# # Panedwindow # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implements a multiple paned window widget capable of orienting the panes # either vertically or horizontally. Each pane is itself a frame acting # as a child site for other widgets. The border separating each pane # contains a sash which allows user positioning of the panes relative to # one another. # # WISH LIST: # This section lists possible future enhancements. # # 1) Add an option to support squeezable panes. Say you had more than # two panes and you start to move the bottom one up, currently # the sash movement is stopped when the minimum of the above pane # is reached. It be nice if movement could continue if any of # the upper panes still has room, until all the upper panes # are at minimum. This is just an example which must be greatly # generalized to be useful. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # AUTHOR: Mark L. Ulferts EMAIL: mulferts@spd.dsccc.com # # @(#) $Id: panedwindow.itk,v 1.3 2006/09/11 20:35:55 irby Exp $ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 1995 DSC Technologies Corporation # ====================================================================== # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and license this software # and its documentation for any purpose, and without fee or written # agreement with DSC, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and # warranty disclaimer below appear in supporting documentation, and that # the names of DSC Technologies Corporation or DSC Communications # Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the # software without specific, written prior permission. # # DSC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING # ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, AND NON- # INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE # AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, # SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. IN NO EVENT SHALL # DSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR # ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTUOUS ACTION, # ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS # SOFTWARE. # ====================================================================== # # Default resources. # option add *Panedwindow.orient horizontal widgetDefault option add *Panedwindow.sashBorderWidth 2 widgetDefault option add *Panedwindow.sashCursor crosshair widgetDefault option add *Panedwindow.sashIndent -10 widgetDefault option add *Panedwindow.sashHeight 10 widgetDefault option add *Panedwindow.sashWidth 10 widgetDefault option add *Panedwindow.thickness 3 widgetDefault option add *Panedwindow.width 10 widgetDefault option add *Panedwindow.height 10 widgetDefault # # Usual options. # itk::usual Panedwindow { keep -background -cursor -sashcursor } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PANEDWINDOW # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class iwidgets::Panedwindow { inherit itk::Widget constructor {args} {} itk_option define -orient orient Orient horizontal itk_option define -sashborderwidth sashBorderWidth SashBorderWidth 2 itk_option define -sashcursor sashCursor SashCursor crosshair itk_option define -sashwidth sashWidth SashWidth 10 itk_option define -sashheight sashHeight SashHeight 10 itk_option define -thickness thickness Thickness 3 itk_option define -sashindent sashIndent SashIndent -10 public method index {index} public method childsite {args} public method fraction {percentage1 percentage2 args} public method add {tag args} public method insert {index tag args} public method delete {index} public method hide {index} public method show {index} public method paneconfigure {index args} public method reset {} protected method _pwConfigureEventHandler {width height} protected method _startGrip {where num} protected method _endGrip {where num} protected method _configGrip {where num} protected method _handleGrip {where num} protected method _moveSash {where num} private method _setFracArray {} private method _setActivePanes {} private method _calcFraction {where num} private method _makeSashes {} private method _placeSash {i} private method _placePanes {{start 0} {end end}} private variable _initialized 0 ;# Denotes initialized state. private variable _panes {} ;# List of panes. private variable _activePanes {} ;# List of active panes. private variable _sashes {} ;# List of sashes. private variable _separators {} ;# List of separators. private variable _frac ;# Array of fraction percentages. private variable _lowerlimit ;# Margin distance above/left of sash. private variable _upperlimit ;# Margin distance below/right of sash. private variable _dimension ;# Width/Height at start of drag. private variable _sashloc ;# Array of dist of sash from above/left. private variable _pixels ;# Array of dist of sash from above/left. private variable _minheight ;# Array of min heights for panes. private variable _minsashmoved ;# Lowest sash moved during dragging. private variable _maxsashmoved ;# Highest sash moved during dragging. private variable _dragging 0 ;# Boolean for dragging enabled. private variable _movecount 0 ;# Kludge counter to get sashes to ;# display without calling update ;# idletasks too often. private variable _width 0 ;# hull's width. private variable _height 0 ;# hull's height. private variable _unique -1 ;# Unique number for pane names. } # # Provide a lowercased access method for the Panedwindow class. # proc ::iwidgets::panedwindow {pathName args} { uplevel ::iwidgets::Panedwindow $pathName $args } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::constructor {args} { itk_option add hull.width hull.height pack propagate $itk_component(hull) no # # Add binding for the configure event. # bind pw-config-$this [code $this _pwConfigureEventHandler %w %h] bindtags $itk_component(hull) \ [linsert [bindtags $itk_component(hull)] 0 pw-config-$this] eval itk_initialize $args } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -orient # # Specifies the orientation of the sashes. Once the paned window # has been mapped, set the sash bindings and place the panes. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Panedwindow::orient { if {$_initialized} { switch $itk_option(-orient) { vertical { for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} { bind $itk_component(sash$i) \ [code $this _startGrip %x $i] bind $itk_component(sash$i) \ [code $this _handleGrip %x $i] bind $itk_component(sash$i) \ [code $this _endGrip %x $i] bind $itk_component(sash$i) \ [code $this _configGrip %x $i] } _setFracArray _makeSashes _placePanes } horizontal { for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} { bind $itk_component(sash$i) \ [code $this _startGrip %y $i] bind $itk_component(sash$i) \ [code $this _handleGrip %y $i] bind $itk_component(sash$i) \ [code $this _endGrip %y $i] bind $itk_component(sash$i) \ [code $this _configGrip %y $i] } _setFracArray _makeSashes _placePanes } default { error "bad orientation option \"$itk_option(-orient)\":\ should be horizontal or vertical" } } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -sashborderwidth # # Specifies a non-negative value indicating the width of the 3-D # border to draw around the outside of the sash. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Panedwindow::sashborderwidth { set pixels [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) \ $itk_option(-sashborderwidth)] set itk_option(-sashborderwidth) $pixels if {$_initialized} { for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} { $itk_component(sash$i) configure \ -borderwidth $itk_option(-sashborderwidth) } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -sashcursor # # Specifies the type of cursor to be used when over the sash. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Panedwindow::sashcursor { if {$_initialized} { for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} { $itk_component(sash$i) configure \ -cursor $itk_option(-sashcursor) } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -sashwidth # # Specifies the width of the sash. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Panedwindow::sashwidth { set pixels [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) \ $itk_option(-sashwidth)] set itk_option(-sashwidth) $pixels if {$_initialized} { for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} { $itk_component(sash$i) configure \ -width $itk_option(-sashwidth) } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -sashheight # # Specifies the height of the sash, # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Panedwindow::sashheight { set pixels [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) \ $itk_option(-sashheight)] set itk_option(-sashheight) $pixels if {$_initialized} { for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} { $itk_component(sash$i) configure \ -height $itk_option(-sashheight) } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -thickness # # Specifies the thickness of the separators. It sets the width and # height of the separator to the thickness value and the borderwidth # to half the thickness. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Panedwindow::thickness { set pixels [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) \ $itk_option(-thickness)] set itk_option(-thickness) $pixels if {$_initialized} { for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} { $itk_component(separator$i) configure \ -height $itk_option(-thickness) $itk_component(separator$i) configure \ -width $itk_option(-thickness) $itk_component(separator$i) configure \ -borderwidth [expr $itk_option(-thickness) / 2] } for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} { _placeSash $i } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -sashindent # # Specifies the placement of the sash along the panes. A positive # value causes the sash to be offset from the near (left/top) side # of the pane, and a negative value causes the sash to be offset from # the far (right/bottom) side. If the offset is greater than the # width, then the sash is placed flush against the side. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Panedwindow::sashindent { set pixels [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) \ $itk_option(-sashindent)] set itk_option(-sashindent) $pixels if {$_initialized} { for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} { _placeSash $i } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: index index # # Searches the panes in the paned window for the one with the # requested tag, numerical index, or keyword "end". Returns the pane's # numerical index if found, otherwise error. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::index {index} { if {[llength $_panes] > 0} { if {[regexp {(^[0-9]+$)} $index]} { if {$index < [llength $_panes]} { return $index } else { error "Panedwindow index \"$index\" is out of range" } } elseif {$index == "end"} { return [expr [llength $_panes] - 1] } else { if {[set idx [lsearch $_panes $index]] != -1} { return $idx } error "bad Panedwindow index \"$index\": must be number, end,\ or pattern" } } else { error "Panedwindow \"$itk_component(hull)\" has no panes" } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: childsite ?index? # # Given an index return the specifc childsite path name. Invoked # without an index return a list of all the child site panes. The # list is ordered from the near side (left/top). # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::childsite {args} { if {! $_initialized} { set _initialized 1 reset } if {[llength $args] == 0} { set children {} foreach pane $_panes { lappend children [$itk_component($pane) childSite] } return $children } else { set index [index [lindex $args 0]] return [$itk_component([lindex $_panes $index]) childSite] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: fraction percentage percentage ?percentage ...? # # Sets the visible percentage of the panes. Specifies a list of # percentages which are applied to the currently visible panes from # the near side (left/top). The number of percentages must be equal # to the current number of visible (mapped) panes and add up to 100. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::fraction {percentage1 percentage2 args} { set args [linsert $args 0 $percentage1 $percentage2] if {[llength $args] == [llength $_activePanes]} { set sum 0 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} { set sum [expr $sum + [lindex $args $i]] } if {$sum == 100} { set perc 0.0 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $_activePanes]} {incr i} { set _frac($i) $perc set perc [expr $perc + [expr [lindex $args $i] / 100.0]] } set _frac($i) 1.0 if {[winfo ismapped $itk_component(hull)]} { _placePanes } } else { error "bad fraction arguments \"$args\": they should add\ up to 100" } } else { error "wrong # args: should be \"$itk_component(hull)\ fraction percentage percentage ?percentage ...?\",\ where the number of percentages is\ [llength $_activePanes] and equal 100" } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: add tag ?option value option value ...? # # Add a new pane to the paned window to the far (right/bottom) side. # The method takes additional options which are passed on to the # pane constructor. These include -margin, and -minimum. The path # of the pane is returned. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::add {tag args} { # # Create panes. # itk_component add $tag { eval iwidgets::Pane $itk_interior.pane[incr _unique] $args } { keep -background -cursor } lappend _panes $tag lappend _activePanes $tag reset return $itk_component($tag) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: insert index tag ?option value option value ...? # # Insert the specified pane in the paned window just before the one # given by index. Any additional options which are passed on to the # pane constructor. These include -margin, -minimum. The path of # the pane is returned. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::insert {index tag args} { # # Create panes. # itk_component add $tag { eval iwidgets::Pane $itk_interior.pane[incr _unique] $args } { keep -background -cursor } set index [index $index] set _panes [linsert $_panes $index $tag] lappend _activePanes $tag reset return $itk_component($tag) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: delete index # # Delete the specified pane. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::delete {index} { set index [index $index] set tag [lindex $_panes $index] destroy $itk_component($tag) set _panes [lreplace $_panes $index $index] reset } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: hide index # # Remove the specified pane from the paned window. