# # Tabset Widget and the Tab Class # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # A Tabset is a widget that contains a set of Tab buttons. # It displays these tabs in a row or column depending on it tabpos. # When a tab is clicked on, it becomes the only tab in the tab set that # is selected. All other tabs are deselected. The Tcl command prefix # associated with this tab (through the command tab configure option) # is invoked with the tab index number appended to its argument list. # This allows the Tabset to control another widget such as a Notebook. # # A Tab class is an [incr Tcl] class that displays either an image, # bitmap, or label in a graphic object on a canvas. This graphic object # can have a wide variety of appearances depending on the options set. # # WISH LIST: # This section lists possible future enhancements. # # 1) When too many tabs appear, a small scrollbar should appear to # move the tabs over. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # AUTHOR: Bill W. Scott EMAIL: bscott@spd.dsccc.com # # @(#) $Id: tabset.itk,v 1.3 2006/09/11 20:35:56 irby Exp $ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 1995 DSC Technologies Corporation # ====================================================================== # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and license this software # and its documentation for any purpose, and without fee or written # agreement with DSC, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and # warranty disclaimer below appear in supporting documentation, and that # the names of DSC Technologies Corporation or DSC Communications # Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the # software without specific, written prior permission. # # DSC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING # ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, AND NON- # INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE # AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, # SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. IN NO EVENT SHALL # DSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR # ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTUOUS ACTION, # ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS # SOFTWARE. # ====================================================================== # # Default resources. # option add *Tabset.width 0 widgetDefault option add *Tabset.height 0 widgetDefault option add *Tabset.equalTabs true widgetDefault option add *Tabset.tabPos s widgetDefault option add *Tabset.raiseSelect false widgetDefault option add *Tabset.start 4 widgetDefault option add *Tabset.margin 5 widgetDefault option add *Tabset.tabBorders true widgetDefault option add *Tabset.bevelAmount 0 widgetDefault option add *Tabset.padX 4 widgetDefault option add *Tabset.padY 4 widgetDefault option add *Tabset.gap overlap widgetDefault option add *Tabset.angle 20 widgetDefault option add *Tabset.font fixed widgetDefault option add *Tabset.state normal widgetDefault option add *Tabset.disabledForeground #a3a3a3 widgetDefault option add *Tabset.foreground black widgetDefault option add *Tabset.background #d9d9d9 widgetDefault option add *Tabset.selectForeground black widgetDefault option add *Tabset.selectBackground #ececec widgetDefault # # Usual options. # itk::usual Tabset { keep -backdrop -background -cursor -disabledforeground -font -foreground \ -selectbackground -selectforeground } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # TABSET # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class iwidgets::Tabset { inherit itk::Widget constructor {args} {} destructor {} itk_option define -width width Width 0 itk_option define -equaltabs equalTabs EqualTabs true itk_option define -height height Height 0 itk_option define -tabpos tabPos TabPos s itk_option define -raiseselect raiseSelect RaiseSelect false itk_option define -start start Start 4 itk_option define -margin margin Margin 5 itk_option define -tabborders tabBorders TabBorders true itk_option define -bevelamount bevelAmount BevelAmount 0 itk_option define -padx padX PadX 4 itk_option define -pady padY PadY 4 itk_option define -gap gap Gap overlap itk_option define -angle angle Angle 20 itk_option define -font font Font fixed itk_option define -state state State normal itk_option define \ -disabledforeground disabledForeground DisabledForeground #a3a3a3 itk_option define -foreground foreground Foreground black itk_option define -background background Background #d9d9d9 itk_option define -selectforeground selectForeground Background black itk_option define -backdrop backdrop Backdrop white itk_option define \ -selectbackground selectBackground Foreground #ececec itk_option define -command command Command {} public method configure {args} public method add {args} public method delete {args} public method index {index} public method insert {index args} public method prev {} public method next {} public method select {index} public method tabcget {index args} public method tabconfigure {index args} protected method _selectName {tabName} private method _createTab {args} private method _deleteTabs {fromTab toTab} private method _index {pathList index select} private method _tabConfigure {args} private method _relayoutTabs {} private method _drawBevelBorder {} private method _calcNextTabOffset {tabName} private method _tabBounds {} private method _recalcCanvasGeom {} private method _canvasReconfigure {width height} private method _startMove {x y} private method _moveTabs {x y} private method _endMove {x y} private method _configRelayout {} private variable _width 0 ;# Width of the canvas in screen units private variable _height 0 ;# Height of the canvas in screen units private variable _selectedTop 0 ;# top edge of tab + a margin private variable _deselectedTop 0 ;# top edge of tab + a margin&raiseamt private variable _selectedLeft 0 ;# left edge of tab + a margin private variable _deselectedLeft 0 ;# left edge of tab + a margin&raiseamt private variable _tabs {} ;# our internal list of tabs private variable _currTab -1 ;# numerical index # of selected tab private variable _uniqueID 0 ;# used to create unique names private variable _cmdStr {} ;# holds value of itk_option(-command) ;# do not know why I need this! private variable _canvasWidth 0 ;# set by canvasReconfigure, is can wid private variable _canvasHeight 0 ;# set by canvasReconfigure, is can hgt private variable _anchorX 0 ;# used by mouse scrolling methods private variable _anchorY 0 ;# used by mouse scrolling methods private variable _margin 0 ;# -margin in screen units private variable _start 0 ;# -start in screen units private variable _gap overlap ;# -gap in screen units private variable _relayout false ;# flag tripped to tell whether to ;# relayout tabs after the configure private variable _skipRelayout false ;# flag that tells whether to skip ;# relayouting out the tabs. used by ;# _endMove. } # # Provide a lowercase access method for the Tabset class # proc ::iwidgets::tabset {pathName args} { uplevel ::iwidgets::Tabset $pathName $args } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::constructor {args} { # # Create the canvas that holds the tabs # itk_component add canvas { canvas $itk_interior.canvas -highlightthickness 0 } { keep -cursor -width -height } pack $itk_component(canvas) -fill both -expand yes -anchor nw # ... This gives us a chance to redraw our bevel borders, etc when # the size of our canvas changes... bind $itk_component(canvas) \ [code $this _canvasReconfigure %w %h] # ... Allow button 2 scrolling as in label widget. bind $itk_component(canvas) <2> \ [code $this _startMove %x %y] bind $itk_component(canvas) \ [code $this _moveTabs %x %y] bind $itk_component(canvas) \ [code $this _endMove %x %y] # @@@ # @@@ Is there a better way? # @@@ bind $itk_component(hull) "focus $itk_component(hull)" bind $itk_component(hull) [code $this next] bind $itk_component(hull) [code $this prev] eval itk_initialize $args _configRelayout _recalcCanvasGeom } body iwidgets::Tabset::destructor {} { foreach tab $_tabs { itcl::delete object $tab } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTIONS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -width # # Sets the width explicitly for the canvas of the tabset # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::width { if {$itk_option(-width) != {}} { } set _width [winfo pixels $itk_interior $itk_option(-width)] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -equaltabs # # If set to true, causes horizontal tabs to be equal in # in width and vertical tabs to equal in height. