import _pyXspec from xset import _AttrRestrictor, Xset from parameter import Parameter, _RespParam class _DetArrayEmulator(object): """For internal use only This defines __get/setitem__ functions to give Spectrum.response property the look and feel of an array. """ def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent def __getitem__(self, sourceNum): if not isinstance(sourceNum, int) or sourceNum < 0: err="Error: Multiresponse array index must be an int for source number" raise Exception, err resp = _pyXspec.getResponse(self._parent, sourceNum) if not resp: err="Error: No response is assigned to source " + str(sourceNum+1) err+=" for this spectrum" raise Exception, err return Response(self._parent,resp) def __setitem__(self, sourceNum, fname): if not isinstance(sourceNum, int) or sourceNum < 0: err="Error: Multiresponse array index must be an int for source number" raise Exception, err if fname is not None and not isinstance(fname, str): err="Error: Multiresponse setting must be a filename string or None" raise Exception, err fileName= None if fname and not fname.isspace(): fileName = fname _pyXspec.setResponse(self._parent, sourceNum, fileName) class Response(_AttrRestrictor): """Detector response class. Public instance attributes implemented as properties, these are GET only unless specified otherwise. arf -- Get/Set the arf filename string. Enter None or empty string to remove an existing arf. chanEnergies -- Tuple of floats, the detector channel energies in keV. These are the energies normally stored in the EBOUNDS extension. energies -- Tuple of floats, the photon energies in keV which are stored in the MATRIX extension. gain -- A response model object (class RModel) for applying a shift in response file gain. (Also see Response.setPars() for setting multiple gain parameters at a time.) When gain is turned ON, it creates two variable fit Parameter object members: gain.slope (default = 1.0) gain.offset (default = 0.0) To turn gain ON simply assign a value to EITHER parameter, ie.: gain.slope = 1.05 This automatically also creates a gain.offset parameter with default value 0.0, which you may want to re-adjust. Examples: gain.offset = .02 gain.offset.values = ".015,.001,,,,0.1" 'slope' and 'offset' are of the same type as regular model parameters, and therefore have the same functions, attributes, and syntax rules for setting values. (See the Parameter class help for more details.) To turn gain OFF, call its off() method: restores the response to its original state, and renders the 'slope' and 'offset' parameters inaccessible. rmf -- The response file name string. sourceNumber -- The 1-based source number for which the response is assigned. This is normally always 1 unless multiple sources are loaded for multiple-model evaluation. """ def __init__(self, parent, respTuple): """Construct a Response object. Intended for creation by a Spectrum object only. """ self._turnRestrictOff() # These are invariants: self.__parent = parent self.__fileName = respTuple[0] self.__chanEnergies = respTuple[1] self.__energies = respTuple[2] self.__handle = respTuple[3] self.__sourceNum = respTuple[4] # Gain - a built in response function respParNames = ["slope","offset"] self.gain = RModel(self,respParNames, "gain") self._resetRestrict() def setPars(self, *seqPars): """Set multiple response parameters with a single function call. Similar to the Model.setPars() function, this allows multiple response parameters to be changed with just a SINGLE recalculation performed at the end. seqPars -- An arbitrary number of CONSECUTIVE parameter values to be matched 1-to-1 with the response model's parameters. Currently just 1 response model ('gain') is available, which has 2 response parameters ('slope' and 'offset'). Examples: s = Spectrum("file1") resp = s.response # 'gain' is off by default and response parameters don't yet exist. # The following call automatically turns 'gain' on and creates # both 'slope' and 'offset' parameters even though it is only # assigning to 'slope'. 'offset' will retain its default value # of 0.0. resp.setPars(1.05) # Equivalent to doing: resp.gain.slope = 1.05 # This is equivalent to: resp.gain.slope = .995 # resp.gain.offset = .08 # except that the recalculation is only performed at the end # rather than after each parameter is changed: resp.setPars(.995, .08) # Can also assign auxiliary values by passing 1 or 2 string # arguments. resp.setPars("1.1,,.02,.02,1.8,1.8","-.05,,-2,-2") # Remove gain and restore response to original state: """ # Must assume the only RModel is 'gain', with its 2 parameters. nPar = 2 valsList=[] idxList=[] for i in range(len(seqPars)): if i >= nPar: warn = ("***Warning: 'gain' only has 2 parameters." + " Extra arguments are ignored.\n") print warn if Xset.log is not None: print >> Xset.log, warn break arg = seqPars[i] if (isinstance(arg,float) or isinstance(arg,int)): valsList.append(str(arg)) idxList.append(i+1) elif (isinstance(arg,str)): valsList.append(arg) idxList.append(i+1) else: err="Error: Argument must be a number or a string type" raise Exception, err self.gain._RModel__turnRModelOn() _pyXspec.setRespPars(self.__handle, tuple(idxList), tuple(valsList)) def show(self): """Display response information including (optional) response parameters.""" _pyXspec.showResponse(self.__handle) def _getArf(self): return _pyXspec.getArf(self.__handle) def _setArf(self, fileName): if fileName is None or isinstance(fileName, str): if not fileName or fileName.isspace(): _pyXspec.setArf(self.