filename,s,a,"good.evt",,,"Input file name:" eventsout,s,a,"NONE",,,"Name of output events file:" regionfile,s,h,"NONE",,,"Region file name:" timefile,s,h,"NONE",,,"Time selection file name:" xcolf,s,h,"DETX",,,"Name of X column for image creation/region selection:" ycolf,s,h,"DETY",,,"Name of Y column for image creation/region selection:" tcol,s,h,"TIME",,,"Name of TIME column:" events,s,h,"EVENTS",,,"Name of the EVENTS extension:" gti,s,h,"STDGTI",,,"Name of the GTI extension in the event file:" copyall,b,h,no,,,"Copy all extensions?" cleanup, b, h, "YES", , , "Clean up scratch files? " clobber,b,h,yes,,,"Overwrite existing files?" chatter,i,h,1,0,5,"Verbosity level " mode,s,h,"ql",,,""