import _pyXspec from xset import _AttrRestrictor class Parameter(_AttrRestrictor): """Model or response parameter class. Public instance attributes, implemented as properties. name -- Name of Parameter (GET only). values -- List of value floats [val,delta,min,bot,top,max]. This may be set with: string: x.values = "3.2,,,,1e2, 1e3" single float: x.values = 4.1 (sets 'val' only) tuple: x.values = 8.2,.02, -10. list: x.values = [8.2,.02, -10.] Note that Tuple and List input do not allow the use of consecutive commas for argument spacing. sigma -- The Parameter fit sigma (-1.0 when not applicable) (GET only). frozen -- Boolean, if True then parameter is frozen. link -- Link expression string (empty if not linked). index -- Position of the parameter within the Model object. (The first parameter has index = 1) Note that this is the same value that would be used to obtain a Parameter object from its Model, ie: par = mod() (GET only). unit -- An optional string for the parameter's units (GET only). error -- A tuple containing the results of the most recent fit error command performed on the parameter (GET only). The tuple values are: (error low bound, error high bound, error status code string) prior -- A tuple containing the settings for the prior used when Bayesian inference is turned on. Get: Returns a tuple containing: (, ) Set with: string: or tuple: (, ) Valid priorTypes are "cons", "exp", "jeffreys", "gauss". Hyperparameters should be entered as floats. """ def __init__(self, parName, parStrategy): """Parameter constructor. Not intended for stand-alone creation. This should only be called from within Model, Component, or Response classes. parName -- Parameter name """ self._turnRestrictOff() self.__name = parName self.__strategy = parStrategy if isinstance(parStrategy, _ModParam): self.__iType = 0 else: self.__iType = 1 # The following 2 attributes are needed to identify this object # within Xspec. These are private, but the Model object will # still reach in and set these during its initialization. self.__index = 0 self.__parent = 0 self._resetRestrict() def _getError(self): paramTuple = _pyXspec.getParTuple(self.__parent, self.__index, self.__iType) errInfo = (paramTuple[6], paramTuple[7], paramTuple[8]) return errInfo def _setError(self, value): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Parameter object's error attribute" error = property(_getError, _setError, doc="Error command results") def _getIndex(self): return self.__index def _setIndex(self, value): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Parameter object's index" index = property(_getIndex, _setIndex, doc="Parameter index") def _getName(self): return self.__name def _setName(self, value): if hasattr(self, '_Parameter__name'): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Parameter object's name" else: self.__name = value name = property(_getName, _setName, doc="Parameter name") def _getPrior(self): paramTuple = _pyXspec.getParTuple(self.__parent, self.__index, self.__iType) priorList = [paramTuple[9]] + paramTuple[10] return tuple(priorList) def _setPrior(self, vals): hyperPars = [] if isinstance(vals, str): priorType = vals elif isinstance(vals, tuple) and len(vals): priorType = vals[0] if not isinstance(priorType, str): raise Exception, "Error: priorType must be a string" for i in range(1, len(vals)): hyperPars.append(str(vals[i])) else: err="Error: prior must be set to one of the following:\n\ # string\n\ (,[],[]...) # tuple of string and floats" raise Exception, err self.__strategy.setBayes(self.__parent, self.__index, priorType, hyperPars) prior = property(_getPrior, _setPrior, doc="Prior type and arguments for Bayesian inference") def _getSigma(self): paramTuple = _pyXspec.getParTuple(self.__parent, self.__index, self.__iType) return paramTuple[1] def _setSigma(self, value): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Parameter object's sigma" sigma = property(_getSigma, _setSigma, doc="Parameter sigma") def _getValues(self): paramTuple = _pyXspec.getParTuple(self.__parent, self.__index, self.__iType) return paramTuple[0] def _setValues(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) # If value was originally a tuple or list, remove # the enclosing brackets. value = value.lstrip('([') value = value.rstrip(')]') self.__strategy.setPar(self.__parent,self.__index,value) values = property(_getValues, _setValues, doc="Parameter values") def _getFrozen(self): return _pyXspec.getParTuple(self.__parent, self.__index, self.__iType)[2] def _setFrozen(self, value): if bool(value): self.__strategy.setFreeze(self.__parent,self.__index,1) else: self.__strategy.setFreeze(self.__parent,self.__index,0) frozen = property(_getFrozen, _setFrozen, doc="isFrozen flag") def _getUnit(self): paramTuple = _pyXspec.getParTuple(self.__parent, self.__index, self.__iType) return paramTuple[4] def _setUnit(self, value): print raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Parameter object's unit string" unit = property(_getUnit, _setUnit, doc="Parameter unit") def _getLink(self): paramTuple = _pyXspec.getParTuple(self.__parent, self.__index, self.__iType) return paramTuple[3] def _setLink(self,value): # Newpar handler expects link strings to begin with a '='. # If user enters an empty (or blank) string, pass an empty # string to Xspec indicating that link should be removed. if len(value)==0 or value.isspace(): value = "" else: value = '=' + value self.__strategy.setLink(self.__parent,self.__index,value) link = property(_getLink, _setLink, doc="Parameter link expression") def untie(self): """Remove parameter link (if any)""" = "" def __float__(self): return self.values[0] def __add__(self, other): if type(other) == Parameter: return self.values[0] + other.values[0] else: return self.values[0] + other def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __iadd__(self, other): self.values = self.__add__(other) return self def __mul__(self, other): if type(other) == Parameter: return self.values[0]*other.values[0] else: return self.values[0]*other def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) def __imul__(self, other): self.values = self.__mul__(other) return self class _ModParam(object): """Strategy class for model parameters For internal use only """ def setPar(self, modHandle, parIndex, valueStr): _pyXspec.setPars(modHandle,(parIndex,),(valueStr,),1) def setFreeze(self, modHandle, parIndex, isFreeze): _pyXspec.setParFreeze(modHandle, parIndex, isFreeze, 1) def setLink(self, modHandle, parIndex, valueStr): _pyXspec.setParLink(modHandle, parIndex, valueStr, 1) def setBayes(self, modHandle, parIndex, priorType, hyperPars): _pyXspec.setParBayes(modHandle, parIndex, priorType, hyperPars, 1) class _RespParam(object): """Strategy class for response parameters For internal use only """ def setPar(self, respHandle, parIndex, valueStr): _pyXspec.setRespPars(respHandle, (parIndex,),(valueStr,)) def setFreeze(self, respHandle, parIndex, isFreeze): _pyXspec.setParFreeze(respHandle, parIndex, isFreeze, 0) def setLink(self, respHandle, parIndex, valueStr): _pyXspec.setParLink(respHandle, parIndex, valueStr, 0) def setBayes(self, respHandle, parIndex, priorType, hyperPars): _pyXspec.setParBayes(respHandle, parIndex, priorType, hyperPars, 0)