"NONE",,,"Name of the GRADE or PATTERN column:" gstring,s,h,"NONE",,,"String defining filter on GRADE:" xcolh,s,a,"DETX",,,"Name of X column for WMAP histogram:" ycolh,s,a,"DETY",,,"Name of Y column for WMAP histogram:" gtitxt,s,h,"NONE",,,"Name of output GTI text file:" xronwn,s,h,"NONE",,,"Name of output XRONOS window file:" events,s,h,"EVENTS",,,"Name of the EVENTS extension:" gti,s,h,"STDGTI",,,"Name of the GTI extension in the event file:" timeorder,b,h,no,,,"True if time ordered event files:" timeref,d,h,40000.0,,,"TJD time 0 in MJD:" tpixrpar,d,h,-999.0,,,"TIMEPIXR value to use if not in events file:" eventkey,s,h,"NONE",,,"File with list of keywords you don't want copied:" phamax,s,h,"PHA_BINS",,,"Keyword for maximum pha channel:" xfkey,s,h,"NONE",,,"Name of keyword for size of X for region:" yfkey,s,h,"NONE",,,"Name of keyword for size of Y for region:" xhkey,s,h,"NONE",,,"Name of keyword for size of X for WMAP histogram:" yhkey,s,h,"NONE",,,"Name of keyword for size of Y for WMAP histogram:" copyall,b,h,no,,,"Copy all extensions?" clobber,b,h,yes,,,"Overwrite existing files?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,""