import _pyXspec from xset import _AttrRestrictor, Xset from parameter import Parameter, _ModParam import inspect class Component(_AttrRestrictor): """Model component class. Public instance attributes: name -- The full name of the Component (get only). -- Component contains an attribute of type Parameter for every parameter in the component. The attribute name is the same as the parameter name in xspec. parameterNames -- List of Component's parameter names (get only). """ def __init__(self, compName, parNames): """Component constructor. Intended for creation by Model objects only. compName -- The full xspec component name. This will also be the name of the attribute in the model object parNames -- List containing component's parameter names. """ self._turnRestrictOff() = compName for parName in parNames: setattr(self, parName, Parameter(parName, _ModParam())) # After we set this attribute, __setattr__ will know which attributes # are Parameter objects and will handle them differently. self.parameterNames = parNames self._resetRestrict() def __setattr__(self, attrName, value): # If parameterNames list has been added, we know we've already # gone through the __init__ function for this object. if hasattr(self, 'parameterNames'): if attrName in self.parameterNames: # OK, this is subtle. When user does something like # "m.powerlaw.norm += ", it will end up here due to # an internal call of the kind "comp.__setattr__('norm',x) # where x is a temp parameter object containing the post # += results. We do NOT want to try to set par.values # equal to this in the code block below -- x is not a float. # So, ignore it altogether. # Note that this is OK to do only because we've modified # the parameter object in-place in the += handler (ie. it # returns "self"). Therefore the call to __setattr__ is # redundant: the 'norm' parameter already IS x. if not isinstance(value, Parameter): # Treat as if setting parameter's val. par = getattr(self, attrName) par.values = value elif attrName == 'name': raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Component object's name" elif attrName == 'parameterNames': raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Component object's parameter names list" else: super(Component,self).__setattr__(attrName, value) else: super(Component,self).__setattr__(attrName, value) class Model(_AttrRestrictor): """Xspec model class. Public instance attributes. Unless stated otherwise, each is get only. flux and lumin are implemented as properties. expression -- The model expression string, using full component names. name -- The model name, optional in Xspec. This is an empty string for un-named models. -- Model includes an attribute of type Component for every Xspec component in the model. The attribute name is the same as the full name of the Xspec component (ie. m=Model("po") produces an m.powerlaw attribute). componentNames -- List of component name strings. flux -- A tuple containing the results of the most recent flux calculation for this model. The tuple values are: (value, errLow, errHigh (in ergs/cm^2), value, errLow, errHigh (in photons)). This will be filled in after an AllModels.calcFlux() call ONLY when no spectra are loaded. Otherwise results are stored in the Spectrum objects. lumin -- Same as flux but for luminosity calculations. nParameters -- Number of parameters in Model object [int]. startParIndex -- Global index of the first parameter in this Model object [int]. """ def __init__(self, exprString, modName="", sourceNum=1, setPars=None): """Model constructor. New model is automatically added to the AllModels container, with one Model object constructed (internally) for each data group to which the model applies. This function returns the Model object corresponding to the lowest numbered data group. exprString -- The model expression string, components may be abbreviated. modName -- Optional name assigned to model. Any whitespace in string will be removed. This is required if souce number is > 1. sourceNum -- Optional integer for model's source number. setPars -- Optional initial values for the model's parameters. These may be sent in a tuple, list, or dictionary (or as a single float or string if only setting the first parameter). Examples: # Create a model with all default parameter settings: m1 = Model("gauss") # Create wabs*powerlaw and initialize pars 1 and 3 to # something other than their default values. m2 = Model("wa*po", setPars={1:5.5, 3:".18,,.01,.02"}) # Create another model named 'b', and reset par 2 to 5.0: m3 = Model("wa*bbody", "b", setPars={2:5.0}) If any mistakes are made with the optional setPars parameter arguments, the model will be created using all default values. You can always reset the parameters later with the Model.setPars() method, or directly through the Parameter object's 'values' attribute. """ if type(exprString).