infile, f, a, "", , , "Filename[extension] of tables to be merged " outfile, f, a, "", , , "Merged output file " columns, s, h, "*", , , "Columns to be merged " insertrow, i, h, 0, , , "Row after which the other tables will be inserted " lastkey, s, h, "", , , "List of keywords from the last file to add/update " copyall, b, h, "YES",,, "Copy all HDUs from input file? " skipbadfiles, b, h, "NO",,, "Skip any files that cannot be opened? " clobber, b, h, "NO",,, "Overwrite existing output file? " chatter, i, h, 1, 0, 5, "Verbosity level " history, b, h, "NO",,, "Write HISTORY keywords in output HDU? " mode, s, h, "ql", , , "Mode "