filelist,s,a,"imagelist",,,"ASCII list of the input image files" outimage,s,a,"out.fits",,,"Output file name of the mosaic image" pixdivide,i,h,2,1,5,"Input image pixel is divided into pixdivide**2 subpixels" outimagesize,i,h,0,0,,"Output image size. If zero, determined from the input images" ra_ref,r,h,0.0,0.0,360.0,"Reference position Right Ascension (degree) when outimagesize >0" dec_ref,r,h,0.0,-90.0,90.0,"Reference position Declination (degree) when outimagesize >0" clobber,b,h,yes,,,"Overwrite output file if it already exists ?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,""