__name__ == 'PyCObject': # Private use only: If exprString is actually a C-pointer, # treat it as a handle to an already existing Model in Xspec. modTuple = _pyXspec.getModelTuple(exprString) else: # Syntax requirements: modName string must contain NO whitespace, # exprString must not begin with "clear", "none", "act", or "inact" # (case-insensitive). Any of these cases will foul up the lower level # parsing code. if not isinstance(modName,str): msg="Error: If 2nd argument is supplied, it must be a model name string." raise Exception, msg if not isinstance(sourceNum,int): msg="Error: If 3rd argument is supplied, it must be an integer for source number." raise Exception, msg modName = ''.join(modName.split()) testExpr = exprString.lower().lstrip() if (not testExpr.find("none") or not testExpr.find("clear") or not testExpr.find("act") or not testExpr.find("inact")): raise Exception, "Error: 'clear','none','act', and 'inact' forbidden in this context" modTuple = _pyXspec.createModel(exprString, modName, sourceNum) self._turnRestrictOff() = modName self._handle = modTuple[0] compNames = modTuple[1] # While no built-in Xspec component names have whitespace, table # model names might. (These come from strings in the table model's # primary header.) This replaces whitespace with underscores: _replaceWhitespace(compNames, '_') self.nParameters = modTuple[5] self.expression = modTuple[6] # Search for duplicate Components and append '_' in order to # distinguish their attribute names. _appendCompName(compNames) parIdx = 1 # Convert component names into model attributes for i in range(len(compNames)): # This gets its info from the lowest dg copy. parList = _pyXspec.getComponentPars(,i+1) setattr(self, compNames[i], Component(compNames[i], parList)) # Now reach in and set new parameters' storage of index number # and parent handle. The index number is 1-based and relative # to the start of the particular Model object. # Only the Model and Parameter classes need know about these # two attributes. compAttr = getattr(self, compNames[i]) for parName in parList: parAttr = getattr(compAttr, parName) parAttr._Parameter__index = parIdx parAttr._Parameter__parent = self._handle parIdx += 1 # After we set this attribute, __setattr__ will know which attributes # are Component objects and will handle them differently. self.componentNames = compNames self._resetRestrict() if setPars is not None: try: indAndVals = _collateSetPars(self, setPars) _pyXspec.setPars(self._handle, tuple(indAndVals[0]), tuple(indAndVals[1]), 0) except Exception, msg: msgStr = str(msg) msgStr += "\nError: Model parameters will retain their default values." print msgStr if Xset.log is not None: print >> Xset.log, msgStr return def __setattr__(self, attrName, value): # If componentNames list has been added, we know we've already # gone through the __init__ function for this object. rebindErr = "Error: Cannot rebind a Model object's " if hasattr(self, 'componentNames'): if attrName in self.componentNames: raise Exception, rebindErr + "component" elif attrName == 'expression': raise Exception, rebindErr + "expression" elif attrName == 'name': raise Exception, rebindErr + "name" elif attrName == 'componentNames': raise Exception, rebindErr + "component names list" elif attrName == 'nParameters': raise Exception, rebindErr + "nParameters" elif attrName == 'startParIndex': raise Exception, rebindErr + "startParIndex" elif attrName == 'flux': raise Exception, rebindErr + "flux" elif attrName == 'lumin': raise Exception, rebindErr + "lumin" else: super(Model,self).__setattr__(attrName, value) else: super(Model,self).__setattr__(attrName, value) def __call__(self, parIdx): """Get a Parameter object from the Model. parIdx -- The parameter index number. Regardless of the data group to which the Model object belongs, its parameters are numbered from 1 to nParameters. Returns the specified Parameter object. """ if not isinstance(parIdx, int): raise Exception, "Error: Argument must be an integer." if parIdx < 1 or parIdx > self.nParameters: indexErr = "Error: Valid range of parameters for this object: " indexErr += "1-" + str(self.nParameters) raise Exception, indexErr for compName in self.componentNames: compAttr = getattr(self, compName) for parName in compAttr.parameterNames: parAttr = getattr(compAttr, parName) if parIdx == parAttr._Parameter__index: return parAttr raise Exception, "Error: Unable to locate Parameter in Model" def energies(self, spectrumIndex): """Get the Model object's energies array for a given spectrum. spectrumIndex - The spectrum index number. If this is 0, it will return the energies array used by the default dummy response. Returns a list of energy array elements, the size will be 1 larger than the corresponding flux array. This will return the energies array as specified by the AllModels.setEnergies function if