import _pyXspec from xset import _AttrRestrictor class ChainManager(_AttrRestrictor): """Monte Carlo Markov Chain container. This is a singleton - only 1 instance allowed Public instance attributes: These are the values which will be used when creating new Chain objects, unless they are explicitly overridden as arguments to the Chain class constructor. For more detail, see the descriptions for the corresponding attributes in the Chain class doc. defAlgorithm -- Default chain algorithm (orig = "gw"). defBurn -- Default burn length for new Chain objects (orig = 0). defFileType -- Default output file format (orig = "fits"). defLength -- Default chain length (orig = 100). defProposal -- Default chain proposal (orig = "gaussian fit"). defRand -- Default randomization setting (orig = False). defTemperature -- Default chain temperature (orig = 1.0). defWalkers -- Default walkers parameter for "gw" chains (orig = 10). """ __single = None def __init__(self): if ChainManager.__single: raise Exception, "Error: Only 1 instance of ChainManager is allowed." ChainManager.__single = self self._turnRestrictOff() self.__defAlgorithm = "gw" self.__defBurn = 0 self.__defFileType = "fits" self.__defLength = 100 self.__defProposal = "gaussian fit" self.__defRand = False self.__defTemperature = 1.0 self.__defWalkers = 10 self._resetRestrict() def __call__(self, index): """Get a Chain object from the AllChains container. index -- The index of a currently loaded chain file. The list of currently loaded chains can be seen with the method. The valid range is: 1 <= index <= nLoadedChains. Note that the returned Chain object's modifiable attributes will be initialized with the current AllChains def settings. Example: # Load 2 chains from pre-existing files: AllChains += "chain1.fits" AllChains += "chain2.fits" # and get a Chain object for the 2nd chain: c2 = AllChains(2) """ if not isinstance(index, int) or index < 1: raise Exception, "Error: Argument must be an integer > 0" # This will throw if index is out of range of loaded chains. return Chain(index, "__internal_ctor_only") def __iadd__(self, chain): """Load a pre-existing chain into the AllChains container. Argument may be a currently existing chain object which had been unloaded earlier: AllChains += myChain1 the filename of an existing chain file: AllChains += "chainFile.fits" or the filename of a new chain: AllChains += "newChainFile.fits" # This will also perform a chain # run using the default settings. """ if isinstance(chain, Chain): chainArgs=["chain","load"] chainArgs.append(chain.fileName) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(chainArgs) elif isinstance(chain, str): # Must determine if file already exists. Just do a simple # read test. alreadyExists = True try: testFile = open(chain, 'r') testFile.close() except Exception: alreadyExists = False if alreadyExists: chainArgs=["chain","load"] chainArgs.append(chain) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(chainArgs) else: Chain(chain) else: raise Exception, "Error: Invalid type for += operator" return self def __isub__(self, chain): """Unload one or more chain objects from container. Argument may either be a chain object: AllChains -= myChain1 a filename: AllChains -= "chainFile.fits" the chain's current index [int] in the AllChains container: AllChains -= 2 or a '*' to unload ALL chains (equivalent to AllChains.clear()): AllChains -= '*' """ if isinstance(chain, Chain) or isinstance(chain, str): # Unload by fileName (unless str = '*') if isinstance (chain, Chain): fileName = chain.fileName else: fileName = chain if len(fileName) and fileName[0] == '*': chainArgs = ["chain","clear"] _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(chainArgs) else: result = _pyXspec.removeChainByName(fileName) if result == -1: msg = "***Error: Chain with fileName: " + fileName msg += " is not currently loaded." print msg elif isinstance(chain, int): chainArgs = ["chain","unload"] chainArgs.append(str(chain)) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(chainArgs) else: raise Exception, "Error: Invalid type for -= operator" return self def clear(self): """Unload all chains from container""" chainArgs = ["chain","clear"] _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(chainArgs) def show(self): """ Display information for current attributes and loaded chains. """ _pyXspec.showChainContainer(self) def stat(self, parIdx): """Display statistical information on a particular chain parameter. parIdx -- The parameter index number, including optional model name: [:]. May be entered as a string or int (if no model name). """ chainArgs = ["chain","stat"] if isinstance(parIdx, int): chainArgs.append(str(parIdx)) elif isinstance(parIdx, str): chainArgs.append(parIdx) else: raise Exception, "Error: Argument must be an int or a string" _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(chainArgs) def _getDefBurn(self): return self.__defBurn def _setDefBurn(self, value): Chain._Chain__validateBurn(value) self.__defBurn = value defBurn = property(_getDefBurn, _setDefBurn,doc="Number of steps to burn") def _getDefFileType(self): return self.__defFileType def _setDefFileType(self, value): self.__defFileType = Chain._Chain__validateFileType(value) defFileType = property(_getDefFileType, _setDefFileType, doc="Default chain output file format") def _getDefLength(self): return self.__defLength def _setDefLength(self, value): Chain._Chain__validateLength(value) self.