#! /bin/sh
# This is the LHEA perl script: /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/swift/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/fextract-events
# The purpose of this special block is to make this script work with
# the user's local perl, regardless of where that perl is installed.
# The variable LHEAPERL is set by the initialization script to
# point to the local perl installation.
eval '
if [ "x$LHEAPERL" = x ]; then
  echo "Please run standard LHEA initialization before attempting to run /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/swift/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/fextract-events."
  exit 3
elif [ "$LHEAPERL" = noperl ]; then
  echo "During LHEA initialization, no acceptable version of Perl was found."
  echo "Cannot execute script /cvmfs/extras-fp7.egi.eu/extras/heasoft/swift/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.19-0/bin/fextract-events."
  exit 3
elif [ `$LHEAPERL -v < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | grep -ic "perl"` -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "LHEAPERL variable does not point to a usable perl."
  exit 3
  # Force Perl into 32-bit mode (to match the binaries) if necessary:
  if [ "x$HD_BUILD_ARCH_32_BIT" = xyes ]; then
    if [ `$LHEAPERL -V 2> /dev/null | grep -ic "USE_64_BIT"` -ne 0 ]; then
  exec $LHEAPERL -x $0 ${1+"$@"}
# Do not delete anything above this comment from an installed LHEA script!

# $Id: fextract-events,v 1.11 2009/02/02 17:18:43 craigm Exp $
# $Log: fextract-events,v $
# Revision 1.11  2009/02/02 17:18:43  craigm
# Because the 'mgtime' task mangles the MJDREF keywords, we disable MJDREF processing --CM
# Revision 1.10  2006/05/03 03:22:11  craigm
# Fix call to fthedit --CM
# Revision 1.9  2006/05/02 20:32:00  craigm
# Prevent ftdelhdu from reporting a bogus error message --CM
# Revision 1.8  2006/04/24 20:17:01  craigm
# Ignore the ftdelhdu errors; we have to delete until we get an error message --CM
# Revision 1.7  2006/04/24 19:49:10  craigm
# New error messages reported by ftdelhdu: send to /dev/null --CM
# Revision 1.6  2006/04/24 19:35:10  craigm
# Try to avoid 'ftmerge' problems AGAIN --CM
# Revision 1.5  2006/04/24 19:25:25  craigm
# Try to avoid 'ftmerge' problems (the new appearance of the 'copyall' parameter) --CM
# Revision 1.4  2006/04/24 19:01:29  craigm
# Protect all the system() calls with input of /dev/null; this prevents some of these tasks from waiting forever for user input --CM
# Revision 1.3  2006/04/24 18:30:47  craigm
# Work around mgtime problem: won't 'merge' a single GTI; fix bug in the handling of command-line filters (misspelled hash key);  rename event file EXTNAME to the requested name; output FILINn keywords which record the input files --CM
# Revision 1.2  2006/04/22 03:56:13  craigm
# Add 'cleanup' option to clean up scratch files --CM
# Revision 1.1  2006/04/22 03:20:46  craigm
# Initial commit; this is a fast version of 'extractor' for event filtering; the idea is to replace the ultra-lame extractor with an ultra-fast version that does the same thing --CM
# Revision 1.6  2006/04/07 20:52:48  craigm
# Add a CVS id and log variable --CM


# ===================================
# Execute main subroutine, with error trapping
$status = 0;
$cleanup = 1;
@scratchfiles = ();
eval {
    $status = headas_main(\&fextract_events);

# ===================================
# Check for errors and report them to the console
if ($@) {
    if ($status == 0) { $status = -1; }
    warn $@;
    exit $status;
exit 0;

# ===================================
# Main subroutine
sub fextract_events {
    # Makes all environment variables available
    use Env;
    use Cwd;

    # The HEAUTILS module provides access to HDpar_stamp()
    # set_toolname(), set_toolversion(), and headas_clobberfile()
    use HEACORE::PIL;
    # include the file specification functions
    use Astro::FITS::CFITSIO qw( :shortnames :constants );

    my $taskname = "fextract-events";
    my $version = "1.0";

    # Use the standard HEAdas methods for registering the toolname and version number to be
    # used in error reporting and in the record of parameter values written by HDpar_stamp

    # Prevent subsidiary tasks from pausing for input 
    $ENV{"HEADASPROMPT"} = "/dev/null";

    eval {
	$status = &fextract_events_work();