that has been used to override the response energies array. """ if not isinstance(spectrumIndex, int): raise Exception, "Error: Argument must be a spectrum number (int)." tclArgs = ["energies"] # The tclout energies function doesn't care which model object is # assigned to the spectrum number, but in this context it matters. # So we must check here. if spectrumIndex != 0: specNums = set(_pyXspec.getSpectraForModel(self._handle)) if spectrumIndex not in specNums: errMsg = "Error: model object is not used with spectrum " errMsg += str(spectrumIndex) raise Exception, errMsg tclArgs.append(str(spectrumIndex)) s = _pyXspec.doTclout(tclArgs) return s.split() def folded(self, spectrumIndex): """Get the Model object's folded flux array for a given spectrum. spectrumIndex -- The spectrum index number. This number should be 0 if model is not presently applied to any spectra (ie. in the "off" state). Returns a list of folded flux array elements. """ if not isinstance(spectrumIndex, int): raise Exception, "Error: Argument must be a spectrum number (int)." return _pyXspec.getArray(self._handle, spectrumIndex, 1) def setPars(self, *parVals): """Change the value of multiple parameters in a single function call. This is a quick way to change multiple parameter values at a time since only a SINGLE model recalculation will be performed at the end. In contrast, when parameter values are changed through the individual parameter objects, the model is recalculated after EACH parameter change. (See also AllModels.setPars(), for changing multiple parameters belonging to multiple model objects.) parVals -- An arbitrary number of parameter values. These may be listed singly (as floats or strings), or collected into tuple, list or dictionary containers. Dictionaries must be used if parameters are not in consecutive order, in which case the parameter index number is the dictionary key. Examples: Assume we have a model object m1 with 5 parameters. Simplest case: change only the parameter values (and not the auxiliary values, 'sigma', 'min', 'bot', etc.), and change them in consecutive order. # Pass in 1 or more floats m1.setPars(5.5, 7.83, 4.1e2) # changes pars 1-3 m1.setPars(2.0, 1.3e-5, -.05, 6.34, 9.2) # changes all 5 pars Still changing only the parameter values, but skipping over some. m1.setPars(.02, 4.4, {5:3.2e5}) # changes pars 1-2, 5 m1.setPars({2:3.0, 4:-1.2}) # changes pars 2, 4 m1.setPars({2:1.8}, 9.3, 5.32) # changes pars 2, 3, 4 Now also change the auxiliary values for some of the parameters. Pass in a STRING containing ",,,,, " This uses the same syntax as Standard XSPEC's "newpar" command. Aux values can be skipped by using multiple commas. # This sets a new , , and for parameter 1, and # a new of 5.3 for parameter 2. m1.setPars(".3,.01,,,,100", 5.3) # This sets all new auxiliary values for parameter 3. m1.setPars({3:".8 -.01 1e-4 1e-3 1e5 1e6"}) """ indAndVals = _collateSetPars(self, *parVals) _pyXspec.setPars(self._handle, tuple(indAndVals[0]), tuple(indAndVals[1]), 0) def show(self): """Display information for a single Model object.""" _pyXspec.showModel(self._handle) def showList(): """Show the list of all available XSPEC model components.""" _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(["model","?"]) showList = staticmethod(showList) def untie(self): """Remove links for all parameters in Model object""" untieArgs=["untie"] parRange = "" if len( parRange += + ":" startIdx = self.startParIndex endIdx = startIdx + self.nParameters - 1 parRange += str(startIdx) if endIdx > startIdx: parRange += "-" + str(endIdx) untieArgs.append(parRange) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(untieArgs) def values(self, spectrumIndex): """Get the Model object's values array for a given spectrum. spectrumIndex -- The spectrum index number. This number should be 0 if model is not presently applied to any spectra (ie. in the "off" state). Returns the values array as a list. """ if not isinstance(spectrumIndex, int): raise Exception, "Error: Argument must be a spectrum number (int)." return _pyXspec.getArray(self._handle, spectrumIndex, 0) # Any property set functions would be hidden by __setattr__ def _getFlux(self): return _pyXspec.getModelFluxLuminCalc(self._handle, 1) flux = property(_getFlux, doc="Most recent flux calculation") def _getLumin(self): return _pyXspec.getModelFluxLuminCalc(self._handle, 0) lumin = property(_getLumin, doc="Most recent lumin calculation") def _getStartParIndex(self): return _pyXspec.getModelTuple(self._handle)[4] startParIndex = property(_getStartParIndex, doc="Starting parameter index") # End Model class class ModelManager(_AttrRestrictor): """Models container. This is a singleton - only 1 instance allowed Public attributes: sources -- A dictionary containing the currently active : assignments. If the model has no name, will be an empty string. (GET only) systematic -- The fractional model systematic error. This will be added in quadrature to the error on the data when evaluating chi-squared. The default value is zero. """ __single = None def __init__(self): if ModelManager.