infile , f, a, "in.evt" , , , "Input event file" outroot , s, a, "sxsantico" , , , "Root of output file names" extract , b, h, yes , , , "Extract spectrum ([yes],no)" bintime , r, h, 1.0 , , , "Time bin in seconds (d/f= 1 sec)" antpsp , s, h, "A" , , , "Antico PSP to use in light curve (A=PSPA B=PSPB or NONE)" expr , s, h, "FLG_BASELINE==b0&&PI>=0&&PI<=12200&&DURATION>2&&DURATION<19" , , , "Expression for event columns selection (or NONE)" gtifile , s, h, "NONE" , , , "Input GTI file" numlc , i, h, 1 , , , "Number of lightcurve to output (d/f=1)" picut , s, h, "0-12200" , , , "PI ranges to create the lightcurve(s) (ex. 0-200,201-1000, etc.)" lcstart , r, h, -1 , , , "Force the lightcurve to start at specific MET time (if -1 use the 1st start GTI)" lcstop , r, h, -1 , , , "Force the lightcurve to stop at specific MET time (if -1 use the last stop GTI)" lcthresh , r, h, 1 , , , "Lightcurve exposure threshold" lctzero , b, h, no , , , "Set the TIMEZERO to the first bin of the lightcurve (yes/[no])" # Global parameters cleanup , b, h, yes , , , "Delete temporary files ([yes]/no)" clobber , b, h, no , , , "Overwrite existing output file ([yes]/no)" chatter , i, h, 2 ,0 ,3 , "Chatter level for output" logfile , s, h, "!DEFAULT" , , , "Output log file (DEFAULT, NONE; '!' to clobber)" debug , b, h, no , , , "Enable debug mode ([yes]/no)" history , b, h, yes , , , "Record tool parameters in HISTORY ([yes]/no)" mode , s, h, "ql" , , , "Mode of automatic parameters"