# # 1) parameter name # 2) type [ f = file - s = string - b = boolean - i = integer] # 3) ... [a = ... - h = hidden] # 4) default value # 5) range min # 6) range max # 7) remark # # File Parameter # infile,f,a,"",,,"Name of the input Event/Image FITS file (or NONE only if calcpos='no')" outfile,f,a,"DEFAULT",,,"Name of the output file or DEFAULT to use standard name" outdir,s,a,"./",,,"Name of the output directory" posfile,f,h,"CALDB",,,"Name of the input position file or CALDB" # # new # calcpos,b,a,yes,,,"Calculate centroid position (yes/no)?" totalint,r,a,,,,"Total COUNTS (Photon Counting mode) or DN (Image mode) of the source (used if calcpos='no')" unit,s,a,,,,"DN for IMAGING or COUNTS for PHOTON COUNTING (used if calcpos='no')" dateobs,s,a,"",,,"Start date of observations (yyyy-mm-dd) (used if infile='NONE')" timeobs,s,a,"",,,"Start time of observations (hh:mm:ss) (used if infile='NONE')" # # Interactive Parameter # interactive,b,a,no,,,"Use cursor to define center and size of box (yes/no)?" boxra,s,a,,,,"RA of the box center (degrees or hh mm ss.s) if interactive = no" boxdec,s,a,,,,"DEC of the box center (degrees or hh mm ss.s) if interactive = no" boxradius,r,a,,0.1,20,"Half-width of the box (arcmin) if interactive = no" # # Hidden Parameter # hist,b,h,no,,,"Use histogram method for the first preliminary centroid estimation (yes/no)?" deriv,b,h,no,,,"Use partial derivate method for the final centroid determination (yes/no)?" #stemout,s,h,DEFAULT,,,"Stem for the output file or DEFAULT for Standard Naming Convenction" clobber,b,h,no,,,"Overwrite existing output files (yes/no)?" chatter,i,h,3,0,5,"Chatter Level" #history,b,h,yes,,,"Include history records (yes/no)?" cleanup,b,h,yes,,,"Delete temporary files (yes/no)?" # mode,s,h,"ql",,,"Mode"