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::equaltabs { if {$itk_option(-equaltabs) != {}} { set _relayout true } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -height # # Sets the height explicitly for the canvas of the tabset # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::height { set _height [winfo pixels $itk_interior $itk_option(-height)] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -tabpos # # Sets the tab position of tabs, n, s, e, w # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::tabpos { if {$itk_option(-tabpos) != {}} { switch $itk_option(-tabpos) { n { _tabConfigure -invert true -orient horizontal } s { _tabConfigure -invert false -orient horizontal } w { _tabConfigure -invert false -orient vertical } e { _tabConfigure -invert true -orient vertical } default { error "bad anchor position\ \"$itk_option(-tabpos)\" must be n, s, e, or w" } } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -raiseselect # # Sets whether to raise selected tabs slightly # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::raiseselect { if {$itk_option(-raiseselect) != {}} { set _relayout true } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -start # # Sets the offset to start of tab set # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::start { if {$itk_option(-start) != {}} { set _start [winfo pixels $itk_interior $itk_option(-start)] set _relayout true } else { set _start 4 } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -margin # # Sets the margin used above n tabs, below s tabs, left of e # tabs, right of w tabs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::margin { if {$itk_option(-margin) != {}} { set _margin [winfo pixels $itk_interior $itk_option(-margin)] set _relayout true } else { set _margin 5 } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -tabborders # # Boolean that specifies whether to draw the borders of # the unselected tabs (tabs in background) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::tabborders { if {$itk_option(-tabborders) != {}} { _tabConfigure -tabborders $itk_option(-tabborders) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -bevelamount # # Specifies pixel size of tab corners. 0 means no corners. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::bevelamount { if {$itk_option(-bevelamount) != {}} { _tabConfigure -bevelamount $itk_option(-bevelamount) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -padx # # Sets the padding in each tab to the left and right of label # I don't convert for fpixels, since Tab does it for me. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::padx { if {$itk_option(-padx) != {}} { _tabConfigure -padx $itk_option(-padx) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -pady # # Sets the padding in each tab to the left and right of label # I don't convert for fpixels, since Tab does it for me. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::pady { if {$itk_option(-pady) != {}} { _tabConfigure -pady $itk_option(-pady) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -gap # # Sets the amount of spacing between tabs in pixels # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::gap { if {$itk_option(-gap) != {}} { if {$itk_option(-gap) != "overlap"} { set _gap [winfo pixels $itk_interior $itk_option(-gap)] } else { set _gap overlap } set _relayout true } else { set _gap overlap } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -angle # # Sets the angle of the tab's sides # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::angle { if {$itk_option(-angle) != {}} { _tabConfigure -angle $itk_option(-angle) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -font # # Sets the font of the tab (SELECTED and UNSELECTED) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::font { if {$itk_option(-font) != {}} { _tabConfigure -font $itk_option(-font) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -state # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::state { if {$itk_option(-state) != {}} { _tabConfigure -state $itk_option(-state) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -disabledforeground # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::disabledforeground { if {$itk_option(-disabledforeground) != {}} { _tabConfigure \ -disabledforeground $itk_option(-disabledforeground) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -foreground # # Sets the foreground label color of UNSELECTED tabs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::foreground { _tabConfigure -foreground $itk_option(-foreground) } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -background # # Sets the background color of UNSELECTED tabs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::background { if {$itk_option(-background) != {}} { _tabConfigure -background $itk_option(-background) } else { _tabConfigure -background \ [$itk_component(canvas) cget -background] } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -selectforeground # # Sets the foreground label color of SELECTED tabs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::selectforeground { _tabConfigure -selectforeground $itk_option(-selectforeground) } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -backdrop # # Sets the background color of the Tabset backdrop (behind the tabs) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::backdrop { if {$itk_option(-backdrop) != {}} { $itk_component(canvas) configure \ -background $itk_option(-backdrop) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -selectbackground # # Sets the background color of SELECTED tabs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::selectbackground { if {$itk_option(-selectbackground) != {}} { } else { #set _selectBackground \ [$itk_component(canvas) cget -background] } _tabConfigure -selectbackground $itk_option(-selectbackground) } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -command # # The command to invoke when a tab is hit. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tabset::command { if {$itk_option(-command) != {}} { set _cmdStr $itk_option(-command) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: add ?option value...? # # Creates a tab and appends it to the list of tabs. # processes tabconfigure for the tab added. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::add {args} { set tabName [eval _createTab $args] lappend _tabs $tabName _relayoutTabs return $tabName } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: configure ?option? ?value option value...? # # Acts as an addendum to the itk::Widget::configure method. # # Checks the _relayout flag to see if after configures are done # we need to relayout the tabs. # # _skipRelayout is set in the MB2 scroll methods, to avoid constant # relayout of tabs while dragging the mouse. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::configure {args} { set result [eval itk::Archetype::configure $args] _configRelayout return $result } body iwidgets::Tabset::_configRelayout {} { # then relayout tabs if necessary if { $_relayout } { if { $_skipRelayout } { } else { _relayoutTabs } set _relayout false } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: delete index1 ?index2? # # Deletes a tab or range of tabs from the tabset # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::delete {args} { if { $_tabs == {} } { error "can't delete tabs,\ no tabs in the tabset named $itk_component(hull)" } set len [llength $args] switch $len { 0 { error "wrong # args: should be\ \"$itk_component(hull) delete index1 ?index2?\"" } 1 { set fromTab [index [lindex $args 0]] if { $fromTab == -1 } { error "bad value for index1:\ [lindex $args 0] in call to delete" } set toTab $fromTab _deleteTabs $fromTab $toTab } 2 { set fromTab [index [lindex $args 0]] if { $fromTab == -1 } { error "bad value for index1:\ [lindex $args 0] in call to delete" } set toTab [index [lindex $args 1]] if { $toTab == -1 } { error "bad value for index2:\ [lindex $args 1] in call to delete" } _deleteTabs $fromTab $toTab } default { error "wrong # args: should be\ \"$itk_component(hull) delete index1 ?index2?\"" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: index index # # Given an index identifier returns the numeric index of the tab # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::index {index} { return [_index $_tabs $index $_currTab] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: insert index ?option value...? # # Inserts a tab before a index. The before tab may # be specified as a label or a tab position. