outfile,f,a,"",,,"Name of the output ARF FITS file" rmffile,f,h,"CALDB",,,"Name of the input RMF file or CALDB" mirfile,f,h,"CALDB",,,"Name of the input Mirror effective area file or CALDB (used if inarffile=NONE)" inarffile,f,h,"CALDB",,,"Name of the input arf file or CALDB or NONE" expofile,f,a,"",,,"Name of the input exposure file or NONE" transmfile,f,h,"CALDB",,,"Name of the input Filter Trasmission file or CALDB (used if inarffile=NONE)" psffile,f,h,"CALDB",,,"Name of the input PSF file or CALDB" psfflag,b,a,yes,,,"Apply PSF correction (used if extended=no)?(yes/no)" vigfile,f,h,"CALDB",,,"Name of the input vignetting file or CALDB" phafile,f,a,"",,,"Name of the input PHA FITS file" srcx,r,a,-1,,,"Source X coordinate (SKY for PC and WT modes, DET for PD mode)(used if extended=no):" srcy,r,a,-1,,,"Source Y coordinate (SKY for PC and WT modes, DET for PD mode)(used if extended=no):" offaxis,r,h,-99,,,"Source off-axis angle (arcmin) (used if extended=no)" extended,b,h,no,,,"Extended source?(yes/no)" boxsize,i,h,20,4,600,"Size in pixel for the subimage boxes (used if extended=yes)" cleanup,b,h,yes,,,"Delete temporary files?(yes/no)" clobber,b,h,no,,,"Overwrite existing output file (if outfile!=NONE)?(yes/no)" history,b,h,yes,,,"Write HISTORY keywords in output file?(yes/no)" chatter,i,h,2,0,5,"Chatter Level" mode,s,h,"ql",,,"Mode"