uvotsource - instrumental source magnitude derived from image
uvotsource image=<filename> srcreg=<filename>
bkgreg=<filename> sigma=<float> zerofile=<filename>
coinfile=<filename> psffile=<filename> lssfile=<filename>
syserr=<boolean> frametime=<float> apercorr=<string>
output=<string> outfile=<filename>
cleanup=<boolean> clobber=<boolean>
This tool performs aperture photometry on a single source in a
UVOT SKY exposure (sw*.img+extension). It returns information about
the count rate from the source, the source's magnitude, and flux
density information.
The user specifies the source extraction region and background
region using region files that are in the standard ftool or ds9
format. Region files must use the fk5 coordinate system. The RA
and Dec coordinates can be specified in either decimal degrees or
in sexagisemal format. Examples of a valid source region file and
a valid background region file are give below.
- Example Source Region File
- fk5;circle(12:34:56.78,76:54:32.1,2.5")
- Example Background Region File
- fk5;circle(123.456,-78.987,12")
If "srcreg" is set to NONE then the tool will return
the "sigma"-sigma limiting magnitude for the exposure
instead of a source magnitude. The "sigma" parameter tells
the tool what level of significance to use to compute the background
limit. Photometric and coincidence loss calibration data are read
from the files specified by "zerofile" and
"coinfile" respectively. If a large-scale sensitivity map
is available it can be specified using "lssfile". The
special value CALDB tells the tool to obtain calibration data from the
Swift/UVOT calibration database. The user must have the $CALDB
environment variable correctly set to use this option. If
"apercorr" is set to CURVEOFGROWTH the PSF data is read from
"psffile". The "psffile" is not used if
"apercorr=NONE". If "frametime" is set to DEFAULT
the frame time is read from the image header. In some cases this
keyword may not be present in the FITS file, so a value can be
specified by the user.
There is currently one option for doing photometry. The tool does
simple aperture photometry. All of the counts in the "srcreg"
region are summed and divided by the exposure time to produce a count
rate. The background count rate is subtracted and the magnitude is
computed from the coincidence-corrected net count rate. Photometry is
done as follows.
- Extract the raw counts in three apertures.
- The user-supplied source region, "srcreg".
The source aperture may be any size or shape that can be
described in a valid region file. The source region should be
selected to maximize the science return. In general faint point
sources should use circular apertures with a radius that
maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio in the aperture. This is
typically about 3 arcsec. For bright sources the standard
photometric aperture (defined in "zerofile") is
usually preferred. The source aperture should be chosen to
minimize contamination from other sources.
- The user-supplied background region, "bkgreg".
The background region may be any size or shape that can be
described in a valid region file. It should be chosen to have
the same background properties as the source region. It should
be free of contaminating sources and large enough so that the
mean pixel value is not biased by Poisson statistics. The
background value is computed by taking the mean of the pixel
values in the background region.
- A coincidence-loss correction aperture, defined in
This region is a circular aperture with an radius defined
by the COIAPT column in the COINCIDENCE extension of the
"coinfile" file. It is centred on the centre of the
"srcreg" region. This is the region that is used to
compute the coincidence loss correction factor.
Counts are extracted from the input exposure by the XImage
"counts" command. See the XImage User's Guide for
details on how counts are extracted.
- Calculate the coincidence loss correction factor from the count
rate in the coincidence-loss correction aperture. See the fhelp
for uvotcoincidence for details about coincidence-loss
- Apply the coincidence-loss factor to the raw count rate in the
source aperture.
- Scale the background count rate to the area of the
coincidence-loss aperture and then apply the coincidence loss
- Scale the coincidence-corrected background rate to the area of
the user-supplied source aperture and subtract this from the
coincidence-corrected rate in the source aperture to get the
coincidence-corrected net count rate from the source.
If "apercorr=NONE" then no aperture corrections are
performed. In order to perform aperture corrections to convert
the measured magnitude to the standard UVOT system use
"apercorr=CURVEOFGROWTH". This option does aperture
photometry as described above with one additional step: an
estimated aperture correction is applied to the
coincidence-corrected net count rate from the source.
Uvotsource will only return magnitudes and flux densities
that are on the standard UVOT photometric
system if the source region is the same as the
standard photometric aperture defined in
"zerofile". If a different aperture ratius is
used then one can bring these magnitudes onto the standard
system using "apercorr=CURVEOFGROWTH", which computes an
aperture correction to the coincidence-loss corrected net count
rate from the source. See the fhelp for uvotapercorr for
details on aperture corrections and how they are applied. Be
aware that "apercorr=CURVEOFGROWTH" assumes that the
source is a point source.