__single: raise Exception, "Error: Only 1 instance of ModelManager is allowed." ModelManager.__single = self self._turnRestrictOff() self.__systematic = 0.0 self._resetRestrict() def _getSources(self): return _pyXspec.getModelSourceAssignments() def _setSources(self, val): raise Exception,"Error: Cannot rebind AllModels.sources attribute" sources = property(_getSources, _setSources, doc="Active source and model assignemnts") def _getSystematic(self): return self.__systematic def _setSystematic(self, val): if not isinstance(val, float) and not isinstance(val, int): raise Exception, "Error: Systematic error must be numeric type." if val < .0 or val >= 1.0: raise Exception, "Error: Systematic error must be .0 <= syst < 1.0" systArgs = ["systematic"] systArgs.append(str(val)) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(systArgs) self.__systematic = val systematic = property(_getSystematic, _setSystematic, doc="Model systematic error") def __call__(self, groupNum, modName=""): """Get Model objects from the AllModels container. groupNum -- The data group number to which the Model object corresponds. modName -- Optional string containing the Model's name (if any). Returns the Model object. """ if not isinstance(groupNum, int) or groupNum < 1: raise Exception, "Error: Must enter integer >= 1 for data group number." if modName.isspace(): modName = "" return Model(_pyXspec.getModelFromNameAndGroup(modName, groupNum),modName) def __iadd__(self, modelInfo): """Define a new model and add it to the AllModels container. This operation is equivalent to the Model class constructor, except that it does not return a Model object. modelInfo -- A string containing the model expression (component names may be abbreviated). The model will be unnamed and assigned to source number = 1. OR If supplying a model name and a source number, this should be a tuple with: modelInfo[0] = model expression string modelInfo[1] = model name string modelInfo[2] = source number """ # Syntax requirements: modName string must contain NO whitespace, # exprString must not begin with "clear", "none", "act", or "inact" # (case-insensitive). Any of these cases will foul up the lower level # parsing code. modName = str("") sourceNum = 1 if isinstance(modelInfo, str): exprString = modelInfo else: exprString = modelInfo[0] modName = modelInfo[1] if len(modelInfo) > 2: sourceNum = modelInfo[2] modName = ''.join(modName.split()) testExpr = exprString.lower().lstrip() if (not testExpr.find("none") or not testExpr.find("clear") or not testExpr.find("act") or not testExpr.find("inact")): raise Exception, "Error: 'clear','none','act', and 'inact' forbidden in this context" _pyXspec.createModel(exprString, modName, sourceNum) return self def __isub__(self, modName): """Remove all copies of the given model from the AllModels container. modName -- The name of the model to be removed, or an empty string if the model has no name. If set to "*", this will behave like the clear() function and remove all models. """ if len(modName) == 0 or modName.isspace(): modName = "unnamed" elif modName == '*': modName = "" _pyXspec.removeModels(modName) return self def addPyMod(self, func, parInfo, compType, calcsErrors=False, spectrumDependent=False): """Add a user-defined Python model function to XSPEC's models library. This provides a way to add local models written in Python to XSPEC. It performs the same role as the combination of 'initpackage'/'lmod' commands do for C/C++/Fortran local models. The first 3 arguments (func, parInfo, and compType) are mandatory. func -- The user-defined model function (Python type = 'function'). Function must define at least 3 arguments for energies, parameters, and flux. A optional fourth argument may be added if your model calculates flux errors, and a fifth if your model requires that XSPEC pass it the spectrum number. parInfo -- A tuple of strings. One string for each parameter your model requires. The format of these strings is identical to what is placed in a 'model.dat' file (see Appendix C of the XSPEC manual). compType -- A string telling XSPEC the type of your model. Currently allowed types: 'add', 'mul', 'con' calcsErrors -- OPTIONAL. If your model function also calculates model errors, set this to True. spectrumDependent -- OPTIONAL. Set this to TRUE only if your model function has an explicit dependence on the spectrum. Example usage: A local additive model written in Python, named 'myModel', which takes parameters 'par1' and 'par2': def myModel(engs, pars, flux): [... model code, fill in flux array based on input engs and pars arrays ...] myModelParInfo=("par1 \"\" 2.0 -10.0 -9.0 9.0 10.0 0.01", "par2 keV 1e-3 1e-5 1e-5 100. 