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::insert {index args} { if { $_tabs == {} } { error "no tab to insert before,\ tabset '$itk_component(hull)' is empty" } # get the tab set tab [index $index] # catch bad value for before tab. if { $tab < 0 || $tab >= [llength $_tabs] } { error "bad value $tab for index:\ should be between 0 and [expr [llength $_tabs] - 1]" } # create the new tab and get its name... set tabName [eval _createTab $args] # grab the name of the tab currently selected. (to keep in sync) set currTabName [lindex $_tabs $_currTab] # insert tabName before $tab set _tabs [linsert $_tabs $tab $tabName] # keep the _currTab in sync with the insert. set _currTab [lsearch -exact $_tabs $currTabName] _relayoutTabs return $tabName } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: prev # # Selects the prev tab. Wraps at first back to last tab. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::prev {} { if { $_tabs == {} } { error "can't goto previous tab,\ no tabs in the tabset: $itk_component(hull)" } # bump to the previous tab and wrap if necessary set prev [expr $_currTab - 1] if { $prev < 0 } { set prev [expr [llength $_tabs] - 1] } select $prev } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: next # # Selects the next tab. Wraps at last back to first tab. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::next {} { if { $_tabs == {} } { error "can't goto next tab,\ no tabs in the tabset: $itk_component(hull)" } # bump to the next tab and wrap if necessary set next [expr $_currTab + 1] if { $next >= [llength $_tabs] } { set next 0 } select $next } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: select index # # Select a tab by index # # Lowers the last _currTab if it existed. # Then raises the new one if it exists. # # Returns numeric index of selection, -1 if failed. # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::select {index} { if { $_tabs == {} } { error "can't activate a tab,\ no tabs in the tabset: $itk_component(hull)" } # if there is not current selection just ignore trying this selection if { $index == "select" && $_currTab == -1 } { return -1 } # is selection request in range ? set reqTab [index $index] if { $reqTab == -1 } { error "bad value $index for index:\ should be from 0 to [expr [llength $_tabs] - 1]" } # If already selected then ignore and return... if { $reqTab == $_currTab } { return $reqTab } # ---- Deselect if { $_currTab != -1 } { set currTabName [lindex $_tabs $_currTab] $currTabName deselect # handle different orientations... if { $itk_option(-tabpos) == "n" || $itk_option(-tabpos) == "s"} { $currTabName configure -top $_deselectedTop } else { $currTabName configure -left $_deselectedLeft } } # get the stacking order correct... foreach tab $_tabs { $tab lower } # set this now so that the -command cmd can do an 'index select' # to operate on this tab. set _currTab $reqTab # ---- Select set reqTabName [lindex $_tabs $reqTab] $reqTabName select if { $itk_option(-tabpos) == "n" || $itk_option(-tabpos) == "s"} { $reqTabName configure -top $_selectedTop } else { $reqTabName configure -left $_selectedLeft } set _currTab $reqTab # invoke any user command string, appended with tab index number if { $_cmdStr != {} } { set newCmd $_cmdStr eval [lappend newCmd $reqTab] } return $reqTab } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: tabcget index ?option? # # Returns the value for the option setting of the tab at index $index. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::tabcget {index args} { return [lindex [eval tabconfigure $index $args] 2] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: tabconfigure index ?option? ?value option value? # # tabconfigure index : returns configuration list # tabconfigure index -option : returns option values # tabconfigure index ?option value option value ...? sets options # and returns empty string. # # Performs configure on a given tab denoted by index. # # Index may be a tab number or a pattern matching the label # associated with a tab. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::tabconfigure {index args} { # convert index to numeric set tab [index $index] if { $tab == -1 } { error "bad index value:\ $index for $itk_component(hull) tabconfigure" } set tabName [lindex $_tabs $tab] set len [llength $args] switch $len { 0 { return [eval $tabName configure] } 1 { return [eval $tabName configure $args] } default { eval $tabName configure $args _relayoutTabs select select } } return "" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROTECTED METHOD: _selectName # # internal method to allow selection by internal tab name # rather than index. This is used by the bind methods # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_selectName {tabName} { # if the tab is disabled, then ignore this selection... if { [$tabName cget -state] == "disabled" } { return } set tab [lsearch -exact $_tabs $tabName] select $tab } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _createTab # # Creates a tab, using unique tab naming, propagates background # and keeps unique id up to date. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_createTab {args} { # # create an internal name for the tab: tab0, tab1, etc. # these are one-up numbers they do not # correspond to the position the tab is located in. # set tabName $this-tab$_uniqueID switch $itk_option(-tabpos) { n { set invert true set orient horizontal set x 0 set y [expr $_margin + 1] } s { set invert false set orient horizontal set x 0 set y 0 } w { set invert false set orient vertical set x 0 set y 0 } e { set invert true set orient vertical set x [expr $_margin + 1] set y 0 } default { error "bad anchor position\ \"$itk_option(-tabpos)\" must be n, s, e, or w" } } eval iwidgets::Tab $tabName $itk_component(canvas) \ -left $x \ -top $y \ -font [list $itk_option(-font)] \ -background $itk_option(-background) \ -foreground $itk_option(-foreground) \ -selectforeground $itk_option(-selectforeground) \ -disabledforeground $itk_option(-disabledforeground) \ -selectbackground $itk_option(-selectbackground) \ -angle $itk_option(-angle) \ -padx $itk_option(-padx) \ -pady $itk_option(-pady) \ -bevelamount $itk_option(-bevelamount) \ -state $itk_option(-state) \ -tabborders $itk_option(-tabborders) \ -invert $invert \ -orient $orient \ $args $tabName lower $itk_component(canvas) \ bind $tabName [code $this _selectName $tabName] incr _uniqueID return $tabName } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _deleteTabs # # Deletes tabs from $fromTab to $toTab. # # Operates in two passes, destroys all the widgets # Then removes the pathName from the tab list # # Also keeps the current selection in bounds. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_deleteTabs {fromTab toTab} { for { set tab $fromTab } { $tab <= $toTab } { incr tab } { set tabName [lindex $_tabs $tab] # unbind Button-1 from this window name $itk_component(canvas) bind $tabName {} # Destroy the Tab class... itcl::delete object $tabName } # physically remove the tab set _tabs [lreplace $_tabs $fromTab $toTab] # If we deleted a selected tab set our selection to none if { $_currTab >= $fromTab && $_currTab <= $toTab } { set _currTab -1 _drawBevelBorder } # make sure _currTab stays in sync with new numbering... if { $_tabs == {} } { # if deleted only remaining tab, # reset current tab to undefined set _currTab -1 # or if the current tab was the last tab, it needs come back } elseif { $_currTab >= [llength $_tabs] } { incr _currTab -1 if { $_currTab < 0 } { # but only to zero set _currTab 0 } } _relayoutTabs } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _index # # pathList : list of path names to search thru if index is a label # index : either number, 'select', 'end', or pattern # select : current selection # # _index takes takes the value $index converts it to # a numeric identifier. If the value is not already # an integer it looks it up in the $pathList array. # If it fails it returns -1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_index {pathList index select} { switch $index { select { set number $select } end { set number [expr [llength $pathList] -1] } default { # is it an number already? if { [regexp {^[0-9]+$} $index] } { set number $index if { $number < 0 || $number >= [llength $pathList] } { set number -1 } # otherwise it is a label } else { # look thru the pathList of