Uvotsource adds a systematic uncertainty to the error in the
aperture-corrected net count rate that accounts for the
uncertainty in the shape of the UVOT PSF. See the discussion of
the "fwhmsig" parameter in the fhelp for uvotapercorr
for a discussion of this. The version of uvotsource that was
released with HEADAS 6.4 (Swift_Rel2.8(BLD22)_19Nov2007, use the
swiftversion command to check which version of uvotsource you
are using) does not allow the user to set this number. A value
of 5% is used. The value of "fwhmsig" does not affect
the value of the aperture correction, only the error in the
aperture correction.
Magnitudes derived from a smaller-than-standard aperture will
have smaller statistical errors than magnitudes derived using
the standard aperture. This is because the smaller aperture
contains less background and is more dominated by light from the
source. However, the trade-off is that the smaller-aperture
magnitudes, because of the need for aperture correction, will
have an extra systematic component to their errors that is not
present in the standard aperture magnitudes. Users need to
weigh the trade-off between these two sources of error when
deciding on whether or not to use
- If a large-scale sensitivity map is specified using
"lssfile" then a large-scale sensitivity correction is
applied to the count rate from the source. If
"lssfile=NONE" then no large-scale sensitivity
correction is applied. See the fhelp page for uvotlss for more
- If a detector sensitivity calibration file is specified using
"sensfile" then a detector sensitivity correction is
applied to the count rate from the source. If
"sensfile=NONE" then no detector sensitivity
correction is applied.
- Apply the photometric calibrations from "zerofile" to
the net count rate from the source, after all of the corrections
have been applied, to obtain the magnitude and flux density
information described below. Note that the photometric
calibrations assume that the source region is the same as the
standard photometric aperture, so the values returned
will not be on the standard UVOT photometric
system if some other aperture region is used. See the
description of the CURVEOFGROWTH aperture correction for details
on how to correct for this.
The aperture correction applied by CURVEOFGROWTH is approximate
and is intended for preliminary data analysis. It does not take into
account changes in the PSF due to temperature or count rate variations
(see the uvotapercorr fhelp). For high-precision photometry
"apercorr=NONE"should be used, and aperture corrections that
take these factors into account should be performed by the user.
Uvotsource returns the following information:
- Source Information
- The position is the position specified in the "srcreg"
region file. The exposure time is the value of the EXPOSURE
- Magnitude Information
- The magnitude of the source, its one-sigma statistical error, and
the significance of the detection. Background is the magnitude of
the sky. Background-limit is the "sigma"-sigma limiting
magnitude of the exposure. Coincidence-limit is the magnitude
corresponding to a count rate of one count per frame time.
- Flux Information
- The flux density information is given in cgs units of flux per
Angstrom unit. Flux densities are computed from flux conversion
factors in "zerofile" assuming a mean GRB spectrum.
They do not reflect the actual spectrum of the source.
- Corrected Rate Information
- This is the count rate of the source after all corrections have
been applied. This includes aperture corrections if the
"apercorr=CURVEOFGROWTH" was used; large-scale
sensitivity corrections if a large-scale sensitivity map was
specified; and detector sensitivity corrections if specified.
- Raw Rate Information
- This is the raw count rate from the source after subtracting the
background count rate, but before applying coincidence, aperture,
or large-scale sensitivity corrections.
- Flux mJy
- The flux density information is given in milliJansky. Flux
densities are computed from flux conversion factors in
"zerofile" assuming a mean GRB spectrum. They do not
reflect the actual spectrum of the source.
The output FITS file contains the following columns.
- The mission elapsed time (MET), in seconds since the reference
time, of the observation. The point in the exposure that MET
refers to is specified by the TIMEPIXR keyword in the header of
- The name of the FITS extension that this source is in.
- The MET start time of the exposure
- The MET stop time of the exposure.
- Please see
for details about how the UVOT exposure time keywords are used.
The EXPOSURE column contains the total exposure time with the
following corrections applied.
- The time that the filter wheel was in BLOCKED is
- The time lost due to the on-board shift-and-add algorithm
is subtracted.
- The time lost because the DPU stalled due to high count
rates is subtracted.
- The dead time is corrected for.
EXPOSURE represents the actual time that the detector was was
detecting photons.
- The offset of this row from 'timezero'. uvotsource initializes TIME to 0.
uvotmaghist TIME based on its timezero parameter.
- The area of the user-supplied source extraction region in square
- The area of the user-supplied background region in square
- The plate scale, in arcsec per pixel, of the image.
- The total measured counts in the source region.
- The one-sigma error in RAW_TOT_CNTS. This error is calculated
using binomial statistics since the number of counts that can be
measured is limited by the number of frames in the exposure.
The binomial error approaches the Poisson error in the limit of
small count rates. The minimum error is set to 1 count, even
if no counts are recorded.
- The total measured counts in the background region.
