OFVERIFY (Jun94)              ftools.futils             OFVERIFY (Jun94)

    ofverify -- Verify that a FITS file conforms to the FITS Standard.
    ofverify filename
    This task reads a FITS file and verifies that the header and data in
    the  primary array and in every extension conform to the FITS format
    standard.  It first reads the required header keywords to check that
    they  are  in  the correct order and have legal values. Then all the
    remaining header keywords are read to verify that  they  conform  to
    the   FITS   syntax   rules.   This  includes  testing  for  illegal 
    characters  in  the  keyword  names  (only  A-Z,  0-9,  hyphen   and 
    underscore  allowed)  or  in the value and comment fields (any ASCII
    'text' character is allowed).  The value field is parsed  to  verify
    that  it  is  a valid FITS datatype (a quoted string, and integer, a
    floating point value, or  a  boolean  T  or  F  value).   A  warning
    message  is  printed if any duplicate keywords are found (except for
    COMMENT, and HISTORY and other comment-type  keywords  that  do  not
    have  an  '=  ' in columns 9 and 10) .  Finally, any fill characters
    after the END keyword are checked to  be  sure  that  they  are  all
    blanks (ASCII 32).
    If  the  TESTDATA option is set, then OFVERIFY next attempts to read
    all the data values.  For primary arrays  and  image  extensions  it
    computes  and  displays  the minimum and maximum data value and also
    counts the number of pixels that are undefined  (i.e.,  are  set  to
    the  null  value).   For Random Group FITS files this information is
    calculated for each group separately.  For  ASCII  or  binary  table
    extensions,  each  column  is  read individually and the minimum and
    maximum values and the number of undefined  values  are  calculated.
    Ofverify  supports  both  fixed-length  and  variable-length  vector 
    columns in binary tables,
    Finally, OFVERIFY checks that any fill bytes at the end of the  data
    have  a  valid  value (i.e., must equal zero except for ASCII tables
    which must be filled with ASCII blanks).
    Every extension in the FITS file is checked in turn  until  the  end
    of file is detected.
    NOTE: OFVERIFY also used to check whether there were any  extraneous
    bytes in the file following the last valid HDU, but this  check  was
    disabled for technical reasons in July 2000.

    OFVERIFY  prints  a summary table to the terminal (or to an optional
    output  file)  showing  the  structure  of  the  FITS  file  and   a 
    description  of  any  errors  that  it  finds.   Optionally, all the
    header keywords may also be printed.
    infile [file name]
        Name of the FITS file to be verified.
    outfile [file name]
        Name of optional output file to write the  verification  report.
        If  outfile  is  blank  or  =  'STDOUT' then the results will be
        written  to the  standard  output  device  (usually  the  user's
        terminal)  rather  than  to  a  file.   If  preceeded by a !, an
        existing file of the same name will be overwritten.
    (prhead = no) [boolean]
        Should the header keywords be printed to the output file?
    (testdata = yes) [boolean]
        Should every data value be  read  and  verified?   Turning  this
        option  off greatly increases the execution speed of the task at
        the expense of doing a less rigorous verification  of  the  FITS
        file.   Only  the  header keywords and the data fill values will
        be checked if testdata = no.
    (clobber = no) [boolean]
        If true, a file of the same name as the  requested  output  file
        will be overwritten.
    1.  Verify the contents of the FITS file 'test.fits':
            ft> ofverify test.fits
    2.   Verify  the  FITS  file  'test.fits'  and  print all the header
            ft> ofverify test.fits prhead=yes
    fstruct, flcol, fdump, fimgdmp