pathNames and # get each label and compare with index. # if we get a match then set number to postion in $pathList # and break out. # otherwise number is still -1 set i 0 set number -1 foreach pathName $pathList { set label [$pathName cget -label] if { $label == $index } { set number $i break } incr i } } } } return $number } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _tabConfigure # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_tabConfigure {args} { foreach tab $_tabs { eval $tab configure $args } set _relayout true if { $_tabs != {} } { select select } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _relayoutTabs # # relays out the tabs with correct spacing... # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_relayoutTabs {} { if { [llength $_tabs] == 0 } { return } # get the max width for fixed width tabs... set maxWidth 0 foreach tab $_tabs { set width [$tab labelwidth] if { $width > $maxWidth } { set maxWidth $width } } # get the max height for fixed height tabs... set maxHeight 0 foreach tab $_tabs { set height [$tab labelheight] if { $height > $maxHeight } { set maxHeight $height } } # get curr tab's name set currTabName [lindex $_tabs $_currTab] # Start with our margin offset in pixels... set tabStart $_start if { $itk_option(-raiseselect) } { set raiseAmt 2 } else { set raiseAmt 0 } # # Depending on the tab layout: n, s, e, or w place the tabs # according to orientation, raise, margins, etc. # switch $itk_option(-tabpos) { n { set _selectedTop [expr $_margin + 1] set _deselectedTop [expr $_selectedTop + $raiseAmt] if { $itk_option(-equaltabs) } { set tabWidth $maxWidth } else { set tabWidth 0 } foreach tab $_tabs { if { $tab == $currTabName } { $tab configure -left $tabStart -top $_selectedTop \ -height $maxHeight -width $tabWidth -anchor c } else { $tab configure -left $tabStart -top $_deselectedTop \ -height $maxHeight -width $tabWidth -anchor c } set tabStart [expr $tabStart + [_calcNextTabOffset $tab]] } } s { set _selectedTop 0 set _deselectedTop [expr $_selectedTop - $raiseAmt] if { $itk_option(-equaltabs) } { set tabWidth $maxWidth } else { set tabWidth 0 } foreach tab $_tabs { if { $tab == $currTabName } { $tab configure -left $tabStart -top $_selectedTop \ -height $maxHeight -width $tabWidth -anchor c } else { $tab configure -left $tabStart -top $_deselectedTop \ -height $maxHeight -width $tabWidth -anchor c } set tabStart [expr $tabStart + [_calcNextTabOffset $tab]] } } w { set _selectedLeft [expr $_margin + 1] set _deselectedLeft [expr $_selectedLeft + $raiseAmt] if { $itk_option(-equaltabs) } { set tabHeight $maxHeight } else { set tabHeight 0 } foreach tab $_tabs { # selected if { $tab == $currTabName } { $tab configure -top $tabStart -left $_selectedLeft \ -height $tabHeight -width $maxWidth -anchor e # deselected } else { $tab configure -top $tabStart -left $_deselectedLeft \ -height $tabHeight -width $maxWidth -anchor e } set tabStart [expr $tabStart + [_calcNextTabOffset $tab]] } } e { set _selectedLeft 0 set _deselectedLeft [expr $_selectedLeft - $raiseAmt] if { $itk_option(-equaltabs) } { set tabHeight $maxHeight } else { set tabHeight 0 } foreach tab $_tabs { # selected if { $tab == $currTabName } { $tab configure -top $tabStart -left $_selectedLeft \ -height $tabHeight -width $maxWidth -anchor w # deselected } else { $tab configure -top $tabStart -left $_deselectedLeft \ -height $tabHeight -width $maxWidth -anchor w } set tabStart [expr $tabStart + [_calcNextTabOffset $tab]] } } default { error "bad anchor position\ \"$itk_option(-tabpos)\" must be n, s, e, or w" } } # put border on & calc our new canvas size... _drawBevelBorder _recalcCanvasGeom } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _drawBevelBorder # # draws the bevel border along tab edge (below selected tab) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_drawBevelBorder {} { $itk_component(canvas) delete bevelBorder switch $itk_option(-tabpos) { n { $itk_component(canvas) create line \ 0 [expr $_canvasHeight - 1] \ $_canvasWidth [expr $_canvasHeight - 1] \ -fill [iwidgets::colors::topShadow $itk_option(-selectbackground)] \ -tags bevelBorder $itk_component(canvas) create line \ 0 $_canvasHeight \ $_canvasWidth $_canvasHeight \ -fill [iwidgets::colors::topShadow $itk_option(-selectbackground)] \ -tags bevelBorder } s { $itk_component(canvas) create line \ 0 0 \ $_canvasWidth 0 \ -fill [iwidgets::colors::bottomShadow $itk_option(-selectbackground)] \ -tags bevelBorder $itk_component(canvas) create line \ 0 1 \ $_canvasWidth 1 \ -fill black \ -tags bevelBorder } w { $itk_component(canvas) create line \ $_canvasWidth 0 \ $_canvasWidth [expr $_canvasHeight - 1] \ -fill [iwidgets::colors::topShadow $itk_option(-selectbackground)] \ -tags bevelBorder $itk_component(canvas) create line \ [expr $_canvasWidth - 1] 0 \ [expr $_canvasWidth - 1] [expr $_canvasHeight - 1] \ -fill [iwidgets::colors::topShadow $itk_option(-selectbackground)] \ -tags bevelBorder } e { $itk_component(canvas) create line \ 0 0 \ 0 [expr $_canvasHeight - 1] \ -fill black \ -tags bevelBorder $itk_component(canvas) create line \ 1 0 \ 1 [expr $_canvasHeight - 1] \ -fill [iwidgets::colors::bottomShadow $itk_option(-selectbackground)] \ -tags bevelBorder } } $itk_component(canvas) raise bevelBorder if { $_currTab != -1 } { set currTabName [lindex $_tabs $_currTab] $currTabName raise } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _calcNextTabOffset # # given $tabName, determines the offset in pixels to place # the next tab's start edge at. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_calcNextTabOffset {tabName} { if { $_gap == "overlap" } { return [$tabName offset] } else { return [expr [$tabName majordim] + $_gap] } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _tabBounds # # calculates the bounding box that will completely enclose # all the tabs. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_tabBounds {} { set bbox { 100000 100000 -10000 -10000 } foreach tab $_tabs { set tabBBox [$tab bbox] # if this left is less use it if { [lindex $tabBBox 0] < [lindex $bbox 0] } { set bbox [lreplace $bbox 0 0 [lindex $tabBBox 0]] } # if this top is greater use it if { [lindex $tabBBox 1] < [lindex $bbox 1] } { set bbox [lreplace $bbox 1 1 [lindex $tabBBox 1]] } # if this right is less use it if { [lindex $tabBBox 2] > [lindex $bbox 2] } { set bbox [lreplace $bbox 2 2 [lindex $tabBBox 2]] } # if this bottom is greater use it if { [lindex $tabBBox 3] > [lindex $bbox 3] } { set bbox [lreplace $bbox 3 3 [lindex $tabBBox 3]] } } return $bbox } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _recalcCanvasGeom # # Based on size of tabs, recalculates the canvas geometry that # will hold the tabs. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_recalcCanvasGeom {} { if { [llength $_tabs] == 0 } { return } set bbox [_tabBounds] set width [lindex [_tabBounds] 2] set height [lindex [_tabBounds] 3] # now we have the dimensions of all the tabs in the canvas. switch $itk_option(-tabpos) { n { # height already includes margin $itk_component(canvas) configure \ -width $width \ -height $height } s { $itk_component(canvas) configure \ -width $width \ -height [expr $height + $_margin] } w { # width already includes margin $itk_component(canvas) configure \ -width $width \ -height [expr $height + 1] } e { $itk_component(canvas) configure \ -width [expr $width + $_margin] \ -height [expr $height + 1] } default { } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _canvasReconfigure # # Bound to the reconfigure notify event of a canvas, this # method resets canvas's correct width (since we are fill x) # and redraws the beveled edge border. # will hold the tabs. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_canvasReconfigure {width height} { set _canvasWidth $width set _canvasHeight $height if { [llength $_tabs] > 0 } { _drawBevelBorder } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _startMove # # This method is bound to the MB2 down in the canvas area of the # tab set. This starts animated scrolling of the tabs along their # major axis. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_startMove {x y} { if { $itk_option(-tabpos) == "n" || $itk_option(-tabpos) == "s" } { set _anchorX $x } else { set _anchorY $y } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _moveTabs # # This method is bound to the MB2 motion in the canvas area of the # tab set. This causes the tabset to move with the mouse. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_moveTabs {x y} { if { $itk_option(-tabpos) == "n" || $itk_option(-tabpos) == "s" } { set startX [expr $_start + $x - $_anchorX] foreach tab $_tabs { $tab configure -left $startX set startX [expr $startX + [_calcNextTabOffset $tab]] } } else { set startY [expr $_start + $y - $_anchorY] foreach tab $_tabs { $tab configure -top $startY set startY [expr $startY + [_calcNextTabOffset $tab]] } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _endMove # # This method is bound to the MB2 release in the canvas area of the # tab set. This causes the tabset to end moving tabs. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tabset::_endMove {x y} { if { $itk_option(-tabpos) == "n" || $itk_option(-tabpos) == "s" } { set startX [expr $_start + $x - $_anchorX] set _skipRelayout true configure -start $startX set _skipRelayout false } else { set startY [expr $_start + $y - $_anchorY] set _skipRelayout true configure -start $startY set _skipRelayout false } } #============================================================== # CLASS: Tab #============================================================== class iwidgets::Tab { constructor {args} {} destructor {} public variable bevelamount 0 {} public variable state normal {} public variable height 0 {} public variable width 0 {} public variable anchor c {} public variable left 0 {} public variable top 0 {} public variable image {} {} public variable bitmap {} {} public variable label {} {} public variable padx 4 {} public variable pady 4 {} public variable selectbackground "gray70" {} public variable selectforeground "black" {} public variable disabledforeground "gray" {} public variable background "white" {} public variable foreground "black" {} public variable orient vertical {} public variable invert false {} public variable angle 20 {} public variable font \ "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--34-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1" {} public variable tabborders true {} public method configure {args} public method bbox {} public method deselect {} public method lower {} public method majordim {} public method minordim {} public method offset {} public method raise {} public method select {} public method labelheight {} public method labelwidth {} private method _makeTab {} private method _createLabel {canvas tagList} private method _makeEastTab {canvas} private method _makeWestTab {canvas} private method _makeNorthTab {canvas} private method _makeSouthTab {canvas} private method _calcLabelDim {labelItem} private method _itk_config {args} @itcl-builtin-configure private method _selectNoRaise {} private method _deselectNoLower {} private variable _selected false private variable _padX 0 private variable _padY 0 private variable _canvas # these are in pixels private variable _left 0 private variable _width 0 private variable _height 0 private variable _oldLeft 0 private variable _top 0 private variable _oldTop 0 private variable _right private variable _bottom private variable _offset private variable _majorDim private variable _minorDim private variable _darkShadow private variable _lightShadow # # graphic components that make up a tab # private variable _gRegion private variable _gLabel private variable _gLightOutline {} private variable _gBlackOutline {} private variable _gTopLine private variable _gTopLineShadow private variable _gLightShadow private variable _gDarkShadow private variable _labelWidth 0 private variable _labelHeight 0 private variable _labelXOrigin 0 private variable _labelYOrigin 0 private variable _just left private variable _configTripped true common _tan set _tan(0) 0.0 set _tan(1) 0.0175 set _tan(2) 0.0349 set _tan(3) 0.0524 set _tan(4) 0.0699 set _tan(5) 0.0875 set _tan(6) 0.1051 set _tan(7) 0.1228 set _tan(8) 0.1405 set _tan(9) 0.1584 set _tan(10) 0.1763 set _tan(11) 0.1944 set _tan(12) 0.2126 set _tan(13) 0.2309 set _tan(14) 0.2493 set _tan(15) 0.2679 set _tan(16) 0.2867 set _tan(17) 0.3057 set _tan(18) 0.3249 set _tan(19) 0.3443 set _tan(20) 0.3640 set _tan(21) 0.3839 set _tan(22) 0.4040 set _tan(23) 0.4245 set _tan(24) 0.4452 set _tan(25) 0.4663 set _tan(26) 0.4877 set _tan(27) 0.5095 set _tan(28) 0.5317 set _tan(29) 0.5543 set _tan(30) 0.5774 set _tan(31) 0.6009 set _tan(32) 0.6294 set _tan(33) 0.6494 set _tan(34) 0.6745 set _tan(35) 0.7002 set _tan(36) 0.7265 set _tan(37) 0.7536 set _tan(38) 0.7813 set _tan(39) 0.8098 set _tan(40) 0.8391 set _tan(41) 0.8693 set _tan(42) 0.9004 set _tan(43) 0.9325 set _tan(44) 0.9657 set _tan(45) 1.0 } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::constructor {args} { set _canvas [lindex $args 0] set args [lrange $args 1 [llength $args]] set _darkShadow [iwidgets::colors::bottomShadow $selectbackground] set _lightShadow [iwidgets::colors::topShadow $selectbackground] if { $args != "" } { eval configure $args } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::destructor {} { if { [winfo exists $_canvas] } { $_canvas delete $this } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTIONS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Note, we trip _configTripped for every option that requires the tab # to be remade. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -bevelamount # # Specifies the size of tab corners. A value of 0 with angle set # to 0 results in square tabs. A bevelAmount of 4, means that the # tab will be drawn with angled corners that cut in 4 pixels from # the edge of the tab. The default is 0. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::bevelamount { } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -state # # sets the active state of the tab. specifying normal allows # the tab to be selectable. Specifying disabled disables the tab, # causing its image, bitmap, or label to be drawn with the # disabledForeground color. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::state { } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -height # # the height of the tab. if 0, uses the font label height. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::height { set _height [winfo pixels $_canvas $height] set _configTripped true } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -width # # The width of the tab. If 0, uses the font label width. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::width { set _width [winfo pixels $_canvas $width] set _configTripped true } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -anchor # # Where the text in the tab will be anchored: n,nw,ne,s,sw,se,e,w,center # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::anchor { } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -left # # Specifies the left edge of the tab's bounding box. This value # may have any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::left { # get into pixels set _left [winfo pixels $_canvas $left] # move by offset from last setting $_canvas move $this [expr $_left - $_oldLeft] 0 # update old for next time set _oldLeft $_left } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -top # # Specifies the topedge of the tab's bounding box. This value may # have any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::top { # get into pixels set _top [winfo pixels $_canvas $top] # move by offset from last setting $_canvas move $this 0 [expr $_top - $_oldTop] # update old for next time set _oldTop $_top } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -image # # Specifies the imageto display in the tab. # Images are created with the image create command. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::image { set _configTripped true } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -bitmap # # If bitmap is an empty string, specifies the bitmap to display in # the tab. Bitmap may be of any of the forms accepted by Tk_GetBitmap. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::bitmap { set _configTripped true } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -label # # If image is an empty string and bitmap is an empty string, # it specifies a text string to be placed in the tab's label. # This label serves as an additional identifier used to reference # the tab. Label may be used for the index value in widget commands. