# $Header: /headas/headas/ftools/asca/src/timeconv/timeconv.parin,v 3.4 2006/06/26 19:20:31 irby Exp $ # infile,s,a,,,,"Input fits filename" timeop,i,a,,,," option 1=geocen, 2=barycen, 3=barycen-asca " ra,r,a,,,," Right Ascension of Target, in degrees (J2000)" dec,r,a,,,,"Declination of Target, in degrees (J2000)" geofile,s,a,"DATADIR/earth.dat",,,"geofile for barycenter, enter full path and filename" frforbit,s,a,"frf.orbit",,,"frf orbit file (supplied with data)" timcolname,s,h,"TIME",,,"Time column name" extrapolate,b,h,no,,,"Extrapolate orbital elements of the satellite more than 2 weeks after?" verbose,b,h,yes,,,"Write informational messages to screen" history,b,h,yes,,,"Add history record?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,