200. .01" ) AllModels.addPyMod(myModel, myModelParInfo, 'add') """ if not inspect.isfunction(func): raise Exception, "Error: 1st argument must be a callable function." # pre 2.6 returns argument information in a plain tuple, not an ArgSpec tuple. # So for compatibility, avoid access of the inspect.ArgSpec.args member. nFuncArgs = len(inspect.getargspec(func)[0]) if nFuncArgs < 3: err="Error: Model function " + func.__name__ +" does not have the required arguments.\n" err+= " Needs: engs, params, flux." raise Exception, err if nFuncArgs > 5: err="Error: Model function " + func.__name__+" has too many arguments.\n" err+= " Maximum allowed: engs, params, flux, fluxerr, specnum." raise Exception, err isParInfoOK=False if isinstance(parInfo, tuple): allStrings=True for val in parInfo: if not isinstance(val, str): allStrings=False if allStrings: isParInfoOK=True if not isParInfoOK: err="Error: 2nd argument must be a tuple of strings,\n" err +=" one string for each parameter in model." raise Exception, err isCompTypeOK=False allowedCompTypes=["add","mul","con"] if isinstance(compType, str): if compType in allowedCompTypes: isCompTypeOK=True if not isCompTypeOK: err="Error: 3rd argument must be a valid component type string: " for s in allowedCompTypes: err+= s+" " err+="\n" raise Exception, err _pyXspec.addPyComp(func, parInfo, compType, calcsErrors, spectrumDependent, func.__name__) def calcFlux(self, cmdStr): """Calculate the model flux for a given energy range. cmdStr -- A string containing the energy limit values and optional error specifiers. This follows the same syntax rules as the standard XSPEC flux command. The flux will be calculated for all loaded spectra, and the results will be stored in the Spectrum objects' flux attribute. If no spectra are loaded, the flux will be stored in the Model objects' flux attribute. """ if isinstance(cmdStr, str): _pyXspec.fluxCmd(1, cmdStr.split()) else: raise Exception, "Error: Argument to calcFlux must be a string" def calcLumin(self, cmdStr): """Calculate the model luminosity for a given energy range and redshift. cmdStr -- A string containing the energy limit values and optional error specifiers. This follows the same syntax rules as the standard XSPEC lumin command. The lumin will be calculated for all loaded spectra, and the results will be stored in the Spectrum objects' lumin attribute. If no spectra are loaded, the flux will be stored in the Model objects' lumin attribute. """ if isinstance(cmdStr, str): _pyXspec.fluxCmd(0, cmdStr.split()) else: raise Exception, "Error: Argument to calcLumin must be a string" def clear(self): """Remove all models.""" _pyXspec.removeModels("") def eqwidth(self, component, rangeFrac=None, err=False, number=None, level=None): """Calculate the equivalent width of a model component. Please see the Standard XSPEC Manual for a discussion on how the eqwidth of a component is calculated. component -- An integer specifying the model component number for which to calculate the eqwidth (left-most component is 1). If the component belongs to a NAMED model, then this must be a STRING of the form ":". rangeFrac -- Determines the energy range for the continuum calculation: from E(1-) to E(1+) where E is the location of the peak of the photon spectrum. The initial default rangeFrac is 0.05. Setting this will change the future default value. err -- If set to True, errors will be estimated on the equivalent width calculation. This will also require the setting of the "number" and "level" arguments. number -- Only set this if "err" = True. This determines the number of sets of randomized parameter values to draw to make the error estimation. [int] level -- Only set this if "err" = True. The error algorithm will order the equivalent widths of the sets of parameter values, and the central percent will determine the error range. [float] The results of the most recent eqwidth calculation are stored as attributes of the currently loaded Spectrum objects. """ eqwArgs = ["eqwidth"] if rangeFrac: if not isinstance(rangeFrac, float): err="Error: rangeFrac must be a floating-point value." raise Exception, err eqwArgs.append("range") eqwArgs.append(str(rangeFrac)) if isinstance(component, str): eqwArgs += component.split() elif isinstance(component, int): eqwArgs.append(str(component)) else: err="Error: First arg must be a component number (integer), or a \n" err += " modelName:compNum string for named models." raise Exception, err if err: eqwArgs.append("err") if not number or not isinstance(number, int): err="Error: When calling eqwidth with errors, must set number\n" err +=" of trials to a positive integer." raise Exception, err eqwArgs.append(str(number)) if not level or (not isinstance(level, float) and not isinstance(level, int)): err="Error: When calling eqwidth with