__handle,None) else: _pyXspec.setArf(self.__handle, fileName) else: errMsg = "Error: Filename string is required to set Arf" raise Exception, errMsg arf = property(_getArf, _setArf, doc="Arf filename") def _getChanEnergies(self): return self.__chanEnergies def _setChanEnergies(self, value): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Response object's chanEnergies" chanEnergies = property(_getChanEnergies, _setChanEnergies, doc="Response channel energies.") def _getEnergies(self): return self.__energies def _setEnergies(self, value): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Response object's energies" energies = property(_getEnergies, _setEnergies, doc="Response energies.") def _getRmf(self): return self.__fileName def _setRmf(self, value): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Response object's rmf fileName" rmf = property(_getRmf, _setRmf, doc="Response Rmf filename") def _getSourceNumber(self): return self.__sourceNum def _setSourceNumber(self, value): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind a Response object's sourceNumber" sourceNumber = property(_getSourceNumber, _setSourceNumber, doc="Response source number") class RModel(_AttrRestrictor): """Response Model class. Response models are functions which act upon the detector RMF. XSPEC currently has just one response model: 'gain', which is a built-in attribute of the Response class. RModel objects are not intended for stand-alone creation: its __init__ function should be considered private. Public instance attributes. -- When RModel is ON, it contains an attribute of type Parameter for every parameter in the model. An RModel is turned ON by a 'set' operation on ANY of its parameters. For example with the 'gain' RModel: resp.gain.offset = .03 automatically creates 'offset' AND 'slope' parameters if they don't already exist ('slope' would be initialized to its default value of 1.0). The shift is then applied immediately to the Response object 'resp'. When RModel is OFF (see the method), the parameters are not accessible. isOn -- Boolean flag showing the On/Off status of the RModel (get only). parameterNames -- List of the response model's parameter names (get only). """ def __init__(self, resp, parNames, rmodName): """RModel constructor. Intended for internal use only. """ self._turnRestrictOff() # These are invariants self.__pyParent = resp self.__name = rmodName self.parameterNames = tuple(parNames) parIdx=1 for parName in self.parameterNames: newPar = Parameter(parName, _RespParam()) newPar._Parameter__index = parIdx newPar._Parameter__parent = self.__pyParent._Response__handle super(RModel,self).__setattr__(parName, newPar) parIdx += 1 self._resetRestrict() def __getattribute__(self, name): # Must not call hasattr to determine if 'parameterNames' # exists. That would send things into an infinite recursive loop # since hasattr indirectly relies on __getattribute__. try: super(RModel,self).__getattribute__('parameterNames') except: return super(RModel,self).__getattribute__(name) if name in super(RModel,self).__getattribute__('parameterNames'): # Must not directly access self.isOn in here. Again, # that will call __getattribute__ leading to another # infinite loop if super(RModel,self).__getattribute__('isOn'): return super(RModel,self).__getattribute__(name) else: err="Error: Gain is currently off for this response" raise Exception, err else: return super(RModel,self).__getattribute__(name) def __setattr__(self, attrName, value): if hasattr(self, 'parameterNames'): if attrName in self.parameterNames: self.__turnRModelOn() # See comments in Component.__setattr__ for why we # first check for case of Parameter type. if not isinstance(value, Parameter): # Treat as if setting parameter's val. par = getattr(self, attrName) par.values = value elif attrName == 'parameterNames': raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind RModel's parameterNames" elif attrName == 'isOn': raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind RModel's isOn flag" else: super(RModel,self).__setattr__(attrName, value) else: super(RModel,self).__setattr__(attrName, value) def __turnRModelOn(self): """Activate the RModel by creating its parameter attributes. This should be called any time a parameter 'set' operation is invoked. If model is not already on, this will call the underlying Xspec rmodel function. If already on, do nothing. For private use only. """ if not self.isOn: rmodArgs=["rmodel"] specHandle = self.__pyParent._Response__parent sourceNum = self.__pyParent.sourceNumber specNum = _pyXspec.getIndexFromHandle(specHandle) rmodArgs.append(str(sourceNum) + ':' + str(specNum)) rmodArgs.append(self.__name) for parName in self.parameterNames: rmodArgs.append("&") _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(rmodArgs) def off(self): """Remove response parameters and turn the model OFF. The Response is restored to its original state. """ if self.isOn: rmodArgs = ["rmodel"] specHandle = self.__pyParent._Response__parent sourceNum = self.__pyParent.sourceNumber specNum = _pyXspec.getIndexFromHandle(specHandle) rmodArgs.append(str(sourceNum) + ':' + str(specNum)) rmodArgs.append("none") _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(rmodArgs) # A property set function here would be hidden by __setattr__. def _getIsOn(self): return _pyXspec.hasGainPars(self.__pyParent._Response__handle) isOn = property(_getIsOn, doc="On/Off indicator for RModel object.")