    # Special effort to remove scratch files
    if ($cleanup) {
	foreach $scratchfile (@scratchfiles) {
	    unlink "$scratchfile";

    if ($@) {
	if ($status == 0) { $status = -1; }
	warn $@;
	return $status;

    return $status;

sub fextract_events_work {

    # --------------- parameters
    ($status = PILGetString('filename', $filename)) == 0 || die "error getting 'filename' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetString('eventsout', $eventsout)) == 0 || die "error getting 'eventsout' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetString('regionfile', $regionfile)) == 0 || die "error getting 'regionfile' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetString('timefile', $timefile)) == 0 || die "error getting 'timefile' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetString('xcolf', $xcolf)) == 0 || die "error getting 'xcolf' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetString('ycolf', $ycolf)) == 0 || die "error getting 'ycolf' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetString('tcol', $tcol)) == 0 || die "error getting 'tcol' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetString('events', $events)) == 0 || die "error getting 'events' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetString('gti', $gti)) == 0 || die "error getting 'gti' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetBool('copyall', $copyall)) == 0 || die "error getting 'copyall' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetBool('clobber', $clobber)) == 0 || die "error getting 'clobber' parameter";
    ($status = PILGetBool('cleanup', $cleanup)) == 0 || die "error getting 'cleanup' parameter";

    ($status = PILGetInt('chatter', $chatter)) == 0 || die "error getting chatter parameter";
    if ($chatter >= 5) { $verbose = 1; }

    if ($eventsout =~ m/NONE/i) {
	die "ERROR: 'eventsout' must not be NONE";

    $o = $eventsout;
    if ($filename =~ m/^(.*)\[([^\]]*)\]$/) { 
	$keystr = $2;
	$filename = $1;
	$keystr =~ s/,/ /g;
	$keystr =~ s/  */ /g;
	$keystr =~ s/ =/=/g;
	$keystr =~ s/= /=/g;
	$keystr =~ s/ :/:/g;
	$keystr =~ s/: /:/g;

	$nkeys = 0;
	foreach $keysel (split(/ /,$keystr)) {
	    undef $xkeyname;
	    if ($keysel =~ m/([^=]+)=([-+\d.EeDd*]+):([-+\d.EeDd*]+)/) {
		$keyname = "$1";
		$keylo = "$2";  $keyhi = "$3";
	    } elsif ($keysel =~ m/([-+\d.EeDd*]+):([-+\d.EeDd*]+)/) {
		if (! $keyname && $nkeys == 0)    { $xkeyname = 'X'; }
		elsif (! $keyname && $nkeys == 0) { $xkeyname = 'Y'; }
		elsif (! $keyname ) {
		    die "ERROR: Keyword missing in event filename argument $keysel";
		} else {
		    $keylo = "$1"; $keyhi = "$2";
	    } else {
		warn "Filtering expression '$keysel' not understood";
	    $xkeyname = "$keyname" if (! defined($xkeyname) );
	    $keymin{$xkeyname} = "$keylo" if ($keylo ne "*");
	    $keymax{$xkeyname} = "$keyhi" if ($keyhi ne "*");

	    $nkeys ++;

    @filenames = ();
    if ($filename =~ m/^@/) {
	$filename = substr($filename,1);
	open(BATCH,"<$filename") or die "ERROR: could not open $filename";
	while($line=<BATCH>) {
	    $line =~ s/^ *//g;
	    $line =~ s/ *$//g;
	    next if ($line eq "");
	    push @filenames, $line;
    } else {
	@filenames = ($filename);

    # Make a merged GTI file for all input event files by UNION
    $evgfile = "$o"."-evgti.lis";
    open(FILE,">$evgfile") or die "ERROR: could not open $evgfile";
    push @scratchfiles, $evgfile;
    $nevgti = 0;
    foreach $file (@filenames) {
	$gfile = "$file"."[$gti]";
	print FILE "$gfile\n";
	$nevgti ++;

    die "ERROR: no input event files were found" if ($nevgti == 0);

    $evgti = "$o"."-evgti.gti";
    if ($nevgti == 1) {
	$cmd = "ftcopy infile='$gfile' outfile='$evgti' copyall=NO";
    } else {
	# Because mgtime mangles the MJDREF keywords, we disable MJDREF processing with indates=-
	$cmd = "mgtime ingtis='@"."$evgfile' outgti='$evgti' merge=OR indates='-'";
    print "$cmd\n" if ($verbose);
    system("$cmd < /dev/null");
    die "ERROR: could not create $evgti" if (! -f $evgti );
    push @scratchfiles, $evgti;

    if ("$timefile" =~ m/^@/) {

	# Count the number of user-GTIs.  Since %^*&(%*&% mgtime 
	# can't handle the case of one single GTI file, we have to
	# special case it.

