#Input file names (or @file names) cfile1,s,a,"file1",,,"Ser. 1 filename +options (or @file of filenames +options)" #Window parameters window,s,a,"-",,,"Name of the window file ('-' for default window)" #Administrative parameters tchat,i,h,10,,,"Terminal chattiness level" lchat,i,h,0,,,"Logfile chattiness level" logname,s,h,xronos.log,,,"Log file name ('-' for default)" clobber,b,h,yes,,,"Overwrite output file if it exists?" dpath,s,h,"XRDEFAULTS",,,"Default files directory path" #Program identification parameters not to be changed nser,i,h,1,,,"Number of time series for this task (not to be changed)" ipow2,i,h,0,,,"1 = No. point in analysis power of 2, 0= otherwise (not to be changed)" iavgreb,i,h,-1,,,"If task allow for interval average or rebinning results (not to be changed)" nbdf,i,h,512,,,"Default newbins/interval (not to be changed)" mode,s,h,"ql",,,""