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::hide {index} { set index [index $index] set tag [lindex $_panes $index] if {[set idx [lsearch -exact $_activePanes $tag]] != -1} { set _activePanes [lreplace $_activePanes $idx $idx] } reset } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: show index # # Display the specified pane in the paned window. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::show {index} { set index [index $index] set tag [lindex $_panes $index] if {[lsearch -exact $_activePanes $tag] == -1} { lappend _activePanes $tag } reset } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: paneconfigure index ?option? ?value option value ...? # # Configure a specified pane. This method allows configuration of # panes from the Panedwindow level. The options may have any of the # values accepted by the add method. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::paneconfigure {index args} { set index [index $index] set tag [lindex $_panes $index] return [uplevel $itk_component($tag) configure $args] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHOD: reset # # Redisplay the panes based on the default percentages of the panes. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::reset {} { if {$_initialized && [llength $_panes]} { _setActivePanes _setFracArray _makeSashes _placePanes } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _pwConfigureEventHandler # # Performs operations necessary following a configure event. This # includes placing the panes. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_pwConfigureEventHandler {width height} { set _width $width set _height $height if {$_initialized} { _placePanes } else { set _initialized 1 reset } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _startGrip where num # # Starts the sash drag and drop operation. At the start of the drag # operation all the information is known as for the upper and lower # limits for sash movement. The calculation is made at this time and # stored in protected variables for later access during the drag # handling routines. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_startGrip {where num} { if {$itk_option(-orient) == "horizontal"} { set _dimension $_height } else { set _dimension $_width } set _minsashmoved $num set _maxsashmoved $num set totMinHeight 0 set cnt [llength $_activePanes] set _sashloc(0) 0 set _pixels($cnt) [expr int($_dimension)] for {set i 0} {$i < $cnt} {incr i} { set _pixels($i) [expr int($_frac($i) * $_dimension)] set margaft [$itk_component([lindex $_activePanes $i]) cget -margin] set minaft [$itk_component([lindex $_activePanes $i]) cget -minimum] set _minheight($i) [expr $minaft + (2 * $margaft)] incr totMinHeight $_minheight($i) } set _dragging [expr $_dimension > $totMinHeight] grab $itk_component(sash$num) raise $itk_component(separator$num) raise $itk_component(sash$num) $itk_component(sash$num) configure -relief sunken } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _endGrip where num # # Ends the sash drag and drop operation. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_endGrip {where num} { $itk_component(sash$num) configure -relief raised grab release $itk_component(sash$num) if {$_dragging} { _calcFraction [expr $_sashloc($num) + $where] $num _placePanes [expr $_minsashmoved - 1] $_maxsashmoved set _dragging 0 } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _configGrip where num # # Configure action for sash. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_configGrip {where num} { set _sashloc($num) $where } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _handleGrip where num # # Motion action for sash. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_handleGrip {where num} { if {$_dragging} { _moveSash [expr $where + $_sashloc($num)] $num incr _movecount if {$_movecount>4} { set _movecount 0 update idletasks } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _moveSash where num # # Move the sash to the absolute pixel location # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_moveSash {where num} { set _minsashmoved [expr ($_minsashmoved<$num)?$_minsashmoved:$num] set _maxsashmoved [expr ($_maxsashmoved>$num)?$_maxsashmoved:$num] set oldfrac $_frac($num) _calcFraction $where $num if {$_frac($num)!=$oldfrac} { _placeSash $num } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _setFracArray # # Calculates the percentages for the fraction array which lists the # percentages for each pane. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_setFracArray {} { if {[llength [array names _frac]] != [expr [llength $_activePanes] + 1]} { set perc 0.0 set percIncr [expr 1.0 / [llength $_activePanes]] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $_activePanes]} {incr i} { set _frac($i) $perc set perc [expr $perc + $percIncr] } set _frac($i) 1.0 } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _setActivePanes # # Resets the active pane list. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_setActivePanes {} { set _prevActivePanes $_activePanes set _activePanes {} foreach pane $_panes { if {[lsearch -exact $_prevActivePanes $pane] != -1} { lappend _activePanes $pane } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _calcFraction where num # # Determines the fraction for the sash. Make sure the fraction does # not go past the minimum for the pane on each side of the separator. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_calcFraction {where num} { set _lowerlimit \ [expr $_pixels([expr $num - 1]) + $_minheight([expr $num - 1])] set _upperlimit \ [expr $_pixels([expr $num + 1]) - $_minheight($num)] set dir [expr $where - $_pixels($num)] if {$where < $_lowerlimit && $dir <= 0} { if {$num == 1} { set _pixels($num) $_lowerlimit } { _moveSash [expr $where - $_minheight([expr $num - 1])] [expr $num -1] set _pixels($num) \ [expr $_pixels([expr $num - 1]) + $_minheight([expr $num - 1])] } } elseif {$where > $_upperlimit && $dir >= 0} { if {[expr $num + 1] == [llength $_activePanes]} { set _pixels($num) $_upperlimit } { _moveSash [expr $where + $_minheight($num)] [expr $num +1] set _pixels($num) \ [expr $_pixels([expr $num + 1]) - $_minheight($num)] } } else { set _pixels($num) $where } set _frac($num) [expr $_pixels($num).0 / $_dimension] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _makeSashes # # Removes any previous sashes and separators and creates new one. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_makeSashes {} { # # Remove any existing sashes and separators. # foreach sash $_sashes { destroy $itk_component($sash) } foreach separator $_separators { destroy $itk_component($separator) } set _sashes {} set _separators {} # # Create one less separator and sash than the number of panes. # for {set id 1} {$id < [llength $_activePanes]} {incr id} { itk_component add sash$id { frame $itk_interior.sash$id -relief raised \ -borderwidth $itk_option(-sashborderwidth) \ -cursor $itk_option(-sashcursor) \ -width $itk_option(-sashwidth) \ -height $itk_option(-sashheight) } { keep -background } lappend _sashes sash$id switch $itk_option(-orient) { vertical { bind $itk_component(sash$id) \ [code $this _startGrip %x $id] bind $itk_component(sash$id) \ [code $this _handleGrip %x $id] bind $itk_component(sash$id) \ [code $this _endGrip %x $id] bind $itk_component(sash$id) \ [code $this _configGrip %x $id] } horizontal { bind $itk_component(sash$id) \ [code $this _startGrip %y $id] bind $itk_component(sash$id) \ [code $this _handleGrip %y $id] bind $itk_component(sash$id) \ [code $this _endGrip %y $id] bind $itk_component(sash$id) \ [code $this _configGrip %y $id] } } itk_component add separator$id { frame $itk_interior.separator$id -relief sunken \ -height $itk_option(-thickness) \ -width $itk_option(-thickness) \ -borderwidth [expr $itk_option(-thickness) / 2] } { keep -background -cursor } lappend _separators separator$id } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _placeSash i # # Places the position of the sash and separator. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_placeSash {i} { if {$itk_option(-orient) == "horizontal"} { place $itk_component(separator$i) -in $itk_component(hull) \ -x 0 -relwidth 1 -rely $_frac($i) -anchor w \ -height $itk_option(-thickness) if {$itk_option(-sashindent) < 0} { set sashPos [expr $_width + $itk_option(-sashindent)] set sashAnchor e } else { set sashPos $itk_option(-sashindent) set sashAnchor w } place $itk_component(sash$i) -in $itk_component(hull) \ -x $sashPos -rely $_frac($i) -anchor $sashAnchor } else { place $itk_component(separator$i) -in $itk_component(hull) \ -y 0 -relheight 1 -relx $_frac($i) -anchor n \ -width $itk_option(-thickness) if {$itk_option(-sashindent) < 0} { set sashPos [expr $_height + $itk_option(-sashindent)] set sashAnchor s } else { set sashPos $itk_option(-sashindent) set sashAnchor n } place $itk_component(sash$i) -in $itk_component(hull) \ -y $sashPos -relx $_frac($i) -anchor $sashAnchor } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _placePanes # # Resets the panes of the window following movement of the sash. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Panedwindow::_placePanes {{start 0} {end end}} { if {$end=="end"} { set end [expr [llength $_activePanes] - 1] } set _updatePanes [lrange $_activePanes $start $end] if {$_updatePanes == $_activePanes} { set _forgetPanes $_panes } { set _forgetPanes $_updatePanes } foreach pane $_forgetPanes { place forget $itk_component($pane) } if {$itk_option(-orient) == "horizontal"} { set i $start foreach pane $_updatePanes { place $itk_component($pane) -in $itk_component(hull) \ -x 0 -rely $_frac($i) -relwidth 1 \ -relheight [expr $_frac([expr $i + 1]) - $_frac($i)] incr i } } else { set i $start foreach pane $_updatePanes { place $itk_component($pane) -in $itk_component(hull) \ -y 0 -relx $_frac($i) -relheight 1 \ -relwidth [expr $_frac([expr $i + 1]) - $_frac($i)] incr i } } for {set i [expr $start+1]} {$i <= $end} {incr i} { _placeSash $i raise $itk_component(separator$i) raise $itk_component(sash$i) } }