PCABACKEST (Nov98)             ftools.xte             PCABACKEST (Nov98)

    pcabackest -- Creates an estimated PCA  background  spectrum  for  a
    specific  observation  from  the background model created by the PCA
    instrument team.
    pcabackest  infile   outfile   modelfile(s)   filterfile   modeltype 
    interval  propane  layers  gaincorr gcorrfile fullspec interp syserr
    The background spectrum in the XTE  Proportional  Counter  Array  is
    modelled  based  upon  measured  rates  which  are  recorded  in the
    Standard Mode  2  data  file.   The  PCA  instrument  team  provides
    file(s)  for one or more background models, which are interpreted by
    pcabackest (see "modelfile" parameter, below).  pcabackest  reads  a
    Standard  Mode  2  FITS  file and produces a background spectrum for
    each PCU for each record in the Standard Mode 2  file.   The  output
    of  pcabackest  can  be  further  processed  by saextrct to generate
    background  spectra  or  light  curves  appropriate   to   a   given 
    infile [filename]
        The name of the Standard Mode 2 file for which the corresponding
        background model will be created.  This file is also the  source
        of  some of the values of the parameters upon which the model is
    outfile [filename]
        Name for output file containing the background estimate  created
        by pcabackest.
    modelfile [filename or @list-of-files-filename]
        The  name of the file(s) containing the model created by the PCA
        instrument team.  This may be a list of model  files  containing
        different  model components or "caldb" to select the appropriate
        model files from the calibration database.  At this time,  model
        files  are  being  improved with great rapidity, so the PCA TEAM
        DOES *NOT* RECOMMEND USE OF THE "CALDB" OPTION.  Instead,  users
        should   select  appropriate  model  files  from  the  RXTE  GOF 
        anonymous-FTP                                               area                                              
        (ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/xte/calib_data/pca_bkgd)   The   PCA  
        team  produces  models  as  separate  files   for   each   model 
        component.    Users   should   download   the  model  components 
        appropriate for their work  and  input  them  at  the  modelfile
        prompt,  either  giving  the full path name of the model file(s)
        or the name of an ascii file listing the full path name of  each
        model to be used, one model file per line.
    filterfile [filename]
        The  name  of  the  filterfile created by xtefilt which contains
        additional parameters required by the  models  to  estimate  the
        background.   If  all  the  parameters required are available in
        the Standard mode 2 file then  the  value  "none"  can  be  used
        instead  of  a  file  name. However, as of FTOOLS v4.2, a filter
        file is required for all recommended models.
    (modeltype=both) [INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, BOTH]
        For older models *ONLY* (eg., "Q6"), this parameter can be  used
        to  specify  construction of internal background only, external,
        or both.  For the new models (eg.,  "faint"  or  "sky"  models),
        this  parameter  MUST  BE  SET  TO "BOTH" - these models combine
        external and internal background  features  in  a  single  file.
        Specification  of  "internal"  or  "external"  with these models
        will cause pcabackest to reject them.
    interval=16 [integer]
        The interval between  successive  background  estimates  in  the
        output  file.   The Standard mode 2 file contains data for every
        16 seconds, but longer intervals may be  specified  for  output,
        and  will  be created by integration.  Shorter values may not be
        specified at this time.
    (propane=no) [boolean]
        Setting  propane=yes   will   cause   pcabackest   to   generate 
        background  estimates for the propane layer of each PCU.  (Note:
        there are no model files to support this feature.)
    layers=no [boolean]
        Normally, pcabackest computes the  overall  background  spectrum
        for  each  PCU.   Setting  layers=yes  will  cause pcabackest to
        produce a separate background estimate for each  anode  of  each
        layer of each PCU.
    gaincorr=no [boolean]
        Setting  gaincorr=yes  will cause pcabackest to perform the gain
        and offset correction to the background which  the  EDS  applies
        to  data  in  modes  where  the  data  from  multiple  PCUs  are 
        combined.  Setting this  flag  forces  the  output  spectrum  to
        contain 256 channels
    gcorrfile [filename]
        The  name  of  the  file  containing  the  EDS  gain  and offset
        corrections.  The default value of "caldb" causes pcabackest  to
        search  the  calibration database for the correct file to apply.
        Note: If you explicitly  specify  a  gain  correction  file  you
        should  specify  the extension of this file you wish to use.  By
        default, pcabackest will use the first  extension  and  does  no
        checking  of  the validity of the extension it uses for the data
        being analyzed.
    fullspec=no [boolean]
        By  default,  pcabackest  produces  a  129  channel   background 
        spectrum  which  correspond to the 129 channels of Standard Mode
        2.  Setting fullspec=yes will cause pcabackest to produce a  256
        channel  background  spectrum.   This  flag is automatically set
        when gaincorr is set.
    saahfile=none [filename]
        The name of the file containing information about  the  particle
        dose  from  each  passage  through  the  South  Atlantic Anomaly
        (SAA).   This  file  is  needed  for  models   based   upon   an 
        exponential  decay  of  activation caused by passage through the
        SAA.  The special value  "caldb"  will  search  the  calibration
        database   for   the   appropriate file (note: SAA history files
        will not be in the CALDB for this release).  This file  will  be
        periodically  updated  by  the  PCA  team  as  the  XTE  mission 
        continues.   Check  the  URL  listed   under   the   "modelfile" 
        parameter for the location of the latest SAA history file.
    (interp=yes) [boolean]
        Some  models  contain  a  small  number  of bins in the modelled
        parameter(s)  but  contain  additional   information   so   that 
        intermediate  values  can be obtained by interpolation.  Setting
        this parameter to "no" inhibits this interpolation  but  setting
        it  to  "yes"  does  not  cause  models  without  the additional
        information to be interpolated.
    (syserr=no) [boolean]
        Forces the detailed  computation  of  the  estimated  systematic
        error  in the background.  Setting this parameter to "no" causes
        pcabackest to execute  much  faster.   It  is  likely  that  the
        systematic  error  for  a particular PCA background spectrum can
        be  determined  without  performing  the  detailed  calculation. 
        Setting  this  parameter  to  "yes"  causes pcabackest to create
        additional  spectral  columns  in  its  output   which   contain 
        information  related  to the systematic error estimate.  Work is
        still underway to determine the best  methods  for  analysis  of
        these  errors; users are encouraged to consult the PCA team page
        (http://lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xray/xte/pca/)  before  using 
        using this parameter.
    (maxmodels=256) [integer]
        The  limit  on  the  number  of  background  models  that can be
        processed at one time.  If a background estimate  involves  many
        different  model  components then this may have to be larger but
        that is unlikely.  Note: The  number  of  "models"  is  not  the
        number  of  model  files.   Each  model file usually contains 30
        models.  You should only change this value if  pcabackest  tells
        you that it must be larger.
    (timeslop=32) [integer]
        The  number of seconds by which the filter file is allowed to be
        shorter than the input  file.   Data  beyond  the  ends  of  the
        filter  file will not be very intelligently extrapolated but the
        program will run.
    (clobber=yes) [boolean]
        If set to "yes" then  pcabackest  will  overwrite  any  existing
        file  with  the  same name as the background estimate file being
    Systematic error estimates are still mostly meaningless and  in  any
    case  they are output in a format such that there is only one person
    on this Earth who knows what they mean.
    saextrct, seextrct