infile , f, a, "sxi_evt.fits",, , "Input event file" outfile , f, a, "sxi_out.fits",, , "Output event file" timecol , s, h, "TIME" , , , "Time column (or NONE)" chipcol , s, h, "CCD_ID" , , , "Chip column (or NONE)" xcol , s, h, "ACTX" , , , "X coordinate column" ycol , s, h, "ACTY" , , , "Y coordinate column" chancol , s, h, "PI" , , , "Pulse height column (or NONE)" gradecol , s, h, "GRADE" , , , "Event grade column (or NONE)" grade , s, h, "0" , , , "Event grade for clean (or ALL)" n_division , i, h, 1 , , , "Divide total observation time into the given number" cleanimg , b, h, no , , , "Output cleaned image for debugging (yes/[no])" cellsize , i, a, 7 , , , "Poisson clean cell size (odd integer > 1)" impfac , d, a, 320 , , , "Factor for gamma function" logprob1 , d, a, -5.6 , , , "Log Poisson probability threshold" logprob2 , d, a, -5.6 , , , "Log Poisson probability threshold for second step" iterate , b, h, yes , , , "Iterate the second step Poisson clean ([yes]/no)" flagedge , b, h, no , , , "Zero chip edge pixels (yes/[no])" bthresh , i, a, 3 , , , "Zero background threshold" duration , b, h, no , , , "Perform detailed search for flickering duration (yes/[no])" sigma , d, h, 3.0 , , , "Significance level for flickering duration" firstchip , s, h, "TLMIN" , , , "Min value for chip number" lastchip , s, h, "TLMAX" , , , "Max value for chip number" xmin , s, h, "TLMIN" , , , "Min value for X coordinate" xmax , s, h, "TLMAX" , , , "Max value for X coordinate" ymin , s, h, "TLMIN" , , , "Min value for Y coordinate" ymax , s, h, "TLMAX" , , , "Max value for Y coordinate" chanmin , s, h, "TLMIN" , , , "Min pulse-height value for clean (inclusive)" chanmax , s, h, "TLMAX" , , , "Max pulse-height value for clean (inclusive)" clobber , b, h, no , , , "Overwrite existing output file (yes/[no])" chatter , i, h, 2 ,0,3, "Chatter level for output" logfile , s, h, "!DEFAULT" , , , "Output log file (DEFAULT, NONE; '!' to clobber)" debug , b, h, no , , , "Enable debug mode (yes/[no])" history , b, h, yes , , , "Record tool parameters in HISTORY ([yes],no)" mode , s, h, "ql" , , , "Mode of automatic parameters"