- The one-sigma error in RAW_BKG_CNTS. This error is calculated
using binomial statistics since the number of counts that can be
measured is limited by the number of frames in the exposure.
The binomial error approaches the Poisson error in the limit of
small count rates. The minimum error is set to 1 count, even
if no counts are recorded.
- The total measured counts in the coincidence loss region.
- The one-sigma error in RAW_STD_CNTS. This error is calculated
using binomial statistics since the number of counts that can be
measured is limited by the number of frames in the exposure.
The binomial error approaches the Poisson error in the limit of
small count rates. The minimum error is set to 1 count, even
if no counts are recorded.
- The total measured count rate in the source region.
- The one-sigma error in RAW_TOT_RATE. RAW_TOT_RATE_ERR =
- The total measured count rate in the background region.
- The one-sigma error in RAW_BKG_RATE. RAW_BKG_RATE_ERR =
- The total measured count rate in the coincidence loss
- The one-sigma error in RAW_STD_RATE. RAW_STD_RATE_ERR =
- The coincidence-loss correction factor for the coincidence-loss
region. This value is the multiplicative correction that is
applied to raw count rate (after correcting to the STD_AREA) to
get the coincidence-corrected count rate.
DELTA is the change in the COI_TOT_RATE corresponding to a
1-sigma change in the RAW_STD_RATE.
- The coincidence-loss correction factor for the background
region. This value is the multiplicative correction that is
applied to the background count rate (after correcting to the
STD_AREA) to get the coincidence-corrected background count
DELTA is the change in the COI_BKG_RATE corresponding to a
1-sigma change in the RAW_BKG_RATE.
- The coincidence-loss correction count rate in the source
- The one-sigma error in COI_TOT_RATE.
- The coincidence-loss correction count rate in the background
- The one-sigma error in COI_BKG_RATE.
- The coincidence-loss correction count rate from just the
- The one-sigma error in COI_SRC_RATE. COI_TOT_RATE_ERR
- The aperture correction factor to be multiplied by COI_SRC_RATE.
AP_FACTOR = 1.0 if "apercorr=NONE" was selected.
- The one-sigma error in AP_FACTOR. AP_FACTOR_ERR =
- The source count rate with coincidence-loss corrections and
aperture corrections applied.
- The one-sigma error in AP_COI_SRC_RATE. This error is computed
as the quadratic sum of COI_SRC_RATE_ERR and the systematic
error in the shape of the point-spread function. The systematic
error in the shape of the point-spread function is currently
assumed to be 5%.
- The large-scale sensitivity factor to be applied to AP_COI_SRC_RATE.
LSS_FACTOR = 1.0 if no large-scale sensitivity map was specified.
- The source count rate with coincidence-loss corrections, aperture
corrections, and large-scale sensitivity corrections applied.
- The one-sigma error in LSS_RATE. This is computed by dividing
- The long-term detector sensitivity correction factor.
SENSCORR_FACTOR = 1.0 if no detector sensitivity correction was
- The source count rate with coincidence-loss corrections, aperture
corrections, large-scale sensitivity corrections, and detector sensivity
corrections applied.
- The one-sigma error in SENSCORR_RATE.
- The magnitude of the source in the UVOT system.
- The one-sigma error in MAG.
- The sky magnitude in the UVOT system.
- The one-sigma error in MAG_BKG
- The "sigma"-sigma limiting magnitude in the UVOT
- "sigma" for MAG_LIM.
- The magnitude where the count rate is the inverse of the frame
- The flux density in erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom.
- The one-sigma error in FLUX_AA.
- The flux density of the sky in erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom.
- The one-sigma error in FLUX_AA_BKG.
- The "sigma"-sigma limiting flux density in
- The flux density where the count rate is the inverse of the
frame time.
- The flux density in milliJansky.
- The one-sigma error in FLUX_HZ.
- The flux density of the sky in milliJansky.
- The one-sigma error in FLUX_HZ_BKG.
- The "sigma"-sigma limiting flux density in
- The flux density where the count rate is the inverse of the
frame time.
- The name of the filter.
- RA
- The right ascension of the source. This is the centre of the
region file specified by "srcreg".
- The declination of the source. This is the centre of the
region file specified by "srcreg".
- The X coordinate of the source in detector coordinates.
- The Y coordinate of the source in detector coordinates.
- Is the source saturated?
The errors in the computed quantities are the 1-sigma statistical
errors based on binomial statistics in the count rates. The computed
quantities are appended to the FITS file specified by
"outfile" If "syserr=YES" then the systematic
errors in the calibration are added in quadrature to the statistical
- image [filename]
- Name of a FITS-format UVOT SKY image (filename + extension).
