xrtcalcpi -- Calculate PI column values of XRT event files (PC, WT and PD modes)


xrtcalcpi infile outfile hdfile [parameter =]


'xrtcalcpi' calculates the Pulse Invariant (PI) values of Swift XRT event files for data obtained with the Photon Counting (PC), Windowed Timing (WT) and Photodiode (PD) readout modes. The PI values are corrected for average positional gain variation (Charge Transfer Inefficiency, CTI) and for changes of the gain with temperature and time. Moreover, the charge loss due to a single bad pixel (a "charge trap") within a column of the CCD can also be corrected by the task. The PI column as well as the keyword XRTPI in the output file are updated by this task.

By setting the parameter 'corrtype' to 'NOMINAL', the 'xrtcalcpi' task calculates the PI values using the PHA values, stored in the PHA column of the input event file, the gain and a set of coefficients describing the average spatial dependence of the gain. The coefficient values have been evaluated from on-ground calibration data at three fixed temperature of the CCD and are periodically updated using the results of the in-flight calibration data analysis.
The gain information is stored in the XRT calibration gain files which are included in CALDB. There is one similarly formatted gain calibration file for each readout mode. The coefficients describing the gain and its average spatial dependence for the three temperatures values are stored in the arrays GC0 - GC5 of the FITS files in CALDB. The GC1 and GC2 coefficients are energy dependent following a broken power-law model with indices 'beta1' and 'beta2' and break energy value, in PI units, 'ecti'. By default, the values of 'beta1', 'beta2' and 'ecti' are read from the CALB gain files. The user may specify in input their values by setting the parameter 'userctipar' to 'yes'.
The PI values calculation is the result of an interpolation on temperature and on time. First, for each event the two rows valid for the epochs closest to the time of the observation are chosen. Then for each row, given the temperature of the frame, the task performs a temperature interpolation of the gain coefficients between the two nearest temperatures to the one of the frame, thus obtaining two sets of coefficients for two contiguous timestamps. Finally, a second interpolation with respect to time between these two sets of coefficients is performed.

By setting the parameter 'corrtype' to 'TOTAL' (default), in addition to the PI calculation described above, the task also applies a specific column to column correction to account for the effect of the charge traps. This correction is calculated by adding an energy offset to the events falling within column segments affected by a charge loss due to a trap. A broken power-law energy dependence for the charge trap correction is also applied by the task. The energy offset is calculated through an iterative algorithm with the number of steps set by the parameter 'offsetniter' value.
The charge traps information (location on the CCD, offset, energy dependence) is stored in the XRT calibration gain files included in CALDB. Optionally (parameter 'userctcorrpar=yes'), the broken power-law energy dependence of the charge trap correction can be supplied by the user through the parameters 'alpha1', 'alpha2' and 'ebreak'.
Note that when this correction is applied, the task uses a different set of GC coefficients (GC0_TRAP, GC1_TRAP, GC2_TRAP, GC3_TRAP, GC4_TRAP, GC5_TRAP) and a different set of parameters for the GC1/GC2 energy dependence (BETA1_TRAP, BETA2_TRAP, E_CTI_TRAP) read from the CALDB gain files.

The task allows to store in a specific column (PI_NOM) of the output event file the PI values obtained without the charge traps correction (parameter 'savepinom' set to 'yes').

'xrtcalcpi' by default uses the XRT gain file, appropriate for each mode, stored in CALDB, but it can be replaced with an input gain file supplied by the user (parameter 'gainfile'). The user-provided gain file must have the same format as the XRT gain file in the Calibration Database.

The algorithm describing the spatial dependence of gain is expressed in raw coordinates, RAWX and RAWY. For the timing modes (WT and PD), for which the telemetry does not contain complete spatial information, 'xrtcalcpi' accounts for the positional gain correction assuming all events at the source location. For the WT mode, the RAWX coordinate of the event is known and the RAWY is obtained by transforming the DETY column value. For the Photodiode mode the event detector coordinates are read from the DETX/DETY columns of the event file and transformed in RAWX/RAWY.

The unit of the PI column is set to 10 eV per channel. Users can adjust the PI values via the parameter 'offset' and 'gainnom'. These values can be obtained with the XSPEC command 'gain' that provides a slope and a constant. The parameter 'offset' should be set equal to the constant obtained by the XSPEC 'gain' command and the parameter 'gainnom' should be set equal to the slope obtained by the XSPEC 'gain' command multiplied by the default value of eV per channel (10).


infile [file name]
Name of the input event FITS file. Unix-compressed files are allowed, except when the output file is set to NONE and the input file is overwritten.

outfile [file name]
Name of output event FITS file. The value 'NONE' will cause the input file to be overwritten.

hdfile [file name]
Name of the input Housekeeping Header Packets FITS file.

(gainfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the gain file. If the parameters is set to CALDB, the file is read from the calibration database.

(gainnom = -99.9 ) [real]
If 'gainnom' is set to a positive values, allows to adjust the PI values by changing the channel-to-energy relation.

(offset = 0.0) [real]
This parameter allows users to specify an offset (in keV) in the channel-energy relationship.

(randomflag=yes) [boolean]
If 'randomflag'=yes (default) the PHA values will be randomized.

(seed = -1457) [integer]
Random number generator seed, used to randomize the PHA values.

(corrtype = TOTAL) [string]
Method to calculate PI values (TOTAL,NOMINAL).

(userctcorrpar = no) [boolean]
If 'userctcorrpar'=yes the parameters for the energy dependence of charge trap correction (alpha1, alpha2, ebreak) are input by the user.

(alpha1 = 0) [real]
Power-law index of charge trap correction energy dependence below ebreak (used only if userctcorrpar=yes)

(alpha2 = 0) [real]
Power-law index of charge trap correction energy dependence above ebreak (used only if userctcorrpar=yes)

(ebreak = 1) [real]
Energy break (PI unit) of charge trap correction energy dependence (used only if userctcorrpar=yes)

(userctipar = no) [boolean]
If set to 'yes', the parameters to descbride the GC1/GC2 energy dependence are input by the user through the parameters 'beta1', 'beta1', 'ecti'. If set to 'no', the 'beta1', 'beta1', 'ecti' values are read from the CALDB gain files.

beta1 [real]
Power-law index for the GC1/GC2 energy dependence below break energy. This parameter is used only if 'userctipar' is set to 'yes'.

beta2 [real]
Power-law index for the GC1/GC2 energy dependence above break energy . This parameter is used only if 'userctipar' is set to 'yes'.

ecti [real]
Energy reference for the GC1/GC2 energy dependence. This parameter is used only if 'userctipar' is set to 'yes'.

(offsetniter = 2) [integer]
Number of iterations for the calculation of the charge traps offset values.

(savepioffset = no) [boolean]
If set to 'yes' the charge traps offset values are stored in the PI_OFFSET column of the output event file.

(savepinom = no) [boolean]
If set to 'yes' the PI values calculated with the NOMINAL method are stored in the PI_NOM column of the output event file.

(clobber=no) [boolean]
If 'clobber'=yes and outfile=filename, the file with the same name will be overwritten if it exists.

(history=yes) [boolean]
If 'history=yes' the parameter values and other information are written in HISTORY keywords.

(chatter = 2) [integer]
Chatter Level (min=0, max=5)


  1. Calculte the PI column for the input file sw00111622000xwtw2po_uf.evt.gz and write the values in the output file 'outfile.fits'. All other columns as well as the GTI extension present in the input file will be copied to the output file without changes.

     xrtcalcpi infile=sw00111622000xwtw2po_uf.evt.gz 




February 2012