import _pyXspec class _AttrRestrictor(object): """A mixin to prevent adding new attributes to a class instance. This is based on a design by Python guru Alex Martelli, and is intended to prevent the case where misspellings during a set attribute operation go undetected. For example without this restriction, in the second case below: = "a:3" # correct p1.lnk = "a:3" # Wrong Python will simply add a new attribute to the p1 Parameter object. This is probably not what the user intended and is very easy to miss. """ def __setattr__(self, name, value): isOK = False # First check if name exists as a PROPERTY. We could just use # the same hasattr test that we do for regular attributes below, # BUT hasattr is implemented by calling the getattr() function, # and when the attribute is a property this means its 'get' method # will be executed. # We'd rather not have to go through the get method every time # we call the property set method. After all, the get method # can perform arbitrarily expensive operations. Also if the method # returns NULL for any reason, hasattr will misleadingly return False. # Therefore we'll do the property search by looking in the CLASS # __dict__. classDict = self.__class__.__dict__ if name in classDict: classVal = classDict.get(name) if isinstance(classVal, property): isOK = True if not isOK: # This one's tricky. We need a way to introduce the tmpRemoveRestrict # instance attribute without triggering the Exception. # Hence the ugly string comparison test. if (hasattr(self, name) or Xset.allowNewAttributes or name == "_AttrRestrictor__tmpRemoveRestrict" or (hasattr(self,"_AttrRestrictor__tmpRemoveRestrict") and self.__tmpRemoveRestrict)): isOK = True if not isOK: errMsg = "***Error: Attribute " + name + " does not exist in class " errMsg += type(self).__name__ + " Did you misspell?\n" errMsg += "If you would like to add new attributes, " errMsg += "set Xset.allowNewAttributes to True.\n" raise Exception, errMsg # This goes directly to base class ('object') __setattr__ super(_AttrRestrictor,self).__setattr__(name, value) def _turnRestrictOff(self): """Allow setting of new attributes regardless of the flag in Xset. This is for internal use only, to allow PyXspec classes to override the Xset.allowNewAttributes flag and add new instance attributes at strategic moments. The most likely use of this is for adding attributes during __init__ functions. """ self.__tmpRemoveRestrict = True def _resetRestrict(self): """Remove the turnRestrictOff override, return control to the Xset flag. """ self.__tmpRemoveRestrict = False class _ParallelHandler(_AttrRestrictor): """An interface to standard XSPEC's 'parallel' command. This is intended for use only as a member of the XspecSettings class, which is where the one instance of this class will be created. Public instance attributes (implemented as properties): error -- Get/Set the number of processes to use during a Fit.error() command run [int]. leven -- Get/Set the number of processes to use during a Levenberg-Marquardt fit [int]. """ __single = None def __init__(self): if _ParallelHandler.__single: raise Exception, "Error: Only 1 instance of ParallelHandler is allowed." _ParallelHandler.__single = self def _getLeven(self): return _pyXspec.getParallel("leven") def _setLeven(self, val): cmdArgs = ["parallel", "leven"] cmdArgs.append(str(val)) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(cmdArgs) leven = property(_getLeven, _setLeven, doc="Set parallel processes for Lev-Marq algorithm.") def _getError(self): return _pyXspec.getParallel("error") def _setError(self, val): cmdArgs = ["parallel", "error"] cmdArgs.append(str(val)) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(cmdArgs) error = property(_getError, _setError, doc="Set parallel processes for error command.") def reset(self): """Restore all XSPEC contexts to single-process execution.""" self.leven = 1 self.error = 1 msgStr = "All parallel contexts are now reset to single-process \ execution." print msgStr if Xset.log is not None: print >> Xset.log, msgStr class XspecSettings(_AttrRestrictor): """Storage class for Xspec settings. This is a singleton - only 1 instance allowed Public instance attributes (implemented as properties): abund -- Get/Set the abundance table used in the plasma emission and photoelectric absorption models [string]. Valid tables: angr, aspl, feld, aneb, grsa, wilm, lodd, file allowNewAttributes -- Get/Set the flag which allows the setting