__defLength = value defLength = property(_getDefLength, _setDefLength, doc="Default chain length") def _getDefProposal(self): return self.__defProposal def _setDefProposal(self, value): Chain._Chain__validateProposal(value) self.__defProposal = value defProposal = property(_getDefProposal, _setDefProposal, doc="Default chain proposal") def _getDefRand(self): return self.__defRand def _setDefRand(self, value): Chain._Chain__validateRand(value) self.__defRand = value defRand = property(_getDefRand, _setDefRand, doc="Randomize chain start parameters") def _getDefTemperature(self): return self.__defTemperature def _setDefTemperature(self, value): Chain._Chain__validateTemperature(value) self.__defTemperature = value defTemperature = property(_getDefTemperature, _setDefTemperature, doc="Default Metropolis-Hastings temperature") def _getDefAlgorithm(self): return self.__defAlgorithm def _setDefAlgorithm(self, value): Chain._Chain__validateAlgorithm(value) self.__defAlgorithm = value defAlgorithm = property(_getDefAlgorithm, _setDefAlgorithm, doc="Default chain algorithm type") def _getDefWalkers(self): return self.__defWalkers def _setDefWalkers(self, value): Chain._Chain__validateWalkers(value) self.__defWalkers = value defWalkers = property(_getDefWalkers, _setDefWalkers, doc="Default walkers for GW chains") # End class ChainManager AllChains = ChainManager() class Chain(_AttrRestrictor): """Monte Carlo Markov Chain class. Public instance attributes: GET-only attributes: fileName -- Chain output file name. fileType -- Output format of the chain file [string]. Will be either "fits" (the default), or "ascii". totalLength -- The cumulative length of the chain [int]. This will increase every time a run is performed. The following attribute settings will apply to the NEXT run for this chain. The algorithm, burn, rand, and walkers settings are irrelevant if run is performing an appending operation. algorithm -- The current chain algorithm. Valid settings are "gw" (Goodman-Weare) or "mh" (Metropolis-Hastings). runLength -- The length of chain to be added during the next run [int]. proposal -- The proposal distribution and source of covariance information to be used for the next run [string]. Examples: "gaussian fit", "cauchy fit", "gaussian chain", etc. See the "chain" command in the standard XSPEC manual for more information. temperature -- The temperature parameter used in the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for the proposal acceptance or rejection [float]. burn -- The number of steps that will be thrown away prior to storing the chain [int]. rand -- Determines whether chain start point will be randomized (True) or taken from the current parameters (False). walkers -- The number of walkers to be used for "gw" chains [int]. """ def __init__(self, fileName, fileType=None, burn=None, runLength=None, proposal=None, rand=None, temperature=None, algorithm=None, walkers=None): """Construct a chain object, perform a run, and load into AllChains container. The only required argument is fileName. All other arguments will take their default values from the current settings in the AllChains container. """ self._turnRestrictOff() if (isinstance(fileName, int) and isinstance(fileType,str) and fileType == "__internal_ctor_only"): # Construct object from an already loaded chain, and do NOT run. chainInfo = _pyXspec.getChainByIndex(fileName) self.__fileName = chainInfo[0] self.__fileType = chainInfo[1] self.__totalLength = chainInfo[2] self.algorithm = AllChains.defAlgorithm self.burn = AllChains.defBurn self.runLength = AllChains.defLength self.proposal = AllChains.defProposal self.rand = AllChains.defRand self.temperature = AllChains.defTemperature self.walkers = AllChains.defWalkers else: self.__fileName = fileName.split()[0] self.__totalLength = 0 # Conditional expressions don't exist prior to v2.5 if burn is not None: self.burn = burn else: self.burn = AllChains.defBurn if fileType is not None: self.__fileType = Chain.__validateFileType(fileType) else: self.__fileType = AllChains.defFileType if runLength is not None: self.runLength = runLength else: self.runLength = AllChains.defLength if proposal is not None: self.proposal = proposal else: self.proposal = AllChains.defProposal if rand is not None: self.rand = rand else: self.rand = AllChains.defRand if temperature is not None: self.temperature = temperature else: self.temperature = AllChains.defTemperature if algorithm is not None: self.algorithm = algorithm else: self.algorithm = AllChains.defAlgorithm if walkers is not None: self.walkers = walkers else: self.walkers = AllChains.defWalkers self._resetRestrict() def run(self, append=True): """Perform a new chain run, either appending to or overwriting an existing chain. append -- If this is set to True the new run will be appended. If False, the new run will overwrite. Note that the algorithm, burn rand, and walkers settings do not apply when appending. """ savConsChatter = _pyXspec.getChatter(0) savLogChatter = _pyXspec.getChatter(1) _pyXspec.setChatter(0,1) _pyXspec.setChatter(1,1) try: fileTypeArgs = ["chain","filetype"] fileTypeArgs.append(self.fileType) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(fileTypeArgs) lengthArgs = ["chain","length"] lengthArgs.append(str(self.runLength)) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(lengthArgs) propArgs = ["chain","proposal"] propArgs += self.__proposal.split() _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(propArgs) tempArgs = ["chain","temperature"] tempArgs.append(str(self.temperature)) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(tempArgs) if self.