# # Toolbar # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The Toolbar command creates a new window (given by the pathName # argument) and makes it into a Tool Bar widget. Additional options, # described above may be specified on the command line or in the # option database to configure aspects of the Toolbar such as its # colors, font, and orientation. The Toolbar command returns its # pathName argument. At the time this command is invoked, there # must not exist a window named pathName, but pathName's parent # must exist. # # A Toolbar is a widget that displays a collection of widgets arranged # either in a row or a column (depending on the value of the -orient # option). This collection of widgets is usually for user convenience # to give access to a set of commands or settings. Any widget may be # placed on a Toolbar. However, command or value-oriented widgets (such # as button, radiobutton, etc.) are usually the most useful kind of # widgets to appear on a Toolbar. # # WISH LIST: # This section lists possible future enhancements. # # Toggle between text and image/bitmap so that the toolbar could # display either all text or all image/bitmaps. # Implementation of the -toolbarfile option that allows toolbar # add commands to be read in from a file. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # AUTHOR: Bill W. Scott EMAIL: bscott@spd.dsccc.com # # @(#) $Id: toolbar.itk,v 1.3 2006/09/11 20:35:56 irby Exp $ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 1995 DSC Technologies Corporation # ====================================================================== # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and license this software # and its documentation for any purpose, and without fee or written # agreement with DSC, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and # warranty disclaimer below appear in supporting documentation, and that # the names of DSC Technologies Corporation or DSC Communications # Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the # software without specific, written prior permission. # # DSC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING # ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, AND NON- # INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE # AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, # SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. IN NO EVENT SHALL # DSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR # ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTUOUS ACTION, # ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS # SOFTWARE. # ====================================================================== # # Default resources. # option add *Toolbar*padX 5 widgetDefault option add *Toolbar*padY 5 widgetDefault option add *Toolbar*orient horizontal widgetDefault option add *Toolbar*highlightThickness 0 widgetDefault option add *Toolbar*indicatorOn false widgetDefault option add *Toolbar*selectColor [. cget -bg] widgetDefault # # Usual options. # itk::usual Toolbar { keep -activebackground -activeforeground -background -balloonbackground \ -balloondelay1 -balloondelay2 -balloonfont -balloonforeground \ -borderwidth -cursor -disabledforeground -font -foreground \ -highlightbackground -highlightcolor -highlightthickness \ -insertbackground -insertforeground -selectbackground \ -selectborderwidth -selectcolor -selectforeground -troughcolor } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # TOOLBAR # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class iwidgets::Toolbar { inherit itk::Widget constructor {args} {} itk_option define -balloonbackground \ balloonBackground BalloonBackground yellow itk_option define -balloonforeground \ balloonForeground BalloonForeground black itk_option define -balloonfont balloonFont BalloonFont 6x10 itk_option define -balloondelay1 \ balloonDelay1 BalloonDelay1 1000 itk_option define -balloondelay2 \ balloonDelay2 BalloonDelay2 200 itk_option define -helpvariable helpVariable HelpVariable {} itk_option define -orient orient Orient "horizontal" # # The following options implement propogated configurations to # any widget that might be added to us. The problem is this is # not deterministic as someone might add a new kind of widget with # and option like -armbackground, so we would not be aware of # this kind of option. Anyway we support as many of the obvious # ones that we can. They can always configure them with itemconfigures. # itk_option define -activebackground activeBackground Foreground #c3c3c3 itk_option define -activeforeground activeForeground