of new instance attributes for ALL PyXspec classes [bool]. This is False by default, and is intended to catch the user's attention if they misspell an attribute name when attempting to set it. Under normal Python behavior, a misspelling would simply create a new attribute and issue no warnings or errors. You must make sure this flag is set to True if you genuinely wish to add new attributes. chatter -- Get/Set the console chatter level [int]. logChatter -- Get/Set the log chatter level [int]. cosmo -- Get/Set the cosmology values. Get: Returns a tuple of floats containing (H0, q0, l0), where H0 is the Hubble constant in km/(s-Mpc), q0 is the deceleration parameter, and l0 is the cosmological constant. Set: Enter a single string containing one or more of H0, q0, l0. Examples: Xset.cosmo = "100" # sets H0 to 100.0 Xset.cosmo = ",0" # sets q0 to 0.0 Xset.cosmo = ",,0.7" # sets l0 to 0.7 Xset.cosmo = "50 .5 0." # sets H0=50.0, q0=0.5, l0=0.0 log -- Get only: Returns the currently opened log file object, or None if no log file is open (also see the openLog and closeLog methods). modelStrings -- XSPEC's internal database of , pairs for settings which may be accessed by model functions. Get: Returns a tuple of tuples, the inner tuples being composed of , string pairs. Set: Replaces ENTIRE database with user-supplied new database. Input may be a dictionary of : entries, or a tuple of (,) tuples. For inserting and deleting INDIVIDUAL string name and value pairs, use the addModelString and delModelString methods. parallel -- An attribute for controlling the number of parallel processes in use during various XSPEC contexts. Examples: # Use up to 4 parallel processes during # Levenberg-Marquardt fitting. Xset.parallel.leven = 4 # Use up to 4 parallel processes during # Fit.error() command runs. Xset.parallel.error = 4 # Reset all contexts to single process usage. Xset.parallel.reset() seed -- Re-seed and re-initialize XSPEC's random-number generator with the supplied integer value (SET only). version -- The version strings for PyXspec and standard XSPEC. GET only, this returns a tuple containing: [0] - The PyXspec version string [1] - Standard XSPEC's version string xsect -- Change the photoelectric absorption cross-sections in use [string]. Available options: "bcmc", "obcm", "vern" """ __single = None __allowNewAttributes = False # Deliberately making __parallel a class rather than object attribute. # If we create it in __init__, it leads to a chicken-and-egg problem # in _AttrRestrictor.__setattr__ (since the latter attempts to use a # fully created Xset object). __parallel = _ParallelHandler() def __init__(self): if XspecSettings.__single: raise Exception, "Error: Only 1 instance of XspecSettings is allowed." XspecSettings.__single = self def _getAbund(self): return _pyXspec.getAbund() def _setAbund(self, table): #In most cases table arg will simply contain 1 word. abundArgs = ["xset","abund"] abundArgs += table.split() _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(abundArgs) abund = property(_getAbund, _setAbund, doc="""Get/Set the abundance table.""") def _getAllowNewAttributes(self): return XspecSettings.__allowNewAttributes def _setAllowNewAttributes(self, value): if isinstance(value, bool): XspecSettings.__allowNewAttributes = value else: raise Exception, "Error: Argument must be a bool." allowNewAttributes = property(_getAllowNewAttributes,_setAllowNewAttributes, doc="""(Dis)allow the setting of new class attributes.""") def _getChatter(self): return _pyXspec.getChatter(0) def _setChatter(self, val): if isinstance(val, int): _pyXspec.setChatter(0, val) else: raise Exception, "Error: Chatter argument must be an integer." chatter = property(_getChatter, _setChatter, doc="The console chatter level") def _getLogChatter(self): return _pyXspec.getChatter(1) def _setLogChatter(self, val): if isinstance(val, int): _pyXspec.setChatter(1, val) else: raise Exception, "Error: Log chatter argument must be an integer." logChatter = property(_getLogChatter, _setLogChatter, doc="The log chatter level") def _getCosmo(self): tcloutArgs = ["cosmo"] valStr = _pyXspec.doTclout(tcloutArgs) return tuple(valStr.split()) def _setCosmo(self,values): cosmoArgs = ["xset","cosmo"] cosmoArgs += values.split() _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(cosmoArgs) cosmo = property(_getCosmo, _setCosmo, doc="""Get/Set the cosmology values.""") def _getLog(self): return _pyXspec.getLog() def _setLog(self, val): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind Xset.log attribute" log = property(_getLog, _setLog, doc="Get the currently opened log file.") def _getModelStrings(self): modStrDict = _pyXspec.getModelStringValues() # Convert dictionary to non-mutable return type (ie. a tuple). # Don't want to give user the impression that modifications # made to the returned argument will be mirrored in Xspec, # cause they won't. tmpList = [] for k,v in modStrDict.iteritems(): entryTup = k, v tmpList.append(entryTup) return tuple(tmpList) def _setModelStrings(self, val): if isinstance(val, dict): for k,v in val.iteritems(): if not isinstance(k, str) or not isinstance(v, str): err="Error: All names and value entries must be strings." raise Exception, err _pyXspec.setModelStringValues(val) elif isinstance(val, tuple): valDict = {} for i in range(len(val)): entry = val[i] if len(entry) != 2: err="Error: Individual entries should be tuples containing " err += " and strings" raise Exception, err if not isinstance(entry[0],str) or not isinstance(entry[1],str): err="Error: Inner tuple must contain only , strings" raise Exception, err valDict[entry[0]] = entry[1] _pyXspec.setModelStringValues(valDict) else: err="Error: modelStrings set requires a dictionary of string pairs " err +="or a tuple of string pairs (tuples)" raise Exception, err modelStrings = property(_getModelStrings, _setModelStrings, doc="Dictionary of model string and value entries") def _getParallel(self): return XspecSettings.__parallel def _setParallel(self, val): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot rebind Xset.parallel attribute" parallel = property(_getParallel, _setParallel, doc="A structure for setting parallel processes in various contexts.") def _getSeed(self): pass def _setSeed(self, value): if isinstance(value,int): seedArgs = ["xset","seed"] seedArgs.append(str(value)) _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(seedArgs) else: raise Exception, "Error: Seed argument must be an integer" seed = property(_getSeed,_setSeed, doc="""Re-seed and re-initialize XSPEC's random-number generator.""") def _getVersion(self): pyXSvers = "1.1.0" stdXSvers = _pyXspec.doTclout(["version"]) return (pyXSvers,stdXSvers) def _setVersion(self, val): raise Exception, "Error: Cannot change the version information" version = property(_getVersion, _setVersion, doc="""Version strings for PyXspec and standard XSPEC""") def _getXsect(self): return _pyXspec.getXsect() def _setXsect(self, value): if isinstance(value,str): xsectArgs = ["xset","xsect"] xsectArgs += value.split() _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(xsectArgs) else: raise Exception, "Error: xsect argument must be a string" xsect = property(_getXsect,_setXsect, doc="""Get/Set the photoelectric absorption cross-sections.""") def addModelString(self, key, value): """Add a key,value pair of strings to XSPEC's internal database. This database provides a way to pass string values to certain model functions which are hardcoded to search for "key". (See the XSPEC manual description for the "xset" command for a table showing model/key usage.) If the key,value pair already exists, it will be replaced with the new entries. """ if isinstance(key,str) and isinstance(value,str): # User should not have entered whitespace in key or value, # but use split() to be sure. modStringArgs = ["xset"] modStringArgs += key.split() modStringArgs += value.split() _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(modStringArgs) else: raise Exception, "Error: addModelString requires 2 string arguments." def delModelString(self, key): """Remove a key,value pair from XSPEC's internal string database. """ if isinstance(key,str): modStringArgs = ["xset"] modStringArgs += key.split() _pyXspec.doXspecCmd(modStringArgs) else: raise Exception, "Error: delModelString requires a string argument." def closeLog(self): """Close Xspec's current log file.""" _pyXspec.closeLog() def openLog(self, fileName): """Open a file and set it to be Xspec's log file. fileName -- The name of the log file. If Xspec already has an open log file, it will close it. Returns a Python file object for the new log file. Once opened, the log file object is also stored as the Xset.log attribute. """ if isinstance(fileName, str): return _pyXspec.setLog(fileName) else: raise Exception, "Error: setLog argument must be a file name string." def show(self): _pyXspec.showXset() Xset = XspecSettings()