errors, must set confidence\n" err +="level to a floating-point value" raise Exception, err eqwArgs.append(str(level)) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(eqwArgs) def setEnergies(self, arg1, arg2=None): """Specify new energy binning for model fluxes. Supply an energy binning array to be used in model evalutations in place of the associated response energies, or add an extension to the response energies. arg1 -- A string containing either: " [...]" "" "extend" [This option also uses arg2] "reset" where the first ::= log|lin ::= log|lin This uses the same syntax as standard XSPEC's "energies" command. Values can be delimited by spaces or commas. arg2 -- Only needed when arg1 is "extend", this requires an extension specifier string of the form: "low|high log|lin" All energies are in keV. Multiple ranges may be specified to allow for varied binning in different segments of the array, but note that no gaps are allowed in the overall array. Therefore only the first range specifier accepts a parameter. Additional ranges will automatically begin at the value of the previous range. With the "extend" option, the specifier string supplied to arg2 will extend the existing response energy array by an additional to the new , in either the high or low direction. Once an energy array is specified, it will apply to all models and will be used in place of any response energy array (from actual or dummy responses) for calculating and binning the model flux. It will also apply to any models that are created after it is specified. To turn off this behavior and return all models back to using their response energies, set arg1 to "reset". Arg1 can also be the name of an ascii text file containing a custom energy array. To see the proper file format, and for more details in general about the energies command, please see the standard XSPEC manual. Examples: # Create an array of 1000 logarithmic-spaced bins, from .1 to 50. keV AllModels.setEnergies(".1 50. 1000 log") # Change it to 500 bins AllModels.setEnergies(",,500") # Now restore original response energies, but with an extension of the # high end to 75.0 keV with 100 additional linear bins. AllModels.setEnergies("extend","high,75.,100 lin") # Return to using original response energies with no extensions. AllModels.setEnergies("reset") """ energiesArgs = ["energies"] if isinstance(arg1, str): if arg1.lower() == "extend": if isinstance(arg2, str): energiesArgs.append("extend") energiesArgs += arg2.split() else: msg="Error: setEnergies extend option requires a string argument." raise Exception, msg else: energiesArgs += arg1.split() else: raise Exception, "Error: setEnergies arguments must be strings" _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(energiesArgs) def initpackage(self, packageName, modDescrFile, dirPath=None, udmget=False): """Initialize a package of local models. Use this method to compile your local model source code and build a library, which can then be loaded into XSPEC with the 'lmod' method. packageName -- The name of the model package [string]. The name should be all lower-case and contain NO numerals or spaces. The local models library file will be based upon this name, and this is also the name you will use when loading the library with the 'lmod' method. modDescrFile -- Name of your local model description file [string]. This file is typically named 'lmodel.dat', but you're free to name it something else. dirPath -- Optional directory path to your local models [string]. This may be an absolute or relative path. If you don't enter this argument, XSPEC will look in the directory given by the LOCAL_MODEL_DIRECTORY in your Xspec.init start-up file. udmget -- Optional flag for when your models need to call XSPEC's udmget function [bool]. Udmget is a function for allocating dynamic memory in Fortran routines, and is no longer used within XSPEC itself. If this flag is set to 'True', initpackage will copy the necessary files and build the udmget function within your local models directory. """ if not isinstance(packageName, str): msg="Error: packageName argument must be a string" raise Exception, msg packageName = packageName.strip() if not len(packageName): msg="Error: Cannot enter a blank for packageName" raise Exception, msg if not isinstance(modDescrFile, str): msg="Error: modDescrFile argument must be a string" raise Exception, msg modDescrFile = modDescrFile.strip() if not len(modDescrFile): msg="Error: Cannot enter a blank for modDescrFile" raise Exception, msg initArgs = ["initpackage", packageName, modDescrFile] if dirPath is not None: if not isinstance(dirPath,str): msg="Error: dirPath argument must be a string" raise Exception, msg initArgs.append(dirPath) if not isinstance(udmget, bool): msg="Error: udmget must be set to a bool (True | False)" raise Exception, msg if udmget == True: initArgs.append("-udmget") _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(initArgs) def lmod(self, packageName, dirPath=None): """Load a local models library. packageName -- The name of the model package to be loaded. This is the same name that is the first argument in the initpackage command. dirPath -- An optional string argument specifying the (absolute or relative) path to the local model directory. If this argument is not entered, Xspec will look in the directory given by the LOCAL_MODEL_DIRECTORY in the Xspec.init start-up file. """ if not isinstance(packageName, str): raise Exception, "Error: Package name argument must be a string" if len(packageName) == 0: raise Exception, "Error: Package name string is empty" if dirPath and not isinstance(dirPath, str): raise Exception, "Error: dirPath argument must be a string" dPath = dirPath if dPath is None: dPath = "" _pyXspec.localModel(packageName, dPath) def setPars(self, *args): """Change the value of multiple parameters from multiple model objects with a single function call. This is a quick way to change multiple parameter values at a time since only a SINGLE recalculation will be performed at the end. In contrast, when parameter values are changed through the individual parameter objects, the model is recalculated after EACH parameter change. (If all the parameters belong to a single model object, you can also use the Model.setPars() function.) args -- An arbitrary number model objects and parameter values. The first argument must be model object, followed by one or more of its new parameter values. Additional groups of model objects and parameter values may follow. The parameter values follow the same syntax rules as with the single Model.setPars() function. They can be listed singly (as floats or strings), or collected into tuple, list, or dictionary containers. Dictionaries must be used when parameters are not in consecutive order, in which case the parameter index number is the dictionary key. Parameter indices are local to each model object. That is, they are always numbered from 1 to N where N is the number of parameters in the model object. Examples: Assume we've already assigned a 3 parameter model to 2 data groups: m1 = AllModels(1) m2 = AllModels(2) # Various ways of changing parameters in consecutive order. # This changes pars 1-2 in m1 and 1-3 in m2: AllModels.setPars(m1, .4, "1.3 -.01", m2, "5.3 ,,3.0e-4", 2.2, 1.9) # ...and these 2 examples do the exact same thing as above: valList = [.4, "1.3 -.01"] valTuple = ("5.3 ,,3.0e-4", 2.2, 1.9) AllModels.setPars(m1, valList, m2, valTuple) AllModels.setPars(m1, valList, m2,"5.3 ,,3.0e-4", [2.2, 1.9]) # Parameters in non-consecutive order, must use Python # dictionaries: # Change parameter 2 in m1, parameter 1 and 3 in m2: AllModels.setPars(m1, {2:8.3}, m2, {1:0.99, 3:"7.15 -.01"}) # ...same thing as above: AllModels.setPars(m1, {2:8.3}, m2, 0.99, {3:"7.15 -.01"}) Note that identical syntax is used for model objects belonging to different sources. All of the above examples are still valid had we obtained m1 and m2 like this: m1 = Model("wabs*pow", "firstMod", 1) m2 = Model("gauss", "secondMod", 2) """ rawValArgs = [] allModNames = [] allIndices = [] allVals = [] iArg=0 mod = None while iArg <= len(args): if (iArg == len(args) or isinstance(args[iArg], Model)): if len(rawValArgs): # These args belong to the previous model. # It's time to collate them. indAndVals = _collateSetPars(mod, *rawValArgs) nPars = len(indAndVals[0]) allModNames += nPars*[] allIndices += indAndVals[0] allVals += indAndVals[1] rawValArgs = [] if iArg < len(args): mod = args[iArg] else: if iArg == 0: error="Error: First argument must be a model object." raise Exception, error rawValArgs.append(args[iArg]) iArg += 1 _pyXspec.setParsGlobal(tuple(allModNames),tuple(allIndices), tuple(allVals)) def show(self, parIDs=None): """Show all or a subset of Xspec model parameters. parIDs -- An optional string specifying a range of parameters as with Xspec's "show parameter" function. If no string is supplied, this will show all parameters in all models. """ if parIDs is not None: _pyXspec.showPar(parIDs.split()) else: _pyXspec.showPar([]) def simpars(self): """Create a list of simulated parameter values. Values are drawn from a multivariate normal distribution based on the covariance matrix from the last fit, or from Monte Carlo Markov chains if they are loaded. This method is identical to doing 'tclout simpars' in standard XSPEC. Returns a tuple of the simulated parameter values. """ parValStr = _pyXspec.doTclout(["simpars"]) valList = parValStr.split() for i in range(len(valList)): valList[i] = float(valList[i]) return tuple(valList) def tclLoad(self, fullLibPath): """Load a local model library by calling Tcl's 'load' command. This by-passes lmod (with its pkgIndex.tcl requirements) and allows the user to load a