Background Black itk_option define -background background Background #d9d9d9 itk_option define -borderwidth borderWidth BorderWidth 2 itk_option define -cursor cursor Cursor {} itk_option define -disabledforeground \ disabledForeground DisabledForeground #a3a3a3 itk_option define -font \ font Font "-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" itk_option define -foreground foreground Foreground #000000000000 itk_option define -highlightbackground \ highlightBackground HighlightBackground #d9d9d9 itk_option define -highlightcolor highlightColor HighlightColor Black itk_option define -highlightthickness \ highlightThickness HighlightThickness 0 itk_option define -insertforeground insertForeground Background #c3c3c3 itk_option define -insertbackground insertBackground Foreground Black itk_option define -selectbackground selectBackground Foreground #c3c3c3 itk_option define -selectborderwidth selectBorderWidth BorderWidth {} itk_option define -selectcolor selectColor Background #b03060 itk_option define -selectforeground selectForeground Background Black itk_option define -state state State normal itk_option define -troughcolor troughColor Background #c3c3c3 public method add {widgetCommand name args} public method delete {args} public method index {index} public method insert {beforeIndex widgetCommand name args} public method itemcget {index args} public method itemconfigure {index args} public method _resetBalloonTimer {} public method _startBalloonDelay {window} public method _stopBalloonDelay {window balloonClick} private method _deleteWidgets {index1 index2} private method _addWidget {widgetCommand name args} private method _index {toolList index} private method _getAttachedOption {optionListName widget args retValue} private method _setAttachedOption {optionListName widget option args} private method _packToolbar {} public method hideHelp {} public method showHelp {window} public method showBalloon {window} public method hideBalloon {} private variable _balloonTimer 0 private variable _balloonAfterID 0 private variable _balloonClick false private variable _initialMapping 1 ;# Is this the first mapping? private variable _toolList {} ;# List of all widgets on toolbar private variable _opts ;# New options for child widgets private variable _currHelpWidget {} ;# Widget currently displaying help for private common _hintWindow {} ;# Balloon help bubble. # list of options we want to propogate to widgets added to toolbar. private common _optionList { -activebackground \ -activeforeground \ -background \ -borderwidth \ -cursor \ -disabledforeground \ -font \ -foreground \ -highlightbackground \ -highlightcolor \ -highlightthickness \ -insertbackground \ -insertforeground \ -selectbackground \ -selectborderwidth \ -selectcolor \ -selectforeground \ -state \ -troughcolor \ } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR # ------------------------------------------------------------------ body iwidgets::Toolbar::constructor {args} { # # Create the Toolbar frame # itk_component add tbFrame { frame $itk_interior.tbFrame } { keep -background -cursor -relief } pack $itk_component(tbFrame) -fill x # # Handle configs # eval itk_initialize $args # If variable has NOT been set if { $_hintWindow == {} } { # if widget does NOT exist if { ! [winfo exists $_hintWindow] } { # create menu and one liner set _hintWindow \ [menu .balloonHintWindow \ -tearoff no \ -foreground $itk_option(-balloonforeground) \ -background $itk_option(-balloonbackground) \ -borderwidth 1 \ -activeforeground $itk_option(-balloonforeground) \ -activebackground $itk_option(-balloonbackground) \ -activeborderwidth 0 \ -font $itk_option(-balloonfont) ] $_hintWindow add command } } # ... Attach help handler to this widget bind toolbar-help-$itk_component(hull) \ "+[code $this showHelp %W]" bind toolbar-help-$itk_component(hull) \ "+[code $this hideHelp]" # ... Set up Microsoft style balloon help display. set _balloonTimer $itk_option(-balloondelay1) bind $itk_component(tbFrame) \ "+[code $this _resetBalloonTimer]" bind toolbar-balloon-$itk_component(hull) \ "+[code $this _startBalloonDelay %W]" bind toolbar-balloon-$itk_component(hull) \ "+[code $this _stopBalloonDelay %W false]" bind toolbar-balloon-$itk_component(hull) \ "+[code $this _stopBalloonDelay %W true]" } # # Provide a lowercase access method for the Toolbar class # proc ::iwidgets::toolbar {pathName args} { uplevel ::iwidgets::Toolbar $pathName $args } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION -balloonbackground # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Toolbar::balloonbackground { if { [winfo exists .balloonHintWindow] } { if { $itk_option(-balloonbackground) != {} } { .balloonHintWindow configure \ -bg $itk_option(-balloonbackground) \ -activebackground $itk_option(-balloonbackground) } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION -balloonforeground # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Toolbar::balloonforeground { if { [winfo exists .balloonHintWindow] } { if { $itk_option(-balloonforeground) != {} } { .balloonHintWindow configure \ -foreground $itk_option(-balloonforeground) \ -activeforeground $itk_option(-balloonforeground) } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION -balloonfont # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Toolbar::balloonfont { if { [winfo exists .balloonHintWindow] } { if { $itk_option(-balloonfont) != {} } { .balloonHintWindow configure \ -font $itk_option(-balloonfont) } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -orient # # Position buttons either horizontally or vertically. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ configbody iwidgets::Toolbar::orient { switch $itk_option(-orient) { "horizontal" - "vertical" { _packToolbar } default {error "Invalid orientation. Must be either \ horizontal or vertical" } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: add widgetCommand name ?option value? # # Adds a widget with the command widgetCommand whose name is # name to the Toolbar. If widgetCommand is radiobutton # or checkbutton, its packing is slightly padded to match the # geometry of button widgets. # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::add { widgetCommand name args } { eval "_addWidget $widgetCommand $name $args" lappend _toolList $itk_component($name) if { $widgetCommand == "radiobutton" || \ $widgetCommand == "checkbutton" } { set iPad 1 } else { set iPad 0 } if {$itk_option(-orient) == "horizontal" } { pack $itk_component($name) \ -anchor nw -side left -fill x -ipadx $iPad -ipady $iPad } else { pack $itk_component($name) \ -side top -anchor nw -fill y -ipadx $iPad -ipady $iPad } return $itk_component($name) } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # METHOD: delete index ?index2? # # This command deletes all components between index and # index2 inclusive. If index2 is omitted then it defaults # to index. Returns an empty string # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::delete { args } { # empty toolbar if { $_toolList == {} } { error "can't delete widget, no widgets in the Toolbar \ \"$itk_component(hull)\"" } set len [llength $args] switch -- $len { 1 { set fromWidget [_index $_toolList [lindex $args 0]] if { $fromWidget < 0 || $fromWidget >= [llength $_toolList] } { error "bad Toolbar widget index in delete method: \ should be between 0 and [expr [llength $_toolList] - 1]" } set toWidget $fromWidget _deleteWidgets $fromWidget $toWidget } 2 { set fromWidget [_index $_toolList [lindex $args 0]] if { $fromWidget < 0 || $fromWidget >= [llength $_toolList] } { error "bad Toolbar widget index1 in delete method: \ should be between 0 and [expr [llength $_toolList] - 1]" } set toWidget [_index $_toolList [lindex $args 1]] if { $toWidget < 0 || $toWidget >= [llength $_toolList] } { error "bad Toolbar widget index2 in delete method: \ should be between 0 and [expr [llength $_toolList] - 1]" } if { $fromWidget > $toWidget } { error "bad Toolbar widget index1 in delete method: \ index1 is greater than index2" } _deleteWidgets $fromWidget $toWidget } default { # ... too few/many parameters passed error "wrong # args: should be \ \"$itk_component(hull) delete index1 ?index2?\"" } } return {} } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # METHOD: index index # # Returns the widget's numerical index for the entry corresponding # to index. If index is not found, -1 is returned # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::index { index } { return [_index $_toolList $index] } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # METHOD: insert beforeIndex widgetCommand name ?option value? # # Insert a new component named name with the command # widgetCommand before the com ponent specified by beforeIndex. # If widgetCommand is radiobutton or checkbutton, its packing # is slightly padded to match the geometry of button widgets. # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::insert { beforeIndex widgetCommand name args } { set beforeIndex [_index $_toolList $beforeIndex] if {$beforeIndex < 0 || $beforeIndex > [llength $_toolList] } { error "bad toolbar entry index $beforeIndex" } eval "_addWidget $widgetCommand $name $args" # linsert into list set _toolList [linsert $_toolList $beforeIndex $itk_component($name)] # repack the tool bar _packToolbar return $itk_component($name) } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: itemcget index ?option? # # Returns the value for the option setting of the widget at index $index. # index can be numeric or widget name # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::itemcget { index args} { return [lindex [eval itemconfigure $index $args] 4] } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # METHOD: itemconfigure index ?option? ?value? ?option value...? # # Query or modify the configuration options of the widget of # the Toolbar specified by index. If no option is specified, # returns a list describing all of the available options for # index (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information on the format # of this list). If option is specified with no value, then # the command returns a list describing the one named option # (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist # of the value returned if no option is specified). If one # or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command # modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given # value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. # The component type of index determines the valid available options. # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::itemconfigure { index args } { # Get a numeric index. set index [_index $_toolList $index] # Get the tool path set toolPath [lindex $_toolList $index] set len [llength $args] switch $len { 0 { # show all options # '''''''''''''''' # support display of -helpstr and -balloonstr configs set optList [$toolPath configure] ## @@@ might want to use _getAttachedOption instead... if { [info exists _opts($toolPath,-helpstr)] } { set value $_opts($toolPath,-helpstr) } else { set value {} } lappend optList [list -helpstr helpStr HelpStr {} $value] if { [info exists _opts($toolPath,-balloonstr)] } { set value $_opts($toolPath,-balloonstr) } else { set value {} } lappend optList [list -balloonstr balloonStr BalloonStr {} $value] return $optList } 1 { # show only option specified # '''''''''''''''''''''''''' # did we satisfy the option get request? if { [regexp -- {-helpstr} $args] } { if { [info exists _opts($toolPath,-helpstr)] } { set value $_opts($toolPath,-helpstr) } else { set value {} } return [list -helpstr helpStr HelpStr {} $value] } elseif { [regexp -- {-balloonstr} $args] } { if { [info exists _opts($toolPath,-balloonstr)] } { set value $_opts($toolPath,-balloonstr) } else { set value {} } return [list -balloonstr balloonStr BalloonStr {} $value] } else { return [eval $toolPath configure $args] } } default { # ... do a normal configure # first screen for all our child options we are adding _setAttachedOption \ _opts \ $toolPath \ "-helpstr" \ $args _setAttachedOption \ _opts \ $toolPath \ "-balloonstr" \ $args # with a clean args list do a configure # if the stripping process brought us down to no options # to set, then forget the configure of widget. if { [llength $args] != 0 } { return [eval $toolPath configure $args] } else { return "" } } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # METHOD: _resetBalloonDelay1 # # Sets the delay that will occur before a balloon could be popped # up to balloonDelay1 # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::_resetBalloonTimer {} { set _balloonTimer $itk_option(-balloondelay1) # reset the <1> longer delay set _balloonClick false } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # METHOD: _startBalloonDelay # # Starts waiting to pop up a balloon id # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::_startBalloonDelay {window} { set _balloonAfterID [after $_balloonTimer [code $this showBalloon $window]] } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # METHOD: _stopBalloonDelay # # This method will stop the timer for a balloon popup if one is # in progress. If however there is already a balloon window up # it will hide the balloon window and set timing to delay 2 stage. # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::_stopBalloonDelay { window balloonClick } { # If <1> then got a click cancel if { $balloonClick } { set _balloonClick true } if { $_balloonAfterID != 0 } { after cancel $_balloonAfterID set _balloonAfterID 0 } else { hideBalloon # If this was cancelled with a <1> use longer delay. if { $_balloonClick } { set _balloonTimer $itk_option(-balloondelay1) } else { set _balloonTimer $itk_option(-balloondelay2) } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _addWidget # # widgetCommand : command to invoke to create the added widget # name : name of the new widget to add # args : options for the widget create command # # Looks for -helpstr, -balloonstr and grabs them, strips from # args list. Then tries to add a component and keeps based # on known type. If it fails, it tries to clean up. Then it # binds handlers for helpstatus and balloon help. # # Returns the path of the widget added. # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::_addWidget { widgetCommand name args } { # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, # Add the widget to the tool bar # ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' # ... Strip out and save the -helpstr, -balloonstr options from args # and save it in _opts _setAttachedOption \ _opts \ $itk_component(tbFrame).$name \ -helpstr \ $args _setAttachedOption \ _opts \ $itk_component(tbFrame).$name \ -balloonstr \ $args # ... Add the new widget as a component (catch an error if occurs) set createFailed [catch { itk_component add $name { eval $widgetCommand $itk_component(tbFrame).$name $args } { } } errMsg] # ... Clean up if the create failed, and exit. # The _opts list if it has -helpstr, -balloonstr just entered for # this, it must be cleaned up. if { $createFailed } { # clean up if {![catch {set _opts($itk_component(tbFrame).$name,-helpstr)}]} { set lastIndex [\ expr [llength \ $_opts($itk_component(tbFrame).$name,-helpstr) ]-1] lreplace $_opts($itk_component(tbFrame).$name,-helpstr) \ $lastIndex $lastIndex "" } if {![catch {set _opts($itk_component(tbFrame).$name,-balloonstr)}]} { set lastIndex [\ expr [llength \ $_opts($itk_component(tbFrame).$name,-balloonstr) ]-1] lreplace $_opts($itk_component(tbFrame).$name,-balloonstr) \ $lastIndex $lastIndex "" } error $errMsg } # ... Add in dynamic options that apply from the _optionList foreach optionSet [$itk_component($name) configure] { set option [lindex $optionSet 0] if { [lsearch $_optionList $option] != -1 } { itk_option add $name.$option } } bindtags $itk_component($name) \ [linsert [bindtags $itk_component($name)] end \ toolbar-help-$itk_component(hull)] bindtags $itk_component($name) \ [linsert [bindtags $itk_component($name)] end \ toolbar-balloon-$itk_component(hull)] return $itk_component($name) } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # PRIVATE METHOD: _deleteWidgets # # deletes widget range by numerical index numbers. # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::_deleteWidgets { index1 index2 } { for { set index $index1 } { $index <= $index2 } { incr index } { # kill the widget set component [lindex $_toolList $index] destroy $component } # physically remove the page set _toolList [lreplace $_toolList $index1 $index2] } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _index # # toolList : list of widget names to search thru if index # is non-numeric # index : either number, 'end', 'last', or pattern # # _index takes takes the value $index converts it to # a numeric identifier. If the value is not already # an integer it looks it up in the $toolList array. # If it fails it returns -1 # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::_index { toolList index } { switch -- $index { end - last { set number [expr [llength $toolList] -1] } default { # is it a number already? Then just use the number if { [regexp {^[0-9]+$} $index] } { set number $index # check bounds if { $number < 0 || $number >= [llength $toolList] } { set number -1 } # otherwise it is a widget name } else { if { [catch { set itk_component($index) } ] } { set number -1 } else { set number [lsearch -exact $toolList \ $itk_component($index)] } } } } return $number } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # STATUS HELP for linking to helpVariable # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # PUBLIC METHOD: hideHelp # # Bound to the event on a toolbar widget. This clears the # status widget help area and resets the help entry. # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::hideHelp {} { if { $itk_option(-helpvariable) != {} } { upvar #0 $itk_option(-helpvariable) helpvar set helpvar {} } set _currHelpWidget {} } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # PUBLIC METHOD: showHelp # # Bound to the event on a tool bar widget. This puts the # help string associated with the tool bar widget into the # status widget help area. If no help exists for the current # entry, the status widget is cleared. # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::showHelp { window } { set widgetPath $window # already on this item? if { $window == $_currHelpWidget } { return } set _currHelpWidget $window # Do we have a helpvariable set on the toolbar? if { $itk_option(-helpvariable) != {} } { upvar #0 $itk_option(-helpvariable) helpvar # is the -helpstr set for this widget? set args "-helpstr" if {[_getAttachedOption _opts \ $window args value]} { set helpvar $value. } else { set helpvar {} } } } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # BALLOON HELP for show/hide of hint window # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # PUBLIC METHOD: showBalloon # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::showBalloon {window} { set _balloonClick false set _balloonAfterID 0 # Are we still inside the window? set mouseWindow \ [winfo containing [winfo pointerx .] [winfo pointery .]] if { [string match $window* $mouseWindow] } { # set up the balloonString set args "-balloonstr" if {[_getAttachedOption _opts \ $window args hintStr]} { # configure the popup menu (balloon help) $_hintWindow entryconfigure 0 -label $hintStr # Coordinates of the balloon set balloonLeft \ [expr [winfo rootx $window] + round(([winfo width $window]/2.0))] set balloonTop \ [expr [winfo rooty $window] + [winfo height $window]] # put up balloon window $_hintWindow post $balloonLeft $balloonTop } else { #NO BALLOON HELP AVAILABLE } } else { #NOT IN BUTTON } } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # PUBLIC METHOD: hideBalloon # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::hideBalloon {} { $_hintWindow unpost } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # OPTION MANAGEMENT for -helpstr, -balloonstr # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _getAttachedOption # # optionListName : the name of the array that holds all attached # options. It is indexed via widget,option to get # the value. # widget : the widget that the option is associated with # option : the option whose value we are looking for on # this widget. # # expects to be called only if the $option is length 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::_getAttachedOption { optionListName widget args retValue} { # get a reference to the option, so we can change it. upvar $args argsRef upvar $retValue retValueRef set success false if { ![catch { set retValueRef \ [eval set [subst [set optionListName]]($widget,$argsRef)]}]} { # remove the option argument set success true set argsRef "" } return $success } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # PRIVATE METHOD: _setAttachedOption # # This method allows us to attach new options to a widget. It # catches the 'option' to be attached, strips it out of 'args' # attaches it to the 'widget' by stuffing the value into # 'optionList(widget,option)' # # optionListName: where to store the option and widget association # widget: is the widget we want to associate the attached option # option: is the attached option (unknown to this widget) # args: the arg list to search and remove the option from (if found) # # Modifies the args parameter. # Returns boolean indicating the success of the method # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::_setAttachedOption {optionListName widget option args} { upvar args argsRef set success false # check for 'option' in the 'args' list for the 'widget' set optPos [eval lsearch $args $option] # ... found it if { $optPos != -1 } { # grab a copy of the option from arg list set [subst [set optionListName]]($widget,$option) \ [eval lindex $args [expr $optPos + 1]] # remove the option argument and value from the arg list set argsRef [eval lreplace $args $optPos [expr $optPos + 1]] set success true } # ... if not found, will leave args alone return $success } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # GEOMETRY MANAGEMENT for tool widgets # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # PRIVATE METHOD: _packToolbar # # # # ------------------------------------------------------------- body iwidgets::Toolbar::_packToolbar {} { # forget the previous locations foreach tool $_toolList { pack forget $tool } # pack in order of _toolList. foreach tool $_toolList { # adjust for radios and checks to match buttons if { [winfo class $tool] == "Radiobutton" || [winfo class $tool] == "Checkbutton" } { set iPad 1 } else { set iPad 0 } # pack by horizontal or vertical orientation if {$itk_option(-orient) == "horizontal" } { pack $tool -anchor nw -side left -fill x \ -ipadx $iPad -ipady $iPad } else { pack $tool -side top -anchor nw -fill y \ -ipadx $iPad -ipady $iPad } } }