__totalLength and append: outFile = '>' + self.__fileName else: burnArgs = ["chain","burn"] burnArgs.append(str(self.burn)) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(burnArgs) randArgs = ["chain","rand"] if self.rand: randArgs.append("on") else: randArgs.append("off") _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(randArgs) algorithmArgs = ["chain","type"] algorithmArgs.append(self.algorithm) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(algorithmArgs) walkerArgs = ["chain","walkers"] walkerArgs.append(str(self.walkers)) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(walkerArgs) outFile = self.__fileName except Exception: _pyXspec.setChatter(0,savConsChatter) _pyXspec.setChatter(1,savLogChatter) raise Exception _pyXspec.setChatter(0,savConsChatter) _pyXspec.setChatter(1,savLogChatter) runArgs = ["chain","run"] runArgs.append(outFile) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(runArgs) self.__totalLength += self.__runLength def show(self): """ Display current settings of Chain object's attributes. """ _pyXspec.showChain(self) def _getBurn(self): return self.__burn def _setBurn(self, value): Chain.__validateBurn(value) self.__burn = value burn = property(_getBurn, _setBurn,doc="Number of steps to burn") def _getFileName(self): return self.__fileName def _setFileName(self, value): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Chain object's file name" fileName = property(_getFileName, _setFileName,doc="Chain output file") def _getFileType(self): return self.__fileType def _setFileType(self, value): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Chain object's file type" fileType = property(_getFileType, _setFileType, doc="Chain output file format") def _getRunLength(self): return self.__runLength def _setRunLength(self, value): Chain.__validateLength(value) self.__runLength = value runLength = property(_getRunLength, _setRunLength, doc="Length of next chain run") def _getTotalLength(self): return self.__totalLength def _setTotalLength(self, value): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Chain object's total length value." totalLength = property(_getTotalLength, _setTotalLength, doc="Total accumulated length of chain.") def _getProposal(self): return self.__proposal def _setProposal(self, value): Chain.__validateProposal(value) self.__proposal = value proposal = property(_getProposal, _setProposal, doc="Proposal distribution for next chain run") def _getRand(self): return self.__rand def _setRand(self, value): Chain.__validateRand(value) self.__rand = value rand = property(_getRand, _setRand, doc="Randomize chain start parameters") def _getTemperature(self): return self.__temperature def _setTemperature(self, value): Chain.__validateTemperature(value) self.__temperature = value temperature = property(_getTemperature, _setTemperature, doc="Metropolis-Hastings temperature") def _getAlgorithm(self): return self.__algorithm def _setAlgorithm(self, value): Chain.__validateAlgorithm(value) self.__algorithm = value algorithm = property(_getAlgorithm, _setAlgorithm, doc="Chain algorithm") def _getWalkers(self): return self.__walkers def _setWalkers(self, value): Chain.__validateWalkers(value) self.__walkers = value walkers = property(_getWalkers, _setWalkers, doc="Number of walkers for GW chain") # Chain attribute validation functions. These are performed here rather # than in property set functions so that ChainManager can also use them. def __validateBurn(val): """Check burn for int""" if not isinstance(val, int): raise Exception, "Error: burn argument must be an int" __validateBurn = staticmethod(__validateBurn) def __validateFileType(val): """Check for fits or ascii""" isOK = False if isinstance(val, str): val = val.strip() val = val.lower() if val == "fits" or val == "ascii": isOK = True if not isOK: raise Exception, "Error: fileType must be \"fits\" or \"ascii\"" return val __validateFileType = staticmethod(__validateFileType) def __validateLength(val): """Check length for int""" if not isinstance(val, int): raise Exception, "Error: length argument must be an int" __validateLength = staticmethod(__validateLength) def __validateProposal(val): """Check for string, whitespace is allowed""" if not isinstance(val, str): raise Exception, "Error: proposal argument must be a string" __validateProposal = staticmethod(__validateProposal) def __validateRand(val): """Check for bool""" if not isinstance(val, bool): raise Exception, "Error: rand argument must be a bool" __validateRand = staticmethod(__validateRand) def __validateTemperature(val): """Check for float (also allow int)""" if not isinstance(val, float) and not isinstance(val, int): raise Exception, "Error: temperature argument must be a float or int" __validateTemperature = staticmethod(__validateTemperature) def __validateAlgorithm(val): """Check for type of algorithm (gw|mh)""" isOK = False if isinstance(val,str): val = val.strip() val = val.lower() if val == "gw" or val == "mh": isOK = True if not isOK: raise Exception, "Error: algorithm must be \"gw\" or \"mh\"" return val __validateAlgorithm = staticmethod(__validateAlgorithm) def __validateWalkers(val): """Check for even int > 0""" if not isinstance(val, int): raise Exception, "Error: walkers value must be an even integer" if val <= 0: raise Exception, "Error: walkers value must be > 0" if val % 2: raise Exception, "Error: walkers value must be an even integer" return val __validateWalkers = staticmethod(__validateWalkers)