local model by directly calling Tcl's lower level 'load' command. May also be useful for error diagnostics when lmod has failed. fullLibPath -- The full local model library path and filename. """ if not isinstance(fullLibPath, str): raise Exception, "Error: fullLibPath argument must be a string" if len(fullLibPath) == 0: raise Exception, "Error: fullLibPath string is empty" _pyXspec.localModel("", fullLibPath) # End class ModelManager AllModels = ModelManager() def _appendCompName(compNames): """Append '_' to duplicate Component names. Search left-to-right for duplicate component names in a model, and for all duplicates encountered after the first of their name, append '_' where is the component's index number. Note that this does NOT mean the nth copy of the component. Input: compNames -- List of Component names of a model (l to r). Output: compNames -- Same list but with '_' appended to names where necessary. """ # Really want compsFound to be a set and not a list, but can't for # compatibility with Python 2.3. (Sets weren't introduced till 2.4) compsFound = [] for i in range(len(compNames)): name = compNames[i] if name in compsFound: compNames[i] = name + '_' + str(i+1) else: compsFound.append(name) def _collateSetPars(mod, *argsTuple): """Organize the user's various input args into containers compatible with the C++ setPars and setGlobalPars functions. Internal use only mod -- The Python model object to which the args are applied. argsTuple -- Arbitrary numbers of float, strings, lists, tuples, and dictionaries containing new parameter values. The keys in the dictionaries are to be 1-based LOCAL parameter indices. Returns a tuple of size 2, containing a list of the 1-based GLOBAL parameter indices and a list of parameter value strings. The 2 lists will be of the same size. """ # iPar is the 1-based GLOBAL index. startIdx = mod.startParIndex iPar=startIdx # First gather the indices and vals in a dictionary to prevent # multiple appearances of a single par index in the final output # lists. When multiple entries are found, the later value will step # on the earlier one and the user will be given a warning. # Following any dictionary entry, the iPar count will be set to the # last iPar key in the dictionary PLUS ONE. valsDict={} nPars = mod.nParameters for arg in argsTuple: if (isinstance(arg, float) or isinstance(arg, int) or isinstance(arg, str)): _collateCheckPar(valsDict, iPar, startIdx, nPars) valsDict[iPar] = arg iPar += 1 elif isinstance(arg, tuple) or isinstance(arg, list): for singleArg in arg: if (isinstance(singleArg, float) or isinstance(singleArg, int) or isinstance(singleArg, str)): _collateCheckPar(valsDict, iPar, startIdx, nPars) valsDict[iPar] = singleArg iPar += 1 else: err="Error: Sequence contains invalid argument type: " err += type(singleArg).__name__ raise Exception, err elif isinstance(arg, dict): for k, v in arg.iteritems(): if not isinstance(k, int): err="Error: Dict key must be a parameter index integer." raise Exception, err if (k < 1): err="Error: " + str(k) + " is not a valid parameter index." raise Exception, err k += (startIdx-1) if (isinstance(v, float) or isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, str)): _collateCheckPar(valsDict, k, startIdx, nPars) valsDict[k] = v else: err="Error: Dictionary entry contains invalid argument type: " err += type(v).__name__ raise Exception, err iPar = k+1 else: err="Error: Invalid parameter argument type: " err += type(arg).__name__ raise Exception, err indices = valsDict.keys() # By this point vals must be floats, ints, or strings. Need to # convert all of them to strings. vals = valsDict.values() for i in range(len(vals)): val = vals[i] if not isinstance(val, str): vals[i] = str(val) return (indices, vals) def _collateCheckPar(valsDict, iPar, startPar, nPar): """Utility function for _collateSetPars utility function. Internal use only. Issue warning for duplicate par and raise Exception for iPar > (startPar + nPar - 1) iPar is a GLOBAL index. """ localIdx = iPar - startPar + 1 if localIdx > nPar: error = "Error: Attempting to set par " + str(localIdx) error += " in a model with only " + str(nPar) + " parameters.\n" raise Exception, error if iPar in valsDict: warn=("***Warning: Duplicate setPars entries for par " + str(localIdx) + ". Will use most recent.\n") print warn if Xset.log is not None: print >> Xset.log, warn def _replaceWhitespace(stringList, repl): """Replace whitespace for every string in a list. Internal use only. For each string, leading and trailing whitespace will be removed entirely. Internal whitespace will be replaced with the string given by 'repl'. This was originally intended for replacing whitespace in Component names prior to using them to create Model attributes. """ for i in range(len(stringList)): modifiedName = repl.join(stringList[i].split()) stringList[i] = modifiedName