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::label { set _configTripped true } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -padx # # Horizontal padding around the label (text, image, or bitmap). # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::padx { set _configTripped true set _padX [winfo pixels $_canvas $padx] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -pady # # Vertical padding around the label (text, image, or bitmap). # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::pady { set _configTripped true set _padY [winfo pixels $_canvas $pady] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -selectbackground # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::selectbackground { set _darkShadow [iwidgets::colors::bottomShadow $selectbackground] set _lightShadow [iwidgets::colors::topShadow $selectbackground] if { $_selected } { _selectNoRaise } else { _deselectNoLower } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -selectforeground # # Foreground of tab when selected # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::selectforeground { if { $_selected } { _selectNoRaise } else { _deselectNoLower } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -disabledforeground # # Background of tab when -state is disabled # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::disabledforeground { if { $_selected } { _selectNoRaise } else { _deselectNoLower } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -background # # Normal background of tab. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::background { if { $_selected } { _selectNoRaise } else { _deselectNoLower } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -foreground # # Foreground of tabs when in normal unselected state # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::foreground { if { $_selected } { _selectNoRaise } else { _deselectNoLower } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -orient # # Specifies the orientation of the tab. Orient can be either # horizontal or vertical. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::orient { set _configTripped true } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -invert # # Specifies the direction to draw the tab. If invert is true, # it draws horizontal tabs upside down and vertical tabs opening # to the left (pointing right). The value may have any of the # forms accepted by the Tcl_GetBoolean, such as true, # false, 0, 1, yes, or no. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::invert { set _configTripped true } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -angle # # Specifes the angle of slope from the inner edge to the outer edge # of the tab. An angle of 0 specifies square tabs. Valid ranges are # 0 to 45 degrees inclusive. Default is 15 degrees. If this option # is specified as an empty string (the default), then the angle # option for the overall Tabset is used. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::angle { if {$angle < 0 || $angle > 45 } { error "bad angle: must be between 0 and 45" } set _configTripped true } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -font # # Font for tab text. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::font { } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION -tabborders # # Specifies whether to draw the borders of a deselected tab. # Specifying true (the default) draws these borders, # specifying false disables this drawing. If the tab is in # its selected state this option has no effect. # The value may have any of the forms accepted by the # Tcl_GetBoolean, such as true, false, 0, 1, yes, or no. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- configbody iwidgets::Tab::tabborders { set _configTripped true } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: configure ?option value? # # Configures the Tab, checks a configTripped flag to see if the tab # needs to be remade. We take the easy way since it is so inexpensive # to delete canvas items and remake them. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::configure {args} { set len [llength $args] switch $len { 0 { set result [_itk_config] return $result } 1 { set result [eval _itk_config $args] return $result } default { eval _itk_config $args if { $_configTripped } { _makeTab set _configTripped false } return "" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: bbox # # Returns the bounding box of the tab # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::bbox {} { return [lappend bbox $_left $_top $_right $_bottom] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: deselect # # Causes the given tab to be drawn as deselected and lowered # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::deselect {} { $_canvas lower $this _deselectNoLower } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: lower # # Lowers the tab below all others in the canvas. # # This is used as our tag name on the canvas. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::lower {} { $_canvas lower $this } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: majordim # # Returns the width for horizontal tabs and the height for # vertical tabs. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::majordim {} { return $_majorDim } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: minordim # # Returns the height for horizontal tabs and the width for # vertical tabs. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::minordim {} { return $_minorDim } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: offset # # Returns the width less the angle offset. This allows a # geometry manager to ask where to place a sibling tab. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::offset {} { return $_offset } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: raise # # Raises the tab above all others in the canvas. # # This is used as our tag name on the canvas. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::raise {} { $_canvas raise $this } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: select # # Causes the given tab to be drawn as selected. 3d shadows are # turned on and top line and top line shadow are drawn in sel # bg color to hide them. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::select {} { $_canvas raise $this _selectNoRaise } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: labelheight # # Returns the height of the tab's label in its current font. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::labelheight {} { if {$_gLabel != 0} { set labelBBox [$_canvas bbox $_gLabel] set labelHeight [expr [lindex $labelBBox 3] - [lindex $labelBBox 1]] } else { set labelHeight 0 } return $labelHeight } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: labelwidth # # Returns the width of the tab's label in its current font. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::labelwidth {} { if {$_gLabel != 0} { set labelBBox [$_canvas bbox $_gLabel] set labelWidth [expr [lindex $labelBBox 2] - [lindex $labelBBox 0]] } else { set labelWidth 0 } return $labelWidth } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _selectNoRaise # # Draws tab as selected without raising it. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::_selectNoRaise {} { if { ! [info exists _gRegion] } { return } $_canvas itemconfigure $_gRegion -fill $selectbackground $_canvas itemconfigure $_gTopLine -fill $selectbackground $_canvas itemconfigure $_gTopLineShadow -fill $selectbackground $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLightShadow -fill $_lightShadow $_canvas itemconfigure $_gDarkShadow -fill $_darkShadow if { $_gLightOutline != {} } { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLightOutline -fill $_lightShadow } if { $_gBlackOutline != {} } { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gBlackOutline -fill black } if { $state == "normal" } { if { $image != {}} { # do nothing for now } elseif { $bitmap != {}} { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel \ -foreground $selectforeground \ -background $selectbackground } else { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -fill $selectforeground } } else { if { $image != {}} { # do nothing for now } elseif { $bitmap != {}} { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel \ -foreground $disabledforeground \ -background $selectbackground } else { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -fill $disabledforeground } } set _selected true } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _deselectNoLower # # Causes the given tab to be drawn as deselected. 3d shadows are # removed and top line and top line shadow are drawn in visible # colors to reveal them. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::_deselectNoLower {} { if { ! [info exists _gRegion] } { return } $_canvas itemconfigure $_gRegion -fill $background $_canvas itemconfigure $_gTopLine -fill black $_canvas itemconfigure $_gTopLineShadow -fill $_darkShadow $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLightShadow -fill $background $_canvas itemconfigure $_gDarkShadow -fill $background if { $tabborders } { if { $_gLightOutline != {} } { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLightOutline -fill $_lightShadow } if { $_gBlackOutline != {} } { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gBlackOutline -fill black } } else { if { $_gLightOutline != {} } { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLightOutline -fill $background } if { $_gBlackOutline != {} } { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gBlackOutline -fill $background } } if { $state == "normal" } { if { $image != {}} { # do nothing for now } elseif { $bitmap != {}} { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel \ -foreground $foreground \ -background $background } else { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -fill $foreground } } else { if { $image != {}} { # do nothing for now } elseif { $bitmap != {}} { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel \ -foreground $disabledforeground \ -background $background } else { $_canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -fill $disabledforeground } } set _selected false } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _makeTab # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::_makeTab {} { if { $orient == "horizontal" } { if { $invert } { _makeNorthTab $_canvas } else { _makeSouthTab $_canvas } } elseif { $orient == "vertical" } { if { $invert } { _makeEastTab $_canvas } else { _makeWestTab $_canvas } } else { error "bad value for option -orient" } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _createLabel # # Creates the label for the tab. Can be either a text label # or a bitmap label. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::_createLabel {canvas tagList} { if { $image != {}} { set _gLabel [$canvas create image \ 0 0 \ -image $image \ -anchor nw \ -tags $tagList \ ] } elseif { $bitmap != {}} { set _gLabel [$canvas create bitmap \ 0 0 \ -bitmap $bitmap \ -anchor nw \ -tags $tagList \ ] } else { set _gLabel [$canvas create text \ 0 0 \ -text $label \ -font $font \ -anchor nw \ -tags $tagList \ ] } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _makeEastTab # # Makes a tab that hangs to the east and opens to the west. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::_makeEastTab {canvas} { $canvas delete $this set _gLightOutline {} set _gBlackOutline {} lappend tagList $this TAB _createLabel $canvas $tagList _calcLabelDim $_gLabel set right [expr $_left + $_labelWidth] # now have _left, _top, right... # Turn off calculating angle tabs on Vertical orientations #set angleOffset [expr $_labelHeight * $_tan($angle)] set angleOffset 0 set outerTop $_top set outerBottom \ [expr $outerTop + $angleOffset + $_labelHeight + $angleOffset] set innerTop [expr $outerTop + $angleOffset] set innerBottom [expr $outerTop + $angleOffset + $_labelHeight] # now have _left, _top, right, outerTop, innerTop, # innerBottom, outerBottom, width, height set bottom $innerBottom # tab area... gets filled either white or selected # done set _gRegion [$canvas create polygon \ $_left $outerTop \ [expr $right - $bevelamount] $innerTop \ $right [expr $innerTop + $bevelamount] \ $right [expr $innerBottom - $bevelamount] \ [expr $right - $bevelamount] $innerBottom \ $_left $outerBottom \ $_left $outerTop \ -tags $tagList \ ] # lighter shadow (left edge) set _gLightShadow [$canvas create line \ [expr $_left - 3] [expr $outerTop + 1] \ [expr $right - $bevelamount] [expr $innerTop + 1] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # darker shadow (bottom and right edges) set _gDarkShadow [$canvas create line \ [expr $right - $bevelamount] [expr $innerTop + 1] \ [expr $right - 1] [expr $innerTop + $bevelamount] \ [expr $right - 1] [expr $innerBottom - $bevelamount] \ [expr $right - $bevelamount] [expr $innerBottom - 1] \ [expr $_left - 3] [expr $outerBottom - 1] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # outline of tab set _gLightOutline [$canvas create line \ $_left $outerTop \ [expr $right - $bevelamount] $innerTop \ -tags $tagList \ ] # outline of tab set _gBlackOutline [$canvas create line \ [expr $right - $bevelamount] $innerTop \ $right [expr $innerTop + $bevelamount] \ $right [expr $innerBottom - $bevelamount] \ [expr $right - $bevelamount] $innerBottom \ $_left $outerBottom \ $_left $outerTop \ -tags $tagList \ ] # line closest to the edge set _gTopLineShadow [$canvas create line \ $_left $outerTop \ $_left $outerBottom \ -tags $tagList \ ] # next line down set _gTopLine [$canvas create line \ [expr $_left + 1] [expr $outerTop + 2] \ [expr $_left + 1] [expr $outerBottom - 1] \ -tags $tagList \ ] $canvas coords $_gLabel [expr $_left + $_labelXOrigin] \ [expr $innerTop + $_labelYOrigin] if { $image != {} || $bitmap != {} } { $canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -anchor $anchor } else { $canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -anchor $anchor -justify $_just } $canvas raise $_gLabel $_gRegion set _offset [expr $innerBottom - $outerTop] # height set _majorDim [expr $outerBottom - $outerTop] # width set _minorDim [expr $right - $_left] set _right $right set _bottom $outerBottom # draw in correct state... if { $_selected } { select } else { deselect } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _makeWestTab # # Makes a tab that hangs to the west and opens to the east. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::_makeWestTab {canvas} { $canvas delete $this set _gLightOutline {} set _gBlackOutline {} lappend tagList $this TAB _createLabel $canvas $tagList _calcLabelDim $_gLabel set right [expr $_left + $_labelWidth] # now have _left, _top, right... # Turn off calculating angle tabs on Vertical orientations #set angleOffset [expr $_labelHeight * $_tan($angle)] set angleOffset 0 set outerTop $_top set outerBottom \ [expr $outerTop + $angleOffset + $_labelHeight + $angleOffset] set innerTop [expr $outerTop + $angleOffset] set innerBottom [expr $outerTop + $angleOffset + $_labelHeight] # now have _left, _top, right, outerTop, innerTop, # innerBottom, outerBottom, width, height # tab area... gets filled either white or selected # done set _gRegion [$canvas create polygon \ $right $outerTop \ [expr $_left + $bevelamount] $innerTop \ $_left [expr $innerTop + $bevelamount] \ $_left [expr $innerBottom - $bevelamount]\ [expr $_left + $bevelamount] $innerBottom \ $right $outerBottom \ $right $outerTop \ -tags $tagList \ ] # lighter shadow (left edge) set _gLightShadow [$canvas create line \ $right [expr $outerTop+1] \ [expr $_left + $bevelamount] [expr $innerTop + 1] \ [expr $_left + 1] [expr $innerTop + $bevelamount] \ [expr $_left + 1] [expr $innerBottom - $bevelamount] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # darker shadow (bottom and right edges) set _gDarkShadow [$canvas create line \ [expr $_left + 1] [expr $innerBottom - $bevelamount] \ [expr $_left + $bevelamount] [expr $innerBottom - 1] \ $right [expr $outerBottom - 1] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # outline of tab -- lighter top left sides set _gLightOutline [$canvas create line \ $right $outerTop \ [expr $_left + $bevelamount] $innerTop \ $_left [expr $innerTop + $bevelamount] \ $_left [expr $innerBottom - $bevelamount]\ -tags $tagList \ ] # outline of tab -- darker bottom side set _gBlackOutline [$canvas create line \ $_left [expr $innerBottom - $bevelamount]\ [expr $_left + $bevelamount] $innerBottom \ $right $outerBottom \ $right $outerTop \ -tags $tagList \ ] # top of tab set _gTopLine [$canvas create line \ [expr $right + 1] $outerTop \ [expr $right + 1] $outerBottom \ -tags $tagList \ ] # line below top of tab set _gTopLineShadow [$canvas create line \ $right $outerTop \ $right $outerBottom \ -tags $tagList \ ] $canvas coords $_gLabel [expr $_left + $_labelXOrigin] \ [expr $innerTop + $_labelYOrigin] if { $image != {} || $bitmap != {} } { $canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -anchor $anchor } else { $canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -anchor $anchor -justify $_just } $canvas raise $_gLabel $_gRegion set _offset [expr $innerBottom - $outerTop] # height set _majorDim [expr $outerBottom - $outerTop] # width set _minorDim [expr $right - $_left] set _right $right set _bottom $outerBottom # draw in correct state... if { $_selected } { select } else { deselect } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _makeNorthTab # # Makes a tab that hangs to the north and opens to the south. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::_makeNorthTab {canvas} { $canvas delete $this set _gLightOutline {} set _gBlackOutline {} lappend tagList $this TAB _createLabel $canvas $tagList # first get the label width and height _calcLabelDim $_gLabel set bottom [expr $_top + $_labelHeight] set angleOffset [expr $_labelHeight * $_tan($angle)] set outerLeft $_left set outerRight \ [expr $outerLeft + $angleOffset + $_labelWidth + $angleOffset] set innerLeft [expr $outerLeft + $angleOffset] set innerRight [expr $outerLeft + $angleOffset + $_labelWidth] # tab area... gets filled either white or selected set _gRegion [$canvas create polygon \ $outerLeft [expr $bottom + 3] \ $innerLeft [expr $_top + $bevelamount] \ [expr $innerLeft + $bevelamount] $_top \ [expr $innerRight - $bevelamount] $_top \ $innerRight [expr $_top + $bevelamount]\ $outerRight [expr $bottom + 3] \ $outerLeft [expr $bottom + 3] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # lighter shadow (left edge) set _gLightShadow [$canvas create line \ [expr $outerLeft + 1] [expr $bottom + 3] \ [expr $innerLeft + 1] [expr $_top + $bevelamount] \ [expr $innerLeft + $bevelamount] [expr $_top + 1]\ [expr $innerRight - $bevelamount] [expr $_top + 1]\ -tags $tagList \ ] # darker shadow (bottom and right edges) set _gDarkShadow [$canvas create line \ [expr $innerRight - $bevelamount] [expr $_top + 1]\ [expr $innerRight - 1] [expr $_top + $bevelamount]\ [expr $outerRight - 1] [expr $bottom + 3]\ -tags $tagList \ ] set _gLightOutline [$canvas create line \ $outerLeft [expr $bottom + 3] \ $innerLeft [expr $_top + $bevelamount] \ [expr $innerLeft + $bevelamount] $_top \ [expr $innerRight - $bevelamount] $_top \ -tags $tagList \ ] set _gBlackOutline [$canvas create line \ [expr $innerRight - $bevelamount] $_top \ $innerRight [expr $_top + $bevelamount]\ $outerRight [expr $bottom + 3] \ $outerLeft [expr $bottom + 3] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # top of tab... to make it closed off set _gTopLine [$canvas create line \ 0 0 0 0\ -tags $tagList \ ] #[expr $outerLeft + 2] [expr $_top + 1] \ [expr $outerRight - 2] [expr $_top + 1] # top of tab... to make it closed off set _gTopLineShadow [$canvas create line \ 0 0 0 0 \ -tags $tagList \ ] #$outerLeft $_top \ $outerRight $_top $canvas coords $_gLabel [expr $innerLeft + $_labelXOrigin] \ [expr $_top + $_labelYOrigin] if { $image != {} || $bitmap != {} } { $canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -anchor $anchor } else { $canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -anchor $anchor -justify $_just } $canvas raise $_gLabel $_gRegion set _offset [expr $innerRight - $outerLeft] # width set _majorDim [expr $outerRight - $outerLeft] # height set _minorDim [expr $bottom - $_top] set _right $outerRight set _bottom $bottom # draw in correct state... if { $_selected } { select } else { deselect } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _makeSouthTab # # Makes a tab that hangs to the south and opens to the north. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::_makeSouthTab {canvas} { $canvas delete $this set _gLightOutline {} set _gBlackOutline {} lappend tagList $this TAB _createLabel $canvas $tagList # first get the label width and height _calcLabelDim $_gLabel set bottom [expr $_top + $_labelHeight] set angleOffset [expr $_labelHeight * $_tan($angle)] set outerLeft $_left set outerRight \ [expr $outerLeft + $angleOffset + $_labelWidth + $angleOffset] set innerLeft [expr $outerLeft + $angleOffset] set innerRight [expr $outerLeft + $angleOffset + $_labelWidth] # tab area... gets filled either white or selected set _gRegion [$canvas create polygon \ $outerLeft [expr $_top + 1] \ $innerLeft [expr $bottom - $bevelamount]\ [expr $innerLeft + $bevelamount] $bottom \ [expr $innerRight - $bevelamount] $bottom \ $innerRight [expr $bottom - $bevelamount]\ $outerRight [expr $_top + 1] \ $outerLeft [expr $_top + 1] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # lighter shadow (left edge) set _gLightShadow [$canvas create line \ [expr $outerLeft+1] $_top \ [expr $innerLeft+1] [expr $bottom-$bevelamount] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # darker shadow (bottom and right edges) set _gDarkShadow [$canvas create line \ [expr $innerLeft+1] [expr $bottom-$bevelamount] \ [expr $innerLeft+$bevelamount] [expr $bottom-1] \ [expr $innerRight-$bevelamount] [expr $bottom-1] \ [expr $innerRight-1] [expr $bottom-$bevelamount] \ [expr $outerRight-1] [expr $_top + 1] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # outline of tab set _gBlackOutline [$canvas create line \ $outerLeft [expr $_top + 1] \ $innerLeft [expr $bottom -$bevelamount]\ [expr $innerLeft + $bevelamount] $bottom \ [expr $innerRight - $bevelamount] $bottom \ $innerRight [expr $bottom - $bevelamount]\ $outerRight [expr $_top + 1] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # top of tab... to make it closed off set _gTopLine [$canvas create line \ $outerLeft [expr $_top + 1] \ $outerRight [expr $_top + 1] \ -tags $tagList \ ] # top of tab... to make it closed off set _gTopLineShadow [$canvas create line \ $outerLeft $_top \ $outerRight $_top \ -tags $tagList \ ] #$canvas coords $_gLabel [expr $innerLeft + $_padX + 2] \ [expr $_top + $_padY] $canvas coords $_gLabel [expr $innerLeft + $_labelXOrigin] \ [expr $_top + $_labelYOrigin] if { $image != {} || $bitmap != {} } { $canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -anchor $anchor } else { $canvas itemconfigure $_gLabel -anchor $anchor -justify $_just } $canvas raise $_gLabel $_gRegion set _offset [expr $innerRight - $outerLeft] # width set _majorDim [expr $outerRight - $outerLeft] # height set _minorDim [expr $bottom - $_top] set _right $outerRight set _bottom $bottom # draw in correct state... if { $_selected } { select } else { deselect } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _calcLabelDim # # Calculate the width and height of the label bbox of labelItem # can be either text or bitmap (in future also an image) # # There are two ways to calculate the label bbox. # # First, if the $_width and/or $_height is specified, we will use # it to determine that dimension(s) width and/or height. For # a width/height of 0 we use the labels bbox to # give us a base width/height. # Then we add in the padx/pady to determine final bounds. # # Uses the following option or option derived variables: # -padx ($_padX - converted to pixels) # -pady ($_padY - converted to pixels) # -anchor ($anchor) # -width ($_width) This is the width for inside tab (label area) # -height ($_height) This is the width for inside tab (label area) # # Side Effects: # _labelWidth will be set # _labelHeight will be set # _labelXOrigin will be set # _labelYOrigin will be set # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Tab::_calcLabelDim {labelItem} { # ... calculate the label width and height set labelBBox [$_canvas bbox $labelItem] if { $_width > 0 } { set _labelWidth [expr $_width + ($_padX * 2)] } else { set _labelWidth [expr \ ([lindex $labelBBox 2] - [lindex $labelBBox 0]) + ($_padX * 2)] } if { $_height > 0 } { set _labelHeight [expr $_height + ($_padY * 2)] } else { set _labelHeight [expr \ ([lindex $labelBBox 3] - [lindex $labelBBox 1]) + ($_padY * 2)] } # ... calculate the label anchor point set centerX [expr $_labelWidth/2.0] set centerY [expr $_labelHeight/2.0 - 1] switch $anchor { n { set _labelXOrigin $centerX set _labelYOrigin $_padY set _just center } s { set _labelXOrigin $centerX set _labelYOrigin [expr $_labelHeight - $_padY] set _just center } e { set _labelXOrigin [expr $_labelWidth - $_padX - 1] set _labelYOrigin $centerY set _just right } w { set _labelXOrigin [expr $_padX + 2] set _labelYOrigin $centerY set _just left } c { set _labelXOrigin $centerX set _labelYOrigin $centerY set _just center } ne { set _labelXOrigin [expr $_labelWidth - $_padX - 1] set _labelYOrigin $_padY set _just right } nw { set _labelXOrigin [expr $_padX + 2] set _labelYOrigin $_padY set _just left } se { set _labelXOrigin [expr $_labelWidth - $_padX - 1] set _labelYOrigin [expr $_labelHeight - $_padY] set _just right } sw { set _labelXOrigin [expr $_padX + 2] set _labelYOrigin [expr $_labelHeight - $_padY] set _just left } default { error "bad anchor position: \ \"$tabpos\" must be n, ne, nw, s, sw, se, e, w, or center" } } }