Uvotsource acts on a single extension of a multi-extension FITS
- srcreg [filename]
- Name of an ASCII source region file. Set to NONE to compute a
limiting magnitude.
- bkgreg [filename]
- Name of an ASCII background region file.
- sigma [float]
- Level of detection significance over the mean background.
- (zerofile = CALDB) [string]
- Zero points file. The special value CALDB indicates to read from
the calibration data base.
- (coinfile = CALDB) [string]
- Coincidence loss correction file. The special value CALDB
indicates to read from the calibration data base.
- (psffile = CALDB) [string]
- Radial encircled energy function (PSF) file. This is only used if
CURVEOFGROWTH is specified. The special value CALDB indicates to
read from the calibration data base.
- (lssfile = CALDB) [string]
- Large-scale sensitivity correction file which can take several forms.
FITS file syntax for an HDU having UVOT LSS calibration format.
The special value CALDB indicates to read from the calibration data base.
The special value NONE indicates to skip this correction.
A value SKY:<fitsname> indicates a sky LSS map (as produced by uvotskylss).
- (sensfile = CALDB) [string]
- Detector sensitivity loss correction file.
The special value CALDB indicates to read from the calibration data base.
The special value NONE indicates to skip this correction.
- (expfile = NONE) [string]
- Exposure map file or NONE.
If an exposure map is provided, the tool will ensure that the source
and background regions are within the FOV. Output will only be generated
if all pixels in the regions are exposed. It is not required that every
pixel have the same exposure or does not have a NULL value.
- (syserr = no) [boolean]
- Are systematic errors in the photometric calibration to be used in
the error calculations. If set to YES then systematic errors are
added in quadrature to the statistical errors. If set to NO then
only statistical errors are returned.
- (frametime = DEFAULT) [float]
- The frame time, in seconds, for the exposure. If DEFAULT is
specified then "frametime" is read from the image
- (apercorr = CURVEOFGROWTH) [string]
- Aperture correction calculation algorithm. NONE or CURVEOFGROWTH.
CURVEOFGROWTH assumes a point source.
- (fwhmsig = -1) [real]
- Percentage uncertainty in FWHM of PSF. See uvotapercorr fwhmsig parameter.
This parameter is only used if apercorr=CURVEOFGROWTH.
- (output = ALL) [string]
- Output sections specified using a comma separated list.
The options are instrumental filter magnitude (MAG),
flux density in erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom (FLUX), corrected count rate
in counts/s (RATE), raw count rate in counts/s (RAW), flux density
in milliJanskys (FLUXJ). The special value ALL indicates that all
sections are to be output.
- outfile [string]
- Output FITS file to append results to. Uvotsource will create a
new file if the specified file does not exist. The special value
NONE indicates to not create an output file.
- (centroid = no) [boolean]
- Centroid source position? If true, the source position will be centroided
based on srcreg. The resulting centroid position will be reported, written to
the RA and DEC columns, and used as the center of the circular region used for
coincidence loss correction.
Only use centroid=yes if srcreg contains a single shape because only the first
shape (recentered on the centroid) will be used to arrive at SRC_AREA and RAW_TOT_COUNTS.
- (deadtimecorr = yes) [boolean]
- Was the exposure time of the input already dead time corrected?
- (extprec = 0) [integer]
- Extra digits of precision to display in terminal output.
- (subpixel = 8) [integer]
- Sub-pixelling level. Each input pixel is divided along each axis by this factor. For example, with subpixel=8, each 2-dimensional input pixel is divided into 64=8*8 subpixels).
- (cleanup = yes) [boolean]
- Standard HEAdas cleanup parameter; controls whether temporary
files are removed at the end of processing.
- (clobber = no) [boolean]
- Standard HEAdas clobber parameter; controls whether to overwrite
pre-existing output files.
- (chatter = 1) [enumerated integer]
- Standard HEAdas chatter parameter (1-5) controlling the verbosity
of the task.
The following examples illustrate running uvotsource
1. run uvotsource prompting for all mandatory options:
2. run uvotsource specifying many arguments explicitly
uvotsource image=sky.img.gz+1 srcreg=src.reg bkgreg=bkg.reg sigma=5 zerofile=CALDB coinfile=CALDB psffile=CALDB lssfile=CALDB syserr=NO frametime=DEFAULT apercorr=NONE output=ALL outfile=sources.fits cleanup=YES clobber=NO chatter=1
3. run uvotsource with the curve of growth aperture corrections and include
systematic errors:
uvotsource image=sky.img.gz+1 srcreg=src.reg bkgreg=bkg.reg sigma=5 syserr=YES apercorr=CURVEOFGROWTH outfile=sources.fits
uvotflux, uvotmaghist, uvotapercorr, uvotcoincidence, uvotlss, uvotdetect,
ximage, uvotinteg
July 2015