evtfil,s,a,,,,"Enter Event filename:" rpsfil,s,a,,,,"Output Radial Profile filename:" coordsys,s,a,,,,"Coordinate system of the centroid to be suppied:" x_in,r,q,,,,"x-value/RA of the image centroid:" y_in,r,q,,,,"y-value/DEC of the image centroid:" chanmin,i,q,,,,"Minimum PI channel:" chanmax,i,q,,,,"Maximum PI channel:" rad_length,r,q,,,,"Radial length of the RPSF (arcmin):" nbins,i,q,,1,1000,"No. of radial bins in RPSF calculation(maximum:1000):" bkgrnd_pres,b,q,,,,"Want Background calculation?:" bck_rad,r,q,,,,"Minimum radius for bckgrnd calculation (arcmin):" error,s,a,,,,"Type of error (gauss, poiss-1(default), poiss-2, poiss-3):" properr,b,h,yes,,,"Do you want error propagation calculation?:" areawgt,b,q,,,,"Do you want area weighting?:" area_wgt_option,s,q,,,,"Enter area_wgt_option no.:" wgt_rad,r,q,,,,"Maximum radial dist. for partial area weighting:" region_pres,b,q,,,,"Do you have region file?:" regfil,s,q,,,,"Enter region filename:" clobber,b,h,no,,,"Overwrite existing file?" chatter,i,h,9,,,"Please enter chatter flag :" mode,s,h,"ql",,,"Mode"