	$utimefile = substr("$timefile",1);
	open(FILE,"<$utimefile") or die "ERROR: could not open $utimefile";
	$nugti = 0;
	while ($line=<FILE>) {
	    if ("$line" =~ m/^ *\S+ *$/) {
		$gfile = "$line";
	# Perform UNION merging of all input GTIs
	if ($nugti > 1) {
	    $ingti = "$o"."-ingti.gti";
	    # Because mgtime mangles the MJDREF keywords, we disable MJDREF processing with indates=-
	    $cmd = "mgtime ingtis='$timefile outgti='$ingti' merge=OR indates='-'";
	    print "$cmd\n" if ($verbose);
	    system("$cmd < /dev/null");
	    die "ERROR: could not create $ingti" if (! -f $ingti );
	    push @scratchfiles, $ingti;
	    $timefile = "$ingti";
	} elsif ($nugti == 1) {
	    $timefile = $gfile;
	} else {
	    # $nugti == 0
	    warn "WARNING: empty user GTI @-file found";

    } elsif ($timefile =~ m/NONE/i) {

    if ($timefile) {
	# Combine input GTIs with event GTIs by INTERSECTION
	$totgti = "$o"."-totgti.gti";
	# Because mgtime mangles the MJDREF keywords, we disable MJDREF processing with indates=-
	$cmd = "mgtime ingtis='$timefile,$evgti' outgti='$totgti' merge=AND indates='-'";
	print "$cmd\n" if ($verbose);
	system("$cmd < /dev/null");
	die "ERROR: could not create $totgti" if (! -f $totgti );
	push @scratchfiles, $totgti;
	$timefile = $totgti;
    } else {
	$timefile = $evgti;

    @filtexprs = ();

    push @filtexpr, "gtifilter(\"$timefile\",$tcol)";
    if ($regionfile !~ m/NONE/i) {
	push @filtexpr, "regfilter(\"$regionfile\",$xcolf,$ycolf)";

    foreach $keyname (keys %keymin) {
	push @filtexpr, "$keyname >= $keymin{$keyname}";
    foreach $keyname (keys %keymax) {
	push @filtexpr, "$keyname <= $keymax{$keyname}";
    $filtstr = join('&&',@filtexpr);
    $filtstr_ext = "[$events]";
    $filtstr_row = "[$filtstr]";

    $evlfile = "$o"."-events.lis";
    open(FILE,">$evlfile") or die "ERROR: could not open $evlfile";
    push @scratchfiles, $evlfile;
    foreach $file (@filenames) {
	print FILE "$file"."$filtstr_ext$filtstr_row\n";

    # Create output events file
    $cmd = "ftmerge infile='@"."$evlfile' outfile='$eventsout' chatter=$chatter history=YES ";
    $cmd .= ($clobber)?"clobber=YES ":"clobber=NO ";
    print "$cmd\n" if ($verbose);
    system("$cmd < /dev/null");
    die "ERROR: could not create $eventsout" if (! -f $eventsout );

    # Remove any junk extensions ... ignore any errors
    $status = 0;
    $ndel = 0;
    while ($status == 0 && $ndel < 10) {
	$cmd = "ftdelhdu infile='$eventsout"."[2]' outfile=NONE confirm=YES < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1";
	print "$cmd\n" if ($verbose);
	$status = system("$cmd");
	$ndel ++;
    $status = 0;

    # Vital statistics on the GTI
    $devnull = "> /dev/null";
    if ($verbose) { $devnull = ""; }
    system("ftstat infile='$timefile"."[1][col START]' $devnull < /dev/null");
    $tstart = `pget ftstat min < /dev/null`; chomp($tstart);

    system("ftstat infile='$timefile"."[1][col STOP]' $devnull < /dev/null");
    $tstop = `pget ftstat max < /dev/null`; chomp($tstop);

    system("ftstat infile='$timefile"."[1][col ONTIME=STOP-START]' $devnull < /dev/null");
    $ontime = `pget ftstat sum < /dev/null`; chomp($ontime);

    $cmd = "ftappend infile='$timefile"."[1][col *;#TSTART=$tstart;#TSTOP=$tstop;#ONTIME=$ontime;#EXPOSURE=$ontime;#TELAPSE=$ontime;#LIVETIME=$ontime;#EXTNAME=\"$gti\";]' outfile='$eventsout'";
    print "$cmd\n" if ($verbose);
    system("$cmd < /dev/null");
    $hfile = "$o"."-head.txt";
    open(FILE,">$hfile") or die "ERROR: could not open header file $hfile";
    push @scratchfiles, $hfile;
    print FILE "EXTNAME = '$events'\n";
    print FILE "TSTART = $tstart\n";
    print FILE "TSTOP = $tstop\n";
    print FILE "EXPOSURE = $ontime\n";
    print FILE "ONTIME = $ontime\n";
    print FILE "TELAPSE = $ontime\n";
    print FILE "LIVETIME = $ontime\n";
    print FILE "-FILIN*\n";
    # Write the FILINn record of input files
    $nevfile = 1;
    foreach $file (@filenames) {
	$filtstr_col = sprintf("FILIN%03d = '%s'", $nevfile, "$file");
	print FILE "$filtstr_col\n";
	$nevfile ++;


    $o = "$eventsout"."[1]";
    $cmd = "fthedit infile='$o' keyword='@"."$hfile' value=NONE ";
    print "$cmd\n" if ($verbose);
    system("$cmd < /dev/null");

    return $status;