######################################################################### # File: xstar.par # # # # Parameter list for XSTAR package # # # # Note: This file is related to the xspec2xstar.par file. # # Exercise caution with both when making modifications to one # # # # Modifications: # # 1/21/1999, WTB: added loopcontrol for multiple runs # # installed lower & upper limits # # # # Documentation below is based on documentation by J. Silvis # # of RITSS. # # # # This file provides information needed by Xanadu Parameter # # Interface (XPI) routines to provide input to the ftool xstar. # # The entries to a parameter file, such as this one, have # # seven columns. # # Column Colunm Function Comment # 1 Parameter Name Alpha-numeric # # 2 Data type s-string # i-integer # r-real # b-boolean # # 3 Parameter mode q-query (asks the user for a value) # h-hidden (does not ask user) # ql-query+learn (remember value # from last run) # hl-hidden+learn # a-automatic (use value stored in # the mode parameter) # # 4 Default value If user hits this is entered # # 5 Lower limit Can be left blank if none is required # # 6 Upper limit Can be left blank if none is required # # 7 Prompt Question printed on screen for user # # When parameter mode is set to "a" the line will use the value set by # the mode statement e.g. # # infile,s,a,"her_bfits_1_143.pha",,,"Enter the input file's name" # mode,s,h,"ql",,,"" # is the same as # infile,s,ql,"her_bfits_1_143.pha",,,"Enter the input file's name" # # You may want to use this if you need to change several parameters at # once. # # Note on the mode statement. This is just a regular parameter statement, # i.e. it sets the value of a string parameter (the first s) # without prompting the user (the h) and the value is ql. # ################################################################ # User Adjustable Parameters # cfrac,r,a,1.,0.,1.,"covering fraction" # temperature,r,a,400.,0.,1.e4,"temperature (/10**4K)" # lcpres,i,a,0,0,1,"constant pressure switch (1=yes, 0=no)" # pressure,r,a,0.03,0.,1.,"pressure (dyne/cm**2)" # density,r,a,1.e+4,0.,1.e21,"density (cm**-3)" # spectrum,s,a,"pow",,,"spectrum type?" # spectrum_file,s,a,"spct.dat",,,"spectrum file?" # spectun,i,a,0,0,1,"spectrum units? (0=energy, 1=photons)" # trad,r,a,-1.,,,"radiation temperature or alpha?" # rlrad38,r,a,1.e-6,0.,1.e10,"luminosity (/10**38 erg/s)" # column,r,a,1.E17,0.,1.e25,"column density (cm**-2)" # rlogxi,r,a,5.,-10.,+10.,"log(ionization parameter) (erg cm/s)" # habund,r,a,1.,0.,100.,"hydrogen abundance" # heabund,r,a,1.,0.,100.,"helium abundance" # liabund,r,h,0,0.,100.,"lithium abundance" # beabund,r,h,0,0.,100.,"beryllium abundance" # babund,r,h,0,0.,100.,"boron abundance" # cabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"carbon abundance" # nabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"nitrogen abundance" # oabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"oxygen abundance" # fabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"fluorine abundance" # neabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"neon abundance" # naabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"sodium abundance" # mgabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"magnesium abundance" # alabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"aluminum abundance" # siabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"silicon abundance" # pabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"phosphorus abundance" # sabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"sulfur abundance" # clabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"chlorine abundance" # arabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"argon abundance" # kabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"potassium abundance" # caabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"calcium abundance" # scabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"scandium abundance" # tiabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"titanium abundance" # vabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"vanadium abundance" # crabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"chromium abundance" # mnabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"manganese abundance" # feabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"iron abundance" # coabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"cobalt abundance" # niabund,r,a,1,0.,100.,"nickel abundance" # cuabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"copper abundance" # znabund,r,a,1.0,0.,100.,"zinc abundance" # modelname,s,a,"XSTAR Default",,,"model name" # ##################################################### # Hidden Parameters # Don't mess with these unless you know what you're doing! nsteps,i,h,3,1,1000,"number of steps" # niter,i,h,0,,,"number of iterations" # lwrite,i,h,0,0,1,"write switch (1=yes, 0=no)" # lprint,i,h,0,0,2,"print switch (1=yes, 0=no)" # lstep,i,h,0,,,"step size choice switch" # emult,r,h,0.5,1.e-6,1.e+6,"Courant multiplier" # taumax,r,h,5.,1.,10000.,"tau max for courant step" # xeemin,r,h,0.1,1.e-6,0.5,"minimum electron fraction" # critf,r,h,1.e-7,1.e-24,0.1,"critical ion abundance" # vturbi,r,h,1.,0.,30000.,"turbulent velocity (km/s)" # radexp,r,h,0.,-3.,3.,"density distribution power law index" # ncn2,i,h,9999,999,999999,"number of continuum bins" # loopcontrol,i,h,0,0,30000,"loop control (0=standalone)" # npass,i,h,1,1,10000,"number of passes" # mode,s,h,"ql",,,"mode"